Support group - Miscarriages


Watson and Guardian sells the Omron BBT and that cost $20+. I bought the Guardian house brand BBT for abt $8.90 or so. Also have single memory function.

I've passed my BBT to my good friend who has been trying for 4 mths but no result, as a way to encourage her to chart. I told her if my current preg did not go through, I'll just buy another thermometer when I need to restart again. :D


Good to hear that things are looking well for you.


So sorry to hear about your situation... *hugs*


Actually i was like you.. i had twins last yr.. but they stopped growing at wk 13.. did a d&c in Sep..

1st period came and my 2nd period din report.. 1st scan seems weird to me, and the 2nd confirms it.. so wait for my body to reject..

so to say i have 2 miscarrages within a few months.. so depressing..

so i will prob turn to TCM to nurse my health back after everything returns to normal and try again next yr..

So heartbreaking! *Hugz* I had the D and C on 1st sept. Would you want to wait for the sac to expel if it is blighted ovum? How far along are you? I will know my verdict in exactly 13 days.. *breath in* .. Given a chance I would want to expel it naturally. I read as long as you stop taking those prostergen supplement it should expel on it own.

I would think the Dr Zou at AMK is quite good.. after reading a lot of girls experiences in the thread I think she will be a good doc to nurse your health back on track.

I hope you are coping better this round. We are with you on this. The angels were just not meant for us this time. Next time it will with God's blessing.
Ling i try to not be a worry freak for Af to come...

Loinky pat pat hope you are feeling better now. Have to take care of your health before you ttc again.

Actually dont laugh at me why need to take and monitor temperature?

now taking chinese medicine (2 dose) to help expel those blood clots and hopefully in 2 weeks, everything is out so i don't have to go through d&c again..

this is not too bad compared to the lost of my twins.. of cos we have to be strong and positive so that we can try again when we are ready..

What's ours will be ours eventually..
Oh loinky *hugz it must be really heartbreaking!! I lost mine at 20 weeks, so the pain I can understand, I feel it for you and i feel it for myself :'(

You are right, let's not lose hope, take care and try again when you feel you are ready.
tks gals.. got my new thermometer last nite... cldn't find the cheap housebrand ones though... but ok lah.. 19 bucks for a thermometer is a small expense compared to what i've spent on my gynae and tcm

vivi - monitoring the basal temperature is one way of monitoring ur cycle so u can better gauge when u ovulate and when u are pregnant or going to hv ur period... the temperature charts will also be helpful for birth control though that's the last last last thing on our minds now... u can google BBT and pregnancy for more info.. me in the office now, not convenient to go find the relevant links ;p Or u could get the book "take care of ur fertility" too...

loinky - sorry to hear abt ur m/c... agree with you that what's ours will be ours eventually... the haiti earthquake stories has reminded me of that again... some of those babies were already born into very harsh circumstances and they survived, and now even a 7.0 earthquake can't floor them, they get trapped for hrs and still can tahan.. pretty ironic that despite all the care that we take here, our babies still left us... so it's all fated lah... just hope and pray we dun hv to wait too long...

Is it advisable on the chinese medicine? I fear overbleeding if you dont take with care. Hence had better check it out. As long as you stop taking your supplement of prostergen the sac should be able to expel.

ppcc, maybe you only need the thermometer for this month. =P Anyway about the Haiti quake survivors I was also telling my mum.. preggers 7 months trap in the rubble and rescue out like nothing happen. We dont even walk fast still can lost it. Arrgghh!

vivi, Measuring our basal temperature enable us to see when we O and allow us to see how long out luteal phase is. After monitoring it you can know roughly when to BD if TTCing or avoid BD using nature contraception. The only tedious thing is every morning once you wake up got to pop the thermometer in your mouth and record it down religiously. Because it is taking your resting temperature you shouldnt move ard do too much movement prior to taking temp. I find it allows you to understand your cycle better.
Thank Ling and PPCC.

Seems so technical when I always thought BD is like a natural process. You know like let natural takes it course....

So high temperature means ovulation or pregnant?

Then what about those kit that says you are ovulating how do you use it? Seems so ex to buy the clearblue
Wow Shiseru a bit technical wor.... need a long time to digest the information...

Is the seller also selling pregnancy kit? Think so right? Thinking of buying at least a few to store.... Her service ok?

If you are young in my opinion should be a natural process however in my case.. old ald.. cannot wait for mother nature anymore.... I was super selfish and didnt want to be tied down after wedding so enjoyed couple life. 2 years later who knows so difficult to get preggers.

You should start off by getting 1 BBT thermometer (2 decimal place). You should record on your mense day 1 also known as CD1.. The temp should be constant until say CD14-CD18 where you would notice the spike. Meaning ovulation have occur. Reason for the spike is because after O occurs, prostergen is release hence this will increase your basal temp. This is just brief explanation you can take a look at the links Shiseru have attached.

I personally record mine on a paper after taking my temp and dont use fertility friend because much more discipline in my opinion. Also the lines and coverlines from FF should be taken with a pinch of salt and should not be totally assumed as gospel truth. They shift ever so often and at time I find some of the girls have a lot of questions why is this happening etc which just stress you up unnecessary. So you should see what method suit you.

Abt OPK.. You can buy them from the those blogshop at cheap prices I reckon. Clearblue is too expensive!
Ling me no young already. I am 28 going 29 this year. I think suddenly I have this thought that biological clock is ticking away.

I also had the same thoughts before that I want to enjoy for a while after marriage till I knew I was pregnant and then MC. Then it dawned onto me that certaing things cannot be taken for granted.

So once there is an increase in the temperature then can use the OPK to determine ovluation takes place? Wow so much knowledge to this.

Seller service ok?

Hubby wanted at least 2-3 kids so by then I will be reaching the 30 mark....
Vivi, i know NOTHING about BBT or OPK or HPT before. I started reading alot after I lost my baby...

Looks like you will have some nice reading today

Ling, i was wondering if you peep into the Sept Thread?
Hi Gals,

Really like the positive mood of this thread. It used to be quite sad last year with number of us coming here due to our MC.

But now it has become a TTC thread!!!

I have just enter my 2WW. Hopefully I can get my wish come true soon.

Me also aiming for 3 kids.. now going to 32 this year highly doubt so. If God grant me a kid I will be happy ald.. About purchase from blogshop. I buy from this site instead. I would say she is very fast. I cannot comment on the rest as never buy from them before.

About using what to determine if o taken place.. Once temp spike confirm O have taken place. The trick is trying to determine when the temp will spike. I use a saliva microscope to see O.. I have no luck with OPK.


Yes I peeped! Just no guts to join..Maybe if I can see other things beside the sac in the next few weeks will join. Meanwhile more comfortable here than any place else.. I cannot help but keep thinking blighted ovum after hearing loinky case. I am counting down to next scan... 12 more days *faint* what about you? when is next check up? To make matter worse... got to duty travel soon and 12 hours flt.. ARRGGHHH... I am so sure my gynae going to say no because ald told me not to work for a month as she think I over tense..

Jovial, Good luck with 2WW. Good to see old nicks here with positive energy.. no new nicks means no mc cases! hurray!
hi gals, long time din come in here but i'm a regular "peep-er" too. i had a miscarriage earlier on last year... and probably going for so-iui this coming month. i had blighted ovum the other time and had a dnc done thereafter. sigh... hope to catch some baby dust from u gals here!

Even with baby heartbeat I also hesitant. My last pregnancy manage to get strong heartbeat at 6 weeks and 8 weeks... who knows 12 weeks no more..
Hi Loinky:
Hope you are doing better, yeah no D&C is better but be careful you don't bleed too much. Remmeber to contact gynae if you feel not well.

Hi all: Let's try again hor,

Jovial: All the best okay...BFP BFP BFP.

We will *breath in* we will be mums someday!

You bought the BBT thermometer or not?! Dont put it off hor! Somemore now your CD 2-3 easier to track.. dont waste this cycle!

Jovial.. BFP is Big Fat Positive, BFN is Big Fat negative
hahah tonight will buy... yesterday visit my in-laws cannot shopping. waste money hor, buy this buy that, my husband complaining liao...

Jovial ...oh BFP = Big fat POsitive!! hehehh BFN = Big fat Negative. Of course we want Big fat positive. hahhahahha....

Always c these terms then.

Thanx Ling & JTML!!

Hope this month all of us will get BFP then can join Ling, Shann and Shiseru. Convert this site to MTB thread!!!

Ling so it means high temperature ovaluation takes place hor.... still quite blur with all this...

ai ya you all can try now la me have to lag behind you all. I still have to wait lor

Yes you are right.. You got to read for more detailed info but otherwise the gist of it you have understood I reckon.

Most of us belongs to the months of Sept/ August MC so most starting or ald TTCing.. You dont worry too much about TTCing .. most important is let the body heal.. I know is like eternity but trust me.. before you know it ald couple of months over. =D We all been through the well trodden path.


Ya my hubby at first was also why girls need to buy so many things.. when TTCing I told him need to buy thermometer.. need to buy HPT kits he also need or not!?! They really think baby carry to us by stork at night or something. Duh..


Still got 1 more.. OP =D
Ling I know but it is just that I want to rant. you all succeed in ttc but dont forget me hor.... wait no one talk to me. I become very bored. :p

I think if my hubby sees me do all these measuring of temperature and also buying all the ovaluation and pregnancy kit to stock up, I think he will freak out. The other time when I told him I want to buy the pregnancy kit to find out if I am pregnant he keep on asking me to wait because always false alarm....

Hmm guys are all like this lor no their body that is why.... this time I dont care if missed menses I will test so that I wont neglect to take care myself again.
Ling & JTML, i just had my heavy heavy flow that i just sat at the toilet bowl.. ya.. gotta make sure i don't bleed too much.. will take note of that.. Thanks..
loinky, take care. if the bleeding gets too severe with cramp, please call the gynae.

Ling, yeah I peeped too t the Sept thread, but same here lack of courage. But it's nice to see the ladies enjoying their pregnancy...

We are here with you! *hugz* I pray that this is the last time that you ever have to suffer in the name of motherhood. Next one will be a good and successful one *hugz*

Shiseru, hopefully by next appt we be more assured and confident.
Ling, i went check up on Monday, saw thickening of womb, and in the middle there is a VERY small circle. Gynae said could be SAC, so I asked, "so if there is sac means no ectopic? Gynae said not really unless sac grows bigger with a egg yolk inside then it's a successful pregnancy, Now is still too early to tell. My next appointment is 6 Feb.

Yeah hopefully we'll be all good and safe, and our babies will show us their strong heartbeat.

Did doc tell you the sac is in the womb? That should be accertain. Normally ectopic cannot detect sac from abdominal scan. The only worrying thing if ova is blighted or not. If there is a baby inside you would know on the 6th =D..

Me next appt on the 1st Feb .. *glup*

the cramp was ok.. like normal period cramps.. everything came out yesterday.. my gynae gave me 1 week MC but now i am still at work.. don't want to let my boss knows that i M/C again..

In my industry, once pregnant is a very big issue cos cannot be involve in lab activities.. so i rather keep quiet until everything stable dan say..
Loinky pat pat I can understand how you feel. Feeling terrible but still have to work and pretend to be ok....

Next time if you pregnant, any side effect if you stay in the lab? If yes I rather you inform discreetly to your boss only.

That is what i am going to do. My job needs me to walk alot and need to run outside. so if I am pregnant I will ask doctor to write a letter to exempt me from all this walking.

Haiz ....must avoid all the stress but I also dont know how to refrain from that... Management is stressing me up to the neck with all the sales figures now.... how to ttc successfully like that?
lynn... go and test!!

vivi - me also same headache as u.. i also hv issues managing stress at work... even if on leave, i will be worried abt stuff left undone.. and i can't even complain abt stress at work cos a few lady bosses got preggy without problems though their load is probably heavier at that level..

sigh... i'm feeling so PMS-ish... think i've probably failed this cycle
just heard tat one of my friend's sis is due one day after my supposed edd.. sigh..

cannot tell my boss discreetly.. i tell her, she will tell my big boss, then the HR will know and everyone will know.. haha.. so better don't tell..

anyway i always make sure i use the respirator before i enter lab.. better than not taking any precaution..
Loinky I know what you mean. I probably will alwatys take the risk if everyone knowing if I git exempted from not doing any sales call.

PPCC Hmm AF no come still got some chance.... Nowadays I ignore all other people's EDD. Trying hard not to think.

I didnt know that stress can cause no egg for ovulation.... I cannot going to risk that... Nowadays I try not to think so much about work liao.

PPCC See wondering how come some people conceived so easily lor... hee hee
Lynn, your AF late ha...this is exciting hahha exciting to our hormones too. Did you try? I sianz ler, AF here liao, not in 2WW can be liberating. I don't feel so obsessed.

Tub, you also TTC right? But if you strike this month you no need IUI next month right?

pixie: thanks for the song !! Now I got things waiting for the baby which is yet to be conceived hehehhe. Song, pram...etc

vivi: are you in the state now suddenly work not SO SO SO important anymore? Last time I very onz my work one, even now also lah, but now l seem quite baby focus now. I just want to be a mum.
JTML what is 2WW?

Yes yes last time I can work from 9am till 11pm and weekends can also be working. I can have clients meeting me at 7.30pm and I am also ok with that. Maybe I am also getting old so no more energy left. Now I think my latest apointment is 7pm. Also when on leave I still check and reply email lor.

FYI, I am in the hotel industry doing events.

Never did it occur to me one day I will feel this way.... Hmm yes yes I am so baby focus that I choose not to be stressed. I really hope I can strike soon like as in after the 2 or 3 cycles of AF.
Hi All,

I just had my D&C done on monday due to missed abortion. Bb stopped growing and remains at week 6 and eventually from seeing a hb, i saw my bb heartbeat stop.

I just like to check how long after the abortion, can we resume sex life (protected), as i understand 2nd attempt can be made after 2 cycles.
Angeline hope you are feeling better but are you in the August 2010 thread before?

Yes have to wait at least 3 cycles after D&C....
yes vivi was in august thread

Dr Koh was telling me that protected sex is ok as long as bleeding stop, but quite uncertain about that, so wanna check it out

Hi Vivi,

2WW means 2 Weeks Wait. refer to the time after O we wait for AF to report.

Hi Angeline,
Hope u r feeling better. Read somewhere, technically speaking shld be ok. As long as u feel comfortable, no pain.
