Support group - Miscarriages

ya... I thought I am not normal, cos sex life stopped after got preg until now, then my bleeding stop already wanna resume back. But seems like i'm very tense during it, it's just a feeling of fear (painful sex). so i wonder if it's normal.

Fear not me too so I guess we have to relax and not think about it.

My hubby super worried that he kept on asking me pain or not .....
Ya A lot of things to jia you lor.... ttc also need and work also need.....
Ling & Joanne:: i went to TCM. hubby drag me there. lol! she says my body stressed up. but then i don't feel stress lo. gave me some med, hopefully take liao AF will come. if didn't i'll go ahead and see gynae on feb 10th.

Vivi: not as in predicted but as in when yourself count roughly when your next period will come that date. it will come on that same date and won't be late etc.
Oh I see Lynn hee hee

At least your hubby brings you to TCM. My hubby is kind of reluntant to accompany me to go TCM. He dont find a need for that so I told him if next time anything happens dont blame me for it.

Angeline at least you can still afford to tender. for me no job will be very jialat
Vivi, no choice, if i don't go next preg will be a problem also, cos i'm an engineer and it's really hard for me to carry on when i'm preg. Experience the toughness in previous preg. Have to carry heavy things, run here and there. I just want to reduce my next preg risk.

I think for bb, i would rather sacrifice my current job although i still have no idea what would be my next job
For me same thing Angeline. I am in hotel industry so have to work late and have to be on the floor always to conduct site inspections and also oversee the initial stage for the event.

Normal times during office hours, have to go out for sales call. A lot of walking to be done.

So in fact I think I will let my management know when I am preggie the next time. Cannot afford to walk too much....
Yeah before I knew about my pregnancy the other time I walked a lot....

But well having said that I think it is also fate. I have a friend who even smokes all the way till she gives birth but baby is healthy....

Dont dwell on the past too much, we must look forward and ahead.
I have friend who had caffine (Frizzy drinks like coke) & snacks throughout her preg, also safe and sound haha.

How weird is it. Well yes, we will be blessed with healthy bb soon!
vivi, u'll have a healthy baby soon! it may seem like eternity now but this, too, will pass.

going for checkup with doc and first jab tomorrow. wish me luck.
Tub thank you so much.

Hope you strike the first time you try hee hee....

By the way, I will be going this evening for Eu Yan Sang for the first appointment.
hi vivi, which EYS u going? Me visit the south bridge rd branch.. opposite chinatown.. the paragon one is too ex!!
PPCC I am going to the one at Toa Payoh. Yeah me too freak out at the charges for Paragon. Maybe it is because it is at Orchard so everything sure be ex.

What to expect for the first time seeing a TCM? Any advices?
vivi.... paragon is a specialist clinic whereas the ones we are seeing are like GPs... that's why cheaper lah.. but my doc has pictures of babies at her desk... never dared to ask her abt them but seems like thank-you notes from her patients.. so hopefully she can do something for me lah..

as for what to expect, usually they will feel ur pulse and check your tongue.. first visit they will also take blood pressure.. good to tell them ur medical history and why u are seeing them lor... like i told mine i just had m/c and wanted to 'tiao(3)' my body... so she prescribed medicine to help in the recovery lor... oh.. and dun suck on any sweets before u visit TCM.. my friend sucked on some grape sweet b4 her TCM visit and kena scolding cos her tongue was dyed purple and the doctor couldn't diagnose her properly as a result... hahah
Thanks PPCC for the advice. Then what kind of medicine did she give you? And how is the follow up consultation like? Do you have to make appointment or as and when come by again?
no prob vivi... eys's medicine comes in little packets of powder, so it's quite convenient.. just add hot water and drink.. dunno what's inside though... i tried asking once but they didn't really elaborate... just said it's to bu qi or bu whatever deficiencies i had that day... all the consultations are abt the same leh... during the repeat consults, i'll go thru the same routine of check pulse, check tongue.. but she'll ask if there are any after-effects frm the medicine, etc... it's more like if i've qns to ask her then sessions will take longer.. otherwise quite chop chop

oh, and i think their clinics are all walk-ins... can't make appt....good luck with ur visit!
Worse I cannot find the thread in the main page I also dont know why.

First trip at EYS costs me about $65 with 7 days medicine. She just ask me some simple questions on why am I here for then any illness..... I also told her that I feel lerthagic.

She took a look at my tongue and feel my pulse and then she said that I lack of qi.

Then after that she typed a few things in her PC and then consultation over. Medicine is in powder form and have to take 2 times a day. The taste not very fantastic but have to tolerate.

Next week going again for the follow up.
vi... me cannot locate this thread.. dont know why leh.. even now if not you post I cannot find it in the topics... *fume*

TCM is like that.. have to take for a period of time to see the effect so must take it in stride.

Hope you are feeling better this week.
I guess so that is why no one here at the thread Ling.

Me ok loh as normal....

Went for my follow up check up at the gynae and he said everything clear and then he siad that AF should come before chinese new year, hope this is the case. He said that I can start to ttc in March.

Yeah I occasionally do have some crampy feeling now. I am ok now and surprisely I was feeling peaceful when I was at the clinic.

Oh by the way, so funny when I see the TCM physician, the first thing she saw me wearing heels she told me to avoid that.... didnt know wearing heels also cannot.

Ling how are you feeling now? When is your next appointment?
Opps.. not sure about the heels.. Maybe you want to try and avoid? Try kitty heels lah.. much lower..

Anyway glad to hear everything is fine =) I think is the closure you are feeling. I can tell you once my period was here I was like finally my life going to be back how it was.. I dont have to be jumpy anymore. Weird how our hormones do us in =S. March TTCing is pretty fast =) less than 2 months.. so eat all the sashimi and oyster you can!

I am feeling fine =) Just have to eat on time. Otherwise feel a bit nauseau. My sleeping pattern also disrupted because like clockwork have to wake up at 5am every morning to pee. Face also starting breakout which just make me a little down. I am going for the next appt on Monday. Bracing myself for it be it good or bad news. I see everyone so keen to go to their gynae visits but I am not so keen because fear to hear what I dont want to know..
I also dont know why cannot wear heels.

Hmm.... I think March will be here without knowing it. See now is end of January 2010.

I think now can only wait only.

Ling I know how you feel when going for the scan. I remember my heart always beat faster when gynae is scanning. And will heave a sigh of relief when everything is ok.
hmmm vivi:
wait only...hahah now must bu your healthy think healthy. when TTC time, you will be different liao.... All the bu and the folic acid will come in useful to healthy bb. I now drinking some coffee and eating sashimi like no one business. If pregnant then cannot liao...

Ling: Your skin breakouts and nausea is good news right? Have enuf hormones. should be good news okay... dun worry too much, worry a little but dun worry too much.

Ha ha in fact the TCM physician is asking me to eat more bland food, less late nights and no coffee, wine and cigarettes.

Wa ha ha but I still secretly drink coffee in the morning. Hubby forbid me to drink. And now no more cold drinks, no choice then drinks without ice.

Yes am also eating folic acid and the TCM medicine, hope I wont grow fat because of too much bu.
Ling: don't worry so much.

my menses not here yet and i remember wrong date for my gynae visit. its 1st feb and not 10th feb.

hai yo. why is the blood not here yet.
Hi Lynn,
don worry so muc. Maybe it's this stress that cos the delay. 1st feb even better. Maybe don need then cos come already. No stress k.
3 more days. hopefully it will come and i can change my appointment to mid june' 2010...

hais. come don't come also stress.

Go take a look at the Gynae also no harm.. just to set the heart at ease.

girls.. I am feeling great but caught a flu *sigh* like so useless! hopefully will get better soon.. Its true the breakout and the nausea sooth me a little so a little less worried ..Thanks for the support.. really much appreciated..

Vi I think can sneak a cup of coffee here and there.. During Nov and Dec I was so hooked on Toffee nut also coffee.Also ate a lot of sashimi and cockles/ oysters etc.. so eat to your heart content like what Jtml advised. My last pregnancy I got succumb to my laksa craving with cockles and some sashimi. Now totally no craving because I think want to give them up to give baby every chance possible. My hubby also a little bit of paranoidal...any hint to eat anything in his list of banned food he will give me the eye. Previously we were so laid back now he is watching me like a hawk. I ate KFC a couple of days ago and ald got hell!

Cross finger I bring some positive baby dust on mon night or Tuesday morning!!

Time to rest! Nights girls!
Ling, since you are preggie, immune system is low so can get sick quite easily.

Hope your check up next monday, everything will be A-OK

I used to drink 1 cup of coffee every morning. WHen I was pregnant previously, I continue taking a cup per day, but this round, I cut off coffee and tea completely though i will somtimes take chocolate.
ha ha same same even now my hubby forbids me to eat Mac and KFC. See havent pregie already like that liao.

I guess after 1 round of MC, we no longer tend to take our health for granted. We definitely will be more careful and wary of the things we do and eat.

Shiseru, how are you feeling now?

Ling got some nausea and breakouts never mind, at least your hormones are working well. Yup yup waiting for you to spread baby dust to us.
Hi Ling
can understand how you feel but no worry k.. All will be fine for you and your bb.. You will get to see your little baby on mondays scanning..;) how many wks are you in now?
Yeah so true vivi, I stopped eating Mac and KCF for 6 months! But i guess to eat once in a while doesn't hurt.

I used to be a smoker before i was pregnant, i stopped when I knew i was pregnant previously. I used to be career minded too. They said everything happens for a reason. I think it's true. I stopped smoking and career is no longer number 1 in my list. Motherhood comes first now.
I have changed...
Hey everyone

I had my MC at end-Nov, first AF arrived on 2 Jan so I am CD28 today. I am feeling very bloated and been having lots of CM after ovulation. Get headaches and nausea (very mild) if I don't eat every few hours. Slight cramping in the belly. Maybe a BFP is on the way?
Will keep you gals updated. Not sure when is the first day to test? How many days after ovulation?

ling - good luck for your scan on monday! hope it goes well for you
yeah, i always get recurrent colds/flus when I am preggers - it's because your immune system is compromised so your body doesn't reject the fetus

vivi - i think it makes sense to take good care of your health so that we are in a good position to get preggers again but no need to go overboard lah - you still have to live life! So if you really want some KFC or Macs occasionally, just have some!!

shiseru: I really admire your willpower! I can't stay off tea - sigh. How do you cope with the caffeine withdrawal symptoms?

lynn - oh no, sorry to hear about your missing AF. did you have a D&C? it seems like periods take longer to return post-D&C as opposed to if you had a natural bleed. hang in there! do consult your gynae if you're at all worried, but i think we all have our own natural schedules with these things.
Picotin, i hope you bring good news to us soon!

After I lost my baby at 20 weeks. In order to have a healthy baby, in order to carry a healthy baby home, I am willing to give up coffee and tea. I will also give up my well paid job if neccessary and stay at home to take care of my baby. I can do anything for my baby. I believed you gals will feel the same.
Hi girls... Hope everyone is having a good weekend

I saw my gp today and he told me I didn't have the flu it was a case of allergy hence prompting flu like symptoms. Hopefully it will get better soon.

Jo, believed to be in 7-8 weeks on mon scan because I am out by a few days from the sac size.. Hopefully everything catches up.

Picotin, testing on hpt soon? This might be it...

Shiseru, you also gynae visit next week right?
Picotin: no dear. i wasn't pregnant recently. it just poof disappear and didn't come. still thinks its probably haywire.

what i'm worried about now is could i have miscarried before a BFP? but that would be a chemical pregnancy right?
thanks lynn, shiseru and ling for your replies

shiseru - it's amazing how wonderful us mummies are and the lengths we go to in order to keep our babies safe
i hope to have your willpower!

lynn - oh i see. hmm...i think if your period just stopped coming suddenly, you should get it checked out. as for your question, if you miscarried, there would have been bleeding. yes i think a chem preg is bascically where you have an early miscarriage

ling - ah, allergies are a pain! hope u feel better soon. i'm so paranoid this time around, have been refusing to take any meds for my cold/sore throat except for Strepsil lozenges. just in case i really am pregnant lor. wah, 7-8 weeks already! shld be able to see some good stuff on the scan then, can't wait to hear your news. do update us!
Picotin: i think if miscarried i also won't know till the bleeding starts and have terrible cramps ba?

I shall wait and see if it does come in the next week before deciding what to do..
Lynn, anyway check it out with the gynae just to set your heart at ease...can feel you rather vexed over the af not coming. I know it like why for some so easy for us like rocket science.

Hope everthing get normalized soon!

Picotin, if really sick need to see doc and let them prescribe the medicine. My gp say early pregnancy and if you get sick and don't take egg or sac might get affected esp if there is fever involved..
lynn - ling is right, best to get a scan just to check this out, no point speculating and worrying yourself like this. you're right that in some cases, where the pregnancy is not viable, you can have a missed m/c where the fetus has stopped growing but yet you don't bleed - but you won't know unless you get scanned. chances are your period is just late for some other reason. take care and keep us updated on how you are getting on.

ling - thankfully no fever, so I did not need meds really. I just had a very sore throat and some nasal congestion. Not too major to warrant medication though I probably would have been more comfortable (physically) taking some. The GP I saw said that no meds are strictly speaking safe in the first trimester, but of course, he prescribed stuff that's generally considered ok. Guess it's just a question of balancing out risks and benefit - for me, because my sore throat/cold wasn't too severe, could still tahan without meds. Good luck for your scan tmrrow!
Ling hope you are feeling better.... must take care wor...

By the way what is chemical pregnancy?

Shiseru same sentiments on the career part. Last time I will work till very late. Now not going to be the case because no one will pity you if anything happens to you in the end.

Picotin yup occasionally I still eat some Mac mostly Mac during lunch so hubby dont know.
Hi girls, wow almost cant catch up the thread here. Hope everybody is doing well

Am so sad today.. tendered my resignation, but company ask me to reconsider by counter offer an admin post to me. They made me cried during the meeting cos i gave them my reason of resignation it's becos i need a break and a more stress-less environment (i mean leaving engineering line). Was upset when they say i stress too much in having a bb and stress was created by myself..

Argg. what a tough day..
Angeline pat pat

They dont know how it feels until they experience it themselves. Dont care about all this insensitive people. They are not worth it.

MC is not your fault, dont be so sad. Be happy if you need to talk to someone, we are here.

Hi Girls...

Just came back from gynae and unfortunately no positive baby dust to share. I only managed to see the sac which have grown double it size and this time without the fetal pole. In another words most likely an blighted ovum.

I am started spotting this afternoon again and my gynae want to give it a week to give it a chance although I say yes my heart have ald known the pregnancy will not be sucessful. Somehow it was not as upsetting as the other time where I lost the twins. I am infact a little relieve because the fear of the spotting and the lack of symptons was making me crazy. As it is afterall an empty egg and I just need to move on.

I probably will let it bleed all out and my gynae agree if it bleed everything out most likely no need D and C and she will do her best to prevent the necessity of 1. In that case easier for the body to accept not pregnant and revert to as before.

Vi and angeline.. we will all try together okay =)
