Support group - Miscarriages

ling - really sorry to hear your news. if you remember, mine was a blighted ovum too - heavens knows why it happens but the good news is that it's just one of those random things that doesn't bode poorly for future pregnancies. so take heart, ling. i know it may not make things easier right now, but as you said, it's a bit easier because it is an empty egg after all.

i think it's a good idea to opt for a natural bleed if you can - I really think your periods tend to come back faster if you don't scrape the uterus lining in a D&C and the natural method is definitely less invasive. If the bleeding doesn't take off on its own (mine didn't), can ask your gynae to prescribe cytotec/misoprostol. I used it and it was not traumatic.

take care, ling - we are all here for you if u need us

angeline - sorry to hear about your bad day at work. can imagine how all that pent up stress over the MC and the TTC thing bubbled up to the surface today, don't blame yourself. your feelings are your feelings and there's no point hiding them esp if this is really causing you so much stress. are you going to take the offer to convert to an admin post? maybe consider flexi hours?
Hi ling,
Our fated babies will come along when they are ready. Hugz.

Hi Angeline,
Understand ur situation. Me too in engineering line. Sometime really no choice with the long hours and stress.

Don't mind about ppl who don't understand. Support u, change environment and work scope. It will do ur health good.
Hi Girls,

My gynae doesnt seems like she is giving up. At least I appreciate that vibe she is giving me =) Anyway what will be will be and somehow I am accepting it. Come to think of it I didnt spot my twin number 2 almost until 8 weeks u/s so this current u/s at 7 weeks might have a fetal pole be hiding as well. What the heck I keep my hope for another week. =)

We will have our babies someday... maybe just not this instance =)

Just am glad I got a place to vent.. right here =))
hi ling - yes, definitely too early to give up hope now! if your gynae thinks there is a chance, then there is - will keep my fingers crossed for you
Hi Ling
think positive.. Since ur gynea never give up, u shouldnt too.. There maybe miracle so pls rest well for this wk.. If worst come to worst, best is to hv natural bleed so that u can try again the next cycle.. But still hv to depend by when will the af come.. Better check with ur gynea for her suggestion.. Best now is rest well k.. Hugz hugz..
Hi Ling,
Sorry to hear that, but I hope you can stay positive at the moment. I told myself when i found myself a missed abortion then, be glad everything can be detected early, i believe if bb puts through and gone as a still birth, that would be worse. Or even we give birth to a bb that is not healthy, both would be suffering. I even told my bb, 'if you are not meant to be ours now, mummy and daddy wun force you. We will be glad to see you again next time' although scientifically, it's just a cell. Jiayou ok? I believe we can make it very soon. But most impt, you must rest well after mc/D&C, possible a 2weeks confinement.

Vivi, Jovial & Picotin,
I dun have intention to stay in fact. Actually before my mc, i had an accident of 2nd degree burns in 2007, husband have been asking me to leave that time but drag until now. Though they counter offer me as admin, i have a feel that they are just taking away my designation but work scope definitely wun be lesser. Today I just need to firm up myself and tell them i've made my decision and not going to stay. I am pretty close to my lady boss and colleagues after work, but i really feel pretty offended when they bring up my personal stuffs up during the meeting of my resignation. I just feel that they just dun realise what is the reason that I wanna leave. I also quite bad in a way that, i can speak nonsense when I dunno what to say next. Hoopefully today is not going to another emotional day for me. Imagine as i cried yesterday, i have to keep telling them, i cried becos i can't control myself.
Hi Girls,

Thanks for the support. Cannot help but felt warmed! =)

At this stage I am still burping away and hungry or feeling nausea. That is what keeping me strong. If it will cease I will accept it but just want to enjoy the bliss of pregnancy for now. =)

Jo, Yes opting for natural bleed at this stage. Actually when you bleed what I understand is the uterine lining breakdown as such is a mense cycle. However most probably going to Dr Zou at AMK to build up my health. I am starting to worry if it is chorosomal defects.
Hi Ling,
Glad you are feel positive

So far have you/husband did any checkups?
Just to share something from 1 of my 2nd opinion gynae I went, they actually told us that every mth each woman only has 25% chance of giving a healthy egg and whereas man, 15% of their sperm is healthy. So the chances of conceiving a healthy can be that difficult. I am also worrying that there might be chromosome defects but sometimes come to think of it, if no family history on that, i think only minimal worry to this possible cause

If the job is taking such a toll I think you made a good decision. Give me a choice now I would give up my career for a family. Throughly regretting my decision.

I was also preparing to leave my job this time when I was spotting. Not to be so I still have to drag myself to work.... arrggh!
Ling Hugz Hugz hope you are feeling ok. Since gynae is giving a week, we wil all pray that everything is ok.

If it is really not meant to be then at least it is lucky that you know now. I guess my gynae said that human body is such that they know quality control and if the product is not very good, it will have its way of dispeling out. In this case, spotting occurs. At least that is why he said in my case.

Most importantly, now is your own health. No matter what you must take care. Will support you....

For me I just feel a little tired on all these ttcing and MC so am not going to think about all these. I dont know why I am feeling this now maybe hormones at work again. Just waiting for my first AF to come.

Angeline I know what you mean. If can leave your job do so perhaps it is god's will that you will leave this job and have a better one.

For me long working hours and walking is a norm but for me cannot afford to leave this job because of heavy commitments. Moreover if I plan for a baby, to look for a new job is tough....
Ling & Vivi,
I think we need to be emotionally and mentally settled down if mc really affect us that much..

After the mc, although mc not due to work, but the feeling of staying here is definitely not strong. The hectic part is when u have to explain to them, but they just dun accept your reasons of leaving and saying all hurtful words yet trying to be empathic.

seriously, if now my husband can afford me, i really would do the same as u tot, give up my career for a family.

My family have no history of chorosomal defects but you know lah.. cannot help but think negatively at times. Esp my first pregnancy with the babies no heartbeat at 10 weeks. And now most possibly blighted ovum! Anyway if it is a natural bleed case dont have to do confinement because it is just a mense cycle. However will do the bu regime for sure.. just to make sure I get best chance of TTCing in future

Vi, dont think so much abt TTC at this stage. Just wait for AF to come first and it should be very soon already!
Ya, I understand how you feel. Actually i'm also pretty afraid my second preg will end up the same way as previous. I even told myself, if next time rd, AF never come i will wait for 3 months then to confirm if I am preg (1st trimester be over), cos believe if going to be the same again, natural mc will take place.

I heard natural bleed can cramp quite seriously so i never opt for that. But for sure you must bu, maybe try to change to a more healthy lifestyle. Maybe we can have some workout classes organise huh! Work together to have a next gd preg :p

Ya vi, just dun stress so much on TTC now loh.. anyway we have to wait for 2 cycle remember? ;P

I think blighted ovum is a little less complicated but the same amount of loss in the heart though. My gynae told me if it is just a sac it shouldnt be too painful but just some cramping and bleeding heavier than regular mense. Her concern is when it is with babies in it. Like my case of 10 weeks old fetus she wont reccomend it because fear of infection esp after the babies have stopped their growth for at least 2 weeks.
Oic. Becos when I did my D&C, i had very bad cramps when waiting for cervix to expand and bleeding to start. My mum lost 3 bbs last time and 1 of them is as old as 4 mths, that's y she warn me not to opt for natural mc cos it's can be pretty painful.
Ling I know lor now still waiting for AF to report. Try to force myself not to think about it but still think lor. Somemore I think I am heaty now. Can feel like sore throat already.... ha ha maybe too many TCM medicine?

Actually I too have the thoughts that if my second pregnancy fails do, I think I will go berserk.....

Angeline cannot la, how to not check until first trimester passed. Will be very anxious to see what is happening inside ma.

The other time I am like that lor 2 weeks AF late any how eat those kind of weight loss supplements never take folic acid. In the end, MC.

Yeah Angeline the other when D&C took the cyrotec pain like hell and then bleed a lot till I got a shock while waiting for my turn....
I am coughing loh!! haha I also feel i'm very heaty and still doing confinement somemore. But i see TCM, sinseh say ok wor.

Haha, i dunno leh, a form of avoiding the fact act? haha

Last time i missed AF for just 3 days and i was so careful with my diet etc. in the end also mc. so sometimes hor, i really dunno what to do. My friend can do and eat everything, but bb also ok. So does it means the more we scare the more it will happen? :S
Yeah I think all boils down to fate la... Sometimes I think this way my dad, my hubby and myself are all roster as in zodiac sign so if give birth to a tiger baby we all gonna being eaten up... so not fated.

Maybe god's will wants to have a rabbit baby?

Ha ha just cheering myself up... :p

They all said that having a baby late will have down symdrone or those complications, my mum had me I think at about 40 odd years old, but still ok.

Hey by the way, can you give me the address for the TCM here because cannot access to facebook now...

How is the experience over there at the TCM?
Can can

Choong Chiang Tong Medical Hall
Blk 94 Lorong 4 Toa Payoh
#01-18 S(310094)
Tel: 62513089
Dr Koh Chew Kai/Dr Brian Koh
Mon-Fri - 9am-6pm; Sat: 9am-5pm, Sun & PH: 9am-12pm

One is father one is son, I dunno which name belong to who haha, but i'm seeing the father,
I spend $45 for 2 weeks medication. Ok loh, they ba mai, see your tongue. then prescribe medication. But always a lot of ppl loh.
Luckily the medication is not brew type, they make it into pills, pretty easy to take.

My mum say it has passed down 3 generation already now the son 3rd generation.

But you are seeing EYS right? so u see if you wanna try this loh
I also dont know to make the switch or not. 1 time visit is like consultation + medicine for 1 week is like $60 plus. The medication is in powder form and need to mix hot water and drink.

but alamak this clinic got no evening ha ha more difficult for me....
I took the medicine the other time but I didnt feel any pain. Maybe numb out the pain ald by the heartache ald... I just shocked when after 2 hours I started to bleed because throughout that pregnancy I have no spotting experience at all.

Anyway monitoring my spotting now once it starts to increase might eventually become like period loh.. skali today decided to stop Arrgghh!!!

I interested to go to the Dr Zou everyone is raving about and my hubby for once say he will undergo treatment with me. that give me additional hope I dont know why..
Ling... hugz... hang in there okie? As long as gynae still optimistic, I think there's still hope... so yes.. i'll be holding out for a positive update from u next week..

vivi... how was ur EYS visit? yes.. 60plus a week is super ex... i asked my doctor last week and she said usually would need to tiao for 3 mths... that's like a good 200++ a mth... and i lagi better... i dropped out after 2plus mths then all the terrible pms came back so now dunno whether i've to reset and go thru 3mths of consultation again... argggh...
ppcc, I join you girls as cycle buddies if this wont work out =)

Angeline dont believe my hubby he just trying to make me feel better. I got him some oyster extract and he probably took 4-5 pills after so much coaxing. Imagine getting him to eat Chinese medicine. I probably can start to train elephants in the zoo if he can accept the medication!!
There's a while i always think that, it seems so one sided that I wanted a baby so much keke, cos I am the one looking for ways to improve chances of conceiving.

But then, after a while, i think we have accept that our hubby just more bei dong loh.

At least they are with us through the emotional ups and downs, i read pretty many postings before that some husbands can be so selfish and insensitive.
hi ling:
hahah you can still be so funny. sad to hear what happen but of course I hope the 1 week later you will hear good news instead. Maybe the fetal pole will come out last minute???

Yeah train elephants...I sad man, today nearly CD14 liao, we still have not BD.
hi angeline:
I read about your ocmpany ppl trying to keep you. hehehehe, never mind them... Most probably they concerned for you and thinking more that your carreer prospect and want to make sure you don't regret later. Is this your first pregnancy loss. Most ppl will think first loss is normal, so they will try to presuade you to stay. heart goes out to you. I am sorry to hear about your loss.

So this is called a blighted ovum. This was exactly the same thing that happened to me in July 2009, when I miscarried for the second time. There was no fetal pole, no hb..but the sac just grew bit by bit..and I started spotting, and then it began to be a full blown mense-like bleeding. I still chose to go for a D&C then to give myself a faster closure. You are brave to do it naturally...actually it is also less invasive and better for your body. I was so distressed, I needed to just get on with it.

Have faith that all will turn out ok. My gynae did not give up hope on me, too. And we have not given up hope ourselves. You take good care.
Wow..many posts here...I'm just writing to share my experience.

I was diagnosed with missed abortion during the 6th week (no foetal heartbeat). I decided to go for a D&C during the 8th week. I had a very good gynae. There was no pain at all during the D&C. I was on GA, and when I woke up, it was over. 2 hours before the surgery, I had some medicine inserted in my V to make it dilate I think. But it was not uncomfortable and didn't feel anything.

After the surgery, I had bleeding for 2-3 days (like menses) and then light spotting for another week. The very next day after my D&C, I went to see TCM at Eu Yan Sang at Camden Medical Centre.

My 1st menses came about 1 month 10 days after D&C and was quite normal. It has been almost 2 months since my D&C and I feel quite good now with all the TCM medicine and acupunture that I'm doing.

Gynae says I can try again after the 2nd menses. So, not to much stressed but it will be good if I can have a tiger baby
I tot so.. ya this is my 1st miscarriage. Actually i wanted to leave 2 years ago becos i had an accident at work and led me to have 2nd degree burns on my hand, I had to go on plastic surgery for my hand and occupational therapy for 2 years plus i have to wait for insurance payout so i have to stay put. If not i cant have my medical claims. Suppose i have decided to leave who knows i conceived end of last yr, so the whole resignation wasn;t really about my mc.

I know my hubby is dying for a kid actually. When he saw on the 3rd scan the 2nd twin that suddenly appear in my 2nd scan with no heartbeat (which he miss the appt to see the pumping hearts of the 2 fetus) he was so angry with himself. I have never seen him cried so hard. That is exactly why I want to make it happen that he have a kid. Anyway is so sad lah that experience. This pregnancy however is a little different. We sort of accepted it probably because I didnt see a fetus in the sac and so didnt throw up a whole hue and cry like the other time. Although this morning he was saying we give it a chance who knows what happens while on the way to work suddenly. I know he still holding on to the 5% of hope.

JTML.. why no BD?! CD14 perfect to BD alt days ald leh!! Anyway abt the oyster extract yesterday I was lamenting to him ask you to eat so difficult loh. Than he say "eh you know eat ald the libido very high or not.. that is why we had so much sex in dec even though I only ate a few. cannot imagine if ate daily what will happen!!" So you can try leh..heh heh

Chin I am opting for normal bleed so faster heal and can TTC faster mah... otherwise later my dowager again want to kill me with all the waiting which I dont want loh. I am not brave actually I still waiting for a chance. My gynae advise me to wait because she say never know because too many cases as such and some 10 weeks later than found fetus pole. If the sac after a few weeks nothing inside sure to disintergrate and come out with the placenta tissue.
I was in ur position last mth so i truly understand what both of you are going thru. Like ur hubby, my hubby also wants to have a kid so much, someone for us to share our love with. I was in my 8 weeks expecting to see hb, but suddenly my gynae gave us the news of a possible mc, cos fetus doesn't seems to grow however with a hb. Other than my FIL's death, i never see my hubby cried that bad. Imagine I have to calm him down and tell him, we should wait for another week, maybe it's a mis-calculation, hoping my gynae was wrong. So dun give up hope 1st, although things may not look very gd right now, we never know what happen next.

Most important, we know we have tried and we have kept the best for our child. Jiayou!!

I O late according to my BBT and we BD so many times for the fun of it also lost track exactly when preggers.... Should be my 7-8 weeks scan yesterday. 2nd Scan for me..

Even if eventually indeed found a fetal pole I also scare.. like why so late development.. ai yoh.. headache

Anyway already prepared for bad news so anything other that is a total bonus! =)
Your 1st scan for see anything?

Cos my 1st scan at 4 weeks cannot see sac, week 6 saw the sac but i think got fetal pole, week 8 gone case liao

But depends lah cos early stage scan i think sometimes can be blur also. Keep ur finger cross. Cos i did read before there are cases where fetus catches up with their development!

1st scan saw the sac with a rice grain size of something in it which suspect is the fetal pole ald.. but only 5 weeks. 4 weeks cannot see anything is normal lah..

We just keeping hopes up because of our history where we saw twin B sudden appearance in my 8 weeks scan.

Anyway keep an open mind but also dont want to be too positive ... scary to put too much hope and end up with nothing. we know the experience so well during last August!
Wow so many posts a lot to catch up....

PPCC ya la so ex wor... I wonder if I should switch or hang on? Havent pregnant so ex already wor... But the TCM did not share with me much just ask me to eat medicine to bu qi... She said I lack of qi.

I wonder if it is my imagination. But I feel less lethargic during afternoon. Usually last time I always feel sleepy and tired after lunch.

This Wednesday going again and see how...

Ling this time round I hope you dont join us because I just wish and hope that your pregnancy is smooth and successful.

Well I fully agreed that hubbies are the bei dong ones. Last time my hubby wanted a baby badly but he made no effort to lessen his smoking habit. And I am the one that is doing all the research and made sure I go TCM. He just asked me why need to do so many things. Ask him maybe we can try preseed he also say dont need la. Make me so angry....

Yup Angeline my hubby also cried when Dr Koh annouced the news of no heart beat. I think Dr Koh also passed him tissue...while I was the one who kept quiet.

I was just speechless when I saw your posting... It's just not something that I was expecting to see...

But it's not done deal yet. Give it a week like your gynae said, and see how it goes from there. Meanwhile, I'll be praying hard for this one week! *hugs*
Just stay positive. Let nature take its course.

Eat well, sleep well. So we'll stay with you throughout for the good news!

We never cried in front of Dr. Koh. However, he is very attentive and he began telling me stories of his 2nd lost child also. Felt that he is very nice at that time. But I was pretty emotional when he starting doing D&C for me. He held my hand and told me, be strong my girl.

Anyone actually taking GNC prenatal supplements? It looks good. However i'm not a supplement keener

That is about $47odd and some of the ladies who are ttcing are eating this. If not there is also a brand also Blackmores conceive Well also good.

I never eat all this supplements because I am currently eating TCM and folic acid.
OP, I guess the company here makes it much easier to accept and really more prepared than anything else. Just fate but wont give up!!!
yes, yes.. Ling.. that's the spirit! Don't give up!!

regarding supplements, i'm taking the blackmore's conceive well.. two huge tablets a day... yucks..... everyday very busy.. morning and nite take tcm, afternoon take vitamins.. sometimes even squeeze in chicken essence in between for gd measure..
