Support group - Miscarriages

Ling, have you gotten your chromosome checked before? I think it might be a case of bad egg etc.. *hugs* stay strong.

I chicken-ed out. i didn't go and see my gynae.. now just waiting for AF to come. sigh.

Hi Ladies,

Does anyone of u have miscarriage due to chromosome abnormalities?

Did the doctor suggest any test to be done?
Megane: me. you just need to go for karotyping to find out if you're miscarriages are due to chromosome abnormalities.
Hi All,

I didnt realise there is a thread on miscarriage support group. I am still feeling very depressed over my loss. I cannot seem to stop crying, have no mood to do anything at all. Its so tiring to put on a brave front and face people when Im still grieving inside. I really hope I can heal better emotionally by talking to you girls here.

Im still spotting though its been 2 weeks since my D&C. Is it normal to spot so long? Anybody experienced this? Thanks.
Hi Lynn,

Thanks for your reply.

I was wondering what causes these chromosome abnormalities? I do not have family history of these abnormalities..

Now im worried if it will affect my next pregnancy
Hi macaroon,
feel ur sadness. Come in to pour ur feelings. U will feel better.
Is ur spotting heavy? I not sure if spotting 2 weeks after d&c is normal. But for my case, during my 1week spotting, if I walked more, it will be heavy.

U have follow up appointment with ur gynae? Maybe u can check with him.
Megane: Have you gone and check if you have a Chromosome abnormalities?

and yes. it will affect every pregnancy.

nothing caused the chromosome abnormalities, it just happens. ie in mother's womb.
Lynn where you go for testing? Hubby need to test or not? Now a little paranoidal... they just need our blood right?

Macaroons, sorry you have to join us here =(.. Can assure you spotting is normal. I almost got spotting for more than 1 month on and off.. after the hormones regulate the spotting will go off.

I know it is hard.. however all fated and we are unable to change anything. On another hand now is the time to ensure you get body tune to the right momentum. We will have our chances to be mums someday =)
Ling: yeap. just need blood. best is both test cause you won't know who got problem ma. and if both turns out okay, you have a peace of mind too.

go to gynae can liao and ask about karotyping.
Good morning !

Angeline you good lor unlike me atill suffering.... and it is never ending.

Lynn ok maybe give yourself 1 more week if AF never come go see gynae... or else you will be worried sick...

What is chromosome abnormalities? No way to cure?

Will ask my gynae next week! Ya just to find out also good never know otherwise guess here and there really headache!

Congratulations Angeline can make use of this time to think of your next career path and also spent some time on yourself =))
Vivi, Ling
Thanks. A time for me to rest and plan.

I'm seeing my gynae tonight. Maybe i will check with him about the test for chromosome abnormalities
Sorry to hear about you. My spotting is about a week i think it's pretty normal to spot more than that as hormones is still regulating so i think you need not worry about that. However if u experience abnormal bleeding, you should go and see your gynae to check.

I know it's kinda hard to accept the loss of your baby, it's normal for us to feel emotional for some time, I have done my D&C 3 weeks ago and i am still feeling upset when i tot of it. But no matter what, we have to move on. Build up our health and try again!
Time for us to be a parent again is definitely not too far! ^_^

Sorry to hear about your loss....

Is this your first m/c? Generally, gynae will advise bloodworks and checks only if you have 3 consec m/c. If it's your first, there's nothing much to worry about except to attribute it to tough luck.

I have had 1 m/c, 1 OK preg carried to term and 1 more m/c. Gynae said no need to check cos the m/c are not 3 consec.
Macaroons... sorry abt ur loss... take some time out to recuperate.. agree tat it's emotionally straining to meet pple and pretend that all is fine when ur heart is torn into pieces... be kind to urself okie... pop by here if u need a listening ear or just to vent.

vivi - i only take chicken essence once a wk... nothing special abt my diet... just tcm and the blackmore's conceive well supplements which comes in two pills a day.. actually my gynae's rather sceptical of such supplements.. even when i was preggy, he said just folic acid would be sufficient.. it's just that folic acid is super cheap so the pharma companies have to package it with other vitamins in order to earn money... but strangely... his nurse recommended me another multi-vit during my last visit... hah.. so i also abit confused lah..
ppcc - that was what my gynae said too...just folic acid...(is he Dr Teoh?). anyway, am taking 1 tablet of GNC pre-natal a day as supplement besides folic...i even brought the GNC box for him to see and he said not necessary.

going for my first jab this afternoon to stimulate more eggs to be produced for this cycle. has been 3 cycles since m/ just trying to increase chances
Yeah PPCC same thing my gynae just asked me to continue eating folic acid will do and also lead a less stressful life.

Pixie what kind of jab are you taking?
Hi Girls,

Dont know if this might help. I notice my first MC I got pregnany with a late O ard Day 17. Although the luteal phase of my period is about 14-15 days on my normal BBT chart I will kenna late O once in a while. Coincidentally this time pregnancy was also late O and ard Day 20. I cannot help suspect late O might increase chances of mc.

So if you do chart your BBT any O longer than 17 try to avoid getting preggers. Dont know how it can help but what the heck every clue to mc will be helpful to us! =)

Hope that helps!
I seriously cannot do BBT chart, always forget!
So i just take nature course, the most use ovulation kit to monitor, if pref i expect my gynae to tell me EDD.

Me too not keen on anything routine but I have been training myself to take this BBT since last year. Wake up straight away pop thermometer in mouth.

As much as I like natural to take it course if it doesnt we have to intervene. For me just a little too painful if I am to get preggers again I would really like a baby to bring home.
Thanks girls for all your consolations. I couldnt sleep last night and browsed through the archives. Seeing you girls being so brave gave me motivation to look forward and not dwell on the past. Let's all jia you together! =)

I did visit my gynae but he's always in such a rush that I forgot to ask him. And i also paiseh to keep going back to him cause he doesnt charge for consultations.

I'm also thinking of changing job. Im suspecting that it could be chemical fumes causing my miscarriage as I read that the chemicals Im using could lead to miscarriages and delayed growth. And it doesnt help when gynae mentioned that baby's structure is not correct.

This is my first pregnancy and first m/c. That's why I really feel very saddened. I keep on thinking why me? Why can others have a healthy and smooth pregnancy but not me?

Thanks for your kind advices, I'll definitely pop by very often. Its heartwarming to know there are so many kind ladies here encouraging each other.
Don't worry ok? You will be able to fulfill your wish
I really hope good news be coming!

When I 1st mc, i also had the same tot, I feel so upset when I see preg ladies having big belly and looking forward to see their bb in couple of months time. But however, view it in another way, it's better to discover earlier, then to have an unhealthy bb. So cheer up ok! We all will work together for a gd preg!
If you can afford not to work for a while, maybe can be like me, take a serious break 1st but also, you must plan for your next job. If your job is creating problems to your preg, i seriously would ask you to consider it. I tried for a year for a bb, went through emotional and physical stress before/during the preg, and of cos my mc. So this reason, i really think the stress from my work is causing me big problems. And of cos, being preg is really not convenient for me to carry on with my job.
Did u try checking with your gynae on whether late O could be one of the cause of m/c?

yes, i think stress has a part to play in m/c also. I do hope that you'll be able to find a job that is not so stressful so you can plan for the next pregnancy. =) when is your last day at work? I haven spoken to my bosses yet as im still on medical leave. Hopefully they'll be understanding enough to have me transferred to another laboratory.
Dear Macaroons,
Thank you
my last day will be 26 Feb. Just enjoy for a while 1st before I feel ready for next job
Ya I agreed that you should let your bosses know about your concern if family planning is in your priority.

I have read in various website actually no conclusion but most suspect there is some link to it due to the uterine lining being old so might not provide enough nutrient or not so effective in enabling a successful fertilized egg. Some forums also have ladies commenting on this after their 2nd mc and seek alternative like clomid to have an earlier ovulation.

Anyway if anyone taking BBT can monitor it. MOST important is the luteal phase must be 14 days otherwise any shorter time of 14 days run the risk of low prostergen also another mc liklihood. All this however can be prevented with prostergen supplement.

Angeline, me taking 1 step at a time.. just a little realistic now =)
You really did pretty much researches on this. Maybe I will check with my gynae on this tonight if it's true. If yes, i think most likely i got to take back clomid again.

Yeah, i sort of understand how it felt waiting for results. The 1 week i had before my D&C was terrible, can't sleep well at night and in another pt, really wish that bb can catch up with the growth.

Yes, I've asked myself the same question before "Why me????". The second time I asked myself that question, it became "Why me AGAIN????"

This is a good thread cos everyone here has been through some similar "lousy situation/s" ourselves. And be heartened that there are eventually happy stories on this thread too.


I am generally a lazy person but I also charted BBT for a month. At the end of the day, I figured I can do anything so long as I am "desperate" enough to want to succeed.
Optimus Prime,
Yeah maybe i should really get myself started.
I did get an ovulation thermometer just to chart initially, but becos I missed quite a few occasions, I just went fed up and gave up. OK I will start to chart again.
I see pixie

Ha ha realized that there are so many jargons and terms when it comes to pregnancy.

Just went for my second visit to EYS spent another $60 plus for a week's medicine. at the rate I am going broke I think I am going broke soon.
Lynn thanks for the link.

If come during CNY is better than dont come wor. Just now my TCM physician also asking has AF come because should be about now. But yet to come.
pixie - nope, i'm not with Dr Teoh. with Dr Ho h.k at Mt A. Izzt convenient to share why u decided to go for the jabs? just keen to learn more abt other ways that could be helpful...

Ling - u are scaring me leh.. my ovulation dates are usually on day 20-22... hv tot that this is normal since my cycle is usually 5wks and since i started charting, luteal phase has been quite consistent at 14 days.

angeline - envy u leh.. i also feel like quitting but hubby dun allow.. but i guess u hv a more compelling reason to leave... hope u hv a gd break!
Good morning girls,
Just went for checkup yesterday, and gynae say should expect AF in another 2 weeks. Hopefully it will come on time.

I ask my gynae about increased risk of mc due to late ovulation and he said, it's of no scientific prove so far. So it's not a concern.

For chromosome abnormality, he says it's not necessary also cos he said that the cause of the the mc is just like a corrupted program, the cell division just go hay wire somewhere no nothing to do with parent.

what are u working as now? y hubby dun allow?
Actually, i also have no confidence that i can get another job in just a short time due to the economy structure now. So just take a short rest 1st bah.. Just wanna get myself out of the over-stress period, so that i can work better in my next job and of cos for my next bb.
Hi Lynn,

How many days u have missed ur AF?

Guess I have join ur boat. My period overdue for 5 days already. Still no sign.

Use the test kit BFN

This is my second month TTCing. Whenever visit toilet, dilemma. Don't wish to see AF (cos till can keep the hope) but if didn come and AF don't report......

Any chance the Pregnancy Kit is faulty??????

Hi ppcc,

We share the same Gynae. Dr Ho h.k.

He is a very good gynae. He delivered my girl 3 yrs back. And I recovered very fast with little discomfort.

Unfortunately my second pregnancy ends @ 12 wks with HB stopped last Sept. Was very shock then cos I went there alone without my hubby, tot just a normal check up but.....

He was very nice and encouraging then.

U are TTCing for #1?
Morning Girls!

Angeline.. I suggest BBT.. really make you understand your cycle very well. I am one of those dont even know when is my next mense cycle kinda person. When I went to my gynae in June last year she gave me a few BBT chart and a page of information of how to take. Who knows after 1 cycle I manage to strike.

I agree with your gynae but still is not totally rule out altogether because some gynae do have some beliefs in this and thus issue clomid. I think for my case I would just try to avoid TTCing if my ovulation resembles any more than CD17.

Lynn, me seeing Dr Heng from ESH. Go and see the gynae!! Just to see what is up lah.. Dont wait so long. Make yourself tense over nothing. They would at most presribe prostergen pills to trick the body that ovulation over and time for uterine lining to breakdown. No side effects.

ppcc, As long as luteal phase is 14 days mean you no prostergen deficient =) Anyway no lah my case different.. Because my cycle irregular.. sometimes 4 weeks sometimes 5 weeks so that is why I suspect something to do with it.

Also update.. I started to have some mense like bleeding yesterday late evening. Although not a lot but I saw a thumb size clot in the toilet bowl this morning. I suspect is the natural bleeding process. Frankly I and hubby are taking it really well this time which sort of surprises me. It probably is because we didnt get to see any fetal pole and sense of loss not so great. My hubby was still telling me actually quite lucky to strike this on first month of TTC after mc just unlucky we cannot bring it to full term which I agree. We will try again and this time hopefuly a sticky one. =)

My fear is the pain which I read in the net but so far so good I didnt feel any abnormal pain. I am still at work today because no discomfort. What probably didnt kill us really did make us stronger.

I am already looking forward to TTCing in April onwards. =)

ya i will start BBT but I don't know where to start! Haha can i start charting now?

I have checked with gynae on clomid, and becos clomid will give me very bad side effects, can even have blurred vision for my case, so i really would not want to take it next attempt.

Oh dear, so are you going to see your gynae to confirm if you have mc? Sorry to hear that but really glad that you and husband are taking it easy. Don't worry, i'm also starting my next TTC session in April! so maybe we can be preg together then?!

I read your posting and I just felt so much heartache...


If the system resets by itself, it's also good cos the healing will be faster... I am glad that you and your HB are taking it so well.

My gynae said back in the good ol' days of our grandmother/great-grandmother's time, they prolly won't know if they got preg and m/c cos they just thought their period was delayed and later have a heavier than usual flow. We now see information as king. But ignorance is such bliss too!

In yonder thread, some people are asking if the others have started booking confinement nannies. I really admire their "innocent optimism", which I find so absolutely lacking in me. *wistful smile*
Hi Ling hugz hope you are ok.

At the most I join you for April ttc because that is the time whereby I will be starting.

Optimus Prime last time I also like this. I went to see pram and baby clothes when I know I am preggie but did not buy....

I think pregnancy is not as simple as it is now after since the set back of having a MC.
Hi OP,

Ur simple sentence brings tears to my eyes. Guess only us who share the similar experience feel and understand the feeling.

Really hope can be sucessful this round. But if not, hope AF can report soon.

I only like to see gynae for good reason.
I went to gynae yesterday and saw those who are happily with a big belly.. I was still thinking, how nice if i'm one of them.. Feeling baby's kicks, seeing baby's scans, looking forward for the moment doc brings him/her out and the moment i say hi my darling..
Hi Ladies..........

Just happen to chance upon this thread when trying to find out if there is any support group for miscarriages.

I delivered my 20wk old twins on 15 Jan 10. As I was already in my 20wk, I have to deliver them thru normal birth and then go for a D&C straight away.... very sad to go thru this process...... I am now on 6 wks MC and doing confinement at home... But doing confinement at home with no baby really feels very funny and in fact I felt useless and a burden to every one.....

The 1st week after going thru the procedure was ok...I went to my gynae's clinic on Tuesday to do some documentation and I cannot stand a second there... had to walk out and leave my hb to handle it...
hi Jovial:
hee he.I can feel it is terrible to be keep waiting.
That time my period came 8 days late. I tested 3 time lor. I keep thinking 50% tio 50% bo tio...

Hi Ahbui:
so sad to hear your story, but don't feel useless lah. You have to recuperate right... your job is now to recuperate. Try to rest and do your confinement.
hi jtml...

initially after the loss i tried to be positive and looking forward to try TTC again.. but coming to 3rd wk liao... my emotions really get the better of me... crying everyday.

Will take a while lah.
That time I read forum and cry at home one lor. Some more you lost babies at 20 weeks, There is another forum is mid termination loss. I read that one I also cry for them that time. Don't worry lah, cry finsih you will feel better.
After a while wound will heal.
