Support group - Miscarriages


I think not everyone have to go back so often.. I only went back 1 month after D and C to check any residue left in womb. Clear liao than gynae told me unless mense not return otherwise go back once I preggers or due for pap smear. I suay suay have to go back in November because my dowager go missing for 3 months!!!


No lah can use abdominal scan.. =) very easy...

girls.. appt will be next monday no change... my gyane is all fully booked up.. *gosh*
Hi Ling,

start talking to your baby, at least will feel better
Be positive= healthy baby. Don't worry to much, what hs to come will come. Now let everything start afresh okay
Hi Ladies, just wanna share my experience with you guys and hope all of us will be strong enough to pull thru this tough times.

I had 2 miscarriages on 08, 1st one was at 9 weeks and 2nd one in 5 weeks. 1st one was a missed miscarriage and the 2nd one it bleed out of me and I was hospitalize.

I found out when I went for a normal check up a day before my ROM and yes I had to carry it thru my ROM before I have my D&C the next 2 days. It was a nightmare. Sad Sad Sad for 3 months later before I try again and YES I got preg again but the joy didn't last long enough.

After that I went into trauma and depression for a while but really thank God that my husband has been morally supporting me, and I recovered well.

I'm still not preg yet, waiting for this May to come before I start any planning again because I want to avoid Tiger baby.
Hi Spavilion,

Poor mine. Take you time to try agin. Now maybe just start taking Pre-natal multi-vits and maybe see TCM to prepare your womb for next pregnancy.

I also had 2 MC, 1st was baby heartbeat stop at 12th week in Jul-07, 2nd one was due to deformity, baby has no skull, so have to terminate the pregnancy, Oct-09 at 12th week.

My hubby has been very positive we would have healthy babies in our arms to bring home.

Babydust to you
Spavillion I know how you feel. It must been very tramatic for you.

I also cannot bet the thought if the next time I also had the same predicament.
Hi ladies,

I am glad to find this thread....been feeling very sad as I just done my D & C on last bb was not growing well & i hv very bad bleeding....took the "an tai" pills & 5 jabs....still can't save my bb....

It's a nightmare for me....I can't wait to try again but I hv i guess i nd to build up my body 1st bah....
Hello Pipijio

Me too just had D&C last Friday. I know how you feel. Be strong and cheer up. Maybe it is not fated to be yours. That is how I think....
Ladies, so sorry to hear about your losses, please take time to grieve but do not lose hope. We are still able to conceive so look on the positive side, build up your health with tonics and try again. Take care!

Ling, i am glad you finally made an appointment with your gynae :p

Today is 14 DPO, my temp soared Looking pretty good I guess, hope it continues to stay high high, cross fingers :x
Thx Stefie. I went to my gynae and asked him again whether i can take pre-natal vitamins and he mentioned again that no need to take multi-vits...just take folic acid...this was the same thing he said when I was preggie the last time and was asking if i could take something to make sure the fetus is ok. Guess no harm if I continue to take 1 tablet a day.

Hi Shiseru- chart looking good
good luck
Hello girls~~~

Wah so many posts to read up!!!
Jia you everyone! i think the saying is true! After miscarriage and DnC, we will be super fertile! you see? so many of the ladies here have graduated from this thread!! And we went through everything together here, i don't even talk much about my previous miscarriage to my friends.. just told them i was ok already..

Ling, i felt exactly the same when i tested BFP in Nov.. also read up soooooooooo many articles about ectopic, blighted ovum, wasn't joyful at all, rather, was in fear...

I went for check up every week!! Sometimes woke up in the morning, feeling so insecure that i just took a cab to KKH 24 hrs women's clinic. They said only emergency, ok lor, i told them i got brown discharge haha.. but i don't think i had any.. bluffed only, just so that i could see the development.

I am stepping into my 13th week soon, today also went for OSCAR test, very low risk, bb is measured at 6.58cm, and it waved at me! Really thrilled to see the tiny little hand!

But then in my blood test, they found out that i might be Thalassemia carrier due to red blood cells abnormality. So hubby also went for blood test yesterday just to make sure that bb is clear of Thalassemia major. I believe i could be Thalassemia minor cuz my mama is. Only found out last year when she did a blood test. Her doc asked me to do a check up too but i didn't take it seriously.. but then again, i know everything is going to be ok... instead of reading up all the articles about miscarriages, i am now looking at all the wonderful baby's scan on youtube, hear the heartbeat and pray for baby that every part, every organ, every system to function properly and perfectly, fully developed as God intended from the beginning.

Fear will not bring us any good, it's a negative energy, in fact we will feel more tired and more anxious, we will feel drained!!

When i knew that I might have Thalassemia, and might affect baby if hubby is also carrier, i started to feel worried all over again, but i chased all the bad thoughts away and be at peace.

Let me share this with all of you! Whenever i feel fearful, i read it, read for sooooooooooo many times.. remember we always say, jia you! must have faith!! we can make it one day?

"Fear is a spiritual force. It is the opposite of faith. Fear is real, but it is not of God. It affects the life we live on planet earth. It affects the physical body. It can put a wrinkle in the skin, change the colour of hair, make the heart beat fast or even stop. (Fear motivates Satan as faith motivates God. Fear is Satan's tool as faith is God's).

You only fear the unknown or past bad experiences. Past failures bring future fears. Fear and faith don't operate together. Fear is your worst enemy when it's allowed to operate."

It's written by a Christian that's why of certain wordings. I have bracketed those parts, you can skip if need to please don't be offended! hehehe.. )

aiyo wrote too long liao.. ciao!

Thanks for the support.. really need a lot of courage.. Shann, I cannot imagine what will appease my imagaination. My previous twins were suddenly lost despite detecting heartbeat and I dont even have spotting throughout the pregnancy but still their tiny hearts stop pumping at 10 weeks.

To make matters worse.. monday I cant take time out due to work commitment and it is something I have to attend personally and If I insist on taking leave my boss in Europe will surely skin me alive with either his emails or con call or worse when he visit next week... Now I have to reschedule to Wednesday because hubby on duty travel on tuesday to wed and he insist he want to go with me to the gynae after the last lesson where he miss seeing the twin B sudden appearance only to know he didnt make it in the next appt.. so now another 7 days *BOO*

Like nothing is smooth doing this gynae visit. I am taking it in stride and have try to convince myself that I will take all news good or bad.. since there isnt anyway we can control anything. Almost got half a mind to go to my neighbourhood gynae just to check things out just now but my hubby thinks otherwise and feel I should stick to my regular gynae.

Anyway I am up to my neck with work right now hence posting so late and at least it is taking my mind thinking of all things big and small in regards to this pregnancy.

Hopefully everything looks better tomorrow..
Shann, see baby waving, that's exciting! Previously when I went for my OCARS, i saw my baby waving too hehehe... oh I missed my daughter...

Ling, we are here for you and we will pray hard for you too, that everything is gonna be fine!

Today is my 15 DPO, BBT chart still looking good, AF is overdued but I am afraid to test! >_<

Ai yoh why are you not testing yet? Just try with first morning urine and you will know if positive... I got a good feel though ;D
Shann it is really heartwarming that you have succeeded and congrats to you. So cute to see baby waving at you.....

Ling I know sometimes have to juggle between work and your personal things. Try to see if there are other slots that you can take? Dont feel negative la, will support you...

I start to take folic acid now but wondering should I buy prenatal multi vits?
Hi Shann: Wah you really ha...this shows something ..mothers will do anything for their baby... LOL tell them got discharge, the nurse never say anything mer...hahhahahah

I still have not get my AF, looks likes it is delayed again. now is CD32 liao, starting to feel cramps. Does this means my cycle really longer liao. Don't know if it is due to work stress....last 3 cycles were 28-29 days, Now last cycle was 33 days....This cycle looks like long one also...I think I will test tonight and see if BFN/BFP. Hopefully AF comes quickly if BFN.

Hi pipijo: yeah, best to build up body. hope this forum will be an encouragemnet for you like it has been for me.
hi all...

what an air of excitement in this thread!

Great to hear that Shann Yheng and OP's babes are growing well... JTML, shiseru... looks like the signs are pretty positive for u eh... sigh.. quite envious of all u leh.. dunno when my turn will come... wasn't very hardworking this mth.. hope can hv some good news soon... but oh well.. hv to leave it up to fate now..
ppcc, not confirm ler...
Shiseru, are you like me scared to test? last month I so sure strike, so tested about 3 times... feel so bad everytime BFN
so now I am scared to test...
ppcc, hey, come one woman ...Jia You Jia You. I believe it is soon one.
Hi Vivi,

Thanks for your console. So you are now also resting at hm? Your MC till when ? Mine till tom but I am gonna extend my lv for another wk...simply no mood to go bk to work &amp; also take this opportunity to rest well....

I can't wait to try hb told me...rabbit bb for i hope my body is alright to try ard Jun-Jul...

All the ladies here, we must really jia you...
Hi Shann,

Gong xi, thanks for sharing with us
Hope to join your MTB club soon

Hi Shiseru,

Hope your test will be BFP
share good news with us soon okay
Baby dust to you.

Hi pipijo,

It is good to rest, but don't think too much okay. I only really recover after I go back office to work, cos really make me busy and time passes faster.

I also will try for rabbit baby cos tiger will crash with me and hubby but I really don't care which zodiac as long as healthy babies in my arms to bring home.

Babydust to all.


Don't kan cheong, rest your body first before trying okay
Take care.

Your turn will come soon.


Do treat yourself to the new Cheesy Spicy Bacon Tendercrisp Burger from BK if you are able to! It's chicken. And it's very very nice! :p~~~
Pipijo no la me did D&amp;C on Friday and start work on Monday already because I do not want to stay at home and think about all the unhappy things. Me too cant wait to try again but now no menses yet I think must wait for at least 2 or 3 cycles before can try. Yeah by then should be maybe April onwards ba... hmm...

Now I have started to take folic acid but thise 5mg ones. So now wondering should I buy GNC's prenatal Vitamins or just folic acid will suffice.

Stefie ya la you must be laughing at me. I really wish for time flies faster so that I can quickly try again.
Hi Vivi,

I wouldn't laugh at you, I also cannot wait already. Good to start work earlier. You never take the 2 week Hospitalisation Leave? You may get more bu okay, to prepare your body

It took me 2 years to get pregnant again after 1st miscarriage. Cos not ready. Then 2nd miscarraige. This time round will start once my sinseh give me green light

Actually after DnC our hormones will rage, so can get pregnant very easily, but do make sure your body is ready then try ok.
Stefie I dont have 2 weeks hospitalization leave wor. I think gynae wants to give me but I declined. Work is piling up.

Now I stop drinking cold water. If need to be, drinks will be without ice. Also told my dad to cook for me twice a month herbal chicken soup. Daily eat folic acid my lefovers ones. Try to eat healthily and sleep early if possible.

Hmm what else have I left out?

Wow it seems that it is quite true after all that after D&amp;C we will be more fertile.
Hi Vivi,

Must rest more once get home. If not will have wind in the sprain, next time pregnant will have more backache. Actually cannot bathe with normal water, need to boil herbs to bathe. I only did that for few days, after that, I just use normal warm water to bathe. Even after your current folic acid finish still must continue, can get from Unity pharmacy 100 pills for $3 (IIRC).

What herbal soup you taking? My chinese physician prescribe me *ba zheng* which is suitable for my body conditions. So why not see TCM to get one *yao fang*? Don't forget to relax as well ^^


I'm quite kan cheong for you ...haha....keep us updated!

Just realized you should be doing confinement leh take note, some herbal soup like ba zheng are not suitable if you just had your D&amp;C. Stefie is right, must really take care of yourself.
Yeng are you sure? I heard cannot take 百珍,白凤丸 when TTC? I ask the medical hall person, he also suggested not taking while TTC.

I feel strange, wanted so much to be preggie but i know i am gonna be paranoid if i see a BFP tomorrow. Haha i am a little lost~
Shiseru, my chinese physician say ok for ba zheng and 白凤丸 as it strengthen our reproductive system(after pregnant then cannot take). I saw some of previous posting that it's not good while TTC but if you surf on the internet it's good. A bit contradicting hor...

Decided to follow what my physician advise instead as I see tremendous improvement in my menses after his cramp + cycle back to normal.
heard 百珍,白凤丸 are supposed to help regulate the menses. Aiya, I see a lot of people taking but still has no problem in conceiving also.

Tsk tsk Shann, I will test tomorrow. Hope I could join you in the Sept thread. Actually I peep in the Sept thread and saw you, phyphy and bbdreamz. haha, guess I really hoping to be pregnant.

Shann, Yeng are you joining the gathering this coming 29 Jan?
Wow I bath with warm water and make it a fast one. Did not use herbs wor... opps.

I just tell my dad to cook herbal chicken soup. So which type can I take and which type cannot. I actually dont know anything about TCM. My dad now still cook chicken with ginger. However I realized that I cannot eat evryday because really heaty for me. And also I avoid having the fan blowing at me too. Last time for sure I cannot take it but used to it liao.

I havent apporach TCM yet due to work schedule.

For folic acid, I took the one at Unity so I presume it is sufficent ba. Last time I dont know need to take folic acid until colleague told me to take but I guess a bit late because I only took it when I tested positive.

So heartwarming to see all of you so caring.
Hi vivi,

anything with dang gui can only eat after your spotting clears up. If not your hormones will gone mad like mine, mense for 2 weeks. Your daddy so nice

The unity one is the same dosage as gynae one, 5mg per pill. I am taking 2 cos of body cannot pass folic to my baby, so my gynae asked me to eat that amount. Now my folic pills + GNC pre-antal multi-vits daily recommended amount is max already. Hope this time round everything smooth all the way till giving birth.
opps, i mean i saw OP, bbdreamz and phyphy in the sept thread. Hehe...

Vivi, i am also taking folic acid + obimin (a multi-vitamin), I encourage my husband to take supplement so i bought GNC megamen for him. I bought cordycep which we are taking once per week too. Other than these, is to have healthy diet and exercise.
Is Obimin good? Or GNC one? So confused? So for me I take i x 5mg Folic acid, dont know whether enough or not? Maybe can check with gynae hor.....

Me too try to schedule 1 week once badminton session with my hubby to keep fit.

I doubt my hubby will take any health supplements.

Stefie because I got no mummy to cook for me because she passed away already ma...

Now I still have some spotting lor but only see it in the evening. So sian and it is only a wee bit. I wonder when menses will come lor....
Multi-vitamin for woman - You can either take obimin (buy from guardian around big bottle cost S$20+) or GNC prenatal vitamins. Please do not take both together, do not overdose vitamins.

TTC is not just one sided, both parties have to put in effort. An egg fuse with bad sperm will lower the chance of a successful pregnancy.
hi vivi &amp; pipijo...
so sorry to hear abt your loss.
I've had my d&amp;c recently on 31 dec 09, baby ard 2 mths no growth no heartbeat
sad.gif still resting.. emotionally i am much better liao.... it's very encouraging to have so many ppl here sharing their experiences and providing so many useful advices. it really helps so much during this challenging times when we are so loss, so do come by here more often.

my gynae advised that estimated the mense will come abt 1 mths +- 2 weeks. there're others who's mense come only 2-3 mths later. hopefully yours will come soon.... then 3 AF later u can TTC!!! The 1st mense likely to be heavy, donch worry too much if it see tat

For me, thinking of getting the GNC Mutli-vits (with folic acid)- at least 400 mcg for folic acid, no max as it is water-soluble. No worries, excessive will be flushed out.
haven get it thou, will get started real soon hehee...

Will also start to some exercises end of this mth, hopefully with a healthier lifestyle and diet. able to conceive a healthy baby and have a smooth pregnancy.

Ling... yeah! time flies, you will be seeing your gynae soon. meanwhile take extra good care of your health. indeed, positivity = healthy baby!!
cheers.. n don overwork.... n have an early rest...saw some of your postings quite late.. do zzz early, as much as possible. look fwd to hear updates on ur baby soon ;)

shiseru, good luck!! hope to hear good news from u soon :D wow... you guys so onz, still got gathering wor... sounds nice tat u all are so close hiak hiak.... really very glad to have known all of u during the darkest days of my life. ;)

stefie, i am sure you will be blessed with a healthy baby soon. hope your sinseh can give you green light to go ahead hehehe.... :D
Hi Girls..

so much excitment in the forum tonight all because Shiseru and JTML keep us in suspense lah!!! =P

The thing about folic acid.. I am also taking 2 now.. KS... but I also notice no matter how much water I drink my urine still rather yellow. anyone have the same issue. It wasnt like that before when I was taking 1ea. Also asking hubby to take supplements is really out for some of us. Is like you can lead a mule to the water but you cannot make him drink the water. I think like some of us affirm here... their ego really bigger than the whole world! *sigh*

OP.. no more worry about stupid stuff ald =).. work was so "fun" today that totally throw me off whatever I was intitally worried about. =D Miffy... is budget week hence it is crazy where I am right now.. going to sleep early tonight =) just couldnt bear to leave my work till morning because it was due to submit by today...

Looking forward to reading forum tonight though incase Shiseru and JTML spring a surprise *grin*
aiyo Ling, 10pm liao they haven't posted lei! Shiseru will only test tmr.. we all gotta be patient haha!

Eh 29th we have a family reunion, my 2nd brother is coming back for New Year~~~ So happy! Just realized that although i am 28 this year but still like a xiao mei mei in my family, wanna kachiao my 2nd brother when he is back.

If i go out surely my mama will scold and give me black face (again u see i am still like a protected xiao mei mei at home).. Wish i could join... eh can have a facebook acc for this group then can post pictures there~ ehhehe!
envy those who have strike. do take good good care!

I think for me, the fear has engulfed me so much until dare not try yet..

Hi girlS: I want to cry la bfn....huh sad but will try again lo ... My da yi ma play me this month.
Hi vivi rest okaay din know you go to work so quickly huh. can cook any those prepared packet herbs and just add your chicken and add some red dates. I also took chicken Essene... quick and easy ... If not too Heath take some dom mix with warm water before you sleep. I had 2 week mc ler.
Pipijo, yeah take extra leave I believe most docs give.
