Support group - Miscarriages


How come tiger baby not possible? If managed to conceive by april, think still can get tiger.
I also heard the old folks mentioned not to pray to get a child. Dont know how true it is though.


Me too!! I really want a little tiger too! I also dont care about all those myths and superstitions.

I did go to zhu sheng niang niang to pray for my baby to pull through when I was still pregnant. But I guess I didnt pray hard enough =(


Im just like you. I keep wanting AF to come quickly so that I can start trying again. I just want a baby badly. But we just have to let nature take its course loh, cause the more stress we are, the more it wont come. ;)

hee hee Macaroons I guess we just want to have a final closure of all those bad experience and get on with new hope that is why hoping for AF to come.

Opps then no praying then since not advisable to do so. But godness of mercy can right?
Okay lah.. like that just pray generic ... Just ask for xin xiang shi cheng (your wishes get fulfill in this case for a baby to bring home) and ping ping an an (whole family safe which also include any unborn family members) just dont say the words that would hint we are praying for a child.. To carry a child to full term difficult.. praying for the health also equally up to task..

Macaroon.. me also aiming for April!! Provided the mense co-operate.. given her record.. she probably going to pull another slow one for me again.. pray that period also will be on time this cycle.. ;)
next year chinese new year is 4 February 2011. If January give birth still considered Tiger baby?

I am also planning for bunny baby.... =)
Today is the worst day of my life. While I thought I could happpily prepare for CNY, my bb cannot be detected this afternoon when I visited my gynae and confirmed mc. I will be doing the D+C tomorrow which is CNY eve, thought it is supposed to be reunion day? Now that my bb is still with me but is dead. The feeling is so horrible....

I have 2 kids with younger one going to 5 this year, so I have never thought that this could happen to me. Guess I cant call myself as Mom of 3TB anymore....

I am also quite confused with my mc as I am not sure if this is due to recent over-work, or the TMC medicine that I have just started last week cos I could still see my bb hb last week, or is my body not ready for bb after many years from the previous pregnancy, as I did not tiao enough before TTC?

I will be on 2 weeks HL, but I am worry about my work. I have already applied 3 days leave next week and I am suppposed to be back on 22 Feb as there is a project going on that week. Should I take HL on the 2nd week or just go back to work? If I take HL, should I tell my boss that I have a mc or just pretend nothing happen and go back to work as I do not want my colleagues to know about my mc and ask about it?

Please pardon me if the message is illogical as I am very confused and misery now....

You're very funny. But I think it makes sense. Lets all just pray generically. Just ask for xin xiang shi cheng! Lol.

Yeah, I hope your AF will zhun zhun report. In fact, I hope everyone's AF will too. Its enough sufferings that we had, all of us deserve a healthy baby of our own.


Yep, baby born before the new zodiac year will still follow the current year's zodiac. So jan 2011 babies are still tiggers.


Im really sorry to hear that. Hate it that this has to happen, somemore during festive seasons.
Like you, I kept on thinking was it something that I've done to cause my own miscarriage. But I realised thinking of these make me even more miserable than I already am. I know its easy to say that we shouldnt think about it but we really gotta try. Sometimes, its a little too much for me to take and I just cry it out to relieve my pent up feelings. But my gynae did mentioned that it has nothing to do with over-working, what we ate or didnt eat.

Regarding your work, If Im in your shoes, I'll take the 2 weeks HL to rest and build up your health. U should take this 2 weeks to do a mini confinement. Unless, u really feel much better and the project is really important that it cannot do without you, then probably you can consider going back. You can just inform your boss you had a miscarriage but tell your boss to keep it from your colleagues.

Jia You!! Give you a big hug!!
Hi Jovial, sorry to hear abt what u are going thru... but still will hope to hv gd news from u tomorrow...

mt3-to be - i think it's fine to take HL if u dun feel ready to go back to work.. at the end of the day, it's our health and family that matters. but it's just that u hv to be prepared for qns if u say u are on HL.. cos people are usually very kaypo to know what happened.. for me i just told a few, then the rest i say i wld rather not talk abt it... quite rude lah, but usually they are embarassed into keeping their mouths shut..

sigh.. feels like we are hving a roller-coaster of emotions in this thread.. dunno why pple hv kids so easily but we hv it tough.. my period also getting messed up for no reason... spot and stain till day 16!! sigh... dunno will ovulate this cycle or not... argggggh... so frustrating...

macaroons - possible to share where to find the zhu sheng niang niang that u pray to?

Anyway, girls, here's wishing all a Happy and Fertile Tiger Year... may the Ox leave with all the bad luck that it showered on us last yr!!!
Good morning ladies, me still have to work half day today....

Hi Mumof3 I know how you feel. It is very hard to accept when such bad news comes. When I went for a more detailed scan at TMC which my gynae refer me to, when the radiologist cannot detect the heartbeat, she told me is no one's fault and not because of anything I eat and what I do. My gynae also said that to me. Dont think about all this. Sometimes it is not meant to be. You know human body's quality control. YOu wont want your baby later on develope more unhealthy problems, it is better that it happens now.

What is most important is your health now. You must take care of your body and bu and tiao first. At least something comforting is that you already have 2 kids while I am still yearning for the first one which I dont know when will it happen.

In terms of work, I did my D&C on a Friday and then by Monday was back to work. I knew if I stay at home I will imagine and think the worst so rather to have work occupied my mind.

Wish you all the best !

Yeah PPCC I hope that I will be fertile and able to bear fruits wor. somemore this Tiger year the horoscope say that there is a possibility to have a new member hope this is true hee hee.
Happy New Year ladies!

Wow, hard to catch up the thread!

Ya that's what i thought regarding Zhu Sheng Niang Niang. Haha sometimes i also dunno what to follow what to not.

I always pray for good health and safety of family. Only tried once asking a lot from Guan Yin with regards to have a baby, but lot was bad asking us not to be rush regardless it's me or hubby asking, we tried twice in fact. So i guess it all came true? We had the bb suddenly and lost it in just a couple of weeks?

I can TTC in April IF AF comes on time. Haha which I dun think will loh. I dunno why, just somehow the feel of a rabbit baby seems stronger than possibility of a tiger baby. Let's see if my instinct is accurate. I really hope so!

Dear Mumof3tb
Sorry to hear about what you have gone through these days. Have a good rest during your HL. Do not blame yourself. Remember, we cant control what happen, sometimes baby just don't grow well and we just cant explain y?! Sometimes i'm fed up cos doc also dun have an ans why we MC????? Nothing to do with food we ate, drank, for my case, it's just the problem with formation of cells. My doc even use the term as, "program went wrong".

I know it will be hard for you especially it's a festive season, but do take care of yourself. Jiayou! HUgz.
Dear Marcaroons/ppcc/vivi/Angeline, thank you for your encouragement & advices.

I have done D&C this morning and am resting at home now. Feel better now although I really hate myself for neglecting myself due to work. This is a very painful lesson for me but I know I will overcome this. Will tiao better my body & TTC again when my body is ready.

How do you ladies know that you are ready for TTC
? I am Very scared same thing to happen if my body is not strong enough.
Hi mumof3

Hope you are feeling ok now. Actually gynae will tell you to wait for 2-3 cycles of AF then can start to ttc already. Of course also depending on your emotional side, whether you are ready to try again.

You can try TCM to tiao your body which I am doing now and she also said to at least wait for 3 cycles for ttc.

Hope this helps
Hi mumof3 hope you doing better. Remember to have your confinement foods okay. Will u go cny visiting? Guess not. Rest well okay. I had 2 weeks leave also although I felt like taking only 1 week due to my work . In the end I also took 2 weeks . The rest became very refreshing until I din feel like go back to work. I told my immediate managers and teamate backing me. But if not comfortable you can always say mediacal problem minor procedure.
Jovial sad to hear your story ... Let try again okay!
Shiseru : come tell me abt japan ok..
I so hardworking today just finish tons of housework then come back from re union dinner. And vivi ha llike you I secretly hope for bfp lah but cannot make it. I totally flopped. No chance this month.
Actually should slap myself. Jovial tell us result tomorrow okay...
Ladies this year will be a better. To all ladies who had suffered a loss, wish you all a cheerful heart and healed body and of course a kicking and screaming healthy baby all the more to make you have sleepless nights. Gong xi fai cai happy new year!!!!!!!!!
I go to Shuang Lin Shi temple at kim keat/Toa Payoh there. This is the add: 184E Jalan Toa Payoh Singapore 319941

You wouldnt miss Zhu Sheng Niang Niang, she looks like like Guan yin but carries a baby in her arms.

I didnt factor in what if AF doesnt report by April. Really hope it comes soon and wont go haywire.

How are you feeling already? Im not going CNY visiting this year. No mood to do so and is afraid that relatives may ask and I'll confirm start tearing again. Told my MIL and she's very nice to say ok.

Im going on an intensive program to bu my body. Took TCM weekly, Bai Fong pills once every two days and chicken essence daily. Call me kiasu but I really want my body to be in tip top conditon to ttc again.

My TCM pratitioner told me not to try within 1-2 months. Gynae said after first AF can try liao. Another gynae said after 2 AF. But i think the best is to let the gynae scan and give you the green light ba.
Vivi> I am afraid to go back to the TMC again as I mentioned earlier I am not sure if the an tai medicine has contributed to my mc as I just started one week b4 mc. For my 2 pregnancy b4 I also eat TMC medicine but I remember I only eat 1 package each time but this round I was told to eat 2 packages. Not sure if it's becos I told the Dr that my stomach was very bloated with wind. She thought I was 4 mths pregnant when I see her at 7 th week. Could the medicine be 'zhong' for the baby? Don think I have the courage to go back to her. Any good TMC to recommend which I may consider?
Hi JTML> No CNY visiting today. Spending whole day on bed and reading threads with my iPhone. Feeling so warm to see many of you having bad experience but are not giving up. Today also taught my maid to cook confinement food from a cook book. Can only rely on maid as both my parents had passed away.

Think I will take 2 weeks HL, now I think about it, it's not worth it to risk my bb life for the company. My scan report shows that my bb stop growth till 7 weeks 3 days which means its hb stopped on Tues which I was suppose to be on medical leave but I went back to attend a meeting at 8.30am as I saw an email on Mon evening that my attendence for the meeting is required. Stupid me, I should have just decline and informed them I was on ml. I think my bb hb stopped on Tues as I don feel so neasuea on Wed onwards and appetite improved. I am think of taking one more week of my annual leave as I do not know how to face my bosses and colleagues, also the project would have ended then.
Hi Macaroons, any good TMC to recommend? I am also very anxious to bu my body. Can I start to take ginger now? Would it be too heaty for the body now? I have started to take red date water with dang gui, longan, dang shen, gou qi zi, red & black dates, bei qi & black fungus (got this list from my prev confinement lady) and still taking anti-botic medicine, hope won't 'chong'.
Any good feng shui shifu to recommend that is good and not too exp? We are thinking of getting one to take a look at our house after CNY. We are not superstitous, just want to get a peace of mind as we did not do one when we moved in.
Mumof3tb I went to Eu Yan Sang for TCM and their medicine comes in packet form.

Sigh me have the cramps but no sign of AF ....

I still go visting since it will be funny if I go missing. Hiaz saw that my cousin's wife is also pregnant and a tinge of sadness came in.

It seems like everyone is pregnant except me....

Wow Macaroons Bai Fen Wan can be quite heaty and cause pimples. Drink more honey water since you are taking once every 2 days. I stay at Toa Payoh didnt know that Shuang Lin si have the godness of fertility but since you all say until so scary so should we pray to her or just pray for general?
Im seeing a TCM practioner at Marine Parade area. The medical hall's name is Ban Choon Chan. I also went to him after reading about him from this forum. Let me know if you need his address. (should you decide to see him) Are you still bleeding or spotting now? If you are, you might want to stop dang gui cause i heard that dang gui can actually prolong the bleeding. Yes, i think you can start taking ginger ba, cause my mum cooked lotsa ginger for me after my d&c. She added "hua tiao jiu" or DOM in the dishes too. I took alot of longan and red dates water with ginger. It rids "wind". It might be heaty for some but it was ok for me. I also consume antibiotics during this period so should be ok ba. Im not really sure will chong or not but if you're worried maybe can take them a few hours apart. If you need advices about confinement food, I can ask my mum for you. =)

I took my full 2 weeks HL and went back to my gynae to extend somemore. I was like in depression. I really felt that i couldnt face my bosses and colleagues as the emotional pain is still very strong. Indeed, I cried everyday at work,whenever i thought of my loss or when people speak about it. So probably, take another week of leave if you can afford to heal your heart or mind ba.

Yes, i agree. I feel affected when I see pregnant ladies, especially those people you know. I feel even worse when i know their edd is in august, cause that would have been the time Im supposed to deliver too if mc didnt happen.

Yup, Bai Fong pills are quite heaty. Im making myself drink lots of water now. Thanks for the suggestion.

I think Zhu Sheng Niang Niang is the god that we should pray to if we want a baby ba. Cause from very young my mum told me people pray to her to ask for babies. And somemore the title also implies. That time i went to Shuang Lin Shi, the temple people also said something like "you must pray to other dieties first, before you go to Zhu Sheng Niang Niang and qiu(ask)."

Now I did recall I ever went to four faced buddha in bangkok and pray for a child during nov 09. In Dec 09, i got pregnant. But then Jan 10 need to do d&c, so maybe really cannot anyhow pray to any diety and ask for baby.
Macaroons I still thinking to pray or not or just go temple to pray for general health. But ask the zhu sheng niang niang for general health and safety all year round a bit funny right? Hee hee
Hee hee Macaroons I dont know ma. some said cannot pray for child wait no good then I also dont know what is the role and responsibility of the zhu zhen niang niang

Then pray for general I think then godness of mercy also can already wor

or wait till preggie then go and pray? Hmm so confusing
Macaroons, will tiao & bu my body first, as for TMC maybe later stage ba. If I need, I will PM you. Still have light bleeding & had stopped dang gui. Ask you huh, for the longan, is the dry light brown type or the black sticky type better? No stock for the light brown type so bought the black sticky one. I use 5 lump of black sticky longan for each pot of red date drink, hope it is the right amount.

Thinking of asking my gynae for another week of HL too, don't know he will give or not cos the other time when he wanted to give me 2 weeks HL, I told him I only wanted 1 week as need to go back to work. Then he laughed and said mi workaholic, now so paiseh to ask him for another week.

Vivi, don't be discouraged, AF will come, just need to be patient. Was very motivated when I saw my sister's 8 mths boy yesterday. My sis had mc for 1st pregnancy but she gave birth to 2 girls and this boy. When she was preggy with this boy, there was spotting and she had to bed-rest for 1 month. She is the very careful type, when she needed to go toilet, she used a roller chair and asked her maid to push her to toilet so that she didn't need to walk. Seem funny but this is the determination to play safe. I feel so ashamed when I heard this (think she told me b4 but it wasn't registered in my mind then) as I didn't take care of myself as much as I should b4 my mc.

Think we need to be patient 欲速则不达. For me, for coming 3 mths since not recommended to TTC, will bu my body first.

Sorry to hear your bad news, especially during this time of the year...

During my prev m/c, I simply told my boss that I have a last minute day surgery scheduled and will be on m/c for 1 wk. When I return to work and colleagues asked what surgery I had, I just brush them off and told them it's a long story, but what's important is that I'm fine now. And they stopped asking. I was also prepared that if my boss should question me about my MC which was from a gynae clinic, I'll just tell her it's some "woman's problem/sickness" without elaborating too much.

My gynae's recept said we normally take 2-3 days to recover from the procedure and the extended MC is really for us to recover emotionally. She even went on to say that if we already hv kids, we'll generally recover faster -emotionally-. On this, I tend to agree with her, based on my personal experience. I also refrain from carrying heavy things after m/c cos I could feel a strain on my uterus when I do so. I felt this for both my m/c.

Many ladies in this thread have already given you many advice on food/TCM/etc and I really do not have any more to add. Perhaps the one thing I want to highlight is that you're very fortunate and blessed to already have 2 beautiful children. As such, it's very important to FOCUS on the present, on what you already have. What's lost is gone and over. Grieve and mourn for a while, and move on from there. Don't let it affect what you presently have.
Hi ppcc & jtml,
thanx for concern.
no good news to share. My hcg test is very low. Meaning the pregnancy is unhealthy. My gynae told me it very early pregnancy mc so it will be able to expel out of my body like period. These few days on, off bleeding but not very bad.

We are very disappointed but are taking it ok guess cos this time didn't c anything when scan.

Mentally tired. But will try again. We will wait for our baby to appear. 
Vivi asked a very interesting question which I'll attempt to give my take from a Christian perspective/understanding.

Vivi said “what for do the god want to take away from us (re: babies) since they granted our wish?”

In general cases, God (and I refer to God as the Christian God for the rest of this posting) does not purposely will a conception to take place. He simply allows a conception to take place as is in the natural order of things, good/bad sperm and good/bad egg. In general cases, He does not will that the egg you release this month will be a good/bad egg. He simply leaves it to your body to release the egg. We know some months it's good egg, some months it's bad – there's an element of chance.

So if the above is true, then does it mean that God has no hand in anything at all? And all these praying to God and stuff is really a waste of time when at the end, it's all about heng/suay?

Well, we read in the bible of Elizabeth (Jesus' mother's cousin) and her HB who are very old, past their fertile years and are without child. However, we read that God decided to grant them a child. This would require effort to make things happen cos in the natural order of things, it's just impossible for a menopausal woman to conceive. And they eventually had a child (John).

Christians believe in miracles. I've read of cases where this person, in final stages of cancer prayed to a deceased pope for intercession to God on his illness. And it was believed that through the intercessions of this deceased pope, a holy man thought to be in heaven with God, this person's prayer was answered. Doctors can no longer detect any cancer cells and had no scientific explanation for the recovery. Most Christians would agree that they'd rather “try their luck” with God than anywhere else.

So if I pray hard for a healthy baby and indeed I conceived, does it mean that God has granted my wish? Honestly, i won't know. If I carry a healthy baby to full term, I would have reasons to believe that God has truly granted my wish.

Shiseru also wondered if losing a child is a punishment from God. Again from a Christian understanding, God is good and all loving and it is against/contradicts the very essence and goodness of God to “kill” a person as a means of punishment against the person himself or even another person's sins. If God “kills” as punishment, then it fails to explain why terrorists like Osama are still alive.

See if the above makes sense to you, though I also understand that some of you ladies may have other explanations on the above from your religion, eg. karma, etc etc, while others may still be grappling with the understanding.
Hi OP,

I guess everything happen for a reason and the reason for the MCs would be much simpler to account that it just wasnt meant to be. I think it is senseless to think it is a punishement. At times I think more like a favour. If alot of ppl are going for the oscar test etc meaning that any deformaties in the fetus will eventually lead to an abortion. In this course our body have made the decision for us to avoid some of us from ever making the to or not to abort decision. Out of this epsiode however I can safely say I cherish children even more. To the extend if I am to carry a down to full term if Gods willing I dont think I even have the heart to abort it after all the hurdles. It is God gift after all and we were chosen simply because we are stronger. Hopefully everyone can eventually like the other ladies in the other threads and bestow with a child.

Jovial, sorry to hear that but at least the body is taking care of it now. We will try again!

mumof3tb, Sorry you have to go through this. I am sure you will have a successful one soon with your ald proven 2 successful pregnancy. Just dont go into panic mode.. you will be mum of 3 or more soon enough! =)
OP yes your view on god is interesting. I think after MC I am learning more things now. I guess what we are going through now is like a test of patitence.

Jovial sorry to hear the bad bews from you but at least your body is going through natural bleeding which means you can start to ttc shortly unlike D&C. But of course must bu your body and take care of yourselves well.
Hi Girls,

Just want to rant.. Went to a friends house yesterday and she have to invite me with her group of friends where every couple brought at least 1 baby. I was so bothered to be truthful because too painful to be leftout esp with my EDD due in March if I didnt mc. When I went back home I was complaining and tearing a little and told hubby I am so ballistically jealous.

At least I can still rant at my hubby and he also said that is the last time we will entertain such an invitiation. I am lucky I have quite a numbers of friends who are single so hanging out with them is more my cuppa. However I felt so useless because I thought I would be stronger than this however I still faltered.. =(
Ling, don't be discouraged. Think such feelings are common amongst most who had a mc.
Pregnant women affect me more then newborns cos i would be thinking i would be quite pregnant by now if not have the mc. Saw quite a few newborns during CNY visiting too and my aunt-in-law was saying that she will want to play with my bb next year. i wish too that i can fulfil her wish.

I think it's important for me to qualify that it is not my view - as in it's not something that I perceive/"invent". It is generally a Christian understanding. The Christian understanding is that God is all powerful and therefore can do anything/everything to make things happen/not happen. BUT He does not go around controlling every single thing that is happening in this world, but gives freedom to allow things to play out by themselves. If He does intervene in every single thing, then we know September 11 won't happen. However, in every bad thing that happen, Christians believe that God is still very much present in the world to comfort the grieving. Therefore we can see so much good and hope coming out from all the suffering and misery in terms of humanitarian aid, people giving love/support to others, etc etc.

Well, just that lah.

I've thought long and hard about DS and abortion and stuff long ago. I consider myself a pro-lifer, partly religious influence. While I know what is right, it has always been my prayer that I would not be put to the test.

Many a times, we do know what is right. But we ended up doing the wrong things -knowingly-.

About your CNY gathering at your friend's house the other day, yes, understand what you mean.... And now that you reminded me, yes, our EDDs would've been in Mar 10..........

I would wish all the sisters would not be put through any test of faith as well after all these epsiodes. Just too taunting....

unfortunately my hubby's birthday next month marks the twins EDD so this will always be a blight and a constant reminder of the loss.

Oh yes. painful gathering with people I hardly know. I dont know why I have to go through such events not as if they do not know we are childless and feel out of place. Fiends or friends.. you decide.

Frankly this whole epsiode also make me more aware and conscious when asking after people business because you never know what the other party is going through.

Just to put closure I have done a HPT test and it is negative ald =) and my BBT is back to pre O! Just glad the healing is much easier this round and hopefully the dowager will come in a couple of weeks! =))
Hi gals
sometime not been here..hows all? Had been busy catching up the thread so reply late..

Hi jovial, ling and mum3bb,
hugz.. Hope u gals will stand up on feet soon.. Lets try again k.. Take care for now..

Hi vivi
has ur long waited af come? Dun keep think abt it else is very stress and will delay af.. Relax k..

Hi ling
dr zou is not too diffcult to make apptment unless u do accupuncture.. If for the first time jus do consultation then shouldnt be any issue with apptment..u hv her tel?
Hi gals
forget to update myself.. My af for 5th cycle jus report 3 days ago...;( sadz.. Anyway, am starting on clomid this cycle.. If still no gd news*touchwood*..may do soiui next cycle as really dun wish to drag further.. Time is ticking and i am already 34 yrs old..;(so must buck up and try my best for every cycle..

GOOD NEWS!! =)) Much needed in this thread! With puking all the better news! Hope you see a fetal pole bouncing ard on Sat!


Thanks for the info.. ya going to see dr zou to tiao and hopefully keep those bad eggs at bay.. not sure if need accupuncture or not have to ask her opinion. Can give me her number?

You dont overly stress. I am sure BFP will be soon.
sorry.. tot i double posted so i hit the delete button.

initial message went something like this (if i recall)

hihi .. missed 2AF after m/c in Nov last year. Tested on HPT and got a BFP last week. Been puking my guts out since then. Going to see gynae this saturday. jia you okie!! baby dust to all!
Happy New Year Everyone!

Ling: *hugs*

sick and tired of relative asking when going to have baby? and just heard baby news that hubby's cousin expecting again.


I have reset-ed! ;) Just unfortunate for the blighted ovum but on another hand really appreciate it got purge without needing D and C. Oh Well.. try 1 more time.

You still young dont put yourself down.. must brace yourself! How is your AF? did it report?
HI mumof3:
yeah not worth to slog so hard for company. I trying to realx more in my work now. But difficult lah, habit is I will get stressed.

Is it your TCM sensed the baby not ok that why give more an tai medicine?

Jovial, you mentioned mentally tired. yeah lor I very sianz to try. My period came suddenly on CD25. hiaz, last few months was lengthen at CD34-37, then suddenly come down to CD25.hahhahah sianz my 2ww become a 1ww. sianz sian sianz. this month I actually stop all my herbal stuff.

If short 2WW not good leh luteal phase defect. Anyway could be due to stress lah.. ignore this cycle. You wanna try taking BBT or not.. very difficult to persuade you! ;P
Hi Jo,

Thanks for the number.. I pass by the place during CNY visting.. =)I can drive there so not a big issue.

Me stay at PG..=)

Hopefully she turn my eggs into good ones.. ;)
hahah ling: not dun want to take, I mission failure to take BBT lah...:p so try again this time, miss many days never take, as I woke up late for work due to sleep very late ..

Hi Ling
good that u drive as i also dont like to walk fr mrt too.. Always very tired when reach there so recently i force myself to drive there too.. Keke more relax when reach there to do accupuncture..wah, u stay at pg, quite far for u.. Hv u made an apptment? U will like her as she is very motherly and sweet share with us ur experience there..
