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  1. C

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    hi starrymommy yes. very popular now. will try to go there sometimes mid may or end may . just had korean food last wkend, think better wait 2-3 wks first. no. it's at china town. Furama City Centre. scared han fung crowded too so didn't go bukit timah
  2. C

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    hi starrymommy nice picture. tks for sharing. [IMG=] i didn't have chance to try kim's family last wkend. wanted to book last friday for last sat. they said fully booked. must book at least 3-4 days in advance. at the end, we...
  3. C

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    starrymommy yes. yes girl is very cute n sweet. my bb is very naughty but also very sweet. she always kisses n hugs me. very close to me [IMG=]
  4. C

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    starrymommy tks [IMG=] i think i will try both. will try kim's family first as i love bbq n small side dishes [IMG=] yummy yummy!!
  5. C

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    hi starrymommy tks tks for ur info, u make me want to eat kim's family/ han fung now hahah but hv to wait for wkend then can go [IMG=]
  6. C

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    hi melissa tks for ur chart. me now at 4th mth [IMG=] 1 wk to appt.. korean foos: i love korean food. want to try kim's family . anyone tried b4? good??
  7. C

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    my pants are getting thight. now shopping maternity clothing at forum. will try to order fold over bottom ( recommended by princess diamond ) [IMG=]
  8. C

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    hi pearlyn, are u planning to delivere at TMC. tmc offers free class ( for bathing bb n breastfeeding part if i'm not wrong ) after delivery . i think 1 hr class.
  9. C

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    princess diamond yes , ur gynae super careful. he can tell u 80% boy/ girl. i thought i had boy for my no 1 ( i had strong feeling but i was wrong. i had a baby girl so i won't guess this time. just wait for my gynae tell me lor) pinky, hahhaha ur hubby so...
  10. C

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    hi pinky me too. i want to find out the gender for my no 2 yes. for my girl, i also found out her gender at 16 wks. my gynae also told me 80 % is girl. [IMG=]
  11. C

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    princess diamond u make me want to see my gynae now. still got 1.5 wks to go.. cannot wait. cannot wait.
  12. C

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    starry: yes. yr scan pictures very nice. tks for sharing. i cannot wait to see my bb [IMG=] my bb seems active. i can feel my bb movement since 12 wks. now can feel more often apple: know not easy to make decision. hope ur...
  13. C

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    not true. girl can b very active. my girl is much more active than my friend's son hahah cynthia, i also want boy this time. but it's ok to hv girl again. my hubby keep saying he has no preference, 2 girls are cute but i guess he wants son more than daughter this time haha
  14. C

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Cythnia u will b wk 16 for ur next appt. think ur gynae should b able to tell [IMG=] hope ur bb is a boy. [IMG=]
  15. C

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    hi pinky so envy u. i like twins [IMG=] hope u can get 1 boy n 1 girl [IMG=]
  16. C

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    hi irish coffee, hahah now i'm expecting no 2. still very kan cheong hahah. yes lor. i keep asking her but she keep saying too early to tell etc hahah
  17. C

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    hi cynthia i was about 12 weeks (11wk 6 days) when i did oscar. now i'm about 13 wk 6 days.u? i will see my gynae early next mth. i know my bb gender for my first pregnancy when i was wk 16. my gynae said 80% girl. true enough my no 1 is bb gal . now she is 20 mth old...
  18. C

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    hi cynthia me too [IMG=] sonographer also refuse to tell me baby gender [IMG=] now hv to wait for 2 weeks for my next appt with gynae ..can't wait ...
  19. C

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    hi all, vivian re: bb kick i think i felt my bb movement on sat. i felt it last nite too ( me at week 12. ) for my first preg, i only felt the movement when i was wk 16. [IMG=] oscar test i did nt scan. my bb was very...
  20. C

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    re: epidural i took epidural for my first pregnancy, the only side effect was vomit badly after delivery. still think worth. i will definitely ask for epidural this time haha sterilizer: i'm using pigeon rapid sterilizer n pigeon bottles. think they are good...
