(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


Juz lay the ghosts of the past to rest and move on am sure a happier future lies ahead for you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



u muz be looking fwd to yr check up later! We await yr updates!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Well said Melissa ..

Lil bluey,

yes I am! It's been 4 weeks! Heee... Hope bb is in good healthy n can co operate well later loo...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my HB n dd coming along too!! So excited but like i said i doubt dr will reveal my bb's gender!

Feel so sad reading about all these failed marriages and cheatings-behind-back.. And sometimes I will ask myself, what will I do if I am the one caught in this kind of situation. I always think that I will be calm and ask for divorce (no further explanation needed) but really lor, won't know until things really happen. Hope none of us here will ever need to find out! For now, I can only comfort my friend. Then again, I only heard her side of the story. Maybe her hubby also have his "difficulties". They were like the most ideal couple. Always see them so sweet together in the past. Suddenly like that is really shocking. Good thing that she has very supportive friends and family who just wants her to be happy and move on. Otherwise, I think it is really too easy for a woman in this kind of predicament to fall into depression..


maybe tonight will try again bah. But I am a bit half-hearted, cos to me, boy or girl also doesn't matter. The ring method sounds interesting. How does it work?

Princess diamond,

update us on the scan yah? Excited for you!


you're also one brave woman. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Glad things are finally working out so well for you!


from what I know, to some men, it is not wrong in their warped mindset to have fun outside as long as it doesn't get serious. A few drinks, supper, quick roll in the hay with nameless, faceless women is considered "normal" and a stress-reliever for them, as long as they love their wife and family and continue providing for them. I was really upset when I heard this from a male friend last time. And apparently this is very common in my hubby's work line and among his colleagues. So to a certain extent, I also don't trust men 100%, not even my hubby. I trust him fully with my life, just have some tiny, tiny reservations about how he can handle certain temptations out there.

Starrymommy ,

I've got this mix feeling now! Whether to find out the gender or not????? Lol

HB here rolling his eyes n said I'm very noisy! Mumbling about knowing the gender or not then this n that!

Wakaka...., hopefully I can come back with a beautiful scan n share with you guys! You know I destroyed HB's laptop just to upload a pic here ..... Hahaha.. Will ask him to do it since he ll b free for these few days ...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

grace [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jia you jia you ! You ll have to look forward to a happy family n not let this matter affect you! Let bygones be bygones !

Just vomitted my lunch! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

don't seem to be able to eat anything. Feel hungry but once I eat will hv the vomit feeling again..



same... My AS come le. Ugh...

Princess diamond!

Go ahead and find out lah! You don't find out later go home regret not asking. Then I'll really laugh at u hor! Lol!


poor gal... Did you check your weight? Are you putting on or losing? If losing please alert your doc k... Severe MS needs to be treated soon![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thou no puking now but still no appetite to eat. Sometimes juz a few bites then settle meal liao. If you are worried, call your gynea n tell her your concerns. If can, drink more milk/ juices/ water to replenish water loss.


so far my weight has not dropped nor increase much. Have told gynae the last time abt the vomiting. He seems not too concern abt it as no weight loss so far. All he mentionis that it sld subside soon. But he did warn that it's not an overnight thing. Will slowly fade off..

Was looking forward to going into 2nd trimester, tot will feel better but not so.. Haiz..


we're abt the same no of weeks. So hope our MS can subside soon. Muz tahan.. Sometimes feel liked crying liao.. All the suffering..

xin: i get the feeling of crying too cos i feel so pitiful. =p hahahha! like self-pitying cos no one else can fully understand the discomfort and freq of MS. only thing to do is take a step at a time. a meal at a time. a day at a time. hopefully MS will soon fade into a thing of the past. stay strong!

Oh Xin2,

I'm sure it'll get better. Mine is slowly getting better.. some days can go without puking. But I found out what triggers my really bad puking episodes!! Episode is defined as puking and puking after 30mins-1 hr interval between each puke. Dun need to eat also puke.

For me its ICE LEMON TEA!!! Ya so sad!!! Its the tea in the ice lemon tea. As in teh o. Took me forever to figure this out as I don't drink lemon tea often, but each time after I drink it, a few hours later, I will puke like crazy. Maybe there is something trigger your puking?


that's true! If no weight loss there shouldn't n any worries yet! I puke my lungs out but still put on weight! Seems like puking alot but maybe 20% of what goes in[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

nothing much u can do.... I did not look forward for a better day the last round when it hits my 5mth cos I kept thinking I should be like my mum that last longer. The more I think when it ll stop the more it became dreadful! So just keep yourself busy n think if something else lor, sayang2![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


so strange, i love ILT but haven't touched it since i was pregnant. maybe it is the caffeine? does it happen when you drink coke and coffee too?


i will share with my hubby and see if he keen to do it. if got result, i will update you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Strange right!!! I LOVE ice lemon tea too!! I usually drink it when I'm at fast food plc (instead of coke or other gassy drinks) before preg. I'm more of a tea drinker, don't drink coffee. Now I also scare to drink coke. But recently I went for yum char and I drink chinese tea, ok le..

Now scare to drink anything tea related, cos the puking episodes quite bad, like having food poisoning minus the tummy ache. My HB see me also said I look damn sad..


alamak! it's ice lemon tea that saved me from puke fest!! how can it not be friendly to you!! i'm also a tea drinker. I haven't been drinking teh tarik for many months already, i still love it but i lost all desire to drink anything sweet this pregnancy. bub hates sweet stuff! hey about red dates tea for you? it's not really tea.

princess diamond,

jia you try to probe for gender! alamak hope she could still read this. so busy at work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i wish a better life for you. stay positive yeah! jia you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


well there are many types of men on earth! haha be positive, avoid those who thinks it's ok for them to flirt as long as it's not serious (what nonsense!) try turning the table around and see if they think it's ok for us to do that too. i'm traditional when it comes to marriage. so infidelity is no excuse and it's wrong. i will probably avoid sleeping with my hubby if i find out he's eating outside too! (touch wood lah) my first concern will be, what if that other bitch gives him STD? then poor me oso kena! not fair!


Tell me about it!! I'm quite upset that baby don't like tea!! I'm a tea person (esp english breakfast and early grey), HB is coffee drinker, so he is very proud the baby takes after him!! I'm sticking to green tea for now.. so far so good. Hot also can, cold canned ones also can.

hmmm green tea i loike too! but it's cooling isn't it? shouldn't drink too much? sometimes i have three cups but that's really quite rare.

hee hee.. for me i think i can take almost any drink.. i love sweet drinks more lately.. only thing is i dont take coffee anymore cos i dont crave for it.. i used to love it.

and i dont crave for chocolate! i had a snickers bar ytd cos i was hungry.. and out it came in an hour.. '=_= sad...

luckily i still can eat my fav ice cream. =p i've got sweet tooth.

btw do most of you abstain from cold drinks? i've been advised to stay away from them but its hard cos since i was young, i've drank mostly cold drinks. a colleague said since i've past 1st trimester, i can drink le.. except pineapple juice.


i don't abstain from cold drinks. but i am conscious of the amount i drink. i try not to have more than 2 cups of cold drink per day. in the office, it gets really cold sometimes so i drink warm water.

speaking of chocolates, i used to love them. and ice cream too. now cannot eat. think of them will get queasy! even when my friend came back from australia with lots of choco goodies and everyone else scrambled for them, i halfheartedly tried a small piece and nearly puked. seems like my baby also doesn't like too sweet stuff. haha! the only sweet things i take are soft drinks, juices, fruits etc.


try not to drink too much green tea. same as coffee, limit yourself to 2 cups a day for moderation's sake.


I was really bored at work just now.

So I went to the toilet & did the ring test.

My result is boy boy. But I was wondering from the way we hold the ring, most prob will be a boy result leh.

Anyway, just for fun bah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I drink cold drinks everyday!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I finally gv in to the devil too. Had some coke for the past 2 days. Shiok!!

princess, hee... nearly lost my voice yest...think my son must be quite happy cos no voice to nag at him :p today better cos i made crystal pear drink...whole family drink! so did u find out the gender?


haha! you did! thought need to lie down flat on the back? anyway tonight you can go try again see if get same results.

Wow I see all the "tests" you all do to find out gender, I am very curious! But I'm not sure how accurate mine will be. Shall try the rice counting method later in the evening!

Haven logged in for a loooong time! How's everyone doing?

BTW, wad does W Gender and A Gender in the chart stands for? *lost*

Starrymommy, yesterday thé forum was down, not ur laptop got prob, so maybe it is gd to bookmark this thread. Some of us still able to chat cos i guess we bookmarked?

Gals i m so tired today sleep n sleep.... N thèse 2 days My tongue got thé super weird bland metalic taste very string then in thé past. Boobs quite sore today aso....


sorry to ask but ur Oscar test result not ideal is it. I caught some posts here n there. I had bad triple test result for # 1 n went for amnio test. Result for amnio turned out fine. Yes got risk of miscarriage but small risk. Better than having to worry if baby will b alright. I rem e waiting n how I cried in e office when the test results turned out fine. Dun worry too much ya.

Zuen, yar was looking for u. No worries. Can I know wat is ur risk ratio?


W Gender is Wished Gender

A Gender is Actual Gender

now state your wish, Snoopy will populate the table [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just got home and feeling feverish already! it sucks to be sick in the weekend!

now awaiting princess diamond's result! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh before i Forget again, i wan to ask abt full length mirror. I got a full length mirror store somewhere, want to take out n place somewhere n i Can look at My tum tum but Hb feel like a bit patang n scare might break cos No stand or wat to hang or wat just pût against thé wall.

Anyone Heard of any myth or legend or patang?


no leh. Nv heard of mirror pantang thing. But more for your safety's sake, make sure it is secure. Very simple mah, just ask your hubby to DIY drill a nail in the wall and hang.

Oh, just now I had a sneezing fit. Sneezed hard for like 4 times. When I stopped I felt I was given a tiny kick! Lol! My kiddo doesn't like being disturbed in his/her watery sauna.

Hey hey hey!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow! Seems like everyone is waiting for my results! So Am I!

Just as I guessed earlier in the afternoon that I doubt my gynae will reveal the gender at thus stage! The good ol dr lim! Sigh...

Me : dr, do u think I can know the gender?

Doc : well..... ..............(smile)!

Scan scan scan ..... Bb like jugglers juggling simthing n at one point like a tighttrope walker .... Moving all over until I got headache!!

Doc: Nothing is certain yet , let's not commit!

Me : BANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Sigh...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I was a lil disappointed however when foc told me that bb is doing very well n At 10.7cm[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I thunk I saw the bb lifting her legs as doc tried to moved the bb. Nothing in between ... My gut feeling might be right! Is a girl! But honestly,I got a headache seeing her moving. Si much inside!

Doc osi upgraded all his machine to 4D n part of the reason y I'm getting headache ... He upgraded a plasma screen in front! Lol[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

well...... Another 4 weeks wait for me![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

time to go for a trip! Damn sian....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Aiyerrrr I'm also very excited feel like finding out the gender NOW! But I have to be patient and let my bbs grow till their private parts are more visible?

Actually although at 16 weeks the gender can be seen but I think a lot of gynaes don't want to be certain until 20 weeks when there is the detailed scan.

I remember for my girl I found out her gender at 16 weeks. All along I had a strong feeling is a girl, and even though the gynae told me 80% sure is girl, I was 100% SURE! LOL. She actually show me the view from bottom up and tell me that the "V" shape I see is actually her vulva, that's why it's most likely a girl. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also heard of stories saying is girl, but end up the "birdy" was too small to detect.

hi pinky

me too. i want to find out the gender for my no 2

yes. for my girl, i also found out her gender at 16 wks. my gynae also told me 80 % is girl. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chip Chip,

hahaha.....1.5wks ok la!Now i am back to my 4 weeks wait!Duh!waahahahha..

but i didnt enjoy the scan cos i was having headache and baby was moving so much until i dunno which is head and bottom!lol

i told my gynae..i got headache....then he said thats why you are a patient!(@@)

But i ve already guessed that he wont reveal the gender even tho it is 80%..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]That's him!Grrrrr.....y cousins did told me that he is super careful n not commit anything which is not 100%!!HOW LIKE DAT?

But anyway,i think bb will be a girl![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

very strong feeling!That's for sure![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I just need a good break and plan for many many activities these 4 weeks so tat it can pass vey fast!ngiak ngiak..then my next check up will then be "here" again!

Last time when i had my girl,same thing when i wanted to know but he refused to commit either at week 16..waited till week20 then he told me..so nothing really surprised me today as i went in fully prepared!wahahahha..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

OH YES momotan!

went to the website you suggested....the ring move very very slightly only!and can't tell whether its moving side or circular le...wahahhaahah!HOw?ngiak ngiak...my hand so still unitl i think i was holding my breath!

Hoping for better weather tommorow...need to exercise lor...weight check not good!Put on 2.3kg in 4weeks despite on having sleepless night and not much appetite!Does air gives calories?i really wonder!

Princess Diamond, try snacking on more fruits that u bought? Maybe thou no appetite u force urself to eat? So u thot u eating little but end up eating more?

Mine v weird, I eat alot, tummy become slightly bigger (maybe only when bloated) but wt remains the same.

