(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


Hope your baby will listen and reveal the mystery tdy! Do update us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So excited for you!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Dunnit "mian qiang" lar, still will be chio de, tis symptoms won't last you forever, if you are of petite built, likely after delivery, you will remain more/less the same [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] at least u still hv many beautiful choice of clothes, pple like me very difficult to find nice clothings -_-""

Go for retail therapy, should always make one feel happier [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



haha! thanks for the compliments. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i must say the camera and the dress hid some of my flaws... my hubby last night so spoiler. came into the room when i was putting my stretch mark cream and exclaimed, "wah! your but so big now!" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/angry.gif]


i am just wearing a tube dress over a white singlet. the tube dress was bought like a yr ago from this fashion. dunno why i bought that time 'cos after i bought it, i didn't like it. then this time dig it out to wear look okay. maybe because of the tummy bah. babydoll dresses, i like! but i am also not sure will last how long. when tummy gets bigger, the dress will get shorter too. haha!


this week i also not much mood. think hubby also got DIY. :p so unfair.. during 1st trimester when i wanted, hubby don't give. now hubby wants, i no mood... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/blush.gif]


i luuurve retail therapy and swear by it! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but hubby doesn't allow me to spend so much now. we are more cautious and "calculative" about what/how we spend. realize that when baby comes, it's likely we won't have savings for a year or 2. meaning we cannot lose our full-time jobs and must try to breastfeed as much as possible. think baby will cost us about $12,000 for the first 2 years. maybe i will just make the exception this weekend!!

oh, why you said it is difficult for you to find clothes? for me, if my chest fits, my shoulder and hips don't fit. if shoulder and hips fit, chest too loose (my buddies too small).

wah so active and thread's running so fast~~~ been so busy lately sigh...

starry, wah u look so pretty leh and SLIM so good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

now what i wear are dresses (thankful i bought alot dresses last time and they still fit) and long tops with leggings!!! best to wear easy to match hehehe

mayuki clothes super long waiting time esp if gotta restock..


what have you been bz with? i am gaining weight fast! think from 1st trimester till now already 3.5 to 4kg. all go to hips and butt. trying to eat more quality foods instead of empty calories. my fav now are curry puffs, fried bee hoon, meesiam etc. all junk. :p

Re: mayuki clothes

i placed order almost a month ago! restocking really takes a long time... up to 2 weeks. last week i received an email that the clothes sent out le. waiting now. hope this week can get them!


wah seh, looking smoking hot! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

luckily I can wear casual to work.

So I usually make do with foldover shorts & tee

dresses loh.

Maternity clothes are really ugly!

My hubby was saying I look really pregnant tdy.

Think bb suddenly got a growth spurt.

starry, so busy with work.. sleeping.. going out during wkends.. some more now office gotta renovate soon argh!~ hate the reno works....

i think my weight gain is still ok.. i dun dare eat much, my double chin's returning!! shucks....i also eat lotsa junk food, only got appetite for junk food though hehehe

ya thats y i dun like buying frm mayuki. i love spreeing for orangebear. clothe colour dun run, cheap and quality good! mummies can consider their clothes as quite loose de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] oh yea, they only take abt 2 wks to arrive (for instock items), i find it worth buying hehe

oh ya, mummies, u all feeling for baby movements? im starting to feel more wiggles now and then so happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


are you in your week 20 already? so exciting to feel baby more and more! who do you spree with for orange bear? i am keen le. singapore maternity clothes super drabby. quality also just so-so. if want good quality, good design, must prepare to spend like $150 for just 2-3 pieces. much prefer taiwan maternity fashion. a lot cheaper also!


same, can wear casual to work. if need to wear formal then i will really have big big headache. i also think lately baby has growth spurt! tummy getting bigger. ppl i meet also starting saying that i'm showing more. hope baby takes over more of my weight!

Re: baby movement

baby quiet down again these 2 days. or maybe in the position which i am unable to feel so much. hope it keeps moving those little arms and legs! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

baby: 15wk1d

me: getting bigger, getting fat!

Afternn mummies..

starry, you so young wor. tht tube dress is nice. I'm like you too, now also not buying maternity dresses, wearing dress most of the time liao. even brought pants from unqilo, those sretchable type since M. but now seems like too tight liao. i love doll dress too!

weight : hvnt been measuring, scare to see the scale going up n up..

Now looking-forward to wkend, seeing bb again for detailed scan then I will know bb is boy or girl. keke.. so anxious now.

starry, 19 wks!! it seems like a long time.. sigh hehehe if i dun feel baby much, i always lie down and touch bb with hb, then suddenly bb will kick or move real hard. so cool hehe

i always spree from this lady, she super helpful and efficient


yea i also prefer taiwan fashion cos super cheap and designs are real sweet! i dun buy maternity frm retail shops lehh.. i all spree online or buy frm Old navy


thanks for sharing/recommending the link! woah.. 19 weeks! next week is detailed scan then?

i have a qn abt our uterus position.. for the past 1 week, after lying in bed for a while and esp when bladder is full, i realise that my uterus will move up all the way to exactly belly button level. the area will be hard and firm, whereas when i press lower down (above hair line), it will be soft and i will feel the bladder like very full and wanna pee. is that normal? didn't think that bladder can push uterus up so far!


so exciting! can go for detailed scan already. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i have to wait another 2 weeks for my next scheduled check. long wait..


Yesh! it's always one form of therapy!

Having a child really entails lots of $$ these days, probably that's why families in SG is getting smaller. But then, it also depend on the quality of life that the parents aim to provide the kid with [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Becos I'm not as petite or slim like you ladies here leh, so for me it's more of finding clothes to hide my flaws hahaha ;p~


i have a single-mom friend, i guess her salary is like the most $2000++ per month. she has 2 kids, 1 in P2 and 1 in P4/5. she recently managed to self-mortgage a 3-room HDB and puts her kids through school single-handedly plus daily meals and the kids do not go hungry or dress shabbily. not sure if her ex-hubby gives any extra money every month, but she's coping very well. really pei fu her. wonder how she manages her finance. one of these days must ask her.


I dun feel anything yet. For no.1, felt at 18 weeks. I tot I should b faster this time but no leh. I think too much fats liao. Lol.


my bb suay cos I constantly dun want but he dun force me also. But I will try to give him when I realized we too long no action lah. Hoho.

rachoho, thanks for sharing your links. Will go there to see, cos i'm running out of clothes to wear le.. somemore i'm used to wear formal workwear, not used to dressdwn unless it's a friday. Hiao hiao la.. heehee

starrymommy, yes, 19wks can detailed scan liao. this wk will be 19wks, so going for detailed scan. keke.. Already starting to feel bb movement since last week.. getting hungry easily leh, but i don't know what to stock up at home to eat in case of hunger pangs. Any suggestions?


Tht's very impressive of your fren [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] probably she aims to provide the best for her 2 children but scrimp on herself nevertheless, she's amazing!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

There are alot of couples that I've met, earning quite good combined decent salaries, yet lament $$ is never enuf to raise their child *shakes head*

teoong!! so good! u can go for detailed scan so sooooonnnn i also wannnnnnnnnnn

so far my gynae ask me go back next wk for check up but never abt mention anything abt detailed scan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Probably yr gynae will schedule an appt for you to do the detailed scan, dun panic! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i stock up on UHT milk in the fridge. one shot buy 3 or 4 cartons. loving milk now. more than the maternal milk which is too sweet for me. i bought high-calcium cheese also as i don't particularly like crackers etc. dry foods. can also stock up on instant cereal and fruit juices (for those hot hot days and when you need extra vitamin C!)


it is possible with 2k to raise 2 kids. i've seen worse example but it still works. what these people have is determination and lesser material desire. the only thing they think about is to survive. most children raised from hardworking mothers like this have high EQ. they may not do well academically (some do though) but they become very down to earth people because hardship teaches a lot about life.

i have been feeling baby kicks on a daily basis now. but that's because i'm already 18 weeks along. tomorrow, i'll be 19 weeks. no need to lean forward to "crush" baby anymore hehe. i can feel it whenever. yesterday i went to my aunt's place and she confidently told me it's going to be a boy because my tummy looked smaller than last time and i looked better than last time. i don't know what's the rationale though. she's one of those born with the "third eye". so maybe she could be right? LOL. see lah bring my hopes up only.


i tot your bb suay lah then i realized it could be a typo hahahaa.. i don't like my hubby to DIY. i find it insulting. so i told him, whenever he has the urge, just let me know. even when i'm tired, there's always other ways to release. i want him to be dependent on me so that he'll always think of me. that's how i "educate" him... hehehe..

teoong, i seriously cant wait for next wk to come!!! yea u can take a look at that site, got office wear also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

zuen, don like that say mah! maybe ur bb is more gentle, so thats y leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Ladies,

was away for the longest period and realised that the tread has moved fast n furious:p

Its not helping with all the work stress and all.

Hope all is well with baby development.

I'm in my 16wks, but am not able to feel anyhting yet. How does the movement of the baby is like.

Any tips on how to feel those flutters?


good yah, no need to squash baby anymore to feel it move! does it move a lot in the day?

i posted a qn about uterus position when lying down just now. anybody knows what that's abt? when bladder is full and i am lying down on my back, the uterus is like being pushed up to the belly button level. feel very firm to the touch. this morning can even feel like something sort of "rolled" inside and the right side of uterus got pushed outwards, making my tummy look lopsided! was that the baby? i prodded at the bump but it stayed that way till i sat up and tummy back to normal.

celia lim,

it could feel like butterfly flapping its wings from inside your tummy earlier on, or tiny gas, or tiny bubbles which upgrades to small kicks. you'll know when it happens and you can distinguish that it's not the usual tummy activities or gas. just 1-2 weeks more! you should be able to feel something! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ok actually the interval of baby movements will actually graduate into babies sleeping timing once baby is born. i do feel movements at quite regular intervals. it just feel so assuring that bub is fine and growing well! i don't feel like i missed ultrasounds like i used to! as for your uterus, yeah it's possible i guess because when bladder is full it does push up your uterus. that could be baby or it could be the placenta?

Thks Melissa,

hope i can feel that real soon. Visited my DR last week and happened to see baby playing with the fingers and it ws awesome. Cnt wait for the detailed scan next wk with hubby.



i also thought that once i feel baby move, i am not missing out so much on the ultrasound. the past 2 weeks waiting time has been bearable. last time by 1 week i will be a bit panicky le. hee hee!

Re: uterus

placenta can move "pop" out like how i described? can only imagine baby kicking at it and it popped out on my right side. i wish i could take a peek and know what is going on in there.

hi starrymommy

nice picture. tks for sharing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i didn't have chance to try kim's family last wkend. wanted to book last friday for last sat. they said fully booked. must book at least 3-4 days in advance. at the end, we went to hae bok's . not bad, owner is very friendly

wah.. finally thread back again. just now couldn't post anything at all! this forum seriously needs upgrading.


kim's family so amazing now? need 3-4 days advance booking! i didn't know that. i always book only a day in advance or if go for dinner, book in the afternoon. that was about 2 months ago lah. where is hae bok? is it same as han fung?

hi starrymommy

yes. very popular now. will try to go there sometimes mid may or end may . just had korean food last wkend, think better wait 2-3 wks first.

no. it's at china town. Furama City Centre. scared han fung crowded too so didn't go bukit timah

starry, yea i can feel what u posted.. sometimes lie down will have a little lump protruding.. like bb lying on one side.. but more of its bb positioning and im not always on full bladder when i feel this

Lilbluey, I had a bad dream, woke up jus now for a while before I went back to zzz again.

Starrymommy, my dream feel v real, I was really really v scared. Pls give me sweet dreams for now on. Been dreaming things tt are not so nice.

Finally, I been trying to post the above Msg for 3hrs.

Princess Diamond, how long u been trying?

Melissa, my nightmare is that I was suddenly possess n I Noe I m possessed, I tried v hard to tell my sis, she keep sleeping. I tried to tell my mum many times also n tried to write on a board ask her get help ask her to call a shifu, I even Noe n wrote the shifu exact name but she aso dun get it. Finally she got it n call the shifu. The shifu pick up n Noe my name even without me telling him... Anyway I was so scare n become conscious of my dream, quickly wake up n wake my Hb up cos I was v afraid....

Zuen ,

Maid need time to settle into the family .... Hope your maid appreciate the trashing n do her job well![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I always give them some chance unless some special cases... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]lol


my mom is 56 n enjoying her time with my dad! My dad is semi retired. They both enjoys dining together n giving surprises once awhile! I don't want my child to get in their way( they can pack n go holiday in a split second ) ! Still enjoying... So happy to see them like that !the ve just came bk from Vietnam 3 weeks ago n packing up for Tibet next week! Lol

as for my IL.. They have their own busn n love to take care of my girl however that active child of mine ever worn them out after 3hrs!! They are already at their 70's!

HB n I want them to enjoy their own time.. Of course, these folks will hAve a chance to play n see them often whenever they are free!

Maid n child !

I don't like child to be too close with maids till they gets too comfortable n give no bond to their own parents!

I'm still taking care of my girl n playing, chAnging, shower n reading to her! I ve not let my child Alone with the maid ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cos from the begining I dun want any maid that have child care experienced! So, leaving them alone has nvr been on my list!

Those cases where maid abused child... It's obviously the parents fault![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

we must take respinsibility esp is our own child! My child safety comes first b4 anything!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

some disagree with having strangers at home but for me.. It's a diff kind of way on looking at this![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I really hate to see my house to be in a mess! Looking at my recent case of wall being drawn!!!! It's already heartache enough n I can easily go berserk! HB have to pacified me for days! And I hate to fret over being over work n tired .. This can makes me old faster ... Lol


yo momma! Still sexy.. Dun worry !I'm sure your HB will try his best to adjust his midset towards your growing tummy!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] it's beautiful![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wah wats wrong with the forum on n off ah? always down!

anyway finally seen my gynae today!

Mine's a boy... kekekeke same as my 6th sense, rice counting & those online lunar calendar hahaha no horse run!

what made me very happy wasnt the gender actually. when the gynae says bb is growing v well etc and that the nasal bone can be seen very clearly which means that reduces the risk of down syndrome, i was really really v v happy. that's more impt to me than the gender. :D

bb was really active n swimming all over. at the start of the scan, he was upside down! dunno what he doing... maybe some diving stunt...



princess diamond,

I also don't want to hire a maid although I will be having 2 additional newborn babies. Plus my hubby says right now we are not financially ready to hire a maid until when babies are almost due. I believe by that time it will be a very stressful period for us to hire a maid cause of choosing, training, need to supervise maid, etc. Worse if the maid is not ideal and we have to keep going back to the agency to change the maid. I told my hubby might as well we hire a PT babysitter to come to our house and help out with looking after the babies. Ultimately my long term goal is to look after the children on my own and I have seen people do it successfully.

I know it's definitely not going to be easy. I told my hubby, we can try our PT babysitter before the arrival of our babies so that at least DD is comfortable with her. If worse case scenario I find I can't cope even with a babysitter coming over to help, then we will hire a maid.

Thinking about this maid issue has been very stressful, especially since my MIL is very enthusiastic about us hiring a maid. Btw, she's not paying for it, so I believe to her talk is very easy.

Thankfully for us, my hubby has agreed with my decision and say it is up to me to make the call, since I am running the household at home + looking after the kids.

Lilac White,

congrats on a healthy baby boy! Seeing your u/s pictures I can't wait for my next visit to find out gender and see babies doing well!

Melissa, hahah, I also dun like my hb to DIY....cos I am suppose to do the job sia....

Princess Diamond: Thank u!! Yes yes all mothers want their babies to grow well. :D I've been keeping track... it shld be 16w4d but tdy gyane says its 16w6d so im confused! hahaha and the EDD on my scan now is 101010. LOL

Pinky: Thank you! Im waiting to see your scan! The scan for twins must be very very cute and interesting too. :D


Really? I'm officially week 18 tmrw n my EDD stays at 101010 since first scan !! Hmmm... Anyway I'm kinda lost too!Last visit was 23 apr at 16 w 3 days.. So which is accurate according to the scan.. Blur! Lol

anyway, happy happy! We share the same EDD .. Which hospital that you chose?


Princess Diamond, I din get wat u saying when u said trying to conceived until I scroll down. Yes, I been trying to post since 6.20pm. Why this forum keep downing huh...sian.

