(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

starry, ya loh.. leave now so impt for us.. will be handy when we're abt to due... do u stay very near frm dr lim's clinic? actually he opens til 8.30pm so i find very convenient.. weekends got open somemore, no long waiting time....

which line are you in? good that your boss treats u well


hi starrymommy, baby and i are fine now.

I guess its due to the stress i faced at work, so started bleeding and having cramps again...

Now i am 15 weeks into my pregnancy and hopefully this means the pregnancy has somewhat stabilise.

Etelle: i'm glad you love Dr Ho. =) more assurance! this is my #1 so i was quite lost in deciding based on recommendations by frens and forum cos to be frank, every patient's experience can be quite subjective.

but Dr Ho was recommended by my sis-in-law who delivered in Jan this year.. and my bro-in-law feels dat its better to get a gynae who is located in the hospital so dat he's more easily avaliable in a sense shld a patient require immediate attention.. the patient doesn't haf to wait for doc to drive to hospital.. plus Dr Ho is recommended for his stitches.. i thot datz quite impt too..

my impression of him has been quite good.. except i was tickled by him wearing a bow tie.. i thot its cute and yet funny. hahaha!

my EDD is somewhere in 24/10 or 25/10 bah..

my prev consultations all cost on avg abt $230 per session including some supplements. i think signing on package with Dr Ho is gonna be better than gg for separate consultations.. i went last sat and the consultation + scan + nausea pills cost $230.. compared to another gyane where i took additional fish oil pills, calcium + iron pills.

Starrymommy, Cynthia

I also paid the same charges as cynthia at $550 but with Dr Lawrence Ang. He is from the same clinic as Dr Woody but serve different location.

I started seeing him when im only at 5weeks and decided to sign on with him, i did not pay him upfront $550, I just have to pay eg consultation, urine test and ultrasound scan per visit which is less than $150, once per visit hit the amount of $550 then need not to make payment for following subsequent visits. The OSCAR/ detailed scan separate charges at about $208 and natal vitamins also separate charges depending of what dr prescribe.

Wow. ... Looking at the amount we spent on gynae really scary hor!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sigh.... Money money money! Lol!

Hey Pearlyn, yeah I heard too that dr ho is good in hid stitching! As good as new wor.....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] lol that one is very important! Best thing about gynae choosing is to know their background...at least n assurance!

My family members n relatives been seeing my gyna for ages n all v satisfied with him n got good review about him besides being old ! I also had surgery done by my gynae before n almost scarless![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so that's y I simply stick to him.

The most importantly you must feel comfortable first and as for prices I always think is secondary![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]you must have confident with your gynae but if everytime u come out from consultations n full of doubt is a bout time to fund another one !


Sorry if I missed out yr earlier postings, yr gynae is unhappy just becos u refuse an amnio test? Hv u thot of seeking a 2nd opinion?

I've gone thru a detailed scan ytd after my blood test results din came back satisfying although the overall is ok. My gynae just wanna play safe and am glad the 2nd opinion give us an assurance.

Feel free to PM me if you need further details [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i used him for my all my pregnancies and this is my #3 pregnancy. yeah i like him wearing a bow tie haha. His stitches are good and painless and really the V is as good as new even after 2 births [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] And he is a doctor who takes good care of you and your baby. Though he is a bit pricey but like what princess diamond said, it's really important to be in a good gynae's hands for child birth. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Do use him. he is wonderful!!

my last visit cost about $400 cuz i did a routine blood test , scan, consultation + my vitamins. Wah ex ex man...


My doctor also Dr. Lawrence Ang. Hehe..

The package is definitely cheaper than the visit, becoz each visit is 120+, so 5 visit already $600..

However I missed the 6 week visit becoz I only come when I'm 8 week. That's becoz I read somewhere in this forum that it's better to go during 7-8 week, so can see the heartbeat already. Otherwise sometimes the doctor will scare you no heartbeat etc.. But now I'm regretting my choice becoz I don't have baby USG pict at 6 week :p

Anyway, this month I was given 3 pictures becoz the baby keep moving so he can't get clearer picture. So happy. hihihi.. Even though a bit blur, in 1 pict I can see the baby hand like baby is sucking his thumb :p

Etelle: yup.. i've decided to use Dr Ho but i havent officially signed for his package cos not 18th week. He looks confident and professional..even from first visit, i already feel i can trust him. maybe he looks so doctorly.. hahaha!

i agree dat as long as i can afford it, i will get a gynae dat i'm comfortable with and will not paying a bit more to get dat additional confidence.. it'll be better for mother and child.

i think my next visit shld be doin the same things as u bah..haf to test mummy and daddy's blood. like you said... ex! but cant be helped.. =)

Irish coffee - my package is inclusive of the prenatal vitamins and routine blood test, urine test etc [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

No additional charges except for things such as hormone pills


oh mine dun need to test my hb's blood le..my hb's blood was tested only when i had my first kid le...hee hee to test for HIV all that and the thalaseemia. you did ur oscar test yet? yeah lor he is professional..he can be jovial too. LOL. give him more time to know you and he start telling you stories and jokes and experiences. LOl

Hi ladies,

I just received a call from my gynae personally. My blood test results for OSCAR came back good. Ratio is 1:6000+... woohoo...

Here's my scan from last Sat....

Baby is 12W2D... 6.3cm...




Sadly the fees for my gynae has increased quite a lot since my #1 time.

But no choice lah, I like my gynae and trust her lor...

Her basic package starts 16wks (which is my next visit), incl. urine test every visit for protein and glucose, detailed scan at 5mth, growth scan at 8mth, all iron pills, consultation, scan etc. Exclude special visit like sick, special test etc... $1250!!!

After reading all the other ladies' gynae package hor, mine like day light robbery leh...


Hi Irish_coffee>

Did the clinic call you to tell you your blood test result? Mine is not the OSCAR test, but so far I received no call yet..

Is it true that no news meaning good news?


hehe i thought is not inclusive so I just went to check my invoice...yes the package is inclusive of the prenatal vitamins, blood and urine test. if not im going to scream at Dr Ang liao...kekeke


Yep! we are seeing the same doctor, will be seeing him next tues hopefully would be able to know the gender [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Im going to week 15 this friday and how far along are u now? when is your EDD?


nice scan! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i am curious about the Oscar result. you are talking about blood test only? or combination of the neck measurement as well? mine results didn't show just blood test alone leh. it's a combination.. or maybe i never see properly?


Yes no news is good news. He will show u and explain the result upon your next visit...so no worries k [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

If the result is no good he would usually call his patient personally.


wow nice scan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Nevermind about the price difference..like what princess diamond mentioned most importantly you must feel comfortable first and think secondary for price [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah vivian, nice scan! baby seems comfy inside. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw my hubby listens to my tummy says very noisy inside coz all the water gushing sounds, i wonder if the baby can rest well under that condition, and last night insomnia keep turning left and right, dunno if baby gets giddy being turn round and round.. LOL! Hubby says i think too much!


Nice scan! Thanks for sharing! Ur bb looks like smiling...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

iyooo.... My prev pregnancy consultations plus supplement came up to 2k +++! think this round going up too cos I'm sure every gynae did increased their prices!more over thus thus he introduce gst Liao ... Faint faint!

Never mind la, it is good to know how other gynae practices their consultations!consolidate everything then just claim insurance later....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

starry, u got the report already right? below the report there's 3 results, what trisomy 21/18/12 (or something) then alot background risk and adjusted risk.. but i not sure we should read the result under background risk?

Etelle: hee hee.. our first kid mah! so my hubby wld haf to take it with me.. else everything like so easy for him. =_= some more he wants a kid sooner than me..

i did my oscar just ytd.. the scan results seems good..waiting for clinic to get back to me on the overall result.

really? he tells jokes? from some comments in forum, some commented he's a person of few words.. only when you ask him then he'll answer. so was bit apprehensive cos i did not want a boring gynae.. but he did seem approachable during my visit so now i haf less reservations.

Irish coffee, now can know gender already?

When i went to do the oscar test, the sonographer refuse to tell me baby gender [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


yah, i saw a lot of figures. there are 3 columns, all trisonomy something.. then a few rows. first row is risk for my age. and last row is the actual calculated risk based on blood test and neck scan. dr lim only focus on these 2 rows.

hi cynthia

me too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sonographer also refuse to tell me baby gender [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] now hv to wait for 2 weeks for my next appt with gynae ..can't wait !! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Remedy for MS

Anybody got any remedy to stop MS.

Already in my 16th weeks but still vomiting badly... Yest alone 6 times cannot take it liao...

chip chip, how many weeks pregnant were you when u did your oscar? and now how many weeks are you?

I'm told that i have to wait till at least june to know baby's gender but i know of friends knowing the baby's gender at 13 weeks and 16 weeks!

siok fen,

There is no way to stop MS but can only ease. Try not to eat oily food n have small but more meals. If it continues/ get worse, see what your gynea say.

Cynthia, Chipchip

Yes now should be able to tell the gender, some of the mommies here already knew their baby gender during their last check up. Actually sonographer is the best person to tell u the gender perhaps they do not want to commit an answer to your question just incase they have given u the wrong info thus they prefer to leave it to your doctor. U must be a first time MTB...very kan cheong right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi cynthia

i was about 12 weeks (11wk 6 days) when i did oscar. now i'm about 13 wk 6 days.u?

i will see my gynae early next mth. i know my bb gender for my first pregnancy when i was wk 16. my gynae said 80% girl. true enough my no 1 is bb gal . now she is 20 mth old [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


already doing that but like no use feeling so horrible and I am so scare that I will continue cause usually longest people stop at week 16.

My gynea only tells me that means yr baby is very healthy. Guess she can't do much except provide me mc to rest.

hi irish coffee,

hahah now i'm expecting no 2. still very kan cheong hahah. yes lor. i keep asking her but she keep saying too early to tell etc hahah


I not very sure the 1:6000+ is only blood test or combination coz gynae just told me like that... can only get the actual report at next visit. But during the NT scan, she already told me the scan is normal liao... If i get back my report, i let you know...

Irish coffee,

thanks... ya lah.. everyone knew my gynae pricing considered quite high but she is very good lor... her clinic is just 1 road across my block and I owe it to her for letting me deliver my ds naturally even though i knew other doctor would have long got me to go emergency-csect liao... she trust me and trust her instinct and even insist no nid assisted delivery despite midwife suggested it (i got thru a super long and horrible delivery). haha... and in the end, i got only 1 tear and her good stitching settle everything... no much pain and recovered very well...

So price ex also cannot change doctor liao... really daylight open pocket and let her rob lor... keke...


this baby was even more comfy when we started scanning as she was sitting upright and then bouncing up and down like on a bouncing ball playing... was so funnie...

then when the doc want to scan her neck hor, she just slide down like the pic and refused to turn and let her measure... cheeky baby...

haha... you know what... i was thinking exactly like you abt baby getting giddy when I was shaking and dancing during the Mayday concert... until i got a bit worried and decided to sit down so that baby can rest for a while... haha....

Princess diamond,

ya... doc also indicate to me her smile... keke...

BB: 12W6D

Me: Tired and got so much work to do... less pukey though...

siok fen,

I dont mean to scare you but I have people telling me that if MS goes beyond like 5mths, d MS will stay for the whole pregnancy which I hope wont happen to anyone la. Meanwhile take care okay.

I can't wait to find out my twins' gender! I hoping for girl/boy! But I have 4 more weeks to go. Sigh what a long wait.

DD turning 1 YO in a couple of weeks!

hi pinky

so envy u. i like twins [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope u can get 1 boy n 1 girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I heard of that too and I really hope I am not 1 of them ah....

Keep my fingers cross [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

going for my check up this fri hopefully I can see my baby gender too so excited can't wait for friday to come soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cynthia: when i did my oscar ytd, i oso asked abt gender but then she said at this stage, its likely a guess and if its a guess, they rather not reveal.. so we just haf to wait another 6-8 weeks. any preference? hee...

siok fen: are you vomitting everyday for more than 5 times? really emphathise with u...one gynae i went to also mentioned that ntg can be done. only nausea pills can be given to reduce the severity of it. was kinda pissed after hearing dat..

but what skies said is true.. we can only avoid certain food and eat small meals.. or perhaps you can observe what kind of food dat u eat dat triggers it even more often?

i oso cant stand MS.. mine fluctuates..sometimes good sometimes not good. just haf to bear with it.. if doc gives u MC then i suggest its better you rest at home cos at least in comfort of own home.

and i dont wish to scare you but you might haf to be prepared dat MS can go on even till final mth.. my MIL told me dat when she was expecting my hubby and his bro, she vomited everyday 3 times. what she did was before even eating she'll induce vomitting until a "yellow water" comes out so dat she can at least eat.. and her MS continued throughout the pregnancy.. i was shocked to hear her experience.. admire her for her strength. but truly hope none of us has to ever experience it EVER!

Thanks for the info Irish coffee - Yes i am a first time mum so i am very anxious to know baby's gender so i can start shopping...

Chip chip, i am now into my 15 weeks already, will be seeing Dr.Woody next week and hopefully will know the baby gender. If not , june is such a long wait!

Siok fen,

yes, there s no way to stop! Bad ms indicates your bb growing well...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my prev pregnancy lasted exactly 5 mths! Puke everything that goes in! Countless[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

maybe rest n take stroll for dome fresh air helps ... If vomiting became worse ask gynae for precriptions[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]I was on medication last time cos couldn't hold my food for 20 mins! But bare it in mind even after taking the pills.. Nausea will not disappear completely!

I live on 7 up last round! Sip cold 7 up! Gynae advised ... Helps alot!

Counting counting!!!

5 days to appt!!! Grrrrr.... Can't wait! Wonder can tell gender onot?

Today : week 16[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yea almost everyday 5 times... I think the nausea pills don't help at all I also vomit that out.

Think I am like your MIL cause I always vomit until the yellow water comes out then my throat will hurt badly.

I think in a way I am very lucky cause I have a very understanding boss whom lets me work from home whenever I don't feel well. I really appreciate her so much. She told me she know what I am going thru cause she herself vomit up to 6 mths also.

princess diamond,

1st time i heard of 7 up lei think maybe I can try that.

Alot of people tell me that if you vomit badly usually u r carrying a boy.

Was yr baby a boy too in the prev pregnancy?

Hi Pearlyn, i was hoping for a boy cos my MIL is very traditional type....and my hubby though he does'nt admit to it is hoping for a boy too..he has been refering to my baby as a 'he' and always talk about how he wants junior to go camping with him next time....

And also another thing is , i want to know how accurate is the rice counting method me and the other mummies try out some time back... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

speaking of MS, i am still having it on and off. no vomitting, but feel queasy. especially when just woke up, brushing teeth, and late afternoon like right now. my cure is Bovril and The Natural Confectionery (unbearables and sour squirms).

Re: gender

last night during the scan, my gynae also said too small to see gender, need to wait till next appt - 15 May. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but he did scan between the legs and i thought i saw something protruding. but i read online that during early 2nd trimester, boy and girl parts can look very similar and hard to differentiate. anyway, will have to be patient and wait another month to know! in the meantime, i hop baby moves and kicks me more often so that i know it is safe in the tummy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Siok Fen,

earlier on in my trimester I also vomited yellow gastric juice. Once I even vomited until there was blood because I irritated my throat too much. It was very scary and to the point that I was afraid of eating at all.

But now it is improving, and I am slowly getting my appetite. Think right now just eat whatever you feel like eating as long as it stays in your system. Drink more fluids to keep yourself hyrdated

Hi Siok Fen,

My heart goes out to you.. I know how you feel cos I also puke daily (with the yellow stuff) though it is slowwllly getting better now. But I'm so glad you have a great boss!! It is hard to come by such an understanding boss nowadays. Just take things easy ok.

I've shared this before.. but whenever I puke I always picture a cute baby (find any cute baby photo you like and pic it) and I tell myself I'm puking for my baby and he/she will be just as cute next time! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Is anyone still feeling tired?? I made myself go for a haircut yest afternn at tamp and walk walk for about 2 hrs. Wow by the time I got home, I felt like I ran a marathon!! My legs felt like jelly.. dunno if the muscles getting weak or its the preg symptoms?

