(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

hey cynthia, i agree with starrymommy's suggestions.. best to try communicating with your hubby first.. dont try anything drastic like abortion..

i share same sentiments with most preg women.. i haf similar insecurities with the way i look.. and how having a bb might impact me & hb's relationship.. all these are vy real and natural fears i guess..

for us, my hb is the one who is more keen to start a family.. initially i was apprehensive.. but later on, i give in..deciding to let nature take its course.. bearing in mind i only just got married last sept! so we did not even enjoy much couple life yet. =s

but seeing some of my colleagues who have problems conceiving and seeing how wonderful parents they wld be.. it leaves me scared too. i'm afraid dat one day shld i decide to start a family it wld be too late.. after all, starting a family doesnt mean if i want, i get.

so being preg is a blessing and i urge you to treasure it to the most.



if everytime i bad mood i go buy bags and eat pasta, i will "pok kai" within a month!! hahah! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif]


it's sad if it's gonna happened ! Again .. Let het make the decision! She needs somewhere n someone to vent her anger !

Let's hope whatever decision she makes is right for her n the kids! No one is best to teach her what to do rather than herself..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we as friends can only give the strenght n moral support![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope she will find her happiness soon!

Cynthia darling !

Are you okay? Dun bother about those bitches! No point to be angry k... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

go for a good Mani n pediure or shopping to cheer yourself up k! Ice cream n buffets![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


why not try talking to ur HB? the best for any relationship to work out is talk things through. if he isn't the confrontational kind... why not write a letter to him?

i rmb i did that once cos i was too upset to talk to my HB... shared abt how i felt, etc. that was the only mega one in 4 years. till now, he will 'pick it up' and know i'm not happy when i said certain words or i show certain expressions. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Melissa n Starrymommy for thé link. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes yes, and like what the rest suggest, go for a good girls' nite out... do wonders to your soul. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lilbluey, without family support is a bit hard. How old is her kids?


Don't worry tell us how your HB looks like ..., we knock knock his head !! Lol!

Cheer up k... Pre natal blue can b one factor to thus moody thoughts .. Talk it out is the best n end with a sweet hard knock on his head n tell him! Dun he dare to do it again![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tickle tickle tickle!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ok... My cooking sessions gonna start soon... The troops arriving very shortly !!! See you girls later tonight ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess d,

later take some photos and show us what you managed to exchange/bought! enjoy the party and the durians. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Starrymommy, u so clearly define wat u do if ur Hb cheat ar?

Anyway i Will be back less than 6mths aft baby is born, so maybe if I order things cheaper to send to SG Will do so. But hère ex ex ex... But of course if we see Nice things Will buy liao. Got a cite bib last mth already.

Mélissa, did u see thé bxxch face in ur dream?

Princess D,

Juz hope for the best! and hopefully she will get thru tis bleak tough times....


The eldest is 6 and youngest 2....

Lilbluey, but thé babyclothes hère v ex, cheapest aso 1 for €5. But of course cute n Nice n practically Den i Dun care. Some of thé clothes hère more for winter wear.

Starrymommy, yar although me and hubby find that we spent alot, but for him yest, if spending those kind of money CAn make me happy, hé say hé Dun mind. I Think me too, hé CAn see thé happiness n glee n glow in me when i m so satisfied with My bag purchase at thé dinner.

Act we spent alot yest but well......

Halo halo! Lol

let my helper cuts all those beg n meat first la .... Lol

starry !

Hopefully I can get some deal but most I think these mothers are here to grab my things instead ... Wahaha...


let's hope for the best! One have to be calmed n alert to think n decide! She might not be able to do it now but maybe later...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will pray for her well being n hope God will give her the courage soon so to end her misery[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lilbluey, like tt ur friend kids aso suffer becos thé dad n mum live like a complète stranger. But that being said, sometimes it is still better for thé kids Den divorce. Maybe thé kids might gel them up back together.

Yar, really theraputic but with a big hole. N is worst, yest i dunno wat to eat for lunch n went 3 rd Time this week to a restaurant, because there is nothing i want to eat hère. Not much choice too... Only pizza, kebab n mcdonald.


You should be getting summer clothes rite now aren't you?

Clothings in spore are not that cheap anyway ... €5 is still within the range here..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]but to buy from a spree maybe it's cheaper but I always doubt the authenticity of the items sell on bulk purchase, esp!

Like what your HB said!Very nice if him to say that!

Glad you are feeling better after some indulgences ![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hv a gd talk with ur hubby.

I'm sure you can work things out.

Dun think so negatively. I agree with starrymommy too.

A trip or staycation is a great idea.

And yes, XS from old navy is huge!!

I think oso depend on the clothes cutting bah.

I used to be underweight but now my butt is getting bigger loh! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

why all the fat go there instead of my boobs??!! Hrmf!!!


wah seh!

I looooovvvvveeee bags loh!!!

Congrats on ur purchase! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my hubby always say he dun understd why I need so many bags.

I only got abt 10 leh. Bags are just like shoes, we cnt live w/o them. Muahahahhaha


yeah i think starrymommy has a point. maybe the clubbing thing is new to him and wanting to join the company activities and blending in is just natural. give him a benefit of doubt first? continue to treat him nicely.


i puke most this pregnancy and my MS doesn't seem to disappear completely. however my appetite increased a bit already. it's worse when u can't eat much yet you puke. err not sure what you meant by your second question? i wished for a boy but i'm preparing myself for another girl hehe. in fact that explains my frustration, b'cos i assumed this is a girl. then i can deal with it faster before birth. so come birth, if it's really a girl, i will expect no surprises .. err... geddit? hehehe... and regarding the b*tch in my dream, i didn't take a good look at her, i was busy demonstrating my wrath to her! i think i could even murder her! haha!!!!


i have the period-pain kinda cramps as well. in fact i just had one this morning, really felt like AF is coming. even became paranoid! went to the toilet to check and it's nothing! just the normal discharge and it's not even much. it's normal lah. happens now and then when the womb gets too small for comfort for bub.

feeling ugly/insecure during pregnancy,

ok do you know that some hubbies do find their wives sexy during pregnancy? not all will look at things the way you do. most of it is just self-induced paranoia. you're carrying your hubby's sperm. a labor of love. he's actually proud of you. besides you're only pregnant 9 months. the change is only temporary.

Starrymommy, true hor. But if i m in Singapore, i believe a bowl of Nice mee pok, kway Chup Will make me happy. This is even so before i came hère la. But i bad tasting food Will make me unhappy aso lor. Act My happiness level dépendent more on food as long as yummy to me cheap or ex not a factor compare to shopping.

Gals I havé a confession to make. I Dun like myself to Think so but i Think n told My hubby that maybe My mood not that gd because of thé gender. Of course i keep telling myself we try to hard, as long as baby healthy and happy, i v happy liao. But My subconscious tell me i prefer a birdy first. I Think a few things influence me.

My sis send me a card half a yr ago m wish me, say hope I give birth to boy first less stress... Then dunno y input to my mind without me realising. Then my mum aso really wish that I can have a boy so indirectly add stress or concoct the idea to me. Then I scare in future my gal MIL think that tiger gal horoscope dun match not gd or wat.... Many pple dun like tiger gal but still can accept tiger boy. Although we are already in 20 th century but I met n Noe such pple before.

I encounter a bf to be, whose mum is bias against something I can't change then the bf to be decided to listen to the mum. I was super heartbroken at that time but really blessing in disguise, I met my Hb aft tt n really fortunate to have him.

The thing is gals, I dun want to think it this way, but subconsciously I can't help it. Can pls say v good things abt having a girl first make me feel better, make my subconscious mindset change? I dislike myself for thinking like that too leh.

Lilbluey, with the kids so young I think it is really hard for ur friend n without much support too. Maybe like wat other say try to ask her to get professional help cos I believe they seen quite many cases n would b in a better position to help?

Dunno inventing or getting an iPhone is a good thing or not. Been spending so much time on it. Double edge sword! More convenience yet "wasting" more time, more radiation.

Princess Diamond, u r encouraging me to spend more $$$$$ hahaha.

Yar my Hb is super sweet n I feel super bad sometimes I "abuse" him verbally too much. Nvm later when he is home I will heart to heart talk with him again, tell him how much I love n appreciate him n super blame the hormones again. Pre preg my mood is definitely better. I really dunno now my mood is my true self n character or not arghhhh....

Momotan I aso got alot of useless bags.... N shoes I bought alot of shoes in sg I never wear. Hb aso dun understand y I need so many shoes n bags but only wear n use the same old few.

Actuaaly yesterday was the first LC bag I bought so I v happy. Kekeke.

Melissa, the way u describe abt the bxxtch dream so funny.

I am glad my Hb realise how xin ku it is to be pregnant n give birth.... At times we will say next life u be my wife, I will be ur husband hahah.... He say he dun mind. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cos I think he find supporting a wife like me emotionally n financially v stress too kekeke.....

Okie, is dinner time in sg now so is v quiet. I go do my things too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] be back soon.


I believe u are not stopping at 1?

So having boy or ger 1st really no much diff.

But I do agree hving boy first may hv less stress from traditonal elders.

Tts why I oso wish for a boy. But really beyond our control.

IMO, the good thing abt having a ger 1st is usually the elder Sis will take much better care of younger siblings de. I hv 2 elder bros, although they are nice but hving a big Sis is still better bcos she is usually more sensitive & attentive to younger siblings. I'm lucky to hv an elder Sis too.

A hv a few frens who share the same view.

Besides ur gerger is gog to be ur new best fren 1st! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

boys usually dun bother. Hahahah

So dun think too much. Ur princess can help u take good care of her didi next time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


girl girl cute lor! I would love to have a little girl. But hubby kept on insisting that it will be a boy. So I told him, the more he wants it to be boy, the more it will be a girl. Anyway, girls are sweet, closer to mummy than boys. And you can bring her out for shopping or have tea with you next time! Nice right??

Don't be influenced by older generation saying what less stressful to have a boy first. That's all for their own interest. They didn't think how it'd be like for you to be stressed out by all that nonsense. To me it is utter rubbish! We are in the 21st century, girls are as strong, if not better than boys!! Anyway, it is not up to the woman to decide which gender. It's your hubby's troops that carry and determine the gender. I told my hubby if it turns out to be a girl instead, it's of his own doing. Hee hee!!


yes. yes girl is very cute n sweet. my bb is very naughty but also very sweet. she always kisses n hugs me. very close to me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear Mummies, thank you for the advice, am feeling much better now after seeing the post from all of you.

Starrymommy, my hubby has just been with the company since July last year, he was ok towards me but somehow after he switch team this year, his attitude starts to change. I am OK with him wanting to go out with his colleagues to foster bond among the team but definitely not frequent clubbing. In fact, i was rather reluctant to start a family so soon but he wanted a baby badly so i give in. I thought i could handle the pressure how pregnancy can bring. But i think its kind of draining me out.

I dunno if anyone of you share the same feeling as me but first when i found out i was pregnant, i was elated then when i started spotting and bleeding and when i nearly miscarriage a few weeks ago, i was scared but seeing how my hubby behaves after that makes me wonder whether its worth having a baby now. Perhaps i''m just being too emotional and sensitive now but i've tried talking to my hubby about how i felt earlier on.

Of course he reassured me that he's still the same, blah blah blah....but i explain to him his changes over the months and he finally agreed that he has change a little and admits that he has not given me much attention and concern lately.

I hope now that he realise his mistake , he will start treating me better like the way he use to be.

OK, enought of my hubby issue, here's the photo of my bump as promised yesterday:


Ya, he is now on probation period. If he neglect me, i will go out and have fun every night too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

You are so slim and nice bump!I dun think its small lah cos you are rather petite...


Since your hubby has reassured you, give him BOD bah.. put him on probation for a while.

If he neglect u again, kick him. hahahah..

Or maybe u can "date" him once in a while, keep the spark on gog.

Okie, here's my bb bump pic tkn this am.

WK, duno why my arm bcome so fat aft resizing the pic!! looks so not proportionate!! eeeeks...

my hubby thinks my bump is a little bit too small at this wk, really mah?

i tot i look too big at this wk loh... some of u are not even showing!!




i deleted my earlier post, bcos i realised my bump became bigger oso bcos of the distortion in the earlier pic.

Thks! u look so sexy in that post! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the effect oso v dreamy!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Snoopy,

Can update my detail? I just did my scan today, my gynae told us... 100% is a princess. =)

Gynae : Yvonne Chan

Location : Punggol.

Cynthia, yar ur photos look dreamy.

Momotan, u look v v v v slim....must use 4 Very to describe.

Thanks Momotan, Starrymommy and Chip Chip. I felt v bad yesterday actually to have such kind of thots.

ok ladies...here is the bump at 16w that bigger than princess diamond..Dun faint k..hehe


So this "big" award should be mine liao...hahaha

Im very petite leh and my pre-pregnancy weight is only 45.8kg but dont understand why my tum tum is so huge! I did asked doctor he mentioned that perhaps i just gave birth to my boy 9mths ago and tummy muscle still loose thats why tummy easily expand when pregnant again..hmmm am still ponder...


Dont worry although our EDD is same date but am going for elective ceasarean due to narrow pelvic so probably will be delivered earlier around week 37 or 38. I have a difficult labour for my first born so dont want to go through the difficult natural birth process again. Prior to my labour doctor already warned me that my pelvic is quite narrow might be difficult for baby to pass through but still went ahead as wanted to have a natural birth, was suffering for like 15hrs without epidural by then was already fully 10cm dilated, tried pushing for hrs but baby still unable to come out. Me still wanted to continue pushing but due to baby heartbeat drop no choice end up had to push in for emergency ceasarean.

So this time round dont want to go through it again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For hospital initially i wanted to go for TMC but heard MAH just done their rooms upgrading and room is bigger so might change my mind again, will decide after my detailed scan next month. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thats great! My appt is at 12noon leh...how about yours? May be we can meet up if our timing is about the same [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks for updating. Can u pls help me to add in my first child is boy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow... This is really very big. I also in my 16 weeks. But my tummy not even 1/3 of yours. How big is your baby? Issit very big as well?


I'm not v v v v slim la. the pic too small, u canot see my fats niah. "p u see my fat pics in FB loh. hahah

Irish Coffee,

WOW! ur bb must be growing so well! nice bump!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

u oso hv v gd skin wor.. envious!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

This is my final 39th week belly when i was going to due for my first born just last year july..It was huge and heavy!


This is my final 39th week belly when i was going to due for my first born just last year july..It was huge and heavy!


Irish Coffee,

Is ur top fr Zara?? I had 1 too!! Mine is in pink. I wore it as a dress.

thks to ur pic, now i knoe i can wear it thru out pregnancy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cynthia, momotan!

Nice bumps leh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Cynthia, yours has very nice effect! And momotan very skinny. I think you are the skinniest among us!


just to share with you, my hubby line of work also requires him to go drinking with clients. And in his previous co, he had to go to those dirty KTV pubs at peace centre to entertain those china clients. He told me he was only there twice. I was really very upset and mad but couldn't do anything because his boss and clients expected him to entertain. I know the china girls there touched him all over. The only thing I don't know is whether he kept his hands to himself or not, although he told me he pushed those girls away. I chose to believe him, but nv quite got over it. This was more than a yr ago le. Now he is still in the same line, but diff co. Nv heard him mention abt entertaining in KTV pubs anymore but always will have to go drinking with bosses and colleagues. This is also where I am still learning to trust him and not call him to ask where he is, who he's with etc.


Im dont know the weight of the baby now dont think is heavy leh but the length of baby is about 10cm now at 16wk. U see my previous pregnancy photo my tummy was so huge but my boy birth weight is only 3.28kg.


So your is not big at all when now u saw mine..hahaha

I have been very hardworking applying clarins oil before and after birth just to prevent stretch mark...but still can see some fine stretch line leh


WAH!! Amazing tummy! First time I see so big at 16 weeks! Did anyone ask you how far along, you said 4 months and they were shocked? Oh, but I agree that you have very nice skin. And so skinny!! Your second pic looks like you have a watermelon under the dress. Heh heh! Nice, nice! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hahaha Yes Yes! its from Zara and this is one of my favourite cos it is so stretchy and comfortable to wear during pregnancy. Initially i also wore it as a dress but once when tummy getting bigger the dress become shorter so i wore it as a Tee Top [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Here's my baby bump. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Irish coffee, Yes u have v smooth skin too.

and I think with such a big belly at 39th week, and prior to that maybe already quite big, I am sure alot of pple will offer you seats, make way for you, and take care of you more when u r at public places.

