(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Princess d,

Mao Shan Wang for supper?? Sinful wor! Heehee! I am having cold milk and Polar curry puff later. Yum yum. My Korean dinner went down the intestines le. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I bought mother and baby magazine too but haven't read it in detail. Will check out the mothball story. This month's issue not bad le. Have a whole section on money issue and about how it costs to raising an infant, toddler, school kid etc. Very informative. There's an article abt cord blood banking (private and public). Hubby very keen abt this actually.



I'm feeling exactly the same liked u. Tummy tight feeling liked bursting. Then the sides especially left side is painful, liked muscle ache or something. Dunno isit uterus expanding or ligament pain.

Hb say if tmr still pain then go see gynae 1 day earlier since my appt supposed to be Wednesday. Will see hw n mb call tmr to tell them abdominal pain lor. See can go tmr anot.

Can't wait to see bb again..

Starrymommy, ur Korean dinner fr jurong pt? Make me hungry... For Korean food.

princess diamond,

ya i've some packet of mothball unopened, chucked at some corner for some ages, but when open the cupboard it gives our strong smell, my hubby just cleared them..


ya the mothball story is on page 10. Ya i also bought this issue coz of the cordblood bank and the money issue. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw what cold milk are u drinking? I love meiji milk but i feel so guilty to abondan the maternal milk and drink fresh milk. The Anmum milk is staring at me.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


ya i also miss my baby but hav to wait 2 more weeks. So u seeing ur baby tomorrow! do share some scans ok! I believe is due to uterus expanding, so i didn't bother about it, just that it's a bit sudden as 2 days ago my tummy is still quite flat.


mine was at vivo foodcourt. just had the craving lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i am drinking Harvest Fresh UHT milk. very nice sweet taste. i store in fridge so the taste no diff from fresh milk. i buy a few cartons each time to stock up so unlike fresh milk they keep longer and cheaper too. actually my girl friend intro this brand to me. it comes in lactose-free ones as well. i have similac mum, but lately really like cold milk instead of warm. hee! :p thought no harm skipping maternal milk a while since i'm on prenatal vits and pills from gynae. i am watching my calcium intake though. making sure i get enough each day.

Any harm fr over taking calcium huh? Just asking in case....I drank normal milk plus annum small chocolate pack today.


sounds like ligaments to me. i have experienced something like this and it usually happens around the sides for me. sometimes nearer ribs, sometimes nearer uterus. painful especially if i stand up suddenly or anyhow toss and turn in bed. my mum did tell me to expect them to get worse in later months! highlight to gynae when you see him bah. although i don't think there is any cause for concern, unless you feel sharp painful cramp-like spasms on the sides like a bad stitch from running.


i don't think there is any chance you will overdose on calcium if you are just relying on normal diet without supplements. anyway, check your supplements see how many mg there. pregnant women like us need 1200-1500mg per day. usually, you should not take more than 600mg worth of calcium in any one dose. one glass of milk, 2 pieces of bread (calcium fortified) or 1-2 slices of cheese will give you 300mg calcium. plus your daily leafy green veggies, tofu, broccoli etc. sure will hit the required amount.

i'm particular about the calcium intake as i'm worried that baby not enough will take from me (bones, teeth) as you can imagine how quickly the bones are forming in the tiny body, and scared later i end up with osteoporosis. if fall later in 2nd/3rd trimester sure very jia lat. also heard of women loosing teeth due to lack of calcium.

Melissa! I noticed that too!!! In fact, that is one thing that I noticed almost immediately after joining this thread... maybe we are both from Sept 2006 thread before so we can see the difference easily... haha...

I can still rem when I first joined Sept&Oct 2006 thread (I am still in Oct2006 thread even now) where almost everyone are new mummies and had fun together learning and exploring and of coz complaining... My godson is from that thread and I had so many good friends from there too... we knew each other for almost 4 years now and our kids grew "together" too.. from baby problems to toddler problems and all the joy in between...

Let's hope that the spirit stays in this thread too... and YES, no questions are too dumb or redundant... we 2nd/3rd time mummies need "refresher" course too!! haha...



I have attended the sat course in KKH for my #1 last time... I would say, I quite like the experience... not really becoz it is extremely useful coz actually i think i learn even more from forum and books... but more of having dedicated time every sat WITH hubby, no distraction and totally concentrating on the pregnancy and the baby itself... The time where hubby can learn to do massages for me (which is a super rare thing...), for hubby to learn to wrap a diaper etc... and it is totally on me and baby. I think the bonding and the involvement of hubby to experience pregnancy together with me is definitely worth it for me... then again, I would think it is much more suitable for 1st time mummies to enjoy lah... hee.. my personal opinion...

Good morning everyone.

Moth ball: I am allergic to moth ball, I will have breathing difficulty if moth ball is in the room.

Finally I am going to see bb this week. 3 more days to my appointment.

bb 15w4d

Pimples and acne breakout,

Anyone experiencing this? Woke up everyday to find my skin getting worse day by day. Initially was the whole chest area then my forehead "roughen" like mad with tiny small bumps all over...now its those big pimples erupting one by one day by day[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I never see the pregnancy glow I have been anticipating for. In contrast, I think I am getting really ugly with all the bumps on my face. Withour makeup, I would not even dare to make my way out of home.

Wonder any cure for this? Or any idea this will stop? Experienced mummies, any knowledge about this?

Morning Mummies.


I been having pimples & acne during my 1st tri as well but it's getting better now... Gues it's just the cause of hormones changes..


sorry for late reply. No access in office n dead tired by e time I m home. Using iPhone now. E scrolling up n down makes me dizzy. Lol."

e spinal defect oso detected via blood test during my triple test leh. So e doc dun have to tell me anything, it is all shown black n white on e report. In fact, my gynae was v.assuring n recommended amnio n suggest tat there is prob nothing wrong. There was a detail scan before e anmio n saw tat e spine was growing fine. E amnio test result shows no down n no spinal defects if I rem correctly. We oso found out e gender then.

If u ask me, I would have gone for amnio again if need be cos e risk of miscarriage is actually quite low then have to remain worrying for e rest of e preggy. Triple test is supposed to have more false results than Oscar. E reason why we do Oscar/ triple is oso to find out of e baby is alright mah. If it detected high risk, shouldn't we do more to find out? Otherwise, no need to do Oscar in e 1st plc wor. But this is my personal opinion lah.

Morning mummies,

I think Antenatal classes are great for first time parents coz it helps get the husband involved. It wakes the men up to the fact that they are going to be a father. Otherwise, when they wake up and realise that they are going to be a father, the baby would be almost born or worst born already.

As for learning, you do learn abit lah. Breathing, kegels, etc. How to bathe the baby, etc is quite interesting too as get to try with a doll to see if you can manage. There's also a bresatfeeding component usually.


my mao Shan Wang was indeed sinful but it left me with one contented mommy at the end!lol

adelyn ,

Think diff pregnancy will have diff reactions! Some will get flawless skin n some will have what they called the pregnancy mask![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

unfortunately only way to treat those pimples during this period with normdl cleansing routines n eat a colorful of veg ! Nothing much u can do but to wait till after birth n hopefully things can get better ![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my complexion was superb for my prev pregnancy hut thud round it started to gets oily then small red pimples all over my forehead [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I didn't attempt to changed my products as it might not be ideal cos these are all due to hormonal changed[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

don't wash your face too often as dehydration makes it worst !

Maybe when comes 3rd trimester skin might get better..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hang in there ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

good morning mummies. it's tuesday!

just now i spoke to my hubby again about buying the fetal doppler. kena rejected again as he thinks it is a waste of money! stubborn man... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Alternatively you might wanna put less make up or remove your make up N cleanse thourouughly n get some cooling mask to cool off those red pimples which I did![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope it might help but don't expect it will go off 100%

Morn mummies..

Feel so happy cos I managed to change my appt to today! So will be seeing bb soon!!

Told the nurse of the pain n she says it's normal cos of womb expanding. But I asked if can go down today. She managed to find a slot for me...

Re: skin

my skin still the same. Not much pimples n hoping it stays this way.

princess d,

how much durian do you eat at one sitting? usually i can only finish around 5-6 seeds. too much will wanna puke and get heaty then have ulcers. i have a love-hate relationship with durians!

Re: complexion

mine was very oily couple of week ago, these few days seemed to get better. forehead still a bit rough due to tiny bumps i think call 粉刺. cheeks and chin are okay, no acne. but still don't feel any glow either.

morning mummies..

mine complexion also not tht good, now and then will have pimples.. not really feeling the glow, prob bcos i'm still puking. Yday was like shit! lying on the bed can also wana puke.

Xin2, do upload your scans after your visit ya. let us view your bb, while the rest of us are waiting for our nxt visit. i still have 2more wks to go before the detailed scan. Wait till my neck long long leh.. heehee.


I definitely can have double if what you can! I love them! Wahahaha...bitter sweet n creamy type! Nyum nyum nyum!

But I limit myself last night cos only ME that is eating! The one that uncle chose only have around 6 seeds I think.. But the seeds are all tiny! So shiok wor! Hee...


yeah, upload your bb scan pic. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my next appointment is a looooong 18 days away. need to have greater patience.

baby: 14wk2d

me: still tired (trying to get through the day faster) and craving for coffee today!

Pimples ,

mine has seen to be disappear but I'm taking a risk to say it out cos usually thus are taboo! Lol... I'm so afraid to say but well guess typing it won't make it worst la..... Lol lol!

Think I ve been eating really lots of fruits n drink fruit juices like tomato n watermelon n guava juice!

Helps my constipations n also eased up my heatiness cos I ve been eating all sorts of heaty food like curry, Tom yum, chillies... Etc! I drink pearled barley too !

I'm making pineapple with cherry tomato juice now ! Nice[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Princess, woohoo.. sweet bitter durain i like!

But don't you feel very full after eating durains? I tried once, and it was damn filling that i felt as if my tummy is going to burst. I think if i eat durains, it can be like one meal to me. heehee..


If I know I'm going for durians I won't eat much during dinner! I realt czn eat do shiok... Yea me too can replace them with normal meals! Wahahaha... Only thing is it can really make u big m fAt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] huhuhuhu....... My last pregnancy I eat durians till the last day man! Heeeheee....


i also am more concern about the calcium intake but gynae got prescribe me with calcium supplements le. Does that mean i can go easy on my own calcium in take???

princess diamond

i have been craving for durians since sunday but nowhere around my place sells le...and i dun want hb to go to geylang or what so far to buy...can only drool...LOL

Adelyn: U r not alone. I'm getting all these bumps from week 8 till now. There are these stubborn pimples popping at the back of my neck and they are really huge n red! Guess its the hormones so I just gotta drink more water.


I don't go to geylang.... I always go to the one at uuper serangoon 717 lol... Good ! Around my area also got plenty.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hahaha..Thursday another round for durians! Gfs all planning for one durian feast! Crazy!!!


possible to check how many mg of calcium in the supplements? mine is only a miserly 62.5mg in my mum2be pills (like a multi-vit with fish oils and everything else). that's why i feel i need to up my intake. i'm a bit more kiasu also. hee hee! 'cos you won't know you have osteoporosis until you get a bone-density check or suffer a bad fall (touch wood). you can take a look at this link. http://www.calciuminfo.com/lifestages/women.aspx

Re: durians

can buy from NTUC or cold storage fruit sections! during durian season always have. all packed nicely in styrofoam boxes or whole durians.

last night i realized i have fine hairs on my boobs le. and they are BLACK! bit grossed out.

starrymommy, talk about fine hairs... i'm also starting to have those on my tummy area too! scarly sia. and it's getting a lot more..

Is it normal to feel your heartbeat beating faster now? these days i can feel my heartbeating real fast, even at night when i was lying on bed getting ready to doze off.


I am also having fast heart beat now adays.

I think should be normal. I use to walk very fast but now when i start to walk fast, my heart beat will beat fast as well.

So now i have to slow down ...


around my navel also have, not getting more but like darker. can see clearly they are black! last time too fine to spot. lucky my tush don't seem to be growing thick yet. i hope they stay that way.

Re: hearbeat

mine also very fast. even when relaxed too. when get breathless even worse. think our body is producing more blood now, that's why.

Teeong ,

think it's kinda normal ... Mine Also beating fast n I pAnt easily [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


tell me about it! Mine is growing everywhere![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

starrymommy/Teoong/princess diamond,

my fine hairs are getting dark hairs & getting more & more....Sianz...

But i dun really experience fast heart beat instead feel tired very easily even like just walking for 5mins...

good morning girls!!

i'm buried in piles of work but need to escape for a while!! what's the topic for today?


thanks for sharing your experience on antenatal classes. i agree that learning something new with your hubby is very rewarding. can bond together with hubby. i learn a lot about marriage, parenting and life with hubby too. he was my best friend before we got married and still is. so no matter what, i find starting from scratch with someone special is most meaningful.

you know one day i looked at my hubby's SMS while he's in the bathroom and found out that he's been announcing my pregnancy to all his friends! while i've been quite secretive, save for some relatives and close friends!

for those with pimples,

other than blaming hormones, i think cleansing the skin is very, very important. always use a good cleanser. since i put on pressed powder to work everyday, i cleaned it off with a milk-based cleanser and wipe off with cotton pads, then i wash it with foaming cleanser. if i don't feel that clean i will put on some toner. so far it works. never go to sleep with make-up on.

wooohooo i'm 18 weeks today so that puts me in the 5th month! woooot!!!

- 18 weeks

yeah baby's kicking more often now!

ya me haf tummy hair too! so unsightly and unsexy.. =( thinkin off shaving it away.. hahaha..

my heartbeat will suddenly be fast for awhile.. then slow down again..

my energy levels have fallen again.. initially oso vy tired then back to normal then now dropping.. =_=

i wish i was an indonesian tai tai. i heard from my frens.. the mother only in charge of birth.. enjoying life in other words.. then when bb is out, they haf special maids who are skilled in childcare too! so one dont need to worry so much.. and most haf 1 maid to 1 child.. so kua zhang..

but sometimes when i'm in the office bored.. i start fantasizing.. esp if i'm reluctant to go work!

something interesting i found floating somewhere..

converting weeks into months of pregnancy! i've always been wondering this!



you very cute leh! haha! we can all fantasize about being tai tais. but life may not be easy being tai tai too! need to socialize, need to organize charities and entertain hubby's guests whether you like them or not! lol! and the maids practically become the children's mummy and daddy all rolled into one because the maids take care of them and parents only provide the finances. of course, who would mind being filthy rich though? heh heh!!


i also never go to bed with makeup on. once in a blue moon super tired then take a nap only but will wash off before really sleeping. which milk-based cleanser are you using? i have tried a few brands but they often do not work for me and i will feel really greasy and makeup smudged all over.

i'm wearing jeans and polo shirt today and definitely do not look pregnant! it's really a huge difference compared to yesterday's outfit (spaghetti top and foldover pants). yesterday my lower tummy was out, but today, the tummy kept in by the jeans and i just look like i ate far too much!


cannot check le..the sticker stick on the label hor cannot figure our the mg le..but i am taking pure milk calcium le..cuz the other time complain to gynae knee there pain hor then he give me higher dosage one i think..organic pure milk calcium tablets...

princess diamond

only upper serangoon have ah...the 717..i know jurong point got one 717 but they only form time to time have durians le...so sad :'( but i just need to eat durians dun need very very good ones la..haha just want to satisfy the craving.

anyone having insomnia..i have been having that for many days le :'( cannot sleep..the orning have to send son to sch :'(

hi melissa

tks for ur chart.

me now at 4th mth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1 wk to appt..

korean foos: i love korean food. want to try kim's family . anyone tried b4? good??


then i think you won't need be like me, so "calculative" about my calcium intake since you have the pure milk calcium tablets. just drink milk and eat more leafy green veggies enough le. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i frequent kim's family with my parents, in-laws, hubby and friends! been there many times le. the food there is good and cheap. service also very courteous. my hubby prefers kim's family, but i really like Han Fung (directly opp beauty world shopping centre) more for their delicious kimchi soup (really to die for!), seafood pancake and grilled mackarel. the bbq is better at kim's family. recommend that you try both restuarants to know which you prefer. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


haha... Your beautiful fantacy! But don't think you ll feel good when your child started to cling on to the maid n starts treating them like a mom[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

it is nice to have a helper ...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]it can help alot with them around sometimes but not when they misbehave!lol


Thanks for the chart!


I'm feeling really lousy today cos I'm having a bad case of gastric?! Anyone experiencing this?? I've been eating my usual meals and more so I don't understand why I have gastric! Tummy very pain and I've been puking cos of it. Later going to drag myself to doctor. Dunno what to eat too cos anything I eat makes my tummy churn. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

suwaiwai: Yes, I have gastric pain last night also. It is something like blowed.

Think you try to eat something soupy...


you poor thing.. hope the doctor visit helps later! i will still feel bloated time to time. pain only when ligaments stretch. do you feel the pain in the stomach or intestines?

just now i was in the toilet i looked at my tummy in the mirror. realized that my belly button is becoming more shallow! but uterus not even there yet so don't understand how could that be. is it because my organs are shifting upwards that's why pressing it out a little bit?

hi starrymommy

tks tks for ur info, u make me want to eat kim's family/ han fung now hahah but hv to wait for wkend then can go [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



if you are a huge kimchi soup fan, i suggest Han Fung as Kim's Family one not as nice. if you are going there for BBQ, i suggest Kim's Family. but be aware that at Kim's Family your clothes and hair will reek of BBQ after the meal! Han Fung won't as they BBQ outside the air-con area. oh yah.. the small little dishes served before food comes are more generous from Kim's Family, 10 dishes in all. Han Fung only serves 7. so which place you choose really depends on what you wanna eat and your party size! hope this helps. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

