(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Starrymommy and Yewee,

My pain is in the stomache area (just under the ribs) so confirm its gastric. Very painful last night but less now. Thank goodness! However its really making me feel nausea and no appetite. I cannot even finish my porridge for dinner last night. Now cannot drink juice or ribena (cos acidic), water tastes yucks! I dunno what to drink liao.



Actually my tummy area from under rib cage to abdomen is big now. Belly button still quite deep so I dunno if my tummy is big cos of the gastric or what?? I look like one of those Somalian kids with big belly!


i don't know whether we can take antacid or not. so check with doctor. it's the fastest relief for gastric. some tips which i hope will work for you..

- never drink cold water or fruits on empty stomach, try room temperature/warm milk instead

- once hungry, eat!

- snack in between meals

- eat your meals slowly and chew thoroughly to prevent swallowing gas which can worsen gastric conditions.


tks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i think i will try both. will try kim's family first as i love bbq n small side dishes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yummy yummy!!

confession: just had iced orange juice. shiok max.

always feel so guilty after drinking cold drinks cos many ppl say its best to abstain.. but the weather lately is so hot dat a cold drink just makes me feel all better. =s


i drink something cold everyday! haha! be it milk or fruit juice. sometimes even iced green tea and Coke! super duper shiok! the only thing i've not been drinking is iced lemon tea.


sorry for your gastric pain. had that a lot during my first pregnancy. i don't think it's about stuff i eat or don't eat. i just happens even though i was always extra careful about spacing out my meals and no more meals after 7pm. in the end gynae prescribe medication, which i take diligently but it still happens. haizz. just a pregnancy symptom. now you sound bloated! drink hot barley?


my belly buttons evens out and almost closing my belly button hole! it just happens overnight maybe uterus is pushed upwards already.


i can't go without cold drinks! it's the only thing that keeps my nausea at bay. i usually complement my meals with ice lemon tea. i always make starrymommy jealous because she can't take ice lemon tea! :p

cold drinks and iced drinks different ne.. do you drink it with ice too?

at home, i drink cold soya bean, fruit juice, birds nest, ribena. such drinks how to drink at room temperature? =p and i still love my ice cream!

but in morning i usually have hot milo, hot tea or slightly hot soya bean.

and i realise i dislike drinking plain water more than usual.. not a good thing cos i dont wanna end up drinking sugared water all the way..

oh oh like got slight ache on my bottom left tummy.. is it cos i had iced drinks? (0_0)

sometimes i haf little sharp pains.. but it goes away soon.. any cause for worry? or its like wat u guys said.. uterus growing etc..


wahaha! you hor!! i'm not as jealous about your ice lemon tea as much as the jelly legs lah! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif]


true lah, certain drinks no ice not nice. like coke and fresh milk! birds nest, chicken essence depends... sometimes i like them cold from fridge, sometimes i like them hot.


jelly legs? hahaha you'll get there with experience and open communications or you can guide him where ever feels best for you. don't be shy. he's your hubby leh. :p

bored + sleepy = dangerous concoction of ZZZZs...

someone commented i put on weight.. luckily she questioned if i'm preg.. else i'll be damn sad.

i'm those "ba ba" kind.. so slight weight gain makes me look plumper.. trouble spots are like arms and thighs. but i used to haf a flat tum tum.. now i dont recognise it.. oredi thinking of the exercise i'll haf to do after confinement provided i haf the time and energy!

thanks melissa for the chart.

im 16 weeks, thot i'm going into my 5th month already by next week. but going by your chart looks like I have to wait another 1 more week.


I'm the one who can't drink ice lemon tea!! And cos now I'm aware I can't drink it.. I feel that wherevever I go, everyone is drink teh o or ice lemon tea!!! haha maybe last time I wasn't observant about it, now sigh.. I look left/right, I can see people sipping on their iced tea!! sob sob

I think I have the same gastric problem like you. I don't know what triggers it. But it was SO painful last night. Maybe later I will ask the doc how to manage it. Hopefully I can with his med. You saw yr gynae for this gastric problem?? Hmm I'm wondering or usual GP?


oh so you're the one who can't take ice lemon tea hehe. ok since you have gastric better avoid it anyway. yes i approached my gynae and complained about gastric to her. she already knows my medical history hence is the best person to prescribe pregnancy-safe meds. when is your next appointment? you should mention your gastric to your gynae. when i had the last time, it occurs once a month, then once in a few weeks then every week! it gets worse as the pregnancy progresses so it's also one of the reasons why gynae decided to induce me at 37 weeks and save me from my misery. she said the baby is big and taking up too much space hence pushing my tummy to close to the diaphragm so that's why i have been having these problems. it's gastric/heartburn/flatulence all at once. really don't wish to repeat the misery! my hubby can only look on helplessly when my gastric attacks. it will attack at nights and i will not be able to sleep b'cos of that.



WOHooooo..I cant go without it!Whether is morning or night!24hrs im on cold drinks!Even my birdnest le......


if you are firm that is gastric,try to avoid any form of dairy products till you recover k...

Warm drinks might help..sip it slowly and snacks often..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Hope you will recover soon!

Yes was cooling and today is HOT!grrrr....this kind of weather hard to stay healthy!

Hi mummies

I am so sleepy now after lunch. *yawn*

I also cant live without cold drinks. Been drinking more cold drinks ever since i am pregnant. lime juice with sour plum, fizzy drinks like coke, pokka apple etc.

Btw my MIL bought me some bird's nest so i made some on sunday. I only double boiled with the nest and rock sugar. Can we add dates or longan inside to kill the glue taste? 1st time i had the home cook kind instead of the bottled. Doesn't taste good to me :p taste like glue.


my mum double boiled bird nest for me last sunday too. she put pieces of "pao shen" inside for me. by the way, the cooked bird nest smells like very fragrant egg whites to me. didn't feel turn off. the pieces of pao shen also blended in well. i have not tried dates or longan in bird nest before le. otherwise, after you made it, put into fridge? "gluey" taste masked when cold.


Hmmm..THe sweetness in longan n red dates will kill the birdnest taste!Best it it bland or with just rock sugar..

Some birdnest naturally has it own personal taste,some taste gluey like you mentioned ,some tasteless and some taste like eggwhite...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But if you are afraid of the taste,putting in a slice of ginseng is good too ...

For me,i will only eat it when its cold!Hot is only when hb free to make me a bowl with ginseng[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I usually make a jar and put it in the fridge!Morning one spoon and night one spoon!2 pcs boiled into 1 jar can last me a week!So i ve been taking it daily![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Puttin in a boiled quail egg in c if it kills the gluey taste?maybe it helps![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bird Nest:

I went to purchase herbal from one of the chinese herbal shop and the guy there said is better not to take ginseng before 5 months.


That's quite true about ginseng however there are many types of around..

To me in a canto ..pao shen also shen,ren shen oso shen and fa kei sam (in conto) dunno wat its called also shen...heeeee

guess pao shen is the one we ve been taking la..its ok so long its not ren shen!heeee..sorry my mandarin hanyu pin yi like shit!i know that..!LOL!!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess d,

your 2 pieces of bird nest is boiled till concentrated? my mum boiled 2 pieces and i drank half of it hot. the other half put in glass jar and finished the next day straight from fridge! can't last me 1 week leh. haha!


the bird nest with egg white taste my FIL bought is from Hock Hua. they are the white coloured ones, about $240 per box i think, as now on promotion.

I dont really mind the red dates n longan killing the taste of the bird's nest! hahaha not into the proteiny gluey taste..

Can we take pao shen? That one also 'liang' right? All these herbs thing i dont dare to eat.

Now even my favourite bak kut teh I also dont dare to eat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Yes my MIL bought from Hock Hua also. Now they having the mother's day promotion so got 20% off.

Those that she bought is also the white ones cost almost $400 after discount for 2 liang.

After I had it on Sunday I was telling my hubby should save the $$ and get the bottled ones. Nicer :p

I put 2 pieces and made 2 bowls. One for me and one for hubby. I think this Sunday I will chill it in the fridge first then. Hopefully will taste better.

princess_diamond: What that guy told me is that all from different countries. I also quite blur with all those shen thing. I only know ren shen, Yang Shen and Pao Shen.

My mother also put in few piece of pao shen into it. But if you eat the bird nest before you go to bed better dun put too much pao shen or not u cannot sleep after that.


i think the ones your MIL bought are more expensive ones. anyway try the fridge method. may just work for you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] otherwise, just pinch the nose and gulp it down. after it is good for you and baby.

actually birds nest dont taste fantastic to me.. i find if i take too much i feel disgusted by its gluey texture ( i oso dont take sea cucumber and yu piao found in soup cos its oso sticky stuff. yucks)

but then everyone say how beneficial birds nest is so must eat lo! i think of fair smooth skin when i eat.. be it for me or bb =p

but my fren took quite often when she's preg and her son's skin is damn nice! radiant and super smooth.. but a boy lah. hahaha.. she say bit wasted.. but hey! who minds a pretty boy? so those expecting girls can bear in mind to drink more if can! ^*^


and if i remember someone said this year not popular year for baby-making cos its tiger year?

why? fierce? hee hee.. but i'm born in year of dog so was advised tiger bb is compatible for me. =) so guess its a convenient coincidence for me!


I just came back from the doc and he said the same things you said!!! He said the womb will raise higher and then squeeze the stomache causing the reflux (then I wanna puke) and something about also stretching the stomache, hence the gastric pain feeling. AND it will only get worse as the baby grows (squeezing the stomache even more)!!! Since it is not triggered by food, so I can continue to take juices, etc.. but when the pain comes, or when I feel nausea, just have to take meds. He gave me baby-safe meds.

But ya my next gynae appt is next week. Will bring the meds to show the gynae and complain about the gastric too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

aiyo babydes....

birdnest so niceeee....esp those white ones...must learn to take it bland la...

hahah....longan n red dates are too sweet to take together...y waste the money ler...

if not.cook it till concentrated then eat it 1 spoon at the time like me which is a better way to absorb the nest!


i used to drink it bowl by bowl till advised from some expert in hong kong!best to eat it concentrated in a day and night[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]So,my mom n i since then been eating this way rather than finished the whole bowl in one goal!hahah..i know its shiok to have the whole bowl!

I believe it is good for our skin but for bb i really doubt!I ve been eating it even when i was working then till preggy n then give birth..bb skin not as translucent as what others described,but for myself...yes yes yes!heee..anyway,y say no to birdnest right?heee[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Zuen, thanks for ur reply. We were not ask if we wanted to do thé test or not.

Estelle, i had insomia like yesterday. Then some days i m so tired i Can sleep sleep like thé weekend that jus past n today.

I had freq insomia in thé past too la.... But been feeling more sleepy than ever in this preg.

Dislike thé feeling, now stomach got some waste pdts to unload yet it is not strong engh to go toliet.....

hahaha Princess Diamond sounds so tai tai...

ok ok for my skin and baby's i will tahan the smell. So how to cook till concentrate? Double boil with less water?


not taitai la..if tai tai now i at one posh hotel sipping my tea lorrrr...hahahhah

yea you can put less water but you watch the process..until the preferred texture and can stop!Once cool down can leave it inside the fridge!Best ,put it in a porcelein jar!And the spoon you use be porcelein (soup spoon)!i cant remember whats the logic behind but was advised too..hehehe..enjoy your birnest ....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


same predicament. more sleepy than usual in this pregnancy. sometimes can fall asleep within a minute once head hits the pillow (gives hubby no chance to jump on me. hee hee!).

Re: insomnia

mine only comes in the wee hours of the morning after i get up to pee. so i'll try not to pee at all. but i realize lately i keep waking up at around 5+am or 6am whether wanna pee or not! so frustrating. then will toss and turn, toss and turn. by the time wanna fall asleep liao, the alarm clock wakes me up. super sian..

my hubby said i have been snoring lightly on some nights. yeeeks!! so scary. and also taking very deep breaths also.

Kim's Family is located at bukit timah area, opposite the beauty world. but need to drive all the way up the slope where Udder's ice cream shop is.

Wow must be porcelain jar and spoon?! OK must go n dig out my cupboards.

How does the preferred texture look like? Jelly?

Erm so rock sugar how much? not too much right else will be so sweet. Sorry, so many questions.


you can also buy a jar of the concentrated birds nest from "Lou Hang Kah". they are famous for their concentrated nests! i think 1 jar can last for 1-2 months.

Starrymommy you are making me crave for Korean food! I just made arrangements to go have korean food this Friday with my girl friends!

Pearlynn, thé person who commentéd u r getting fat, maybe is trying a way to start thé conversation to find out if u r prégnant?


it depends..i dun put rock sugar unless im taking it in a soup form..Yes,the texture should be like sharkfins....jelly is too hard liao.hee.

like those from lo hong ka,starry mentioned![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


go for it! where you girls intend to go? kimchi is my favourite! i can eat a lot in one sitting. hubby not so keen though. he is a bbq meat person. i am more of a piping hot, spicy soup and veg person. aiyo.. craving for the soup again lah! haha!

princess d,

have you tried the 老行家 bird nest? looks very nice! saves time boiling also. i think 1 bottle $300++..

Can boiled thé bottled bird n'est drink 1 tea spoon then pût in fridge? Then drink 1 or 2 tea spoon cold everyday? Will it spoil n not edible like tt huh?

princess_diamond: I heard that before also. Do not use metal spoon. Even when eating honey also do not use metal spoon.

Oh paisei so many qns. Do u Think can take well done steak like thou sometimes their well done still got lingering bit of blood? My hubby say best not to take but i feel like eating well done steak slices. Lilbluey, not sûre u went to tt place to eat before, v Nice NeXT Time bring or ask ur sis to bring u there eat. Thé place is call entrecote


babytiger2010; My hubby did read some where that actually we should not take any uncook meal. There is some kind of vuris.

I also have craving for steak but my hubby dun allow me to have that.

