(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Princess diamond,

who soothing them for you?? Hahahaa!! ;)

last night I had a weird dream.. I dreamt that because of the pregnancy, my boobs grew and grew and I had countless stretchmarks and cellulite. Some more nipples very swollen. So scary!!


how long do you intend to come back for?



no la HB not high flyer la.., maybe it's because we have just moved into our new place n there are many more stuffs we are paying still!Alot!!! But even before we bought this place,monthly oso about 10k ..

Good morning ladies..

Have been reading ur posts but just feeling lazy to post anything.. Hee..

Starry: nice scan pictures..

I'm still having nausea and puking. Feel so sick n just don't feel liked eating anything. Hubby kept telling me muz eat good food for bb but I just phobia for eating liao.

Apple: just to share.. I got this fren her blood test result also no good. So it affected her overall risk. Doc also ask her to do amino but she n hb decides not to due to risk of mc. So in the end they worry for the next 6 mths lor.. Lucky bb come out ok..

Bb: 14w

mood: tired n feeling nausea.. Super sian..


Are u staying around Gujan Mestras? If so, I've got a feeling that you know my sis who's residing there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Is there any other way that you can seek a 2nd opinion? perhaps other gynae over there?


Read online that there's a lot of false positive results for Oscars, so like some of the ladies who commented here, your baby might just be perfectly fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just something to share....I heard from my sister over in France, if one's baby is found/expected to have certain 'disability' regardless of how many mths the pregnancy is into, they will be asked to terminate it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

how cruel is that?


yes. yr scan pictures very nice. tks for sharing. i cannot wait to see my bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my bb seems active. i can feel my bb movement since 12 wks. now can feel more often


know not easy to make decision. hope ur bb will b fine. pray more. god bless

anyone still feeling exhausted?

I'm almost 15 weeks but i feel so tired all the time, and when i walk i'm panting like mad! Yesterday i took leave from work just to rest at home and do a bit of housework. But still today, i come into work feeling like crap. Isn't 2nd tri supposed to be the honeymoon period?

Marrissa: I think the 2nd tri is honeymoon is bluff one. cos it doesnt apply to me!! hahaaha start of my 2nd tri only i here not well there not well no appetite, tired etc etc... no honeymoon at all!


what?! that's so alarming. don't a fetus have a right to live too? sometimes i don't understand how "civilized" the french could get.


count me in. i feel like i couldn't sleep enough. by 10pm my eyes surrender already!


great scan pictures! nice shot of bub! so envious!

HS rant,

ok for some reasons my hubby keeps begging me for one.. lol. he thinks that 3 days without one is unbearable. (ok i also don't understand how some of you here can abstain for a few weeks? keke) however the only thing that keeps me off is the cramps i get after the big O. it's getting to be very uncomfortable. anyone getting the cramps after that too?

lilac white,

it's not bluff lah.. my honeymoon did start at 2nd tri in my prev pregnancies. i'm not feeling all that great either in this pregnancy. so sian. wish i could get my appetite back! i join your sian club ok! hahaa...

- 17w2d


I was appalled to learn about it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] no wonder I hardly get to see pple with 'disability' in France..I still dun understand! Like what you say the fetus oso deserve a chance to live and not have their lives deprived just becos some health problems [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Re: Exhaustion,

Tell me about it manz, I still can't find the energy to do much -_-""

i think honeymoon period bluff one also.. I got excited when i turned 12 weeks until now still like this.. kena cheated.

But i've got friends who can play tennis during 2nd tri.. how like dat? Dun say run, i can't even walk much


i'm thinking that they'd probably think, why let them suffer later, might as well end it before it starts. but we never know what the future holds, why give up before it even start? another man's trash, is another man's treasure. if they're making France a land of beautiful people then i think it sounds wrong. i think that imperfections brings out the humanity in all of us. vanity leads to destruction.

Hi starrymommy, if i go back to Singapore, I intend to stay for 3 weeks. Here is my scan taken on 12w6d. My bb saying hello to all the mommies here.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/3887869.jpg]

lilbluey, that's so sad!

My cousin's wife, when she was pregnant with her 1st baby, doctor told her the baby will be autistic and at the most it will live up till 10 years old.

Guess what, that baby now is already 14 years old. Despite her autism, she looks perfectly normal and she's very pretty. And actually her autism not severe case. I feel sick when doctors try to play God!

thanks girls, for the compliments! seeing our baby makes our day! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


nice scan! baby's sliding around in your tummy. i think i can see the umbilical cord!

Re: exhaustion

this is my best friend now.. and got pattern one! i realized i am exhausted on alternate days. yesterday was horrible. super tired, dizzy and had headache. today perfectly fine, like having honeymoon. so i predict tomorrow will be back to "walking dead" mode and saturday perfectly fine again.

Re: breathlessness

feel it when i have to carry heavy things and walk around. or when climbing stairs. if pant too much will feel weak and wanna faint.


your hubby jumping on you liao? hehehe!! my hubby been badgering me past 2 days but i just felt tired and asked him to wait till i have energy. maybe i'll jump on him tonight since i am feeling great today. still trying to catch the elusive jelly legs. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif]


where? where? i thought those two were legs! b'cos i could see the femur there..


good luck tonight! i hope you can achieve the jelly leg experience! kekee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif]

marissa, how can autism be detected when pregnant? i thought only can be diagnosed as bb grows up? all autistic kids look normal and perfect, just they behave very diff from normal kids.. but how come doc will say can live to 10 yrs old? i thought they will be like normal human life span? abit wrong diagnosis?


i was thinking the same thing. i have a friend who is a bit autistic. he seldom talks and would mind his own business unless someone talks to him. he loos ok leh, very normal. just extremely introvert. and he is 27 i think..


who else can help me to soothe those cuties!lol... Think because he over do it I suffered!lol


wow! That's quite shocking!

My gf found out she missed her period... Then went to check ! Hmmm.... Not very convincing when doc told her her uterus wall thicken but no sign of sac planting on the wall???? Where's the bb? Then told her it is not gonna happened! She got upset n seek 2nd opinion hoping n praying everything will b fine! As she went back to dr Ho at MAH , same thing that dr ho told her but said it is not etopic but asked her to give the lil invisible life a 2nd chance to rest n give another scan in 2weeks before she decide to "wash" it off !!when she came to c me, she look distress n kept thinking if the worst as what the first doc advised !

Then came 2 weeks later .... Our lil friend finally showed her appearance n heartbeat wad detected at week 11!!!!!!!! How amazing isn't it?

This bb came like a miracle n she is a chubby cutie mutie with thick pout.... 6mths old now!

Haiz... Can u imagined she followed what the first doc advised to do D&C??? I hated this kind if gynae who dun appreciate life as much as others!

Hi Melissa, by first glance, it blends in with the leg but if you look closely at the shape, you will see it.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

starry, yea cos my young sis is autistic also.. so i perfectly understand them.. but the doc abit far off to say only live up to 10 yrs? very desvastating for parents to hear that loh...

elle, congrats on having a prince!!


hello bb !!!! So cute eh! Which one us the birdie? Thought both looks like his limbs ... Wahaha... Very nice scan ! Thanks for sharing!


usually auctism n hyperactive j

kids can be diagnosed onlybehen they turn 2 yrs old n older... That's what I understand from a peadiatrician ![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


well congrats on a boy then! please spray some baby boy dust to me!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif]

starry, rachocho,

yeah i don't like it when doctors dictate how long a child should live. many times they have been wrong. i think that if we treat them like normal pple and give them our full support and love, these pple can outlive their expectations and able to function like normal human being, albeit a little slow or weird. i believe that they're just quoting from medical textbooks but i do believe they need to practice some tact or EQ to patients. we're all human being here.


I saw it I saw it!!!!! I zoom in to c! The lil birdie pointing towards bb rite ??? It almost blend in with the left leg!! Is that the one? Aiyo so cute .....,,,[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello ladies,

after seeing all the scans! I'm kinda excited n can't wAit anymore! I ve just changed my appt on 26th Mon to TOMORROW!!!! Wakakaka.... Yay yay!!!

rachoho, i dunno also how the doctor could tell baby was autistic during pregnancy. But doctor told her to abort.

her 2nd baby, doctor said everything looked normal. When the kid turned 2 years old she realised the 2nd one also has autism and its more severe than elder child.

perhaps doctors have the mindset that they have "seen too much" and think they have all the experience in the world. i hate all these yaya-papaya doctors also.. i remember during secondary school days, there was once i fainted and hit my head against a curb and suffered a huge bruise on my forehead. my mum took me to this really stupid doctor, who took one look at me and told my mum that i will be "slow" and memory will be severely impaired for the rest of my life and that the bump had affected my hearing and motor skills. super rubbish lor! made my mum worried and cried. so many years later i am perfectly fine. i think the doctor is the one who needs to have his head checked!


I am very sorry to hear that you have to go through all this. Just to share, I am also an Oct mummy and have very bad Oscars results. I totally understand your anxiety right now.

I did not expect my Oscars results to be so bad as most pple who went through it have good results. My scan was ok but the blood test pull me down drastically. I couldnt understand what happen as I am not that old afterall. I was given a choice to take CVS at wk 13 or amnio at wk 16. Both are quite similar although some say that CVS is much risker and painful. The only advantage of CVS is that I can know the results earlier. I chose to take CVS as I cant wait any longer. CVS and amnio are invasive procedures that are very emotionally daunting in my opinion. I think it is not suitable for the fainthearted and I am one of the rare one who chose to go thru the procedure.

I have made the difficult decision to take the test becos I know that I am a natural worrier, just like you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. I also know that I will not be able take it finacially and emotionally. I have been volunteering and know that it is really not easy. I am also very clear about what I am going to do next if the result is not good. As I was with KKH, I did not even get a chance to talk to my gynae on that day. Another doc was assigned to do the scan for me and immediately after the scan, he referred me to the consulting centre. Just like what your doc did, they wanted me to take the test which I did. It wasnt a pleasant experience, but well, that's another story.

2 weeks have passed and I am waiting for my results. As the date comes nearer, I get more and more anxious. I will get my results tomorrow. I really hope that everything will be fine and all the mummies here will have a smooth pregnancy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Perhaps you are right, their goal of building a country with beautiful pple -_-"'

Tht's very inhumane!


Agreed with you, I hate it when some docs think they are playing God who can determine the fate of the child.


You ladies got really nice scans!

And Elle, congrats on your bb boy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Princess Diamond,

How dreadful to hear that of your gf's 1st gynae! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] *shakes head* luckily she went for 2nd opinion [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I don't understand how some can abstain too? Does one being hairy makes it more HS?? Slight cramps after one good workout? Yes... Slight but content!!! Lol


so fast can see birdie, good eh! maybe baby was practising peeing so you could see the birdie. otherwise it shouldn't be "standing up" right? hee hee!

princess diamond, melissa,

i also didn't want to abstain, but gynae said have to so have to lor! and my hubby so 听话.. doctor say he do. anyway, on the bright side, my abstaining days are OVER! i can be as HS as i want. doctor already given the go ahead. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

marissa, i think that doc is so cruel man... how can he suggest abortion?!!?!?! indeed autism require very heavy financial support and they can be difficult to take care too, alot time spent.. but i dun think this should be a factor that can take away their right to live.. so so cruel..

melissa, yea i belive docs should not "determine" how long should these kids live. although they behave differently but they all have their own talents! like my sis, she is super good with comps and electronic gadgets and she learn it herself without us telling how to use..


Think any MTBs will tend to worry whether their unborn child is doing well inside...

*pat pat* am sure your results will turn out fine and baby is ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


please do stay positive at all times! I believe in miracle but it always comes with patience first ! I know how dreadful it can be n the only way to be positive is to totally leave it to God n believe that your bb will be fine!

Sometimes when u talk it out, it might help ease your worries a lil![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] join us more... We love to share.. We care n also a great reader cum listener![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes... Imagined if she really trust the doc n believe is etopic? Think get cutie pie would not be here today!


ReAlly hate those doctors that think they know-it-all!! Sigh....

They are here to help n give assurance!

My gynae once told me, he actually dun like to tell his patients the gender cos some ptbs (back then) always prefer boys! And when they knew about the gender... First thing in their mind is to abort if it's girl! Same goes to cleft lip child.. To him , he dun talk much unless patient asked but he always reluctant to tell the gender when the pregnancy us still early n D&C always a choice for some!

I like him saying this: I'm here to bring these babies here safely n u have to make sure my effort n yours throughout are worth going through! Be responsible! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


let us know the results tomorrow? will be praying for you and baby.


you are also on mum2be right? are you taking any more calcium supplements? the calcium amount stated is only 62.5mg in the mum2be pills and i read online that we need around 1200mg-1500mg leh. feel like i am not taking enough..

i realize that the hair on my arms is getting longer and thicker! usually my arm hair not obvious, these few days like very obvious. and my nails are strong and hard when they are usually rather brittle and break easily. interesting..


same here! My hair on my arms are longer.. Needless to say those dwn there!! Grrr....... Made n appt to wax next week! On my tummy too! Disgusting tho!

Nails surprisingly hard n grew longer! I usually had acrylic n gel on n after removal , it's usually extremely brittled n weak! Those must be those multiVits! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

starry, no leh i only took those that dr lim prescribe.. did he give u any calcium supp? oh ya i also haven been drinkng milk too... must really take those samples to try....

princess diamond,

i haven't spot any hairs on the tummy yet, just fine hairs which are there all along before i was pregnant.


he didn't give me any calcium supps. did you get any? i am drinking milk too, cos scared not enough calcium. serious calcium deficiency in pregnancy can lead to teeth coming loose and dropping lor! super scared of that happening.


princess diamond,

maybe we are so hum sup because got more hair. old people always say that hairy men very hum sup, so perhaps same for women! lol!

