(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


My headache during pregnancy is usually just a dull ache. Before pregnant, my migraines can be so bad that I will feel nauseous and need to take a long nap to recover. Even taking panadols dont help.


Oh oh, here aso have nuk steriliser. Now i feel better at least the brand i saw is common.

Lilbluey, the big nuk bottle u say is those 300 ml kind?


my hubby doesn't usually do this, only once in a blue moon as he works later than me. i am usually the one asking him out for dinner so am enjoying the change for once!


some people complain about backache after using epi, some don't. maybe it depends on the skill of the one administering the epidural.


Having headaches is the worst of all lot! it's really dreadful when I feel it coming -_-""

Tis is the one I bought:


I bought it the other time when it comes in a bundle deal at Robinson's sale. Moreover, if I did not remember wrongly, tis item is made in England.

I've been using it for the past 18 mths, till date it's still as good as ever [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yup, 300ml for the NUK bottles.


The worse is can't take panadol extra...normal panadols dun work for me, I've tried not to take too much medications but the pain just keeps going and it drives me nuts!

Re: pregnancy headaches

i had a really bad headache a couple of weeks ago, i believe due to the raging hormones and greater production of blood in the body. was so bad i cried in the cab. my hubby was with me and the cab driver told him to massage the space between the thumb and the forefinger, really hard for about 5 minutes, longer if required. i thought it was stupid, but amazingly, it worked! no harm trying. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope it works for you ladies too.


Tht's nice! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Enjoy the couplehood time before bb arrives [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Sometimes even panadol extra doesn't work for me. Some GPs did prescribe something stronger for me, but I got to take some food before taking the pills. That is silly because I am already feeling very nauseous, how to stomach any food.


Thanks for your suggestion. I think I did try your method before doesn't seem to work for me.

I'm having backache too.. and went GP today. Doctor says the womb is pressing on the nerve so it's nerve pain, can't do anything about it, hopefully when the baby shift up a bit later it will go away. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] thx goodness i'm so worried about slip disc or something more serious!

my MS is getting less frequent already, but still having bloatness some nights, the acid burnt my throat and lately i noticed my voice changed!! so dr advice i smash the antacid and make a drink to soothe from throat down if i ever need to take the med.


Think the headache/migraine condition just worsens due to the current condition we are in..

Migraine + Nauseous = Total Combo! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Just hope the symptoms will ease after 2nd trimester, *keeping fingers/toes crossed*

Hey Raindroops,

Don't worry too much ok, it is impt to think positively! My MS hasn't lighten up yet, and like you it seem to be getting worse after Wk 10.. but it is impt to stay positive! We WILL get over this.

I can't wait to be like the mummies here- able to go out and enjoy food!! I've been mostly coop up at home coz so sian to go out... feeling pukey all the time too. Also no appetite to eat anything. Hopefully this all will pass in 2 wks!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


same as you, i am mostly at home (just for this and next week coz took leave during school vacation)...

so sianz hor... dun feel like doing anything....



Hey, you girls got facebook or MSN??

we can chat more esp. when we are bored... or feel complainy... hee...


Ya I'm sian..not so much bored coz I still have things to do at home.. but its more no mood to do anything coz I feel pukey most of the time. I get a headache just thinking of what to eat... really cannot wait to be like the mummies here, have cravings or got appetite!

Plus my husband left this morning for an overseas trip and will be back only on Sunday. So I'm really home alone! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i understand how u feel...

I also got work to be done at home but just no motivation to start. haaa... we are exactly the same coz the last thing I want to think abt is WHAT TO EAT!!! even got cravings also got no mood to get it lor... sianz...

Now I dun know what to do with my lunch... argh...


Me too! Having headaches often even before pregnant. Now also still experiencing it. Last 2 days gotten headaches too! Today i feel better. Din take panadol anymore cos dun wanna affect bb. Try to rest early, sleep properly.

I've heard about taking epidural and having backaches after that. Is really epidural free that painful for natural delivery? Thinking of this make me phobia. I scare pain! My pain threshold level quite low. Out of 10 maybe 4?


agree with you don't take panadol because it has been proven that the chemicals from panadol actually stays in the body for 5 years before totally removed from the body system. as much as possible, try natural remedies instead.

Yes I also try not to take panadol as much as possible since it doesn't help me sometimes. I will just go and sleep it off.

Gosh.. I am still so sleepy at this time.. I tar bao one Shilin Chicken chop for tea break :p

Hi Ladies, indeed great to have long weekend this week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Epidural

I also heard some negative comments on Epi, e.g. backaches, giddy, vomit, etc. thus decide not to go for it for my 1st gal. But can't tahan the pain, so I give in less than 10 mins. Whether got side effects, depends on the Dr who administer and the dosage given. I don't hv any side effects after the epi.

Re: Sterilizer

I'm also using Nuk, was a hand me down and it broke down after 1 yr and I bgt the same brand, still working till now. Also using Nuk bottles, cos heard that the teats is closest to our nipple, will hv less nipple confusion if we bottle feed at early stage in between latch on. For 2nd child, i will change all to BPA free Nuk bottles.

My next scan is long way to go, 19 Apr. It is like the Oscar scan but slight different as the Dr don't do blood test, just scanning only.

hi mummies,

just want to share this beautiful (christian) song with you all. i sing this to my little one every day. it's like a very soothing lullaby for kids and babies, and a great encouragement to me too when i feel under the weather or get worried about whether baby's fine. hope you ladies enjoy it too!!


good afternoon ladies.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

whoa..moving fast?lazy to scrolled through the thread..whats the interesting topic of the day?

Was at Tanglin Mall n bought few bottoms from mother@work!very comfortable!

Shouldn't have gone out today cos only when i left the mall,i realized is a beautiful day to sleep actually[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Epidural is created for ppl like you and i...Afraid of pain!if yours is at level 4...i think mine is total -0!wahahaha...

Backache is caused by lifting n carrying baby at the later staged.Even my mom that dun have epidural had backache!

You have to really take care of your position while lifting and carrying your baby!There are many caused for the backache and in fact some of us already having the pain at this stage..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Do consult your gynae about epidural....we want a happy and smooth delivery!We must enjoy the delivery![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hello!yea,it's been awhile....Don't worry too much..Everything will be fine![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

told ya before Ms is no fun!But hey,it shows baby is good inside!Are you taking any medications for your cough?do take care,lately the weather been really bad!I just recover from a sore throat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hopefully by week 13 or so..your MS will slowly fade off and soon you can enjoy much more than before!Take care[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wow!Your hb sure knows how to make your day[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Enjoy your date[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess diamond,

once in a blue moon only lor.. like i mentioned earlier, he always works later than me so we hardly have dinner together alone. weekends always with friends or parents. will see where he brings me later. going to scold him if he tries to bring me to kopitiam. lol!!


have a great date night with your hubby! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my hubby also brought me a surprise today, he drove over and passed me a home-cooked mee goreng. too bad he couldn't have lunch with me but he promised to do so next week. it's little things like this that makes my day!


no worries your MS will be over soon. i'm so glad to have passed through those weeks of sickness! now i'm starting to feel baby kicking a bit more often. it's about the same time i felt with my 2nd child. so excited. at least i don't feel bad about waiting for my next scan on April 30!

Princess Diamond

Ya I am a scary cat that's why i all along wanted to take the epidural. Until my friend told me might have backache and as I am now having very bad backache now, that's why make me think again.


Your hubby so sweet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My hubby also always work late. But I will always wait for him for dinner. I will eat something light in between though. But if sometimes really too late I will just eat on my own too.


U r not alone!i just dun want the pain!And truly believe that the backache is not from epidural![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

YOu have 7mths to think..lol!


so nice of your hubby too! agree that it really is the little things that count, not the once a year anniversary/birthday gifts or holiday, but little gestures. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

can you share again how it feels like when baby is moving/kicking? i also want to start feeling early if possible! just hope that i am sensitive enough to my baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/lol.gif]

Harloe everybody.

Thank you all for your cheers. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Really appreciate it. Reading some of your uplifting comments made me tear and I wanted to slap myself cuz it's so wussy lor!! Hahaha.. I cry at every drop of pin now. Hurhur.

Must be hormones and the fact that I already feel so miserable.

I've been nursing MS for 6 weeks now.. but ultimate ones were at my 11 weeks. Grrrrrrr.

Yes.. I will endeavour. For the cough, princessdiamond, my doc gave me some lozenges to suck on. For ms, he prescribed me some detamine or something like that (yellow pills) to keep it at bay. But it makes me really drowsy. So I try to take only in evening and tahan the earlier part of the day.

He said I feel all this cuz of sudden shoot of hormones in my body so tell me to wait out until 16 weeks where most women start to improve then.

Until then, I will just clench my fist and say hello to my new best friend, the toilet bowl, and try to keep some food down.


jia you!! think about that cute lil' bundle of joy you will be holding in October. all these will be worth it. anyway, toilet bowls are never lasting best friends. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I so envy you can feel your baby's movement!

I wonder when I can feel mine. I told my hubby to try and listen for baby's heartbeat from my tummy. He was saying a lot of sounds dont know is baby or my stomach! :p


Go to one of those restaurants face the RWS one. Sit near the glass windows very nice.. If lucky mabe RWS will have fireworks haha..

We saw that a few weeks ago when we were having coffee with some friends at Pacific cafe.


same lor.. last night i made my hubby listen too. he said he heard sounds like bubbles in the tummy, very irregular, so definitely not baby's heartbeat. hmm... maybe not time yet bah. i am only 10wk4d. thanks for the suggestion about the restaurant! i will let hubby decide where he wants to take me.

starrymommy, babydes,

i felt bub the most when i woke up from my sleep, while i'm lying on my back. my tummy already felt hard like a big orange stuck there. sometimes it felt like flutters, sometimes a tiny kick. maybe that's her active time when she's awake. first time mommies usually felt it much later like at 17 weeks onwards. i felt my first baby at late 17 weeks too! but my hubby don't feel it till i'm over 20 weeks. so mommies get the first privilege. by 24 weeks onwards, i'm able to detect babies heartbeat with the Bebesound Prenatal Heart listener which we bought a long long time ago. no worries you'll get there soon! i used to blog about it every month but too bad i chose the wrong blogging site and now it's only open for paid membership! so i lost it. such a pity else i could share it with you guys.

re: epidural

i took epidural for my first pregnancy, the only side effect was vomit badly after delivery. still think worth. i will definitely ask for epidural this time haha

sterilizer: i'm using pigeon rapid sterilizer n pigeon bottles. think they are good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I cry easily too!! I used to cry when I watch Oprah!! Imagine that, as long as I see someone cry, my floodgates will open! Even when I watch American Idol, when they eliminate 1 contestant, when they tear I tear too!!! So lame!

Thanks for the encouragement Melissa! I can't wait to feel my baby moving too.. sometimes I feel something funny in the tummy area, but don't know what it is!

And someone mentioned that you can hear your baby's heartbeat from the tummy, I got my HB to try it the other night.. he said all he heard was the growling in my tummy!!! hiya so anticlimax le


so exciting for you! you must really treasure those precious moments in the morning. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i feel fluttering near the pelvic area sometimes, but think likely gas only lah. boo... can't wait to start feeling my little one also.


my gynae said can hear from 11 weeks onwards. but baby must be in correct position bah. otherwise harder to pick up, some more using ear, not doppler or stethoscope.


Ya but it was quite funny. My HB was listening intentively... then he straighten up and said I can only hear your tummy growling!!! haha

hi ladies,

hope everyone's having a better day today...

i'm just so thankful that the long weekend is finally here! more time to laze around, sleep in and spend with the hubbies...

what do you all have planned for the weekend?

Hey suwaiwai,

Haaa....ya that is what happened to me as well[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]lol! Got my HB to listen to BB's heartbeat, in the end he say only can hear growling and water.

Maybe still too early. I am only 11 weeks exact today[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Regarding threshold of pain:

HB know my threshold is real bad, will cry even during injections. He suggested forgo Natural birth, go for C-section straight. I still thinking.

Now I worry for Oscar first...cause really scared of being poked! Then someone mentioned they will draw like 3-4 vials of blood (Faint[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif])

hello blessed mummy,

long weekend will be home!HB bought lamb shank,and he is going to prepare it tomorrow night..but i am waiting for his mashed potatoes more than anything..wahahhah!Think will stay indoor and stay away from the crowd!

it will be great that i can have my wine together..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]but unfortunately,he has seem bought some ribena..I know what he is planning to pour into that wine glass..lOL

What about you?


When i was carrying my girl last time,seems like my tears are freeflow 24/7!Cry for tiny lil things!Even when my Hb left for work![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]When comes too drama series..worst!Very emotional!

HOwever,i guessed my tears are all dried up this round,rather stubborn and refused to even tho it is a sad sad sad movie...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]ahahha...Hormones@work![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

OooOoo OSCAR is being poked ah? thought it would scan? uh,, not so prepared for it lei.. having mine in 2 wks time.

Looks like Pigeon sterilizer tops the list! was at Baby Kingdom and hypermart earlier to check things out... but only saw philips and avent brand...

how abt prams? what are the good ones? Hubby and i see so much until we blur...

wow Princess, ur hubby so sweet! the only thing hat hubby ever cooked was near porridge (looks more like wet rice) when i was sick.. who says hainanese man is good cook?!;p

oscar and blood test,

no worries, they poke you once and take a few vials for testing. i actually have my own trick on how to make my blood flow freely and not having them searching for the right vein, only to have blood flow slowly, but its' not suitable for most of you. as it involves taking meds. my blood taking is over in just 5 minutes. if you're scared, don't look at it. look elsewhere. it'll be over soon before you know it. relax and your muscle will loosen up, hence blood flows freely. jia you ok!


i plan to just take a walk in the park with my girls and hubby. wanted to take them swimming initially but they're down with cold yesterday. no hope lah.

hello mummies,

busy today so didnt pop in

Clueless: be thankful that u have porridge. my husband cant even cook that! Hahahaa

cant wait for PH. how nice if we only have 4 work day week every week!


Is because he wanted to eat!think his craving are worst than mine!LOL...

he loves to cook anyway just sometimes he is too tired after work..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah princess, so sweet of ur hubby, and the part about ribena is jus so thotful. be sure to enjoy ya!

haha clueless, not bad la got cook at least he tried even he may not be good at it. I always feel that a good cook must also wash dishes after the meal, that's to show sincerity. So if i cook i'll wash everything, and if he cooks he'll wash, but most of the time I'll interupt. I think sometimes women just can't help thinking that kitchen is their forte.. haha!!

hiya everyone! finally got time to come in. so whats the plans for tomorrow? btw i do feel bb sometimes like heart pumping on the lower tummy area.. but a few times only.. is that how bb feels??

woohoo finally get to catch a movie tmr since getting preggy! watching clash of the titans, anyone else too?


i must tell him that!"a good cook must also wash dishes"lol..see wat he'll say!


Yes!That's more like it!mao shan wang calling!!!!!!!wahahahah......



i also wanna watch clash of the titans! but haven't book yet leh. think this weekend may be impossible. long weekend, sure many ppl go cinema. btw, are there days when you don't feel pregnant? i wonder if i should highlight this to dr lim when i next see him.

