(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Hi Vivian, I know your gynae.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I went to her for consultation when i was in Singapore.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] She is very experienced.

My blood test result was similar to urs 1:6005 and my scan was 1:10000

Gender: During my oscar scan, nurse totally turned the view to between my bb's legs to show me the little thingy there. She told me most prob a boy. Then Doctor came in, he enlarged and scanned again and told me confirm boy. He said if i dun believe, wait for my 16 weeks scan which is 9 days away.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh.. I never vomit at all... not much of morning sickness for me... I feel hungry all the time and headache.


Hi Siok fen,

try to eat cracker. I took wheat cracker... I dont have MS anymore. During the first 12 weeks, i will eat the cracker bit by bit, when i feel nausea. It works.


There are three columns and 4 rows in my oscars report. I think the adjusted risk add up the backround risk, ultrasound risk (scan) + biochemistry risk ( blood test). My Dr circled all the adjusted risk. We should look at the adjusted risk reading.

If I am not wrong, trisomy 21 tel u the risk for down syndrome, then trisomy 18 tell u other thing ...


starry, u think u will go back early to see him? 15 may sounds so far to me.. if me i feel so uneasy without going back.. hehe btw when u scan ytd, did he charge u for it?

siokfen, regarding MS, mine stopped when i was about 16 wks.. hang in there... bb is so well in u!


u will b wk 16 for ur next appt. think ur gynae should b able to tell [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope ur bb is a boy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Siok fen,

I had a girl girl le.... Some old wives tales does said that u puke alot means boy carry low means boy!

I carry super low n puke 24hrs for 5mths.., girl le.. Yet some friends still not convince I m carrying a girl.., but one thing for sure lil inside absorbing the nutirents well!

As for the rice counting.. Can't remember who brought that up? Odd us boy even us girl .....,, but I asked my MIL that is super duper supertitious type .. She said hers was very accurate as in all her 3 pregnancies is even = boys!!! N then her Jie mie ( aunts) also said even is boy n odd is girl! The even represents the ding dong bells!! That's what they said la!! Dunno how true?

But I believe if one carrying a boy, chances are the gender to be detected much earlier than girl! Heard all my friends that carries boys... All can tell at week 14-17!' whereas girl much later..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess d, but my MIL say odd is boy and even is girl?! tried few times it turns out to be odd.. but last visit gynae couldnt see gender. sigh that kind of feeling...

Elle , you are so lucky to be able to know baby's gender during oscar *envy*

ChipChip, i sure hope Dr.Woody will tell me baby's gender next week, i can't wait to buy baby clothes already and if its really a boy, i will tell my hubby i have given him his birthday present - his wish fulfilled [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


when is your next appt? baby's legs were closed together on your last scan is it? 15 may also sounds super far away to me. right now i don't think i will purposely go earlier and see him unless really buay tahan. need to save money.

princess diamond,

ade was the one who brought up rice counting! i counted once only and it is even. i just leave it to God. i am happy with either gender, after all this will be our first child. hubby keep wanting a boy though. i feel that a little girl will be closer to mummy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Siok fen,

sometimes is inheridated ! If your mom or Sis does have MS usually u will get it if not then u r carrying more than one or if not ..... Bb bully u! Lol ... kidding eh..... U r doing well I know how bad can a MS go ESP puking big time! I drink water oso puke, sleeping can get choked by vomitus, walk half way puke too! Damn sian! But bb growing so well ... That's the bonus!

I was vomiting so badly nothing help despite on ppl telling me all the remedies to tried! Then I found out at week 7 there were actually a making of twins which doc suspected but the other one slowly disolved n my lil planted with heartbeat Liao... Then many ppl warned me on cold drinks is not good but then survival insticnt comes first! Even HB gave in after dic advised !I sipped on ice cold 7 upbto eased up the MS...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] different ppl might experience differently.. So u just gotta jeep trying diff remedies to know which one he'll the best! Take care..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

envy those who knew during Oscar scan!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i also can't wait to start buying clothes.

starry, its next monday. hehehe i bo chup loh.. what to do.. i super paranoid de.. but hopefully in the next coming weeks when bb is bigger can feel more of the kicking then at least i wun go back early everytime to visit him loh.

yea! bb's legs were closed thus dr lim scan under legs few times but unable to come to any conclusion.. hehe

siok fen,

did you request for anti-nauseaa pills? those magic pills really helped me with my MS! a life saver! that bitter yellow liquid is bile right? i always puke every morning while brushing my teeth. bile coming out. really irritating!


thanks for sharing the scan pic! nice one! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

antenatal package,

mine was originally $1000 when the nurse passed me the pricelist but when i decided to take it up at 16 weeks, she charges only $800, that includes supplements, urine dipstick tests, consultation and ultrasound. detail scan is a separate price, $230, done by a different gynae in a different clinic.


if the clinic doesn't call you emans good news for your oscar...no news means good news...that's the way they pratice...then on ur appointment gynae will go through your report with you lor..haha yeah he does crack jokes one...haha and he is friendly too..haha u need time to get to know him...but somehow drs are humans too may have their ups and downs too..hee hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess diamond,

you mean you had twins initially?? i watched a show on national geographic and learned that twins are actually more common than we think. but due to certain abnormalities or weakness in one of the twins, the weaker one may be "reabsorbed" by the mother's body so that mummy can focus on the healthy twin. how did you feel about this when you found out?


fingers crossed for you that you will find out the gender next monday! meanwhile, i shall start my own countdown to the next appt.


yeah !Whichever is still s blessing! Lol... Remember last mth few of us was like counting rice all the time n report back to the threAd!

Girl.. Hmmmm ... More shoppings!!! I love to doll her up m she is very close to me n bullies her dad! Ngiak ngiak! My HB initially hoping for a boy too cos he is the first son n grandson in the family tree do hoping we can cont the trend! WHhaaaa.. But my mil then surprisingly hoping for a girl cos she always wanted a girl but came all 3 notty Boys with my HB leading... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] she has few god daughters. So when she knew I was carrying a girl.. She went berserk! Lol! She said it's about time to have more girls at home!

This time I think I m carrying another girl le... Just my 20cents thought.. But honestly .. They are lovely[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

starry, thanks! but im so itching to see dr lim again. wanna get MC to rest leh! hahaha sian.. so sick of working.. $()*@$()@*#*@()_

princess diamond,

baby girls are indeed lovely! can buy cute flouncy dresses for them and bring them out shopping. boys will sure be closer with daddy.


do you think dr lim will give MC just like that? that time i came down with very bad cold also no MC lor. must ask from him then give and only 1 day nia..


yes.... Indeed! When I was 5 weeks... I puke n puke!!! Really vomit like after a drunkard night! No joke! Then puke till I couldn't get up n HB have to carry me to bed. Then came spotting in a week... Sigh ... So I told gynae I'm feeling really terrible n already make plan to travel to US soon around week 8 ... He summoned me in his clinic n started asking me my feeling ... He explained as what I mentioned on my earlier post. Then lie down n checked! He straight away pointed out to me another eggs which failed to fertilized n my girls heartbeat was so strong on the other side! But he explained... Most likely it will not happened n disolved itself! N see me 2 weeks time... We still hoping it can come true cos nobody wants to give up until it's certain... So 2 weeks time ... Disolved lor..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but I was ok n hoping my girl tha ws growing well will not be affected therefore I m quite neutral n carries a lil disappointment .. It happened too quickly n too soon!

princess diamond,

all these talk about gender is really stressing me out. everyone is rooting for a boy because we have more girls than boys now. i took those gender prediction tests, it says boy. i looked at the chinese calender it said boy too. i looked at my symptoms, and it shows boy signs. i remember during my 16 weeks scan, bub refused to open the legs! leaving me even MORE frustrated! at first i had a gender dream that it's going to be a boy, then yesterday, another gender dream that it's going to be another girl (hat trick!) i was so frustrated i don't even feel like taking care of her! lol. luckily i woke up it's just a dream. it really doesn't matter if it's a girl or boy i would love it just the same. i have two girls and they're super lovely. so having another girl would triple the loveliness hehehe..

- 17w1d

mood: frustrated! haha..

starry, wishful thinking on my end. im not even sick.. just that i feel really sick of working sigh.............

but i find boys more active so cuter. but HB n MIL so praying for a girl.. they dun have girl in their family mah.. so my situation kinda similar to princess d!


Mil said the boys dunno how to manja n forever fight n behaves like soldiers at war n HB is the odd one .. He is a line ranger! Lol... So she damn sian... No one to go shopping n talk about beauty to her! That's her complain la...

My girl now sure knows how to melt your heart lor.. My BIL oso die in her hands... She is super duper manja when she sees them! ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] then got many many toys!!!

Best part , when my girl was born! The amount of money throw into the pool of 4D was enormous ! Friends n relative won 2nd price on Wed!my BIL was elated n the following week he sneaked into my room n talk to her! Let uncle win toto tonight then I will get u a gold chain thicker than your thigh if not I'll spank u! Crazy fella.... Won his toto that night man! it crazy!!!!!!! So, friends n relatives sayang this precious to the max!! Lol.........

Melissa, i also look at those chinese calendar and it said boy, the rice counting method also boy.

I am kinda stress out too cos i dunno how my MIL will react if it turns out to be a girl. But for me, if it is girl eventually , i am also happy as long as baby is healthy.

Btw, do you all practice playing music and talking to baby?


yes... Doesn't matter... Let it be! If it's a girl I'm sure u ll saved abundance but then having a boy osi can be fun esp can be rough to them... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] let see how true is the prediction lor... I took some chinese prediction test too saying it will be boy... But somehow I felt that is going to be girl ? Let's see on Mon my check up can tell onot! Hope to have a healthy bb n that's my biggest wish!

if we could add another field to the table labeled guessed gender then another called actual gender. that would be fun! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess diamond,

thanks for sharing! so nice that your girl is bringing you and your family so much joy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] your BIL also very funny, talk to your girl then strike toto. haha! if we are having a boy, hubby sure play rough with him then every day smelly and sticky. lol!


i like the way you said "triple the loveliness". hee hee!

my updates...

baby: 13wk3d

me: tired, queasy and hoping someone will offer me seat on the train later..


Yes ! Yes! Healthy bb! Boy or girl doesn't matter! They are our flesh n blood overall .....if put too much pressure, will b v depress n disappointed if the prediction came out opposite!

Let it be....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I Do hope for a boy too but because I roughly know it might nit happened during my O day so I might b a girl unless HB troops of brudders are cheongsters!!! Lol .. Jump on him almost every night until which day it happened oso I can't tell ! That's y when gynae asked when? I act stupid n said dunno? So predict through LMP lor..., wahahaha......

Thank you all for the encouragement feel so good to talk to you all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i just recalled something.. i read online that at week 14, 1st time mummies can start to feel baby's movement le. 'cos by then baby big enough and moving around enough to be felt. just wanted to share.

Mel ,

I'm not com savvy! Know nuts about doing those table! Lol.... Until I have to sent my HB's mac book pro to hospital! Just because I was trying hard to crop n decreased the bloody size of my film to upload , I tried till the whole laptop is gone... So these few weeks I ve been surfing throug my phone ... HB said I'm a genius cos it is so damn difficult to spoil a MAC n I did! Lol... So .. U doing the table ? * wink*

princess diamond,

lol! that was funny!! hubby and i were also jumping on each other before and after my O day so really don't know when we conceived also. hubby was like, "you should keep a record then we know mah..." haha! but we were on honeymoon, got mood then do lor! some more that time winter in Taipei, who cared about keeping records. :p so boy or girl is still a 50-50 to me.

yea i can feel it almost everyday... Very light feeling [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My BIL is a joker!that's y I told him! U better get a gold chain thicker than her thigh!!!!! He gulp n say.... Where to find? Hahaha.... But his gift was huge n but till today cannot find the thick gold chain ! Crazylol...

But true la... Boys can get rough with them! Girls can too but nit so nice right? My HB taught my girl tiger punch la, low five n crappy stuffs ! I hated it! Hehe....

siok fen,

it's the most reassuring feeling! almost as good as going for ultrasound scans.

princess diamond,

the thickest gold chain i have seen so far is probably about the thickness of a telephone cord bah. and it looks horrible!! cannot imagine one looking like a toddler's thigh. hahaha!


Seems like everyone was in Taipei huh? I was there in late dec till 1st week of Jan! Is a family trip n HB n I get really bored with the tour! Rain n rain! We first time on tour, we usually on our own when on holiday but because it was a huge group of people we have no choice!

Play n play until dunno how to stop!when we came back from taipei... Cont again! Lol!so .... Mine oso 50/50[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess diamond.. my daughter's uncles also sayang her like mad.. must be a girl thing?!?!

i am hoping for a boy also.. *sigh* coz i wanna close factory already.. sounds abit early rite?! i'm only 25 yrs old.

i think gynae appts are very assuring.. esp whenever can see the baby growing well on the u/s scan. i feel very anxious about this baby.

princess diamond,

i was there during mid-Jan and the weather was almost perfect everyday, no rain! very clear cloudless skies and super cold. got a couple of nights dropped to 8 degrees. at night nothing to do after all the shopping so play and play under the sheets lor! :p play till i forget my O-day. only when come back one week liao then hubby ask me, "how huh? will get pregnant or not?" lol!! he didn't want a child so soon initially. but too bad! things happened too fast from there.

not true. girl can b very active. my girl is much more active than my friend's son hahah


i also want boy this time. but it's ok to hv girl again. my hubby keep saying he has no preference, 2 girls are cute but i guess he wants son more than daughter this time haha

starry, i am starting to feel baby's movement already. Like yesterday when i was at work , i have some fluttering feeling in my stommie for a few seconds.

Nowadays, i like to lie down, hold my breathe and look at my belly, cos i'll get to see the belly moving up and down and i'm assured that the baby still has heartbeat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes is a girl thing la.... Lil mother hen at home can be quite cute....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]25 yrs old? Fwahhhh see how much you can cope lor... I cannot tahan many though I live children ! Very tiring ... Must save sometime for the big baby at home too... So must use up my energy wisely 


the girls in my mum's family all get sayang-ed more. the boys all more rough and tough. why you wanna close shop so fast? 2 enough for you? my FIL says must have at least 3 for him to pamper!

princess diamond, starrymommy,

yah! the big one already grumbling if this is boy.. i sure don't sayang him already..

2 enough liao.. =X i used to say want 1 only. don't get me wrong.. i love my children.. but i also want to be able to love them equally the best i can.


Hahaha..... We are so wei ta but the bug babies is the one sometimes gvg too much tantrums! Lol

yes I like wat you said! We must be able to provide equal attentions n love to all the children! This is wat I always think n I m sure I can't handle more thN 2![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

see how la, maybe years later we catch each other in the future mtbs forum again....Keekeekee...


cold weather shiok eh!Lol.... Best is to "workout" during winter !! Heeeheeee.......


Thanks gals, so much posts. Will post later now using phone.

I m staying in a ulu part in France, nearest city is Bordeaux, thé pple staying hère mainly is old citizen....

Suggest to ré do blood test, gynae say No point.

