Support group - Miscarriages

oh!! so i must clear the crab in my freezer soon!!! and can't take salted preserved veggie, chocolates, spinach and glutinous rice?!! OPPS!!
Chrisl, wow, crab!!! Need me help u clear the crab?? ;) send to my home! I love crab!!!!
I dont know how to tahan not to eat crab when i pregnant.....^_^

Btw, jhw, what is ' jia yu'?
U r welcome, princess, hope this food list come in handy for all of us soon

ya better avoid... to play safe...
I m not going to be stubborn again
i think that one is barley, not glutinous rice

Ohh.. Hehe.. I tot jia yu is any kind of shellfish.. Wah many things cannot eat.. But i see all my preggy frens just 'hamtam' everything, including all these..
Hi sisters in this forum, I have been a silent reader in this group since may when I experience my 1st mc for my 1st experience. It took me quite some time to have things improved as alot of things happened in between.

At tis time, me n my hubby started to plan for a holiday trip for next yr to relax ourselves. This has been something which I ever look forward to n happy about since the mc. At the same time, i found myself to b pregnant. We decided to forgo the trip n bb come 1st priority.

However, everything does not go smoothly again. When to c my gyne n was unable to see the sac during the checkup. My gyne said mayb it could b early pregnancy. She prescribe an tai Med n other med for me. I hav my hcg taken, the 1st result happen to coincidentally matches w what we see at the scan. So,the 2nd hcg to b schedule 2 days later to c if my hcg level double. Yesterday, I received the call from the doc that my hcg result is nt gd. It seem that I have a chemical pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy, and I need a 3rd blood test tml to ensure my hcg decrease to decide if I need further treatment. For the past 1 week since I found out to b preg to yest to everything is just another disappointment. I broke down again, have been asking myself what hav I done wrong to have went thru all these within 5mths. Actually, I m v tired n really want to give up ttc. But, hubby want both of us to go thru a detail checkup to find out what's wrong. Could any of the sisters here recommend any doc which is specialize in such checkup for mc. Tks.

I will be careful with foods. but my preggy frens and relatives eat all kinds of foods during preggy. They dun care at all. Just everything in moderation.

Hugzzz !!!
You are only 31, same age as me, don’t give up trying…
From what you describe, you are still waiting for gynae to confirm, right?
So all is not confirmed yet, don’t despair…. Maybe things will go well for tomorrow’s blood test?


I can’t help being scared when I read that most of the food stated there are eaten by me during my pregnancy… think I will be very very cautious the next time.
I m oso 31 hehe.

Ya u are still young. And it not cfm yet. Positive thinking will help.., will pray for u..
I understand that u are very depress over ur loss.
Let time heal ur wound, then consider abt ttc again. Meantime hv a good rest n mini confirement.
U able to concieve easily, u shd not give up hope. Jiayou!!

Anyone visiting Dr Su?
Can help me ask, what the best tonic to give patient that just recover from asthma?
Anything to improve their lung etc...
Thanks girls, I'm trying to do some tonic for my dad but meantime I really no time to see any TCM. Everyday I'm rushing hospital. Phew...
Dear Babyhope,

We feel for you. I have my first mc in Jan and managed to conceive successfully in April. I have friends who mc twice and managed to give birth to healthy bb gal recently. And some who have mc more than twice, but managed to give birth to 3 healthy kids eventually. Dun give up, ok? Guess everything happen for a good reason, and as long as we have did our best, lets god do the rest. My gynae always said let the nature runs. Certain things is beyond our control.

I am currently seeing this gynae, LC Foong at Gleneagles, for my current pregnancy, who specialised in fertility. You can try him but his price is abit steep though.
Jhw n princess,
Yes, just came back home. Are u guys there too?
My poor hubby had to work overnight, he only slept less then 2 hrs.
Now we heading home to let him rest... *^^*
snoopy haha you love crabs too? I love black pepper crabs or garlic spring onions crabs specially..

jhw, oh i misread! haha it would be so sad not to be able to eat glutinous rice which i make on some for barley i can do without cos it's consider liang i think

*hugs* yeah same Qs as princess, how long have you tried to TTCing?

i think my mum said b4 watercress soup is one of them good for lungs, and also i saw this might want to try
Ya we also not enough sleep... wake up too early today.
the movie nice but uncle talked so fast.
I even bumped into my ex schoolmate with her hubby..
will u try the prenatal vitamins they give?
I be going dr su there tmr... will update u after i ask her abt the tonic....

Dr su say best tonic to cook for your dad asthma condition is 冬虫草 plus 肉. She say just eat this will do and u can use pork meat
i rem my mum cook this for me before when i was a kid... becos i cough till nearly kena asthma too.

Princess ,

Dr su say LRD can be taken during pregnancy until give birth.. just reduce the amount of each ingredients, especially ginger. oh ya she say implantation can take plane de...only when tested positive, within four months cannot take plane... she herself also took plane during implantation
jhw, celest,

I was there at the talk yesterday. Reached about 9.20am, came back 11.30pm. Very tired, so I din log on yesterday. Its a long day.


I was supposed to see Dr Su today, but cannot get up, will go tmr evening. Good to know implantation can take plane, cos a lot ppl try ttc oversea nowadays.
Thanks for asking. Muck muck!!
Horrey!! Tomolo my dad can be discharge.

Oh... The Vit. Duno leh.. Think the content of dosage quite high wor, I dun dare to eat. Now I'm only sticking to fish oil, folic acid n primrose oil. Hehe!! Oh.. We plan to hv a fertile checkup in Nuh. Hope nothing goes wrong. They advise us to see polyclinic n get reference letter. Cheaper.. Hehe!
Princess, Celest
i am just thinking if should eat the vits now or during pregnancy... but i realise the vits cannot be found on the shelf, maybe have to be specially prescribed by gynae...

no problem, glad that your dad is well now...

yesterday's seminar was like very scary, the way he talked about age that will affect fertility and risk of miscarriage is so scary.... and my hb still can laugh so happily at his jokes.
How much is the fertile checkup? is it the one that Uncle mentioned in yesterday seiminar? I heard he saying something about the nurse he trained to help couples to do fertility check, and we can leave our contact so that the nurse can come to our house to help us right?
Hello I just found this group, I'm also 31, and just having my second miscarriage in 4 months. I saw some of you went to see dr mahesh at nuh for recurrent miscarriage. Can I ask? As I have googled online, it seems that most dr only do testing for women who haf had 3 miscarriages. How many miscarriages before I need to see a dr for recurrent miscarriage ?
Hi michelle,

Sorry to hear about what happened.. I think there's no harm in giving nuh women's clinic a call, explain your situation and ask if u could make an appt to see prof mahesh..

From what i understand, pre natal vitamins are meant to be taken when starting ttc.. When u get pregnant, the gynae will usually prescribe other multi vitamins..
Oh yes! He does sound scary, keep talking abt the age factor.
I still haven't start the test, so I duno how much Isst wor. But I will see a polyclinic asap. Heard them saying only can go outram park polyclinic, over there then they able to refer. Will update u.

Yeah. Heard the Dr Peter chew saying, leave out contact n those trained nurse will call us.
Dun think they will come to our house wor.. I'm faithfully waiting for any call from them. Can't wait...
Michelle ,
sorry to hear abt your loss... hugzzz


All along i thought prenatal is for consumption during pregnancy...

Thanks for keeping me updated..
i tried the test and omg, both me and hubby belong to the amber zone which had some risk of infertility...

Prenatal means pre-pregnancy. So, the vits cannot be taken during pregnancy. I think I will try the vits and stop my multi-vit in the meanwhile, cos dun want to overdose.


Sorry to hear that. Hug~~
2 mc in 4 months is too much to handle. Take care!
I see... okay noted !! I will start taking tomolo but i think i will break into half if possible ...i scared my body not used to it suddenly... heehee... sleep early gal!!
I also did the test n same amber line..
My hubby say dun stress out bcos of the test. Most imp, we need to continue dun give up n ttc.
Guess Dr Su did a great job on brainwash him... Lol

Oh... Princess. U start the prenatal vit wor.
Do u think the amount of the Vit slighty higher?
That why I dun dare to take it...
your hubby is sensible

my hubby think of giving up at times... he say why not just enjoy the freedom we had now...

u can break into half to eat..
Thats what my fren doctor advise her to do
Yes he is.. Sometime I need him to knock my sense back.
Once he told me, alway the part of ML. He can't enjoy n relax cos he worry troop not strong enough. Bcos when I see my menses, I felt disappointed. He also told Dr Su. Until we keep brainwash him. Then now he start to be more relax..

Did u take the fishoil n folic acid when taking prenatal Vit too?
We attend a talks. Then it provide us a bag of things.
Inside there a chart for us to fill in..
That help us determine which level of fertile we are now.

ya, i will still be taking Folic acid and Fish Oil when I take the Prenatal Vits. And I will break the Prenatal vit into half...
Ask your hubby don't blame himself....
I believe Dr Su's pills can really help him.. because the gal who introduce her in Mummy sg forum, her hubby's sperms also not so strong initially, after 2 months dosage, become stronger and they now got their rainbow baby gal. I believe Fate will come, and your Baby will come...


If you want, i can scan a copy of the test to you, for you to try....
but if you don't mind, i had already scribble my ugly handwritings on top haha
Yeah. That wat I told him as well. Got to hv faith.
Now I'm leaving all thing to faith. If I'm fated to hv a baby, it will come one day.
No point trouble over it.. Wouldn't help..
jhw, celest,

Ya, I am taking the prenatal vits. If worried, can break into half like what jhw had said. Last night I compared with my multi-vits, some is higher but some lower. I am still taking folic acid though. Cos gynae say its ok. I asked her I am taking folic acid + multi-vits. Will I get overdose on folic? Both add up about 1100mcg. She say its still fine to take. So, while trying the prenatal vits, have to stop multi-vit cos some vitamins overlap.

Maybe can compared Blackmore's, cos a lot of ladies take them.

Should be no prob for the folic acid.. The folic acid prescribed by gynaes is 5 mg (5000 mcg).. That's why you'll find the pharmacies selling folic acid in 5 mg.. I chose not to take pre natal vit cos i find the dosage of folic acid a little low..


From what i checked on conversion websites, ug = mcg, so 500 ug is 500 mcg.. Maybe u wanna double check? From what i've seen so far, pharmacies sell the folic acid in 5 mg.. And it's the exact same brand and dosage as what gynaes give..
