Support group - Miscarriages


Rem I told you my mucus is not as obvious as before, that is before I start ttc. But at least still ovulating, dunno when it started to stop ovulation leh. In the past, I do feel mucus flowing out. Now not anymore. But bbt and opk show I am still ovulating. I will start testing again to rest my mind. Weird that Dr Su cannot diagnose that.

Yes I remember.
Could be now u been resting ur body n mucus start to form.
For me, i suspect im not ovulating so i go to my Dr n demand a scan to see any ovulation.
Felt it more accurate then using OPK. Of cos it only one time scan to ensure myself. Every mth, I might gone broke. Hehe!
ChrisL, welcome back !!!!
O, u start fet in oct! Jia you!!! Must grab ur bb dust.... ;)
Eat well, heathly, rest more, happy everyday!!!!

My fren told me is the not the black sesame, is normal white sesame,, & stick on the biscuit... paiseh, dont know how to describe...its quite crispy & nice to eat...
My fren send me the photo, u want to view?
I love to eat ler when first try...

Btw, u said black sesame, how u cook? As dessert ?? After eat, teeth will bcome black black.... heeeee.....
Thanks Chris !! btw what is FET

Thanks Princess, Celest, Min for your encouragement…
Think I will just take the relax approach…. Have jiu have, dun have jiu dun have… see fate

Princess, Dr Su cannot tell whether we are ovulating from our pulse, right?
Actually I never ask her this qn before, so I am not sure….
but I remember she told my friend before, if she has the urge to ML, means she is ovulating.
My friend thought she is joking…. Looks like it is true

That time I heard from piky that Dr Su can tell from pulse that she was having implantation. So, I never ask her before too. Till I see my bbt chart appears funny then I ask her. I ask her after she took my pulse and she din say anything about it. I think better trust technology, I will start doing bbt and opk.

No prob
Ya holiday is for relaxing so don't worry too much k..


Don't worry too much.. OPKs should be pretty accurate.. Hope u don't have to take clomid k..
Ya i also heard my,fren say dr su can tell that she is preggy from pulse without i didn't know if she can diagnosed ovulation or not... i think better try both ways, east n west combi

Ya, I also hope dun have to take clomid.


Agreed. My gynae also say so. She always check with me if I am still seeing tcm. She is very open to east & west combi.
FET Frozen Embryo Transfer..a type of IVF
but minus the injections

i see, white ones..then i hv at home, but not the black lah i don't know how to cook. But my mum has a packet of uncooked one for me, i actually wanted to try make black sesame paste by searching for online know in case making tang yuan.. cos i like the sesame filling types
I see ChrisL.
I eat the sesame that stick outside biscuit....

I seldom the black one cos will make my teeth black black, if eat home, ok, but if at outside, very paiseh.... hee.....
thanks! sure will de! But this time i want to play safe..pantang a bit lah..i will not announce so early.. if i quiet quiet long time that means i strike ok hehe and will come back after 2nd trimester (week 16) to spread the news and dusts lol

try drinking water after eating black sesame to 'clean' teeth else go to the toilet and gurgle with water might do the trick
All the best to you chris!! Okay noted!! I hope you don't come again after few months later to announce your good news!!

Btw, talking abt pantang, anyone want to go pray zhu sheng niang niang? I an willing to try all possible methods haha
thanks jhw!

oh talking about preggy stuffs..

the other day on the flight home, i watched this very super nice show:

'What to expect when you're expecting'

i personally think it's a show which all of us ttcing and mc can relate to..i cried at some point lol
ChrisL, ya, do take care & all the best!!

Jhw, yes, i also think to go pray zhu sheng niang niang but i dont know where is the place.. any idea ?
Actually there is one 'ma zhu Niang Niang' temple at sengkang ... Me and hub go to that .. Heard from frenz it's for babies and children .. Me and hubby go to that temple sometimes ... Not a very big temple tough ( cant compare with Loyang ) .. I go to these two =) ...
haha princess, yeah! Maybe next time we lost and found in MTB thread lol and maybe year down the road a thread on 'HELP!! KIDS DRIVING ME CRAZY' lol

a scene lah..but then overall ok lah no bloody scenes at all..happy ending like
Thanks chris, i will go watch

is the one in sengkang also zhu sheng niang niang?
What is the exact location?
Loyang also have?


I found a few from online sources

The Long Shan Si 龙山寺, at Race Course road

Yu Huang Dian at Havelock Road

Shuanglin temple at toa payoh

As for the tanjong pagar one, i dunno where but i read from below blog that it is within walking distance from the mrt. She also share some info about zsnn.

Loyang one is not ( we jus happen to always travel there to pray , cos 香火旺盛 ) .. We dont really go bugis's shi ma lu cos a lot of tourist go there .. plus bugis operate like office hr , we not free .. Loyang is 24 hr ..
We got to know abt the sengkang temple through a Fren 3 yrs ago .. Plus hubby every year will attend the temple's 7th month dinner since then ... I don't really know what's the name but hubby say is ' ma zhu niang niang ' .. But it's a small temple , only got 3 deity/god , ma zhu niang niang on extreme right sector .. Hubby forgot the address .. I try find the card then inform u all again ..
Thanks Tomomi… Take your time, no hurry… only find when you free….

Piky, thanks
you pray in both temples ah?
If We only pray in one temple, is it okay?
What we need to do over there?
jhw, i use to go 2 temple now i go Shuanglin temple only.

When u reach there go sell joystick de tell them u want to pray for ZSNN they will tell u to pray whole temple 1st then pray ZSNN no need to bring anything pray. if u happen to see ppl put red egg can take 2 and eat take their babydust...
Hmm actually my hubby and i have not shared this with anyone before.. When i was abt 6 wks plus preggy, we went to 'wan fo lin' temple cos my grandparents' ashes and tablets are there.. We were very happy and wanted to thank them for the blessing.. Then we went to a niche at a catholic church where my hubby's grandma's ashes were at to thank her too.. When i mc, my hubby felt maybe cos even though our grandparents are good, but there may be other bad or negative energy in such places.. He said next time we don't go till baby born safe and healthy.. We can pray by ourselves with sincerity during pregnancy..

One day before my lap, my mum reminded us to go to the special 7th mth prayer at 'wan fo lin' for my grandparents.. But my hubby said don't go.. He was worried for me..

I rather get crazy over kids than crazy over no baby. LOL!!


If u want to pray, better do it now. I think preggy better dun go temples. I heard elders said so. My MIL also forbid me 2 SIL to attend any rituals for grandparents which is in temple. Better play safe.

Ya my hubby told me he regrets that we went to the temple and church niche.. So next time we'll be very careful.. Sometimes we just feel how come we were punished for innocently wanting to just thank our grandparents
Min, Princess

Thanks for reminding me and letting me know...
okok, i will take note and go pray before pregnant. But if really happen to get pregnant, Is it to return the favour after Delivery?

I think i am feeling desperate....
Hope to reduce this kind of feeling..
U know i even heard of this Catholic Church in Novena, Consecutively go 9 times every Sat, you will get your wish come true.... but i am not catholic... so dunno if can try or not...

Min.... I also went for the Special 7th Month Prayer this year in "Wan Fo Lin", To Chao Du my BB....did you register for your BB chaodu?

Princess, I agree...
I rather get crazy over kids than No kids.
I saw that there is another Thread in this forum - "MotherLife Sucks". You read liao will feel heartpain , dunno why there are mothers in this world who just cannot appreciate the babies they are having now...

I read that thread also. I think otherwise as well.
I rem reading a thread months back, a lady posted to ask ladies who is ttc to go to a temple to get full month's red eggs. Cos she actually pray at that temple to ask for baby, so she promised if she got preggy, she will return xx number of eggs. I think it depends on what you have promised to return.
min81, jhw,

Ya, thinking back I did went to temple once during preggy to pray grandparent. But I dunno I was preggy then. Dunno counted anot.
That means after ovulation must be careful le. Cos mine is during 2ww. Before the mc, my cycle range from 27-36. So, unless AF din come after D36, I wun test for preggy. So, that month, I actually went to temple on D32. After I knew preggy, I din go temple at all.

Ya lor my hubby and i also not pantang.. But we say if get preggy, we're gonna be pantang already.. Hehe.. So if i don't announce when i get preggy don't scold me k.. Hope we all succeed soon!


Nope didn't do chao du..
I'm a catholic. Anyone is welcome to the church.
For novena church, We went there more then 6 mth bcos of my sick FIL, of cos same time i pray for a baby too. Shorty after 6 over mths, i really got pregnant. You have to send ur petition n start going there every sat. They have masses every hrs on Sat.

Here the link to the timing for sat masses.

Sorry girls,
Been disappear from this tread for awhile, cos my daddy has hospitalize due to his asthma.
Now still in ICU... Haiz! Everytime, when I need rest for my clomid, alway got thing happening to tired me off...

It's OK. Hope your dad is recovering well.
Take care & rest well yourself. Dun tire yourself out. Things may not goes the way we want at times, but I believe something good will arise. This is life. Perhaps rainbow baby likes to come unexpectedly.
Celest, ya its okay... thanks alot for sharing the information with me despite of your busy schedule ...
send my regards to your dad... hope he get well soon.
We all have bad patches in life but i believe we will eventually get through them and that they will make us a tougher and stronger person
Princess n Jhw,
Thanks for best wishes.
Meantime I am not going to think abt TTC, focus on my dad.
Come what may... Hehe!
