Support group - Miscarriages


dunno leh, but my friend's gynae told her not to worry about overdosage as excess folic acid can be flush away...
I just break mine into half and took the prenatal vits for the first time !! yeah !!

jhw, unastella is the name for my miscarried baby too... dun really know the gender but dh dreamt tt it was a girl the first time. dunno if i shd name the second mc since there wasn't any fetal pole detected...
Mich & Piky

Anastella sounds really nice... Isabelle is a nice name too... I got a feeling my miscarried baby is a Boy... but i name him Faith (sound girlish) But Faith come to my mind as soon as I lost him.... I need faith to move on...
its good to name your second baby too...
i feel that its a form of acknowledgement to them....


Okok, i wait for your PM.
would be great if you can include your email.
So that I can email you straight after I scan the document to my PC.... But i can only send you tomorrow i think because i didn't bring the paper today.

Thanks! You are right, they are the same. I also realise folic acid out there, sometimes the dosage is very low. Its very commonly see 400-500mcg. Its only 10% of what gynae gave us.


Faith is a nice name. I named mine LUZ. Though I somehow knew its a boy but better used a unisex name. I always loved names like Lucia & Lucas. So I choose one along the same line. Luz stands for Bringer to the Light. I hope my baby will help us walk out of this darkness.

Can you send me the test as well? I realise I only have the answer but no test questions.

Luz sounds unique...
I am sure our babies are our Guardian Angels..
Because of them, We change our Mindset on many things.... and learn not to take things for granted...
We Started to Live healthily, We want to live well for them and for our family... and also I start to love myself more in terms of Work... not so obsessed and stressed over work anymore... balance family life is more important to me now.... I am sure they will come back to be our baby again. Its just that time is not ripe yet...

Ya i had looked at blackmores and gnc prenatal vits last time but saw that they're quite low in folic acid and overlaps the vits i'm taking.. So i chose not to take the prenatal vit..

Jhw, princess, mich, piky,

My hubby and i named our bb chloe.. We just had the feeling our bb was a gal..
Our bb had the same name Faith.
I duno abt the gender, but I believe it a girl.
Me and my hubby in fact already given name, it call Charice.
sorry a long post, but i need to tell somebody...
Its just so hard sometimes, i did an u/s when i was supposed to be 6w, but the sac was well, too small. the dr asked me to return at 8w, which was last fri. i was spotting n bleeding throughout the 2 weeks, but i figured from googling that it seemed that a first trimester loss cannot be prevented n it seemed pointless to go in too early, so i waited for 2 weeks. the u/s showed that there was no sac left and the lining was still being shed. so i got meds to help my uterus complete the miscarriage.

then my hb's cousin's wife just delivered their second child last week. I had to visit them yest, go to the baby shop to buy a baby present while i cramping and bleeding out the remains of my miscarriage. hb told me i din have to go, but if i din go, there would be a lot of explaining and well, i din want to explain anything. his family is quite tightly-knit...

no one other than my mum, my hb n myself knew abt the pregnancy this time coz when i last miscarried in may this yr, hb's family were kinda blaming me about how i sleep too late n well, keep too many pets and etc. i din want to hear all that again until i passed the first trimester, which didn't happen. no one knows i was miscarrying. When we visited his cousin, everyone was just asking us "when is ur turn? see the baby is so cute."

i know that the baby is cute. i wish i m still walking around pregnant. its so lonely and miserable...
just to add on... i had kinda hoped that the bleeding during the 2 week wait was from SCH, and well, the clots were just bleeding themselves out and i would have a healthy baby...

Its ok to rant here. We are all here to listen. We had all been through all these.

If its unavoidable, then no choice. But its too painful to shop for baby thing and baby shower. I have not go for one since my mc last year. I did not even go back to my in-law cos my 2 sil are preggy. After the mc, I learnt to live for myself and hubby, not for others. Its only when things happened, then you will see the true faces of some people.

Its good not to tell people about the pregnancy for the first trimester, else there will be too much to explain and blames pushing around. I had been through that, I know how hard it feels.

You need to get through this phase and things will get better. Right now, concentrate on getting your health back to normal, then start the ttc journey again.

its fine to confide in us... we are all here to support you... for me, i also stop meeting friends who are pregnant, because most likely, they will just be talking about their pregnancy and how happy they are... I want to be good to myself just this once and do not want to get hurt again... The worst will be over !! Huggzzz to you !!!
Big hugs!! Understand how u feel.
This forum is for all of us to support each other.
After my MC, I'm avoiding any contact with my inlaws, bcos they will keep asking me when are we going start a family. Even I told them, we are trying very hard now, they still dun get it. It painful for us to dug out my sorrow n share with anyone, so I learn to avoid as much possible. Be good to myself...

Now focus on ur mini confirement. Get ur health back is most imp.
Jiayou dear....
*hugs* for you..yes rant here all you want, afterall, it's a support group gal! It's never easy to go thru that we went thru, esp when ppl around are not sensitive enough to know what to say or what not to say. But, learn to just 'in one ear and out the other' I know it's really difficult, but thru experience i feel that's one way to make yourself better after the loss. Another way is also as what some sisters here say, if you are surrounded by relatives or preggy friends new borns etc..just make excuses to avoid future meet ups and events less you get emotional over the comments again..well just stay clear until your 'wound' is more or less heal..that's just my 2 cents worth..meanwhile, build up your body and try again asap. Jia You!


when i had my miscarriage, all were blaming me for attending a friend's child birthday... and my mil also blame me for spreading the news before 3 months ... at the same time, i was preparing for my house warming , cleaning the house as well as looking after my boy also ... when nothing happen, no one will say a thing, but when something happened, they will start to blame every possibility ..

but deep inside me i know all these reasons are not the cause of my miscarriage , cos i already experianced abnormal occasional sharp pain/cramp at lower abdominal before or when i know i am pregnant ...

take good care ...
princess, piky,

I just sent the fertility test to you...
do let me know if you didn't receive...

princess, celest...

i have sore throat today
dunno is it because yesterday take the prenatal vits... but i already cut into half...
i am really very sad now. So long never have sorethroat liao.. even take so much tonic also dun have sore throat... and now hving sore throat just because of prenatal vits...
U sure Vit is the cause of ur sore throat?
Maybe is the tonic u taking n causing it?
This few days weather is terrible. Anytime we will fall sick.
Try to drink more plain water.. Wash out the toxic inside ur body.
work is not important to me now haha
first thing come to office is to talk to u all haha

the first time when i took multivits, i also got sorethroat..
Tonics i took for three months but nv have sorethroat leh

So, you are not taking multi-vits now then? Did u drink enough water? I heard multi-vits very heaty leh. Actually a lot of vitamins out there, works well if drink enough water. Else, will become toxins store in body.
Maybe you try again with plenty of water throughout the day. Cos LRD already heaty, I noticed that if I dun drink enough water, I may start to have headache, its my own symptoms.
princess, jhw, celest, gbob, christ, tomomi, thanks for your replies, i feel much better after getting it off my chest.

i m staying with the in laws so its kinda hard to avoid seeing them, but since they dunno tt i m miscarrying so at least i m spared in tt way.

i think i will start drinking the LRD also...
heard from my friend tt multivitamins are heaty, mabbe need to balance with drinking more water.

has anyone here heard of toxoplasma?

U can always vant ur in laws problem here if u wan .. A lot of us got such problem also ..


Better don't take too much stuff ... Last time when I take Tcm , I still went to herbal shop to buy something which they say very bu after miscarriage ... End up Heaty plus bad breathe!!! Multivitamin can sometimes cause constipation , so u need to judge , can't take too much ... So best to list out everything u taking to ur Tcm , sometimes they will jus require or wan us to keep to a few .. Last time my Tcm only wan me take vitamin b complex cos I got problem relaxing and falling asleep and she always say I feel very tight , so every time I see her I need gua sha ... But both Tcm and vitamin will only work well with sufficient water intake ( not forgetting sufficient rest also
Now u better drink plenty of water to flush out the toxic.
I remember my colleague took a lot round of Vit C bcos he felt weak n sick. Shorty he having bad headache n vomit
u can always count on us... !!

tomomi, celest
actually dr su ask me to just take her medicine and some of the stuff that i am taking all along eg folic acid and omega 3
but i never listened... mouth itchy go and try the prenatal vits.... the day when i saw the prenatal vits in the goody bag, i felt so excited and can't wait to eat it...
Now i just hope sore throat faster recover, so that i can go back to tcm medicine + ba zhen...

I think the main issue is lack of water. Even though taking LRD, you should have some water intake in between cos LRD is heaty. Somemore, Dr Su's medicine is heaty too. Water is very essential in many areas to work properly. That day, Dr Chew also mentioned, need to drink more water for better cervical mucus.

If I never remember wrongly .. I tink I ever come across a programme which mention that soup, juice , milk (so probably I will include LRD ).. All these we cannot replace into the normal 8 glass of water we need per day .. So even if we drink a lot of these,we still need the proper Amt of water for the body ..
oh no... all these while, i had been replacing water with LRD.... like confinement like that...

Thanks tomomi, princess, will really try my best to drink 8 glasses of water which does not include LRD.....
So after my sore throat recover..
i will just concentrate on

1. folic acid
2. Omega 3 fish oil
3. Tcm med
4. ba zhen
5. black chicken soup
6. durians....

No more prenatal vitamins for now first...
Yes Mich,
I've heard of that..cos I hv cats at home. So I tested for it as well ..hut thank goodness neg. You hv cats too? Better go test it to be sure..
Mich and chrisl,

Does the toxoplasma bacteria infect dogs as well? Cos i have a dog.. From wat i've read, it seems like it's just cats..
chris, i heard tt there's 2 kinds of tests for toxoplasma, 1 is the old infection n 1 is the recent infection, did u test for both?

min, from my googling, toxoplasma infection seems to come mainly from cat feces and eating deli meat like ham etc. seems tt dogs dun pose much danger for pregnancy or fertility. i haf 2 dogs at home, hope no problem oso...

its not a std test in sg, but hb's relative had it last time, n it affected their fertility. last time the moment i announced i was preggo, MIL couldn't stop talking about toxoplasma n how bad it is. somehow feel like i'm getting bad luck from all their talk like tt... then me n hb had so many disagreements over testing it etc. in e end no need to test coz m/c alr.

i had cats last time, din really test for it coz according to my gynae, there's no medically proven cure for toxoplasma. at least tt was the conclusion of the medical inquiry board at tt time.

then now m/c again, and the dr, a diff one, asked me to test for it. I'm just wondering how useful would it b for me to test for it. i mean if there is no cure, then why test?
Mich ,

I will test if needed .. At least to find out the truth

Went to my rheumatologist today for follow up .. Gonna run a few test to make sure everything is well .. 3 tubes of blood ... He kept laughing when I say I am so scared of blood drawing ever since I almost fainted in his clinic after they took 9 tubes Haha ...
Nope nvr tot there are 2types so didn take it...anyway I have rested my case now after my last gynae test/appointment last month. My gyane suspected that it most probably was cos of not enough progesteron..thus I got more of progesteron pills. So up until now I'll just make it a point to take very good care esp and wash my hands very frequently and leave the rest to the 'Big Man' above..

For what I know it only affects cats which are outdoors as they prey on mice, birds and what nots..and my cats go very often out so I got that tested to be sure else as for you, don't think so you got dog..but hey if you want you can always go to test to rest your mind..

Just sharing also what I think--

If possible do not consume leftover food for example: unfinished dinner today leave for lunch tomorrow etc. From our culture, i know it is considered good not to waste food but actually leftover foods contains lots of bacteria and if you must try to cook the portion you need and heat it up real thoroughly to kill bacteria and also I noticed many hawkers outside..have you girls noticed that the chilli sauce or sauces for the food example: chicken rice or vegetarian beehoon been left out in the open for the whole day and even weeks depending on customer turnover rate..I personally don't dare to eat the sauces now...

Wow 9!!

Talking abt over left food ... I really wanna go crazy over their hygiene in food ... Food left in open air for 10hr but still keep till next day if not finished .. Few occasion I smell spoilt food ... Aiya .. Super long story ... Only had a big quarrel with my hubby over this issue a few days ago .. Hit my limit ... Cause even when the rice smell sour( at 8pm ) , they still take it and fry it the next day ... ! After some conversation with me , hubby and mil abt rice cooker and rice ( we offer to buy a new rice cooker ) , my limit hit !!! Due to some replies which I think it's so inconsiderate ... I know they don't wan waste food but this is not the way to solve it .. They should jus cook less and finish on the very day ... Today got a lot of over left rice again ... Haiz ... For info , they don't keep over left rice in fringe , they will still leave it inside the rice cooker till the next day .. Now I always eat my mil food with caution ..

Got to be caution when talking to ur mil. Best allow ur hubby.
Eldery use to cook this way for years, sudden a change, they might not able to adjust.
My mil alway cook alot dishes for a dinner n alot of leftover. She will keep in fridge for next day.
But I'm lucky bcos she wouldn't feed us, next day she often eat herself.
I alway told her to cook lesser, then wouldn't hv left over. But she already use to cook alot n sudden cook bait, she duno how.
