Support group - Miscarriages

hi tubby,
How are you? When is your next gynae's visit?
Have you started wearing mat. clothings yet?



Good morning!

Millie, you know? I wished that I had morning sickness this time round and was 'grandly blessed' throughout the 1st trimester. No joke ah!
I actually lost 3 kg as a result of that. If you don have as much spare tyres as me, you better don wish for too much MS :D Maybe you want to change to another gynae, if you are not comfortable with your current gynae. I strongly recommend my gynae, Dr Thong, at Raffles hospital, if you are interested.

Hi all

A short update from my checkup yesterday, my baby weighing 2.8kg at 35th week (but I lost 1kg! maybe due to *gei sim*
) and water level was good... hmmm... told my gynae my worries and also will be doing CTG next week.

Wondering what's CTG for, besides monitoring the bb's heartbeat.

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">*~*May God bless our babies*~*</font></font>
hi all,
Just wanted to say hi. No time to read through all the posts. But thanks for everyones' concern! Now I'm waiting for my mum to boil my bathing water..... Here I am sweating on my sofa...... This time round I have a cleaner confinement. The care given to me by TMC is rather good. The nurses massage my uterus, so that the lining can be quickly shed off. The second day after my delivery, I got up to the toilet to urine, a big piece of blood clot (look like pig liver) fell out. On the third day onwards, my lochia is greatly reduced, so much so that by now I'm just wearing panty liner. So for those preggies, do ask the nurses to massage your tummy after delivery.

I told myself not to be upset anymore. Life still have to go on. I dun wan to be as upset like the first time. It took so much energy to be upset. Its really much easier to have a positive disposition and stay cheerful and happy. That's what I'm going to do. In fact I'm already deciding where to go to highlight my hair. For the past 2 years since my wedding, I've been either pregnant, TTC, pregnant. I have delayed doing so many things like learning driving, etc and also neglected my hubby. So now I'm going to move on with my life and make the best out of it and live life to the fullest!
Dear Java, BIG BIG HUGZ to you. i'm really sorry to hear what happened but i'm glad to hear you are staying strong. pls take gd care of yourself.
Hi millie, congrats to you! so happy to see 1 more graduate added to the long list. i'm praying hard for you, hope to hear more good news from you next week. meanwhile, take gd care of yourself.
hi joyce,
Yah I think I can top taufik in album sales. My should change my nick to "tau gei".
Great to know that you are fine...yes yes you are our IDOL. You should change your username to SB Idol Tau Gei


Hi Gals
Those preggie mummies, let's be strong &amp; support each other thru'out this journey.

Those TTC, Jia You &amp; hope more will join in the graduate list!
Joyce, this is what I found in

Protein Excess protein in your urine can be caused by a urinary tract infection (UTI), kidney disease, or high blood pressure. After about the 20th week of pregnancy, it can also be a sign of preeclampsia. If you have protein in your urine but your blood pressure is normal, you'll have a urine culture to see if you have a UTI.

I guess your doc is not concerned as it is only a trace.

hi Java, glad to hear that U are well and thinking in a positive way..

Just like what the gals here said.. U're My Idol.. U're a strong brave lady..
Congratulations Tubby and miao_maio... Ur baby are growing very well...

Hi nyny,
Hope you are recovering well... You are a very strong gal... hugs... Do rest well.
I also dun feel like talking to anyone after my D&amp;C. I shut myself from my friends and relatives for two months, and I came to this thread almost everyday. I had a very bad temper then. When I had visitors, I just let my hubby entertain them and I kept myself busy. But dun do things like mopping or sweeping the floor... I did those and I bled more. Hope you will find some strength from here, like I did.

Hi Millie, Hamasaki, folic, tiantian, missy, odie
Thank you... People said I looked beautiful on my wedding day

Java... hugs... I am sorry to hear your loss. I will pray for yours and your hubby's recovery. Do take good care of yourself and your hubby. I hope you will find an answer to the incident. God Bless you...
Hey, I can recommend a salon that do a good job in highlighting... It's at Centerpoint... My hair dun feel dry or become damaged after the dye and highlight.

K k I gotta go and fetch my sis... tell you gals about my wedding later...
hi lyn, its been a week plus since U last log in.. How are u gal.. Had a wonderful wedding yah and a beautiful bride U are on yr wedding day..

Okie, will wait to hear more of yr wedding things.. (hehehehhe)
hi gals, wanna check with U all if UTI (urine tract infection) will affect one body Fertility..

and if pregnate, will it affect the unborn baby.. And is it advisable and safe to take UTI antibotics and medicine..

thanks all..
Hi Nyny... I hope you are doing better now. Don't worry too much about ignoring the people around you. I didn't feel like seeing anyone after my miscarriage as well. They will understand I'm sure.

Java... I'm glad to see that you have bounced back. You are indeed a strong gal! I don't know if I have the kind of courage as you do. You were in my thoughts that night after reading the news. I was really very saddened by the it. In fact I'm tearing away while typing this... my husband must think I'm going a little nuts :p You have my support to put your TTC plans on hold until you hear further from your gynae. Keep your mind and spirit alive for now with other aspects of life kay. Hope to see you posting more often.

Hey Joyce... you must take really good care of yourself now that your baby is almost due. Jia you jia you!!

Congrats to Millie!! Have faith ok? Pertaining to your questions. This time round... I had my morning sickness between the 9th to 10th week. But I don't get it every morning... maybe every other day. As for breast pain... sometimes I have it sometimes I don't. I still remember me freaking out around the 8th week when the pain went away for almost a week. Last pregnancy was different though... the morning sickness started as early as the 6th week but only lasted for 1 week and the breast pain was unbearable and started even before I tested myself... and the pain didn't go away at all. So I guess it really differs from each pregnancy.

Lyn... welcome back (to reality :p) Tell us more about your wedding... to cheer us up ;)

I think I have been too tied down with work for the last week that I'm starting to get into my mood swings again. I really can't stand colleagues telling me to be careful and not to do this and that. I just feel like asking them... if that is the case why don't they do it for me instead of just saying? In fact 2 days ago, one colleague saw me picking up an EMPTY box and told me not to do it and that I should be careful since its only my 1st pregnancy and my womb is "delicate". I "snapped" back at her telling her that this is my 2nd cos I had a miscarriage. She retorted that all the more I should take extra care. I gave it straight to her... told her that I was very careful with my steps, what I do and what I eat but my baby just died in the womb... no pain no bleeding... just that there was no heartbeat. If the baby is destined to leave... there is nothing I can do to prevent it.

I think it is always easy for people who have never been through it to put it so lightly. It was never my fault. I did everything right but in the end it still went wrong. *shrugs* Easy for them to say. So what if they have been very careful and everything went smoothly? Ultimately it is not because they got it right... they were just lucky not to fall into the small category that we are in!!! I know better... I don't need them to teach me just because they had a smooth pregnancy. I suppose that is why I don't like to discuss about my pregnancy with most people for this time round (unlike the last one)... I get agitated when I hear stuff like "you must do this" "you must not do that".

Oh my... I think I'm really stressed out. Better go to bed.

Nite girls!
Hi Joyce,
Glad to know that the checkup went well. Continue to be positive ok?

Hi Java,
u are not only my SB idol, u are my SINGAPORE IDOL!!! Yes, life has to go on no matter wat. U hv given me inspiration to go on trying again. Wana join me for karaoke singing?????

Hi lyn
WELCOME BACK. Must share with us yr wedding story and photos hor.

Hi Odie,
Yes, I think u must be really stressed out by your work.Ya, it is always easy for people who have never been through it to put it so lightly and I also hate it when ppl keep telling me wat I shd do and wat I shd not do in my TTC journey. Wat make them think that I hv not tried those things they hv mention???

Sometime, I just feel like telling them to shut up and leave me alone. Sorry, enough of my "lau sao". Hope I din affect u. Are u able to take a few days off just to relax and stop thinking abt work for a while, at least??

Gals, my job is at risk now. There is a major reorgn soon and not sure if my job will be safe.....
Hi Odie, yeah. My baby almost due liao... these few weeks have to monitor very carefully.

Hi TianTian, I've to be very very <font color="ff6000"><font size="+2">positive</font></font> especially now!!!! keke

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">*~*May god bless our babies*~*</font></font>
hi tian tian, dun stress yrself up for the time being.. I will pray hard for U that yr job will be safe and everything is alright...

Hi Joyce, An Early Congrats to U.. Take extra care and May God bless U with a smooth delivery..

Hi Odie, I hope U will igonore what others said abt U.. We can't shut their mouths but we can chose not to listen and dun let all these things affect U and yr pregnancy..Take care.
Hello gals...

I was too busy preparing for the wedding so haven't got a chance to log in...
I fell sick a few days before the actual day and I went to see a doc.
I asked him for a strong medicine and he gave me something that make my sorethroat go away immediately. Then I gotta go around shopping for the wedding and love nest, and also for my relatives from Penang. Gotta plan for their accommodation oso...

We had a poolside buffet dinner on the nite before the actual day.
It was a very successful one. We had two walk-in
. The second one was with fireworks
. It was a surprise.

On the actual day, my hubby woke up at 4am and gathered his brothers at 4.30am... You know what... They were ready to leave for my house by 5am!
I woke up late at 5am when my makeup artist rang the doorbell. I barely had 3 hours of sleep that nite cos gotta entertain my relatives. The tea ceremony and all went smoothly. We gotta cross the causeway a few times and luckily, there was no jam when we were rushing for the timing... Oh yes... my hubby and his brothers got a hard and funny time at the door.
My sisters prepared bright red briefs for all of them to wear like superman! It was so funny and I kept laughing when I watched the video...
Imagine superman briefs over black pants, with long sleeved shirts and tie... So funny...

We reached the hotel at about 4.30pm. The conceirge got everything ready for us, and we just went straight to the suite. At the lobby, got one ang-mo took a picture of me... blush blush...
I was still in my tea-dress. I tailored a beautiful Vietnamese dress for my tea dress cos the kua from the bridal shop looks so ugly.

We were given a suite with a outdoor private jacuzzi
. We had a dip in the jacuzzi for about 15 minutes. It was very relaxing... luckily we decided to postpone the rehearsal, else really no chance to enjoy the jacuzzi.

Surprisingly, I dun feel very tired though I only had a few hours of sleep the nite before. I had a kid to walk-in with me... and hubby got two, one on each side...
We walked in from two different doors and join in the middle of the ballroom
. My sisters made a very special video for us. I was very touched as it brought back memories of the time in UK and my travels around Europe with hubby...
Everything went well for the nite
After the wedding, we went to Bintan Resorts for some relaxation
Really nice to have 4 days of nothing to do but just eat, sleep, suntan, jacuzzi, spa, swim...
hehe... I bought my first bikini and wore it
The weather was fantastic for the 4 days we were there
with clear blue sky. We watched the beautiful sunset everyday from the private pool
hi lyn, gald to hear from U..

Seems like u got a wonderful sweet wedding.. Many wonderful memories floating ard (hehehe)..

This is my 1st time I heard that the 2nd march-in is so different With fireworks.. WOW, impressive, and I can imagine how beautiful it was at that time..

Enjoying newly-weds life now yah.. Wishing U a Blissful Marriage with Hubby..
Hi gals,

I went to the loo at 2am and have been staring at the celing since then...

Oldie, keep calm ok?
Sometimes, people meant well but they don't realise how irritating it can be. It could be anyone... frens, husband, parents, siblings etc. Just acknowledge their good intentions and move on. I think I would have burst a few veins if I Take every comment I hear to heart. :D

Hamasaki, I think it is important that you get your UTI treated. As long as you tell your doc that you are TTC, I am sue he will provide appropriate medication.

Lyn, that sounds like a wonderful wedding! Which hotel did you have the banquet? Outdoor jaccuzi? wow!!

Tiantian, hope your job would not be affected. As there is nothing you can do besides waiting for the reorg announcement, I hope you don overstress yourself over this. The boat will straighten once it reach the harbour

ok, will try to see if i can wake hubby up... :p Then might go botanic gardens for b/fast and to walk walk.

Java, i am really shocked and sad wheni read your story. i have not come to the thread for 2-3 weeks as i am doing a new jobscope and not able to cope at all. i hope you are feeling better now.

CNY is around the corner, i wish everyone good luck in the rooster year in whatever you do!
hi lyn
wow... that's a great wedding!!!

i didn't do any mopping or sweeping. just do some laundry, ironing and cooking ('cos my mil not around these 2 days). but i realised that whenever i stand too long, it will bleed more. even until now, it's still the same...

hi gals
my mc ends today which means tomorrow, i got to go to work...
feel like getting few more days of MC from GP. kekeek.... 'cos since last tuesday, i haven't been washing my hair leh.. can't imagine if my colleague finds out that i didn't wash my hair for so long. mil said tomorrow she will boil water with ginger and 'chang mao' for me to bath and wash my hair...

my bleeding hasn't stopped yet. the 2 days ago and this morning, i found lots of blood clots on my sani pad. looks really horrible. is that normal?

nowadays, i am scared of wind. 'cos after wind blows on me, i will feel my body is aching especially my waist and abdominal part. feel that lots of wind goes to my body. but then, everytime after i finished my meal which contained ginger and sesame oil, the situation turned better. does it mean that i am still not suitable to go outdoor?

hi tian tian
haven't checked with my gynae on the allergy of anesthetic. 'cos after d&amp;c, the side that the doc put the injection on me was quite weak, this includes hand and leg. the chinese sinsei said that's the side effect but won't last long.

hi java
you are really strong. respect you!!
thks gals for your support and encouragement. i will try to be positive and hopefully, i will have good news to share with you next wk. folic, i am overweight myself and so, won't mind losing some weight. and i know i may sound sick saying this but i won't mind being a merlion everyday if that will make me feel better.

lyn, what a wonderful wedding you had!
fireworks and jacuzzi! i am glad you and your hubby had a good break at bintan.

java, your strength impresses and motivates me! yes, there's still a lot of things waiting for us to be done out there. i wish you all the best gal!

odie, understand how frustrating it can be with the unnecessary fuss. just remember that they meant well although i know how irritating they can be. lightened up.

nyny, if you still don't feel up to it, you can ask for a few more days mc. it's better to rest more and don't go out often. from what you described, think your body is still very weak. need to wear thick clothings and don't be 'blown' by the wind often. and you should lie down more. take care! health most important!
hi folic, thanks for yr concern.. I will get it treated ASAP.. heard be4 from a doc that it will affect my Fertility..

So pretty scared now..
Hi Java,

I'm really sorry to hear about your loss. I don't quite know what exactly to say, but I do know what I can do. I will pray for you and your babies. Take care and rest well.

*Big HUG*
Hi Millie,

I'm very happy for you. Don't think too much and focus your energy on happy thoughts and eating well for two. Rest well, girl! You will be in my prayers.
gals, another question. i always have gastric problems. and for the past 2 days, my stomach very uncomfortable. don't feel like eating. but if i don't eat, then got gastric pains. vomitted last night. and this morning, my stomach still uncomfortable. just had milo as i was very hungry and now i feel like vomiting again.

is this gastric problem or consider morning sickness? thks.

snuffles, thks so much!
as you can see, i try to remain positive but my nerves is getting on me. can't really concerntrate at work.
Hi millie,

I think it could be both. Maybe you can see a GP and get some medication suitable for preggies?

hi millie, yup from what Folic had said, i do think that it might be both..

Check it out with a doc and take some medication..

Get Well Soon..
Morning gals,

Wow, Lyn, your wedding sound so grand!!! Any photos to share with us???

Hi nyny,
I think u are still quite week. I suggest that u take a few more days to rest at home. When are u going back to yr gynae for review??

hi Folic,
So poor thing!! wake up at 2am. Hope u manage to catch some sleep on sun afternoon. You are rite, there is really nothing I can do now beside waiting for the reorg. news.

Hi Millie,
I also think it could be both. Go and see a doc soon.
hi tian tian
i took another 3 day mc.
just now went to ntuc to buy some groceries, one jam + 1 long bread, after holding the plastic bag for a while, my hands started shaking....

next monday will go to see my gynae for review.
Hope you gals rested well during the weekends...

Hi Hamasaki,
Thank you

The poolside dinner was in JB, so we can have fireworks
I had many positive feedback that the poolside dinner was a success... Guess my guests were surprised that we have fireworks
We rented table and chairs for everyone, and catered good food with waiters to serve...

Hi Folic,
How come you stared at the ceiling?
My banquet was in Grand Plaza Parkroyal hotel. The only governor's suite comes with an outdoor jacuzzi. Usually wedding couples will get to stay in the governor's suite...

Hi nyny,
I would suggest that you dun do ironing. Remember, dun carry anything heavy or exert yourself. It can cause more bleeding. I also bled more when I walked around too much. The bleeding stopped after a full day of bed rest. I only wake up for meals and toilets, but drink water in bed. Take care... Must "bu" your body... cos I did not properly "bu" and now I fall sick very easily and feel cold often...
I think you can go back to your gynae and tell him that your bleeding have not stop. I think he will give you more MC... My gynae asked me if I wan more MC last time even though my bleeding stopped liao...

Hi millie,
Stay positive and think positive ok? Hugs...

Hi tiantian,
I just got my photos from my photographer last nite.
Haven't got time to look through all of them yet... 800+ photos... I will upload some of them when I am more settled down
and share with you gals...

Ok, gotta get back to clean the flat and unpack my things

Now in CNY mood liao
Hi nyny...
You must really take care le... Dun carry heavy things. Must rest more...
Last time, 2 weeks after my operation and D&amp;C, I went to the airport to fetch my friend from UK. That nite, I started to bleed more liao... although I only sit in the car to and from the airport... You gotta rest well...
thanks lyn.

don't do ironing ah? hmmm... ok. then, i ask my hb to iron. hehehe....

when are you going for honeymoon?

oh, that serious? even 2 weeks after the d&amp;c.... hmmm... going shopping this weekend is ok or not? i haven't bot things for CNY leh...
Hi nyny,
lyn went for a major ops to remove a big cyst and also had D&amp;C together at the same time so her case is more serious. You can go shopping but try not to walk too much ok? Take care
hey gals,

can feel my mood is better now as compared to last week...
i bought baby's breath &amp; 1 stalk of white rose last friday &amp; placed it besides the box dat contains ultrasounds of my angel... i felt veri at peace after doing dis... jus wanna let my angel knows dat he/she is always remembered...
hubby is veri sweet, seeing me in dis depressed state last week, he brought me for retail therapy over the weekend... hahaha... i bought 1 tube dress, 1 long blouse, 2 baby-cut(???) blouses &amp; 1 maternity pants... hubby said i look better wearing pants, looked more perky..

hey java aka OUR IDOL!!!
i oso veri much respect U for your strength!! I'll be looking forward to hear abt ur scuba-diving trips in the near future...

hi millie,
like wat tiantian &amp; folic has advised, do go &amp; see GP for antacids safe for preggie... to play safe, call ur gynae &amp; ask him abt the medication u taking...
i do suffer from gastric in 1st tri as i was not eating well due to nausea... drink warm beverages like Milo &amp; eat cream crackers... i find it helps...

hi nyny,
ur passing out of blood clots sounds normal.. ur womb is expelling out the remaining linings formed during pregnancy... my GP told me dat D&amp;C does not remove every lining as they dun wan to over-do it &amp; cause damage to the womb... but of cos lah, if it's too much, then mabbe call ur gynae to check... use ur 3-days MC to rest well.. i think drinking DOM will help u to regain some strength my dear... dun stand too long in the meantime..

hey miaomiao,
my nix gynae visit is in 2 weeks time... i believe urs is nix week rite? must be veri exciting for u... cos most likely u'll be able to confirm ur bb's gender...
abt maternity wear, i;ve been wearing my usual straight cut or A-line dresses... onie pc of maternity wear i own now is dat new pair of pants i bot from Perfect Mum... it's a low-waist pants &amp; stretchable materials... veri comfy... i like it veri much.. the rest i bought it from normal shops... it's much cheaper
hey Lyn,

ur wedding is indeed veri special wif fireworks.. ur guests must be veri entertained by the spectacular view when u march in... can't wait to see ur photos...

ahhh... ur bintan retreat sounds so relaxing... i oso longed for a massage as i'm experiencing some backahes here &amp; there... hehe....

i'm veri glad for u dat u hv some veri special memories of ur special day to hold on to as u embark on a new journey wif hubby... *hugz*
hi tubby,
Nice hearing from you. My next appt is this sat. I have brought it forward to this sat due to the busy CNY period next week lor. REALLY looking forward to it leh.

Is you tummy showing obvious yet? Mine has got this little bulge that I cannot fit into most of my skirts anymore.
Thank you tubby...
Yap, the Bintan retreat was fantastic... I had cravings for Pringles when I saw the ang-mos having Pringles by the poolside... haha... hubby pampered me and bought me a big bottle of Pringles
and asked his friend to bring another bottle and I finished them

When I went for the massage, the therapist saw my operation marks. When she saw the "bikini line" mark, she tot I just had a baby and asked me boy or gal... She told me she got a vertical cut for her baby that is 4 months old now...
It reminded me of the miscarriage, but dun feel so sad anymore and stayed positive
Hi gals,

wanna ask u gals something, after your mc, does your ovulation gets delayed? i used to ovulate around CD14 but ever since my mc, my ovulation is delayed to CD18 to 22. is there anything i can do about it? like taking chinese herbs or anything? coz i strongly believe the reason why i'm still not pregnant is mainly due to the change of my cycle pattern. also, my next kk appt is in Mar which is still a long way to go.

ULN, your wedding sounds fun &amp; special with the fireworks and everything *envy*. i'm glad you are staying positive. let's jia you together with the rest of the ttc-ians.
Hi missy,

My cycle is still not back to normal. I have longer cycles now. I had three cycles since the miscarriage. Now just started 4th cycle.

Do you have different PMS? My PMS are completely different now. In my last 3 cycles, I have different PMS. In the first and second cycle, I have no appetite and had nausea before menses and super great appetite in the middle of the cycle. In the 3rd cycle, I have super appetite and cravings for tit-bits.
Pringles and ice-cream...

Yap, we jia you togather

hey Lyn,
i notice ur nickname is changed back to ULN... jus KPO-ing lah... is ur PC set to remember ur loggin IDs?

wow... u really let loose after ur wedding huh... ate so much pringles... can be quite heaty one leh... but i hv to agree wif u dat indulging in one's fav food is such a luxury.. hehee...

hey missy,
i O-ed early at my 4th cycle after D&amp;C... when i went to see gynae on CD14, all we can see r tiny eggies... since u hv established dat u O ard CD18, mabbe dis cycle u start BD-ing from CD 14/15 onwards until CD 20 (alternate days)... wish u all the best! bb-dust to U...

hey miaomiao,
remember to tell ur bb to be co-operative &amp; open up his/her legs big big for u to see... it's a veri special moment when gynae announced ur bb's gender... i hv stopped wearing my usual skirts/pants since week 9/10.. cos i find it uncomfy &amp; tight ard the waistline.. now i hv a cute lil' bulge... do u find dat it gets bigger after every meal?
