Support group - Miscarriages

hi folic, these 2 days, its been quiet here.. maybe we are all feeling upset and shocked by what happened to Java.. Can't imagine it now how is she coping with her loss..

I really hope she will pull herself thru.. Really hope to see her online soon..

Take care all gals.. May God Bless everyone with happiness and good health..

Hi Folic, these two nights I couldn't sleep quite well... I was thinking of
Java and wonder how is she coping now...

Anyway, I'll try to relax myself and try not to think so much.
Dear all,
I also noticed that these 2 days very quiet. I really dunno what to say...I'm too shocked to hear Java's news, also terribly sad & scared.
Hi folic,
Thanks for making this thread "alive" again.

Gals, these few days I was thinking of Java and wonder how she is coping now. Sincerely hope she will have the strength to "stand up" again and hope to see her online soon.

Stay positive and try to relax. I know it is not easy but do it for the sake of yr bb, ok. You are almost there.....
Hi TianTian,

Actually I'm quite apprehensive about the word 'Almost there'... in fact anything can happen anytime... now everyday I just pray to the god to bless my baby. Really hope that I can endure these few weeks and see my baby quickly.
Joyce, jia you! pray hard for strength and calm. {{{BIG HUGS}}}

Sum, It is better to take one step at a time. No point getting scared and worried. I know that it is tough for us gals who have gone through losses to look at pregnancy as a worry free event. However, we do need to take small steps, and to celebrate and appreciate each achievement in this long journey to motherhood.

I hope the relatively new comers to this thread continues to visit the group here and post your thoughts. We are all here to help and also to support. I know that it is a big blow to all of us, but I do hope that this channel of voicing your fears and gaining support will stay on for a long time.

You too, folic. We must pray hard together.

Anyway, thx folic and TianTian.
dear folic,
thks for ur encouraging words... i was really thrown out of balance for the past few days... living in a haze... many a time, i wanted to pen down my tots here but i jus cldn't put my feelings to words...

over the weekend, i've been feeling quite down cos dis friday wld hv been the EDD for my angel... it's a veri mixed feelings... on one hand, i wanted to grieve for my angel but on the other, i needed to stay optimistic/cheerful for my lil' one... i've orady decided to buy baby's breath on dat day as a mark of my remembrance for my angel....

for java, i'll continue to pray dat she'll draw strength from her faith... she needs some time alone to recover.. wat we can do now is to give her time...

hi joyce,
JIA YOU!!! *hugz*

hi nyny,
hope u r recovering well... remember no cooling/stuffs for u even if u r feeling heaty... drink more warm water... take care...
hi joyce, try not too think too much on negative things..

I wish U all the best..

hi tian tian, these few days, i was too thinking of Java.. really so sad to hear of her loss.. terrible feelings I got..

Juz hope she will brave thru this incident and hope to see her back online asap..

hi tubby, i hope U will dismiss all negative things for the sake of yr baby.. I have been feeling down too for the past 2 weeks.. Was thinking of my little one whose EDD was last week.. Feel so upset..
hi folic,
thanks, i think we all needed that. like many of the others, i have been thinking a lot about java esp at night before sleeping. i think all of our hearts cry out to her. pray that she is recovering.

Joyce, i know what u mean...almost there is still different from being there. let's continue to be strong and look ahead yah?
Hi gals, I think we all need a big GROUP HUG! {{HUGS}}}

Tubby/Hamasaki, I know it is tough as you approach the supposed EDD of your angel. I was also out of sorts in Dec as my angel Jie would have been 1 year old by then if he was born at his due date. I have a fren whose son share the same EDD and I happened to see a photo of that baby as well. It pains me to see this little boy as it very much reminded me of my little one whom I have not held nor touch. I think it is important to think positively (though it is tough). It is good that you did something on the EDD, like buying baby's breath, Tubby. For me, I prefer to remember the day that Jie was born to heaven in Aug, rather than the actual EDD. On that day, I shared a tiny cake with my hubby to remember this special baby that has, in his own way, brought me closer to my hubby. Although it was a sad loss, I choose to remember the happier things that has occured as a result of it. Try it, perhaps it will make you better.

Java, if you are reading, I want you to know that regardless of what has happened, you must not blame yourself for it. I am sure you want more than anyone else to have this baby and would not have done anything to harm him. I look forward to hearing from you soon, although I understand that you need time on your own to move on.

To all the MTBs, let's all support each other along this long journey and celebrate each milestone that we have reached, ok?

Joyce, I remember you are having your appt today correct? Do update us, ok?

hi gals
to update you all.
yesterday i got fever. scared that i got infection though chinese sinsei told me i got sligh flu (but i don't have any running nose leh) so, told my gynae and now taking a course of antibiotic. today, the temperature has gone down to 37.

the bleeding is getting lighter, and don't need to change sani pad so frequent anymore.

btw, what's the symptom of allergic to anesthetic?
Dear friends,
Sorry couldn't write earlier. Was rather busy settling the funeral arrangements. Today my hubby went back to work, but my mum is here with me. Sorrie for making everyone so worried about me, esp the preggies. Actually didn't wan to post anything, coz dun wan to cause unnecessary worry to anyone. I'm really ok! Serious! I'm not as traumatized as the first time.

Last Friday I still remember I was chatting online with folic, telling her I was going to Bugis to shop. Lunchtime, my bb was still moving, then at night, I had a bad feeling, the same kind of instinct I had during Jordan's passing. Went to TMC at 11pm for CTG. Cannot find heartbeat, my gynae came, ultrasound confirm my worst fears, this time umblical cord not around the neck. I had a fast induced labour of 4 hrs. bb still look pinkish and warm, gynae said died few hours only. I told gynae I have already did my best, but luck is simply not at my side. Gynae is highly suspicious of his death, coz both Jordan and James (that's what I named him) died at 35 weeks. So sent James for postmortem. Will only know the results in 2 weeks time.

There's no point speculating on his death except to wait for the results. I dunno if its game over for me. But I won't try again unless I know what's going on. If the results do not show anything. I also dunno if I have the courage to try again. Its not only physically trying, but emotionally draining.

This time, my hubby took it harder than me. I wanted to do everything right this time. Those things which I regret not doing for Jordan. We took pictures of James. BTW he's a perfectly handsome and normal baby boy. I had the nurse wash and dress him up. We had a priest give him a final blessing and said some prayers. The past few days my hubby was busy finding a niche in a Catholic church. It's really not easy for him, a young man, going to S'pore Casket to do the marble inscription. This time I didn't wan to scatter James's ashes in the sea, because I wan to keep a part of him here. But last night I was thinking if I did not spare a thought for my hubby. This incident is really very trying for our marriage. And I told myself that I will not brood abt it so much and spare a tot for my loved ones around me.

What I do know is Jordan's death is definitely not due to cord strangulation. Gynae said it could be the blood clotting system or something genetic. They have also taken my blood samples for investigation.

Joyce, actually I've been thinking of you too! I still remember you told me that your second one died of severe brain damage due to cord around the neck right? But you said your waterbag was dirty. My waters are clear for both times. I hope I dun cause you anxiety thru my incident, coz this second incident is purely genetic.

On a lighter note. Now I'm doing my confinement again! Well meaning relatives and friends come and visit me. MIL's mother told my MIL to tell my mother to buy pig stomach from the market. The rationale is that my mum has to cook the stomach personally for me to "change" my stomach!!! Such superstition!!! My mum was so angry! She told my MIL that she will buy from NTUC coz she doesn't go to wet market. My MIL told her CANNOT! coz NTUC's pigs are from China, must buy local pig stomach!!! My mother so pissed off, told me that even China wife or local wife also can give birth. So what's the diff??? All these superstitions start arising whenever bad things happen. I'm so F**King sick of it.

Hey you all dun think of me at night lah. No wonder I have a hard time sleeping.... I'm really ok, so dun worry abt me yah.
HI Java,

very happy to see you post. I am glad that you are taking it in your stride. I am also glad that you did things with James that you did not with Jordan. Do rest well. As for pigs in the market, I don't think there are much local pigs left :p Most of those from wet markets are from Malaysia or elsewhere as well. Anyway, just eat it lor, your mum doesnt have to tell them where she actually bought it!

I hope you get an answer to the cause of this second loss. Take care and hope you post more often.

Big Hugs. Feeling very down the past few days. My heart was beating very fast when I saw yr posting. Very confused now, dunno wat to write. Keep reading the posting over and over again.

Glad to know that you are coping it better than the 1st time. Yes, it is a good idea to send
James for postmortem. Wat ever the results is, do not give up any hope.

Please rest well. A bit blur now. Really dunno wat to write. Think I need sometime to organise my thoughts. Take care, my friend

i am really glad to see your posting and you are coping. i was thinking of you the past 2 nights...on a lighter note, maybe i am one of those who cause you insonmia. i am sorry that i don't know what else to write. do take care and know that my thoughts are with you.
Hi Java,
Glad that you have the courage to write and even sound calmer than some of us here. You are a very very strong and brave person, really admire you for that.

Like you said, you have done your best. no point speculating at this point, just have to wait for the postmortem results. So please rest well as you must be tired after all the arrangements. You obviously have loved ones who care a lot about you although sometimes their ideas may not go down well with us...but i guess that's the only way they know how to try to ease the situation! so just ignore that and draw strength from God...and of course your hubby needs u too.

God bless u my dear friend.
Hi Java,

although i nvr post b4 but i have been following this thread.

I really feel for you. Well, i must say you are indeed a very brave women. I admire u. Nothing you do now can bring back your bb, but i am very very sure that god will bless you with a healthy bb in your arms again. Have faith and you will pull through.

Have a good confinement and nurse back your health. God bless you.
Hi Java,

although i nvr post b4 but i have been following this thread.

I really feel for you. Well, i must say you are indeed a very brave women. I admire u. Nothing you do now can bring back your bb, but i am very very sure that god will bless you with a healthy bb in your arms again. Have faith and you will pull through.

Have a good confinement and nurse back your health. God bless you.
dear friends,

i actually wanted to share my news with you when i receive good news but i am very nervous and want to check something with you.

i am pregnant again. but i am nervous. actually, i did not even do a urine test. i just knew and let the days go by. went to see my gynae when i am about 6 wks (2 days ago).

actually, i was quite hopeful before i went to see my gynae as for the first time, i suffered from morning sickness. not severe just nausea whenever i eat. the checkup went better than my previous cases. my water sac is the right size but can't see any baby. gynae checked and checked and finally pointed to something very small and said that that is my yolk sac. he said this time more hopeful than previous cases as there's a yolk sac. but eventually, we must see a foetus and the heartbeat. he scheduled for me to go back again next fri.

now i am very nervous and i do not feel hopeful. i know i must remain positive but i am really scared. to see the foetus at the next checkup will be a milestone for me as my previous cases are blighted ovum.

i don't know if it's because of my nervousness that i felt my morning sickness subsiding and my breasts are less tender. i pratically go and touch my breasts every hour. i even ask my husband to touch them everyday.

so i would like to ask you all if your morning sickness come and go during your early pregnancy? and do your breasts get heavier and lighter over different periods of the day/ week? because by right i thought the morning sickmess and breast tenderness should get worse as the pregnancy goes on.

and is it consider normal if there's no foetus to be seen during the 6th wk? any of you saw your foetus or heard of people seeing the foetus later than 8 wks? i asked my gynae but he's rather vague. said depends on individual.

thanks a lot. i have told my mum that i am pregnant again and she's stressing me out because she's so positive that i fear that i will disappoint her if this time doesn't turn out well again. i know i shouldn't feel like this but can't help it.
Java, *hugs*!! I missed you so much. Last night I think of you again, keke.
But anyway I'm so glad to see your postings again. All these days I've been trying to relax myself so please don't worry for me, I'm really ok.

Besides, thx gals for all the encouraging words.

May god bless all the people in the world...

Will update you gals again.
Hi Java,

Although I have not been posting much on this thread but I have been reading. I really feel for you and admire your courage. Have a good confinement and rest well! **HUGS**
Hi Millie,

I am somehow "paranoid" like u after knowin i am 5 weeks pregnant. I lost my first @8weeks. This pregnancy was almost same as the first, no morning sickness to assure me, no craving, no painful boobs etc. I keep using test kit to assure myself and also went to my gynae and KK 24hr clinic for my whole first trimester due to spotting and unnecessary fear.

At 5 weeks, I only see my waterbag and the gynae said "Dun worry, the size is right" Now its already contain my bb for 25 weeks. So I think ur gynae give u a good indication like mine.

My boobs dun always feel full/heavy. Its especially light and tender in the morning, and heavier at nite for me. I only feel my boobs growing after 1st Trim.

I hope my little experience can help lessen your worries. Stay positive!
hi Java, glad and relived to see yr posting today.. I really dunno what to said to U..

Just like all the gals here, We really hope to see U recover soon and Take good care of yr health..

rest well and do keep us update of yr news and the report of James..

God Bless U..
Millie, I will shout out my congrats next friday, when you feel more confident about it!

For my first preg, I felt heavy boobs even before I knew I was preg. It was so heavy that I was wondering what's wrong. For this current one, my boobs felt the same as they were when I was not preg. I did not feel any tenderness or heaviness at all. As your doc says, it is dependent on individual. I saw my gynae at almost week 6, but can only see yolk and sac. But when I return 2 weeks later, I can see the baby and heartbeat. I will pray hard that this little bean sticks!

hi folic, thanks for yr supporting and encouraging words.. I do tried to overcome this problem but the way my hubby treat me at that time really pissed me off and make me worse..

I was in a bad mood last week and Hubby knows that (I suppose).. But he did not said anything..

I suddenly burst out crying for my little one and he still kept quiet.. I was wondering why was he that heartless and shouted at him to stay away from me..

Hi millie, happy to hear that U have succeed..
But I will still wait for yr gynae check-up next friday be4 shouting a SUper Big Congrats to U..

Do remember to update of yr latest news yah.. Take care gal..
hi java
do take care. rest well. don't bother whatever you mil said. just eat what they cook for you. no matter what, eat well is important. don't care what's the story behind that pig stomach.

hi millie
if you are so worry, y not seek for 2nd opinion? and the gynae that you saw didn't give you the level of comfort.

at the moment, don't worry so much 1st.
Hi Millie,
whisper into your ears
<congrats>. I will shout congrats loudly next week when u can see yr bb's heartbeat. In the meantime, be positive ok...
hi java:
although i seldom post here.... but ur loss saddens me too .... but u r indeed a v. v. brave woman i must say... hope that angels are around u and ur HB and will support u2 throughout , and really hope that the result of the postpartum is solution and opening door for a new life!!

Take care and rest well!! elderlys always have different views ... just ignore their arguements ... take care...
Hope u are feeling better now. When I had my D&amp;C, my gynae also give me antibiotics just in case I have an infection. Glad to know that the bleeding is getting lighter.
Are u suspecting that u are allegic to anesthetic? Sorry, can't help on this . Did u check with your gynae??
oh millie,
i am so happy for you. i pray that this time round, all will be smooth sailing! Do update us after your next check up yah? did ur gynae do a vaginal scan or abdominal scan? i think symptoms can be quite misleading, and it's quite hard to judge if our breasts are or aren't don't worry so much! just stay positive and take good care of urself. we are all here to keep u sane!
Hi milie, yup like what all the gals here have said.. We wish U all the best and do take care and keep us update of yr latest news and yr gynae's check-up next Fri..

I will Pray Hard for U that everything will be smooth-sailing and well..

Do keep yr spirits high and take care gal..
Dear java
I had been looking out for your posting everyday...wondering how have u been. Glad that you are coping well....pls take care of yourself. **BIG HUGS**

Dear Millie
I visited my Gynae at 4th weeks coz I was spotting at that time...only saw yolk sac too! Didn't had any morning sickness until 8th weeks onwards.

I know because of our past experience, we can't help worrying. Dun focus so much on the physical changes, just relax!

Take care!
dear java,
veri glad to see ur posting &amp; know dat u r taking things in ur stride... do rest well during ur confinement... it's been a hectic week for u... *big hugz* i do hope the postmortem results will provide a closure for u...

i oso drank pig's stomach soup during my mini-confinement last time, supposed to be 'bu' for u... guess the nationality of the pigs not impt lah... jus wash it clean will do...

hey millie,
whisper *congratz* to u first... ur pinching &amp; touching of nipples &amp; breast sounds exactly like wat i've gone thru for dis current pregnancy... hehe... but these physical symptons come &amp; go... i guess ur body is adjusting to the hormonal changes &amp; behaving erratic at times... since ur gynae has assured u dat sac size is good, i'm sure you'll see ur lil' one wif heartbeat during ur nix scan...
hv a full bladder if ur gynae is doing ab-scan for u... image will be clearer..
Dear Java,
So glad to hear fr u again. I've been popping in to check if u write anything for us...
Rest well during this period &amp; never give up please. At the meantime juz rest &amp; dun think too much ok.
Millie ang,
Congrats to u..don't think too much &amp; think wild. Let nature takes it's course....then things will proceed smoothly. Take care!
hi java,

i have not posted in this thread before. Indeed u r a very brave lady.

i believe jordan and james are very proud to have such a wonderful mommy. They will definitely bless you and ur hubby!
hi java,

i've been following this thread for a long time. Jus wanna say, continue to stay strong. Rest well, take care.

Hi Millie, congrats to u. i understand yr anxiety too, but u must keep telling yourself to be positive. Jus a suggestion, maybe a change of gynae is good. I've been thru 2 failure and now 7 weeks pregnant. I told my new gynae about the past and he is following very closely on my case, i've seen him 3 x in 2 weeks,on pills and injections. now everything is smooth on my side, n i keep telling myself to be positive.
Do take care and dun stress yourself out.
Though i've never posted in this thread...

Dear Java,
So sorry to hear abt James. Pls continue to be strong as u await the post-mortem results!
hi Java, Do take care and keep us update with yr news..

We gals are here to support U all the way.. Be strong and God Bless U..
joyce, ariella, folic, hamasaki, nyny, tiny, positiveme, sum, cookies, tiantian, adora, tubby, thks so much for your encouragement! your experiences do help in assuring me. still i can't help but to worry at times. my nausea feeling was quite bad over the past few days and today, it was very mild. hope tubby is right.
just that my body is having its erratic moments!

it's hard to feel positive. i will try. you gals are great help! was so worried that i made mistakes at work. think my boss will have nasty thoughts of me again!

tiny, gynae did ab-scan and can see the water sac but no baby. so he did vaginal scan and that is when he 'found' the egg yolk sac.

nyny and cookies, maybe i should take your advice on changing gynae. my mum wants me to change. he's rather 'stiff' throughout the checkup. maybe he doesn't want to raise my hope and therefore, he's very careful with his words?? he didn't give me any bad news but he very emphasised on needing to see the baby by next checkup. i am now on duasphton and asprin.

nyny, glad that your bleeding is stopping. do rest well and take care!
Hi Java,
Do take care

I can understand what you are going thru right now as I had lost someone dear last week too. Was too busy to log in earlier. God bless!
hi millie, I will be praying hard for U..

Hope everything went smoothly for U.. Take care gal and may Faith, Strength, Courage be with U at all times..

We gals here will support U all the way..
I was trying to read the thread today but was so busy at work that I couldn't post.

Hi java,
So glad to see your post. We were all so worried about you. Lots kept asking folic about you. Think take this time to rest well and don't worry much about other things liao. Take it a step at a time ok. Please take care...

Hi millie,
So happy for you leh. Try not to think too much. All symptoms are different for each individual. For myself, I do not feel any discomfort for the first 2weeks after +ve test, then MS started only after 4th weeks. Got no appetite until almost reaching end of 1st tri.

As for boobs, mine was not much different during the first tri but only started to feel heavier now when touching 2nd tri. I don't think I have any feeling of breast tenderness leh. Just be normal and enjoy lah.
