Support group - Miscarriages

hi ULN, i can't wait to view yr wedding photos.. DO share with us all when U have finished with yr downloading..

WOW, I'm really impress with the services that the hotel had done and too with the pool-side buffet wedding with the fireworks.. WOW, a beautiful sight it must have been..

hi tubby,
yah lor. I also find the bulge kind of grows bigger after my meals... like kind of bloated like tat. But at times I feel it smaller leh (usu early in the morning when I first wake up)

Do you still having ms since you are now in your 2nd tri? My ms seem to be gone liao leh. Like nothing like tat... tat's why sometimes my mind still wonders if bb's ok or not leh. Sigh! I still find myself occasionally worrying about me bb leh but on the other hand... I keep telling myself I must have faith in bb.... keep telling bb tat we must jia you together lor.
Hi girls... finally on leave for one day =) Need to clear it before the end of the 1st quarter. No worries Folic... I'm feeling much better now... I guess that I was just a bit stressed out lately.

Lyn... thanks for all the details. Brought back memories of my own wedding. So fast... I will be having my 1st wedding anniversary on 8 Feb (yes we going to have a big celebration that night - the reunion dinner Kekekekekek :p)

Millie... it might be due to stomach flu and coupled with morning sickness. Try and take soupy stuff... you might be able to keep it down at least. If there is still no improvement... go see your gynae.

Nyny... you seem to be walking alot lately. Must try and rest more ok? If your bleeding persist, do go back to your gynae to check.

Missy... same in my case. After the m/c I find my cycle a lot longer than before. Not sure about Chinese herbs... for me I just let it be and take no chances by extending the baby dancing period loh ;) Anyway no harm right?

I did my detailed scan last Saturday. It was really exciting to be able to spend 45 mins looking at the baby. Everything is normal so that was a big relief. We also managed to confirm that its a baby boy. We can finally start shopping for the clothings! But the gynae could not check on the blood flow out of the heart as the baby was lying in a wrong angle. It still didn't help even though we returned 30 mins later after a walk... baby still refuses to cooperate with us. So gotta go back for another detailed scan in 4 weeks.
Hi Tubby,
Err... I try not to store my log-in ID in my PC.
Pringles is indeed heaty... The first bottle I had was "fiery" flavour! Guess wat.. Then next day I started coughing liao... then I still ate "sour cream" flavour and my cough got worse... Now I am recovering already
My hubby has bought a tub of Haagan Dazz ice cream when he went NTUC shopping during the weekends... so now... hehe... got lots of sinful goodies...

Hi hamasaki,
yap, the hotel's service is excellent. I am very satisfied with them. I dun have to queue or check-in at the reception, but someone to fetch me to the suite straight away when I arrive... All I need to do was to call them when we were on the way. And also someone to park the bridal car once we arrive. And also bellman to unload our stuffs and bring to the suite
. The banquet manager told me what to do for walk-in oso and give me suggestions during rehearsal. They also reminded me of what I should do and when. So everything was a breeze... I wasn't a lost bride
Also got someone to serve just me and hubby and tabao the food we did not get to eat

I will definitely share the pictures... but I dun have good pictures for the poolside buffet. My sis was holding the camera and forgot that she gotta take pictures!!! I did not get a photographer for that dinner...

Hi Odie,
Wah... so nice to have your annivesary to coincide with reunion dinner nite...
It must have been a very special moment when you see your baby on ultrasound... Did the gynae do the scan? If it's the x-ray department, which hospital did you go to? I dun really like the ultrasound scan done in Gleneagles cos I dun get to see anything...

Gals, I am considering changing my nickname... still thinking of a nickname to use... Dun wanna use the current one already... New life, New beginning, New year

I read a feng shui book saying that one should move on and let go the past, throw away sad things, in order to welcome the New Year in an auspicious way
Hi Odie, its great that yr 1st wedding annivesary falls on CNY eve.. Got a big bash of celebrations yah.. (hehehhe).. Wishing U an early Happy Annivesary..

Hi ULN, its good to change yr nickname if U want.. like what U said, a new year with a new beginning..

WOW, really excellent services the hotel provided for U.. Great and happy for U..

for my case, i too did not need to Q at the recp.. A hotel staff was already waiting at the hotel entrance and when I arrived, she greeted me and hubby and usher us to our hotel suite room..
On my wedding day, I'm the most relaxed gal.. I do not need to be there for the rehearsal, only my hubby got to... (hahahahha)..

Sigh, so sad that yr sis forgot to take the pics at the pool side buffet.. But Never mind, U have all the wonderful memories in yr head..
hi ULN, i saw yr photos.. Nice Nice.. I like all yr Gowns.. But I like best is yr WG and the EG (grey colour rite or I saw wongly) ??

But too few pics leh (hehehehehe), i want to see more...
hi gals,
Today is my 3rd ROM wedding anniversary. Tomorrow is my hubby's birthday. Its too bad that I'm under confinement now, if not can go out and celebrate. Ironic to be celebrating though...
Hi Java,
U celebrate ROM Wedding anniversary not the customary wedding anniversary??? Anyway, now u rest first and eat more bu, then after confinement can celebrate liao.
hi gals
yesterday bleeding seemed stop liao. but this early morning, found few pieces of big blood clot on my sani pad. then, the bleeding starts again...

yesterday i managed to take shower and wash my hair. so happy... hahaha....

your morning and night gowns were very nice!!!
Hi gals,

I was on leave yesterday.
Watched a movie, went for pedicure (cos can't reach toes), went for tui na for my aching neck before taking a cab to my office to meet my hubby to go home.

Lyn, your wedding sounds wonderful!
I am sure you will have many beautiful memories of this special day! I was staring at the ceiling cos I couldnt get back to sleep after going to the loo. Luckily, I managed to go back to sleep at about 7am till 11am.. so that sort of made up for it!

Tiantian, that's the spirit! Don't worry too much about the reorg!

Miao2, your tummy size will change, cos the baby's position is different when you sleep, or sit or walk mah..
don't worry.. things will be alright!

tubby,glad to hear of the simple 'ceremony' you had for your angel.
Good that you start buying some maternity clothes. I am sure you will feel more comfy in them! btw, I was at Tanglin mall yesterday. there is a maternity shop "Dune" there and they are having sales 50%. If you like t-shirt type/pants etc, I think they hv some pretty good deals. But their sizes tend to be bigger.

Missy, my ovulation cylces stayed more or less the same before and after the miscarriage. I usually have late ovulation and on the cycle in which I got preg, I only o at CD 27!

nyny, hope your bleeding will stop soon. Usually, after the big blood clots are out, the bleeding will get lighter liao.

Java, congrats on your 3rd anniversary!

Hi Java,
Can celebrate at home mah. Although eat confinement food, still can have candle light. Always find something to celebrate about in life, so that we can walk further. I dropped you an email.

Hi Folic,
How u?

Hi everyone,
It's been a long time since I am here. Here's wishing everyone a Happy New Year and may all of us be blessed with good health and happiness always.
Hi Odie,
congrats. Its a BOY....

Hi Millie,
How are you?? hv u seen the doc??

Hi nyny,
Yes, usually after the big clots are out, bleeding will get lighter. The last time, I bled for almost 2 weeks then stopped completely.

Hi ULN aka lyn,
yr wedding gown very nice but too few photos leh, can't wait to see the rest of the photos

Hi folic,
Wow, u seems to have a very relaxing day yesterday.Me also thinking of pedicure to pamper myself leh
Hello hamasaki,
The pics I have are very big in size, so I cannot upload many. I am still lazy to clear some space on my computer for an image editing software... hehe... I will upload some from my photographer after I finish selecting them...
The evening gown for 21 Jan is gold colour. The one for 20 Jan (poolside) not grey colour, but reddish brown. I bought that gown when I went to Amsterdam

Hi tau gei,
You can also celebrate at home during confinement too
. Can have some wine or DOM, and a dinner put on big plates just like those in Italian restaurant
. Just a small affair... Then after your confinement can go out for a proper one
Take care...

Hi nyny,
You must rest well... Dun walk around too much. Eat some "bu" also... Hope your bleeding will stop soon... Take care.

Hi Folic,
Yap, it will be a memorable wedding
hi all
next week, i will be seeing my gynae for review. just wondering, what does gynae normally do during the review?
hi folic, seems like U got a wonderful pampered day yesterday..

nyny, take care and dun excert yrself.. rest more and rest well.. hope the bleeding will soon stop..

hi ULN, pai seh, me blur blur saw wrong colours.. Oh yeah, i'm looking forward to see yr wedding pics.. Horray..
Hi gals, thanks for all your replies.

Tubby, will take note of your advice. actually me & hb are now bd-ing every other days, hopefully we strike this cycle.

Hi Lyn, u look so gorgeous on your big day. love all your gowns, so pretty.

Hi tau gei, u can still celebrate your anniversary at home. maybe have a mini candle light dinner?

Hi Odie, congrats on having a baby boy! can start thinking of names liao
Odie, I missed your posting..
Congrats that the detailed scan went well. Wishing you a smooth pregnancy ahead!

Dear all,
I didn't manage to pop in yesterday cos I dunno what happened to my office PC...guess the IT side has blocked this site already. But today I tried, funny...I can come in leh....

Congrats to u! So happy that you've a boy. U know my another sis-in-law juz gave birth last Thur. Her gynae said is boy but turn out gave birth to a gal. Sorry I don't mean that yours will be like that too...what i meant my mother-in-law (MIL), giving birth to a boy is better very different. My MIL initially very happy thot my SIL bb is boy, but now MIL face black, moody & unhappy. I really dun understand MIL's old-minded kind of thinking. Lots of pple keep telling her that as long as the bb is healthy, pls dun bother abt the gender. But she still very unhappy. 3 yrs ago when I had my bb gal, she also very disappointed. I think if I were to conceive again & if it's boy, MIL sure will treat me better. Not like now.... :-(

Btw, my SIL's labour was a complicated one. Her waterbag burst but no labour pain or dilation after 20hrs! BB in distress & gynae did emergency c-section for her. Gynae had hard time delivering the bb cos bb already very low down in the birth canal, but SIL no dilate so bb no oxygen. Gynae 1 hand pull out bb's legs, while another hand stuff into the cervix & pushed the bb's head back inwards. BB gal out but very weak heartbeat. My SIL's bb gal was in ICU for few days, later got fits & did brain scan. My SIL cried & poor thing for little bb... Luckily after all the blood test & brain scan, bb gal is fine & yesterday juz discharge & at home now. My SIL so relieved. Actually after this incident, many of us told our MIL that it's a blessing to have a healthy baby, so told her dun angry & bother abt gender. But I dun understand why she dislike us giving birth to gals. Why? Gals no good meh? She is also a female what!??
hi sum, glad to hear that yr SIL baby gal is doing fine and well at home.. Its indeed a hard labour yr SIL had.. Proud of her and baby to pull it thru.. But so sad, that the little gal got to stay in the ICU for a few days.. Really so pityful..

Yup, most MIL dun like baby gals.. the reasons is a baby gal can't help them to carry on their family name, and that's why they prefer boys to girls.. (but not all MIL are like this..)

Sigh, its their thinking and which we juz couldn't change it.. AT times, I was so pissed off that by their thinking in such a way and manner that I juz wanted knock some senses into their head or maybe scream at them..
Oh ya hor...the 'family name' issue...sigh....but to me, as long as in future I can conceive successfully, have a healthy baby + smooth delivery, I think I don't care what she will say to me. I'm still waiting for THAT DAY to come....
Congrats on your bb boy...

Glad that your SIL BB is fine...btw I am also expecting a Boy. Dunno how MIL will react if it turns out to be a gal when BB is born. My BB will be their first grandchild. I hope she won't mine. I think as long as BB is healthy it is good enough.
Sum, yup, i share the same thinking and thoughts as U.. Have a smooth delivery and baby must be healthy, normal and strong... That's what I want..

Dun worry, U will sure have a baby soon.. Keep trying but must be fully relaxed yah..
Jia You Jia You...

hi Sum and adora, Baby sexes is not based on the woman but the guy sperm itself.. So juz hope that this theory and common sense, MIL will know and understand it... (but i doubt few will know that) Sigh.....
I think my MIL will be happier if I can have a baby gal... In my last pregnancy, she said boy or gal oso nevermind.. Gal even better... cos she already got two boys...

I think boy or gal oso nevermind la... Just have healthy and normal baby can lor...
hi Lyn, yup i do want my baby to be strong normal and healthy and dun mind the baby sex..

Yr MIL is indeed reasonable, not old-fashioned thinking, thoughful and not demanding at all.. That's good.. AT least, no pressure..
Hey thanks... I know it depends on the gender of bb depends on the guy's sperm but I think no point talking to my MIL anymore. I'm to sick of her. Everyone may think why I so bad, not filial etc...but nobody knows how my MIL treats me & my 2 yr old daughter...sigh..long story. If I start to write & talk abt MIL, it'll continue non-stop. Now the very lucky thing is we not staying together!! THANK GOD!
Hi hamasaki,
Yap... I know she wanted a grandchild, but she did not give me any pressure. In the last pregnancy, when the doc said it's high risk, she told me it's ok to remove it. The most important is a healthy and normal baby. When I was in the hospital, she told me nevermind and bought lots of bird nests and ginseng for me...
hi miaomiao,
yup... tummy will be smaller in the mornings b4 breakfast... but after lunch, sure ballooned up, i'm quite amazed by all dis changes dat i like to stare at my body everyday...

hey missy,
wow... ur hubby must be veri delighted wif the increase in sessions... send him horny sms-es so dat he'll get all fired up when he reaches home.. hehee...
JIA YOU!! *hugz*

hey Lyn,
ur MIL sounds like a veri understanding lady... envy envy... meanwhile, enjoy ur er-ren shi-jie wif hubby... & i'm sure a bundle of joy will come ur way soon...

hey Odie,
congratz on a boy!!!
so u can see ur boy for another 45 min in 4 weeks' time... hhmm... makes me looking forward to my detailed scan as well... 45 mins of staring at my bb... shiok!!

hey hamasaki & Sum,
relax... no use getting upset over MIL's mentality... as long as our child is healthy, it's the best gift for us...

hi nyny,
usually gynae will do ultrasound via abdomen to ensure dat ur womb has returned to normal size & there's no big clots found inside... a veri general checkup... if u hv any queries, it's a good time to discuss wif gynae oso...

hello tau-gei or java dearest,
Hope u & hubby had a mini-celebration yesterday...

hey folic,
thks for the recommendation of Dune... will go & hv a look if i pass by there... usually i'm a XS or S person... hehee... i've been upgraded to M jus recently... can try my luck there..
hey gals,

i think i can feel my bb's first movements... it all started abt 2 weeks ago... usually i need to bend down a lil' when brushing my teeth... halfway thru', i can feel like tiny bubbles bursting jus below the belly button area... since then, i've had dis sensation on & off whenever i bend down my body... but not veri often... i dare not confirm it's bb's movements till i read abt folic's description to Odie...

then last nite, while hving dinner, i felt it again.. dis time round, no need to bend down.. & it felt like really a butterfly fluttering inside my tummy... went on for quite a while until i stop eating & look at my tummy... my mum tot's wat wrong.. i told her i felt my bb moving.. hehee... my hubby was quite excited... when we reached home, he kept on asking me whether bb got 'blow bubbles at mummy anot'... indeed after a while, bb got his signal & started blowing for awhile..
hi sum, heng U're not staying with yr MIL.. If U are living under one roof with her, there bounds to be conflicts for sure..

I think there are no way to stop her old-fashioned thinking but to accept the fact.. Jus ignore her..

hi Lyn, yr MIL is so good to U.. Really a sweet caring thoughful lady.. She dotes on U a lot.. That's great..
hi tubby, thanks a lot.. I'm trying to get over my MIL mentality..

Though my hubby said that my MIL have no preference on baby sexes, but I doubt his words.. Anyway, forget it.. As long as baby is healthy and normal, that's great for me..

Wow, yr baby is so cute and sweet.. can sense and hear what Mummy and daddy is talking abt.. SO cooperative.. The feeling U got must be super wonderful..
Hi gals,

I jus got back from my gynae visit. All went well. I put on 500g and all that went to my baby
She is now 2kg. I asked my dr if I would likely have to wait till my due date to deliver. She says that cos I had gestational diabetes, she will definitely want me to deliver on the 38th week. So she ask me to choose between 4-6th Mar. Suddenly, so near and scary
Will think about when is a good day.. my mum's birthday is on the 5th, maybe I will choose that day!

I envy u! U hv such a thoughtful MIL!

Ya...I'm still learning to ignore her. Your MIL's mentality also same as mine??

This morning my hubby went to see chinese physician at Jurong East (the long queue one). He gastric pain lah...this female chinese physician remembered my m/c 3 mths ago & she asked my hubby how am I now. She told my hubby to inform me that if next time I conceive again, I must go for HCG & P4 test in the 1st few wks. I think it's the blood test to find out the hormone leves. But I don't know what is P4 test. She said if my gynae don't do such test for me, can go to this gynae at Bukit Ho Swee. She gave my hubby the Bukit Ho Swee gynae's address. I wonder if folic & tubby went for HCG & P4 test when u juz pregnant? I don't know if it's necessary leh...can anyone here pls enlighten me? Thks
hi folic... good news U got for us.. great..

SO fast, U're abt to see yr baby.. I do think that MAR 5 is a good date coz U can celebrate baby's and yr mum's birthdays together.. Double celebrations and double happiness.. Horray..

Dun be scared but should be happy & anxious that yr baby is coming to this world soon..
Hi Sum, I don't know what is the P4 test.. never heard of it. HCG is usually done as a test to confirm pregnancy, so some will do it twice over 2-3 days period to see if it doubles. If it does, then the pregnancy is progressing well. Not all gynaes do that and I did not do it as well. The Bukit Ho Swee gynae, is it Dr Fong? If yes, then I think he is quite good, I have 2 colleagues under him, both also seen the JE chinese phyisician, then got preg, then got referred to him.


congrats... soon u will be seeing your bb
May need to take into consideration the time of induction... cos I heard induced labour may take a little while ... so in case it runs over to the next day ... if u want the date of birth to coincide with your mum's.


P4 should be progesterone test if i din remember wrongly.
Hi folic,
Glad that the checkup went well. 4-6th Mar is only 4 weeks away!!! Can understand how u are feeling now. U must take care ok?

Hi Tubby,
The feeling of yr bb first movement must be great!! Hope I hv a chance to experience that!!!

Hi Sum,
so glad that your SIL's BB is fine. She must be worried sick at that time. Hope she is resting well at home now.
hi Sum,

for my previous pregnancy, i did hv the Hcg blood test to confirm my pregnancy cos sac cldn't be detected via ultrasound... but for dis current one, nope, i dint hv to go thru' any tests at the initial stages... to reassure me, gynae gave me a proluton jab at week 3 to support my pregnancy...
sorrie, neber heard of P4 test... poohy's explanation might be the rite one..

wow folic,
in the final lap liao...!! so excited for u...
hv a good discussion wif hubby on when u wan ur lil' princess' bd to fall on...

hi tiantian,
sure hv chance one... JIA YOU okie?? bb-dust to u...

been thinking abt Ocean... hhmm.. her confinement shd hv ended yesterday... really hope to see her online soon...
Yes, I'm also very sian ah....but no choice...


Thanks, Yes, it's Dr Fong. Do u know which hospital he'll be delivering? He's quite good ah? In what sense ha? Err...sorry hor...did I ask too much cos I don't know any good gynae. I conceived my 1st child after I was on JE physician's medication for 8 mths. That gynae who delivered my gal was my colleague's gynae. But this female gynae - Dr Chew fr Gleneagles don't do that kind of blood test. Anyway I'm not pregnant yet lah...juz kiasu a bit...start to find gynae 1st...hee..hee... Think I'm too hyper-kiasu already...dunno if I can conceive again or not...btw, folic, your bb gal or boy? Sorry I forgotten leh.. :p I also think 5 March is good day. Discuss with your hubby & see what's his preference. All the best & Happy mothering!
thank you...

Thanks my SIL is fine, juz pain at the wound cos c-section heal slower than normal delivery. I didn't call & ask her these few days. But I think no news from her means good news :p
Hi tubby,
It must have been wonderful and special to be able to feel your baby moving inside
. Very happy for you...

Hamasaki and Sum,
I think just try to say yes yes yes whatever she says lor.. hehe... Then whether agree or not is a different matter...

Wow.. you are near to meeting your baby
... You must be very excited about it... I read somewhere, "chu yi" or "shi wu" are usually best days for birth...

Oh.. there's another gynae called Dr Chew in Gleneagles.. I know the male one.. but not the female one though... He's very popular and good too.
baby dust to Tian tian.. Good luck..

no choice lor sum, we got to endure it.. Anyway, dun bother too much on what MIL said..

hi Lyn, thanks for yr tips.. for the time being, i do not want to think abt it.. since i'm not pregnate now.. hehehhe
He's Dr Peter Chew.

Thanks...many pple also told me dun bother about what MIL said. Still learning.... Btw, I'm thinking dunno to TTC or not...very scared history will repeat...really very scared.
Hi Sum,

I only heard from my colleagues that he is very experienced and thorough. I am not sure which hospital he delivers in, I think he works with a few and Mt A is one of them.

hi sum, dun be afraid but be strong and positive.. U got to let go of the past and move forward.. Just like me.. We work it out together okie..
Thanks for the info. Think when I need to see him then I'll find out more. Now too early to say anything. :)

Thanks...but errr...I think I'm like 'stucked' in the mud. Dunno want or not that kind of feeling now. Maybe I'll juz wait for 1-2 mths more..hee..hee..
hi tubby
really happy for you. you must be very excited after feeling bb movement.

hi sum
could i have the contact and address of the sinsei at JE?

hi gals
actually hor, when could i start the 'bed activity' if bleeding has stopped?
today, the bleeding comes and goes. and i had started drinking 'ba zhen'.

tomorrow starts work again. got a new colleague, heard that she's very on... hopefully, this won't put too much pressure on me. :p
