Support group - Miscarriages

Hi Joyce, Jia you ok?
We all need to tahan just a few more weeks. I think we are all having a 'fun' time to balance between trying to relax and worrying too much. I am sure all of us will make it through though! Jia you!!


nyny, sorry that you have to go through the d&c. rest assure that it is a painless process as the gals had told you. the aftermath varies among different people. i was lucky that i felt no pain at all and my bleeding stopped by the 2nd day. a word of warning, u may bleed even if you are on duphaston. that's what happened to me on my last m/c. i ended up in kk hosp on a sat afternoon! i hope that all will be well with you till mon. it's best to go ahead with the d&c process asap. rest well and don't think of ttc yet. i know there's a urge but wait at least about 3 mths.

lyn's wedding is today right? lyn, i hope that you are having a beautiful wedding and wonderful time now. congrats and may you and your husband be blessed with lots of love and children!

tiny, soon soon. you'll be a mum. wow! do update us ok. i am really excited for you.

folic, joyce and java, your turn coming soon. glad that your checkup have gone well.

tubby and miaomiao, 2nd trimester already.
i hope to join the line of 'graduates' soon.

sum, don't worry about the kaypoh aunties during cny. i simply told them that we are trying and can't help if don't have right? the funny thing was my mum suddenly blurted out that i had a m/c. and you should see the shock and embarasess look they have. they quickly turn their conversation to how i should take care and try again slowly, etc. and at my cousin's wedding recently, they actually asked after me. i thought that hey, maybe sometimes the shock effect of telling them that we had a m/c would be better. they became more understanding and avoid asking the question. you take care okie. ttc when you are ready emotionally. i think that is important.

tiantian, i meant to upload my photos. day okie. i promise!
hi millie
yap. doc did tell me that even i am taking duphaston, i will still bleed. so, pray hard that nothing will happen b4 monday.
Hi Folic, thx for your encouragement!
Yah, we're now juggling between worries, anxiousness, happiness and lotsa more.. so how to balance??

Hi millie, nice to hear from you again. Your turn will come soon also!! Everyone here will soon graduate and be a proud mummies
Today is Lyn wedding.. Wishing Her and Hubby have a blissful marriage and tons of children..

Gong Xi Gong Xi

Hi millie, Baby Dust to U.. wish u all the best in TTC.. Hoping to hear yr baby news this year..
Joyce, we will all become acrobats after this!

Lyn, Congrats on your big day!!! May all your wishes come true!

Millie, HIHI!

Hi Lyn


Wish you
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">BAI NIAN HAO HE, ZHAO SHEN GUI ZHI</font></font>

Hope you will become
Millie ang,

Hi gals,
I'm not quite happy today.
A few frens suddenly sms &amp; email me to 'congratulate' me for being pregnant! Oh my god! I already m/c liao &amp; they came to congratulate me..sigh...
These group of frens where together with me during my facial. Think my beautician BIG MOUTH, went to broadcast for me. I informed my beautician then becos I scared some of the treatments was harmful so I thot better informed her so that she won't do on me. But who knows she broadcasted to my frens!!?? I think she's unprofessional to disclose customer's personal issues to others! In fact I'm rather angry with this beautician &amp; I think I won't go there for facial anymore.

I told 1 of my best fren she said maybe I'm too sensitive liao. She said maybe the beautician thot it's good news, so informed everybody. But who knows 1 wk after I went for my routine facial, I was hospitalised already. I'm angry bcos down here I'm trying very hard to forget about the unhappiness. In fact, I thot I've managed to overcome the sadness liao, but dunno why now when I rec'd the emails &amp; sms from those frens who congratulate me, I'm so pissed off. Sigh......
hi sum, sorry to hear that.. i hope U will not blame yr friends coz they were unaware of yr M/C..

For the beautician wise, i really dunno what to say.. Guess she is just happy for U so slip out the pregnancy news.. and I find that she dun really mean to hurt U.. cos she is unaware of yr m/c as well..
hi sum
maybe in your mind, you were thinking they are xin4 zai1 le4 huo4? my guess only lah. but, as they really don't know about it. guess you tell one of them, all of them will know already.
for your beautician, don't blame her lah. 'cos pregnancy is a good news. and she didn't mean to hurt you.
Don't blame yr beautician. I think maybe she is happy for u, that's y she broadcast for u. As for yr frens, they don't know u m/c mah. Take it easy. SMILE otherwise not pretty liao, hehehe. Don't be
hee..hee...your animation very cute! How u did it hah? Always see u hv cute cute stuffs leh...

nyny, hamasaki, tiantian,
thks...but i still feel awkward to explain to my frens. so i didn't reply their sms or emails. when time to come when they happen to meet me &amp; notice my tummy never grow, they'll know (i hope)...

as for the beautician, i'm not going to tell her off in front of her...i'll juz finish off my balance amount of money left with her &amp; i'll leave. dun like pple to gossip abt my m/c or pregnancy leh....i cannot take it....think i still can't get over. thot i had already no problem...but see now? little bit of thing can trigger me like that...

anyway, tomolo holiday...wish everybody Happy Holiday! I won't come in to this thread cos PC at home still not working. Will return &amp; chat on Monday. Bye!! I knock off liao!!
okie sum, Have A Nice Day..

dun think too much of what had happened.. They will get to know and understand it one day.. Sooner or later..
sum try not to be too bothered about your beautician. you know lah....beauticians tend to make conversations during treatments and can be quite 'kaypoh'. she may have just wanted to share your news with your friends. try to forget the unhappy things and enjoy your long weekend break okie!

nyny, don't be nervous or sad on mon okie. rest more and don't take cold stuff after the op.

thks gals for the baby dust. i have been collecting them...ha...
hamasaki, good luck to you too!
Hi gals!!

A little update on my kkh visit. was a bit disappointed coz the dr didn't really do any investigation except for a pap smear. but she did ordered some blood tests like the hormone test &amp; a u/s pelvis &amp; a sperm count for my hb which we have to go back some other day to do it. i went for my blood test yesterday, gotta do another one on CD23. i'm now CD3. my next appt to see the dr is in March, sigh... still gotta wait so long before i know anything. that's why i decided to see a chinese physician in the meantime, will be going down to Thong Chai medical this tues. i remembered reading the newspaper about Thong Chai, a lot of infertile couples actually conceived after seeing them. me already feel like giving up after trying for so long, hopefully i won't have to wait long.

nyny, sorry to hear about loss. here's a big {{{hug}}} for you. take gd care.

tubby, so happy for you!! its a boy!!! wow! time really flies, you are now in your 2nd tri already. enjoy your pregnancy!

lyn, Congrats on your big day!!! wishing u &amp; your hb a happy &amp; blissful marriage.

to all the ttc-ians buddies, let's jia you together!
Hi everyone... finally appeared again after almost 2 weeks. This time round its because I fell sick and couldn't sleep. So read through all the posts for the last 2 weeks. So cham... when I finally have time it is because I am down with illness

Anyway.. big congrats to Lyn!!! Have a blissful marriage and may your TTC attempts pay off soon.

Pageup, how have you been? I think I know why your company blocked this site. According to my husband... their company released the top 10 sites that the staff surf during office hours and Singapore Brides is one of them :p Looks like your company found that out too :p

Nyny... sorry to hear about your loss. Be strong okay?

Sum... I know how it feels. Actually for my last pregnancy I was too excited and started announcing it (because I'm not the pantang sort of person). I suppose your beautician really felt that it was a piece of goods news and meant no harm. But this time round I really kept it to myself until after my 1st tri because due to fear that history will repeat itself and didn't want to go through the same explanation process again.

Ocean... how have you been? Stay strong and positive ok. We will all pray hard for you and baby Cherish.

Girls I have a question... I'm nearing my 19th week and waiting anxiously to feel my baby kick me :p But somehow I can't quite tell. How does it feel like? I know we will feel this muscle pulling pain when the uterus is expanding... does it feel the same as the baby kicking? Few nights ago... I can feel this tinkling feeling in my lower abdominal.. like popping bubbles and has a rythmn (about 6 to 7 times). I heard that baby suffers from hiccup. Been wondering if that was it :p
hi all,
I have a very sad news to tell you all. It happen again the second time. I have lost my bb. I am now discharge and resting at home. Will tell you all more when I have the courage to come back here. Bye.
Oldie, the kicks are like light knocks on your tummy,a bit like butterfly fluttering inside. Sounds like what you have described are baby movements!

I weep with u...but no matter what, pls stay strong!

Hamasaki, Millie ang,
Thank you...

Thanks..How are u? Feeling better? The bubbels popping feeling are bb movements indeed. My fren describe it as fish blowing bubbles. Now come to think of it....I know I should not...if I'm still pregnant, think I'll be also around 19-20 wks now...sorry, I can't help it but always think.
Dearest Java,
I am really sad to hear what you have just said. Please take care of yourself. Will continue to pray for you, may God be your peace and comfort.
Dear Java,
I'm very sad after reading your morning's post. Please be strong. You must take care ok...

We don't have your contact but please do contact folic if you need someone to talk to ok..
Hi Java,

I know that no words can take away the pain and sadness that you are going through right now :'(

I sincerely hope that you will continue to draw strength from God to help you walk out from this ordeal. It is tough but may you stay strong. We hope to see you back to your old self again. *huggies*

Folic, please pass our wishes to Java should you get to speak to her. Thanks!
Hi Sum,

I know what you mean! I'm equally guilty of that as well. In fact I think I will keep counting for the rest of my life.
yup folic, if U got the chance to talk to Java, pls pass her our wishes.. Let us know of her update as well..

Java, pls take care..
hi gals
this morning i went for d&amp;c. at first i was really nervous. but after praying for a while, i calmed myself down and it's time for them to push me to the op theatre.

the whole process was so fast. and i actually woke up in less than 45 minutes and managed to walked myself to the toilet straight after that. the nurse was quite surprised and said that i am good. :p
didn't think of much think, but just felt very hungry. after my lunch, i just discharged back home.

lots of bleeding now. and so far since afternoon, i had change about 6 san pad already.

don't worry gals, i am alright. just couldn't really take it when ppl face to face ask me if i am alright. luckily, not much ppl knew about it.

hi java,
feel very sad for you. rest well and eat well, like me now.
and always share with us your sadness. we are here for you. i find that the more i am sharing my sadness, the faster it will go away.
hi nyny,
You have to also monitor the bleeding hor. If you find anything not right or it's really too excessive and heavy until today. Then better give your gynae a call and check with her ok.

In the meantime, do not stress. Most important is to rest well. Avoid moving around too much. And must eat lots of nutrition food. My mum boiled lots of red dates drink with longan drink for me. I drink dom twice a week (bec I dont quite like alcohol one) It's just like a mini-confinement lor. Your gynae should be giving you two weeks mc right? Take this opportunity to rest good and tiao yang back the body hor.

Take care!!
Hi Nyny, glad to hear that you coped well with the D&amp;C. Now, you must take this opportunity to rest well, eat well and prepare yourself for your next baby!

Hi Gals, just want to let you know that I have not heard from Java yet. I think it is best to leave her alone till she is ready to share. I know that we are all very badly affected and sad by this incident. I hope that we will all be strong again. I wish I can give everyone a big group hug now!! In any case, I will try to do so over the forum... {{{BIG HUGS}}}!!!!!

Hi nyny,
Glad that you are alright. Your bleeding seems quite heavy, please monitor it. Like what Miao suggest, give yr gynae a call if the bleeding is too heavy. Remember to eat more bu and rest well. U are a strong gal.

Hi Sum, Sorry I did not reply u yesterday as I was feeling very down. I copied those icons from other thread and save in a folder.

hi gals, both myself and folic have sent java SMS and hope she will call us when she is ready to talk.
Hi Odie,

You may be right, it isn't hard for company to track which site we visit..Now I tried to refrain from cyberloafing when working...
I'm well, thanks for asking. As for any update, I think I will only share when the time comes :p

I am shocked to learn about what happen to Java. I agree with folic that we should leave her alone till she is ready to share. Now we can only hope that her faith will give her strength to carry on.
hi gals
now i had a bit of sore throat. maybe take too much longan and red dates drink.

ya, will monitor the amount of bleeding. if today's situation still like yesterday, i will give my gynae a call to check with him. seems like i had 'donated' lots of blood. but luckily, so far no giddiness.

seems that getting more friends knew about my m/c thing... 'cos my mil told one, then one told another, and there it goes.... *sigh* just now a friend wanted to come to visit me. but i told my hb to reject liao. think i still can't bear with those ppl's repeated questions. can't really figure out what's in my mind actually.
Hi nyny
You should try to rest more, don't walk around too much. Like Miao Miao, I also had logan &amp; red dates drink, eat food that is cooked with ginger &amp; sesame oil. Do take care of yourself !

Folic &amp; Tian Tian
If Java reply to you, pls let her know that we are all here to support her. Hope that she receovers soon!
Hi there Nyny,
Do rest well now. I think you shouldn't have to be burdened about having to answer other people. Just concentrate on healing (both physically &amp; emotionally) first. If they're sensitive they also won't ask too much at this point. That time after my d&amp;c apparently news also spread, but i didn't bother. Most of my friends didn't ask me much but they did send their well wishes thru my hubby. I guess they're just concerned. My hubby only told me recently, and I felt touched and glad that they were sensitive. Take care now and your bleeding should stop soon. I bled a lot in the first few days too...after that just light bleeding/spotting. just keep monitoring, as long as no severe cramps should be ok.
hi folic and tiantian, do let us know of Java update and progress if U ever get a chance to speak to her and she replied to U gals..
Thanks gals..

I Really hope to see her back on her feet soon..
Hi Nyny,
G to hear that you are taking it well. Pls monitor the bleeding. Do take good care of yourself and God Bless.

Hmmmm....I too think of the no. of wks I wld have been if m/c did not happen. But guess God has his ways and reasons.
my heart sank when i read java's posting. java, know that my thoughts are with you! take care gal.

nyny, don't bother about your friends at present. important is to take care of yourself now. rest well and be strong.

Hi gals, hope everyone is feeling a little better today. I know we are all very saddened by Java's loss. I hope we will all be strong, not jus for her but also for herself. I am especially concerned about those of us who are currently preg. I know the same fears will arise and it is tough not to over worry about it. Please stay positive for your own sake and also for your baby's sake. Take care everyone!

Nyny, I hope your bleeding is not going to be too bad. But it is common to have some heavy bleeding, especially in the first few days. It is also common not to want to contact your frens at the moment. One of my frens was actually at my house a week after my loss. I jus stayed in my room while my hubby entertained him. I jus couldnt bear to see anyone or talk about it initially. Don't pressurise yourself.Just go with your own feelings. Ok?

Hope all of you will continue to post your thoughts here and we continue to support each other in our journey to recover from a loss and to TTC again.

Take care!

