Support group - Miscarriages

hi sum, do try when U are ready.. I do have that kind of feeling these few weeks too.. So i understand how it feels..

Anyway, all the best to U gal..

Hi all

Today 2nd liao, guess Ocean has already finished her confinement. Wondering when she's coming back.
And Tiny too? Maybe go pop liao... keke.
Hi Lyn... thank you for sharing those photos =) Indeed all brides are beautiful!! I'm with a private gynae, Dr Lim Teck Chye from Tow Yung Clinic. He does all the other scans for me at every visit... except for the detailed scan which is by another gynae in the same clinic as the other gynae has the better machine :p Yup I agree... must change to something more positive sounding yah?

Java... happy anniversary!!! You may not be in the celebration mood... but one thing for sure is that the relationship has strengthen through the years.

Sum... no worries. I think the family will be even happier if its a girl :p In-laws are not the conservative type so anything goes. But somehow my MIL and mum prefers daughter... cos can dress her up. So I think I will have to try harder the next time round. I personally would like to have a daughter... but end of the day I'm only concerned if the baby is healthy. The only thing on my mind during the scan was to hear from gynae that everything is normal. I actually forgot about checking the gender while lying there until the gynae zoomed in to show us the baby's penis. I hope your sis-in-law and her baby are doing well. It must have been a traumatising experience for your sis-in-law. But I'm puzzled why the gynae did not detect the mistake in gender even though there were so many scans done in the interim.

Nyny... basically the follow-up is to check if the tissues have been completely cleaned out. If your bleeding continues... do remember to bring this up to the gynae. As for sex... I think it is better to abstain from it until your bleeding stops and your gynae clears you. This is just in case your wound may get infected if it hasn't heal completely.

Folic... have a smooth delievery and congrats in advance ;)

Tubby... isn't it exciting to be able to feel the movement? I can feel the baby moving more for the last few days. Guess I was in the same situation as you 2 weeks ago... when I keep second-guessing myself :p

Thanks everyone for the well-wishes!! We will be naming our baby Matthias. Actually we have picked out the 2 names... one for girl and one for boy long time ago. In fact Matthias was chosen just one week after my miscarriage. We figured that we need to do some thinking since it took us quite a while to choose the names of our twins. As for the chinese name... that's my dad-in-law's job.

Okie turning in... nite nite.
Here's the address of JE chinese physician:
Blk 202 Jurong East St 21 #01-117
S'pore 600202
Tel: 68975655
Do go as early as 6.15am. Cos queue will be very long.

Thank you....

Envy you leh.....

You're so lucky to hv both ur mum & MIL thinking the same 'channel'. Thanks my SIL & her bb gal are fine. Initially was a very traumatizing experience for SIL, she cried everyday. Now she ok liao. Her gynae was unable to see clearly the gender of the bb all these while cos bb legs never open...*shy* :p
hello gals...
Anyone know is there an mrt near KKH? I am going there for an appointment this afternoon.. but I dunno how to get there from Ang Mo Kio...
Hi Sum,
Are you considering seeing Dr Peter Chew? I think he's very good.
I also dunno whether to TTC or not... I am also afraid of history happening again
. One side of my brain says "want". The other side says "scared". My doc told me there's no guarantee it won't happen to me again unless I take a course of injections. Even with the injections, there's no guarantee also, just reduce the chances
. I will just let nature take its course then... Gotta be happy and think positive...

Hi nyny,
I think it's better to avoid till your review on Monday to prevent infection of the womb.

Hi Odie,
Yap, will think of a happy name
... but I dunno how to change the nickname...
hi lyn
yap. i won't start the 'bed activity' till i consult the doctor...
and my bleeding hasn't really stopped yet.

hi sum
what's the charges like for each visit?
and the opening hours?
take care nyny.. yup i agree with what Lyn said.. best to consult yr doc first and make sure everything is well and doc has given U the green light to start the "bed activity" again..
Hi there girls,
Just wanted to let you know that baby emma has arrived...on Sunday 30 Jan at 1620hrs. Will give u more details when i get some time, but really wanted to thank all of u for all your support and encouragement and being behind us throughout the nine months.

Take care u all...
Congrats Tiny.. A great news U got for us.. Do tell us yr birth story and looking forward to viewing yr baby's emma pics..

keep us update okie and rest well.. Take care..
Congrats & thanks for informing us! Looking forward to hear your birth story & your gal's photos!

Thanks, I also heard Dr Peter Chew is good. I wonder what's his charges like? Dunno expensive or not? I still haven't decided which gynae I'll go in future. Cos now still too early leh...never even started TTC & now hunting for gynae. :p Think I'm too kia su!

For 2 wks course of medicine, she charges abt $40+. Last time when I used to see her, I took 2 wks medicine. After I finished, I'll visit her again. I'm staying in the East & it's very far for me to go so early! Then when I felt that my body is 'adapting' to her medicine, I took abt 1-2 mths' I don't hv to go so regularly.

Her opening hrs (if still no change):
Mon & Tue - Closed
Wed to Sun - 6.15am to 4pm
PH - 6.15am to 12pm
(Thur afternoon only see Japanese patients).

Think now they allow pple to call & make appt. But must call as early as 6.15am. And everyday she only sees 100 patients. Once queue no. given out, they'll ask u to come tomolo.
hi sum
wow... they open so early!!! and only see 100 patients. is she really good? she is a chinese gynae or she treats all kind of illnesses? each appt is how long?
if can make appt, that's the best.
Ya...she starts business very early. I can't say if she's good or not, cos I think the medicine may work or may not work for some pple. My fren tried her medicine for 6 mths, no results, then my fren stopped seeing her anymore. I was on her medication for 8 mths then conceive my 1st child. Think it all depends on individual. I think she specialises in infertility & female problems. But normal sickness can also see her. My hubby gastric pain also see her leh... But 1 thing I'm quite impressed is...I don't hv to tell her my problems...she felt my pulse & she can tell all my problems! Very impressed. But she 'likes' to recommend her patient to see a Dr from Gleneagles to go for scanning.
hi sum
oh i c...
hmm... if that's the case, maybe i still stick to my sinsei at bt batok at the moment. 'cos he's quite good in 'tiao' the body, too.

last week when i went to see him with heaty body, before i told him, he told me all my problems after touched my pulse.

last time, this sinsei also cured my headache problem which used to 'stick' to me for more than 2 years.
so happy to see good news posted here.. Now I'm Wondering who is the next one to pop..

Joyce or Folic first.. (hehehehe)
Hi tiny,
Congratulations!!! Hope to read your birth story and your baby's photos...

Hi Sum,
Slightly on the high side, but not as high as some other popular gynae. It is never too early to find a gynae. You can also go for a checkup to make sure everything is ok for TTC. I wanted to do that but I got a surprise pregnancy and I lost it... If I had went for a checkup, I would not suffer from the loss. oops.. You have a kid.. maybe you know more than I do...

Hi hamasaki...
More facts set in... The gynae felt a lump.
I felt that lump too last week. This lump is new...
I know it's new cos I have been feeling my tummy often ever since the operation. It appeared last week. Doc sent me for a blood test for ovarian cancer. It sounds scary
. I hope the results will be negative. They will call me if there's something wrong... Pray they wun call me before I see the doc
. I will be going for an ultrasound soon after CNY. I am trying to think positive...
Hi Tiny,
Congrats! Hope to hear your birth story soon.

Hope everyone's well and healthy. Just an update on my side. The autopsy results of my bb is out, no abnormalities found. Now just waiting for my blood test results. I think I've gotta be prepared that if nothing can be found, then I have to plan my next step and continue to pray and discern if parenthood is for me.

I will be going to Perth in March, after that I will be starting work liao.

Hope everyone have a great Chinese New Year!
Hi java,
Perth is a relaxing place... Enjoy your holidays there...
I was just pondering of the possibility of cesarean before 35 weeks? Maybe can ask ur doctor?
hi Java, i was thinking of U and wondering how are U and so funny, here U are with yr posting.. ..

Glad to hear that the autopsy is normal and well.. Do keep us update again on the blood test results.. I do pray hard for U that everything is normal and well and whatever dreams and wishes that U have will come true..

its good to go for an holiday.. relax well and enjoy the trip.. Take care Gal..
hi lyn, i pray hard for u that everything is gonna be alright..

Dun think too much for the time being.. Have faith and pray hard to GOD.. May the strength be with U..

keep me update again okie..
in this case u may wan2 consider to 'stick' to your this sinseh since your body can adapt to his medicine. Btw, I didn't go to JE physician to 'tiao' my body. Instead, I went to Eu Yan Sang. Cos I think JE too far for me, and after my D&C I'm too tired to travel so far.

hi lyn,
hee..hee..aiyah...we juz share share info having 1 toddler already don't mean I know a lot :p Btw, my gynae told me to visit her for checkup after 2 rounds of regular AF. Now my 2 rounds were over but I'm scared to see her. I'm too panaroid of the v-scan. Cos when I was hospitalised few mths ago, I did lots of v-scan till I very hyper scared now. And pls don't think too much about that lump...I'll pray for you...

Enjoy your holiday! Btw, I've the same mentality as Lyn. I was abt to tell u that maybe can ask your gynae the possibility to c-section b4 35 wks? Pls be more optimistic...never give up easily hor....but now juz relax & eat lots of nutritious food...
Dear All,
I heard that there'll be Baby Fair at Seiyu Bugis from 10 Feb to 8 Mar. All baby items 20% off. Can go check it out if anyone interested.
Hey everyone,
Here's wishing you a Happy & Prosperous Rooster Year! May those who are TTC, dreams come true this year & hv a Rooster bb!!
Hi gals, a new year is ushering in soon next week..

Here Hamasaki, wishing all a Prosperous and Happy New Year.. May all MTB give birth to healthy normal babies and may all TTC gals graduate to be Mummys..

Gong Xi Fa Cai and hope more good news will be pouring into this thread..
Hi Tiny... congrats!! Take care and keep us posted.

Java... have a safe trip. I'm sure it will do you some good. Hopefully you will continue to stay positive.
Hi all,
Just a little update on my gynae visit today. My triple blood test result is out. Everything's in the normal range.

Thru' the ab-scan, we can see little bb moving around in my tummy. My gynae tried for sometime to measure the length but bb kept moving. So cute!!

Then I ask the gynae about bb's gender.. My gynae says rather difficult because bb's position always changing.
Anyway she still gave it a try. More likely we are having a
bec gynae say cannot see little "birdie" but saw two "lips"... Ha! Ha!

Finally, I've signed my package with my gynae today.
At least I feel more at ease this moment lor... I was initially rather worried because my ms is gone and I feel very normal. 2nd trimester is really like nothing like that except for little itchy and bulgy tummy...

Enjoy the Lunar New Year everybody... Hope all TTCians will succeed this year and all MTBs to have a smooth and wonderful delivery!! GONG XI FA CAI EVERYBODY!!
hi miao, glad that yr check-up went well and Congrats for expecting a baby Girl.. Next time talk to baby be4 yr next check-up, ask her to stop moving for a while to allows Gynae to do check-up and measuring of her.. (hehehehhe)

All the best to U and take care..

Wishing U an Early Happy New Year..
Hi Java,

good to see your posting. It's good that you are taking a break. Hope it will help in your recovery process. I think both of you need the well deserved break! Take care!

Hi Miao, good to hear the good news and the very active baby
Now you can relax and enjoy CNY!

I will most likely be delivering in about 28 days times, since my gynae would like to induce me at 38 weeks. That means I have only about 12 working days, after taking into consideration all the leave that I have taken during Feb
Hope everyone have prosperous and happy Rooster Year and may all your wishes come true!

hi folic, wow, that's fast.. U're going to deliver yr child soon in less than a mth.. Which hospital are U intending to give birth and are u giving birth thru normal delivery..

Here I wish U a smooth safe delivery process and take care..
Here's wishing u a smooth & quick delivery. Wishing you & bb good health!

Juz njoy the pregnancy & dun worry too much...u inside also can feel it one....
Dear all,
My sis-in-law's bb gal not well...last Fri bb gal went for checkup. The doc sent her for x-ray & to what he has expected, the bb's heart got a hole. My SIL cried again...sigh.... Now doc advised to monitor for 1 mth...if the hole still there & maybe hv to take medicine for long term.
Morning gals!

Hamasaki, I am delivering at Raffles Hospital. It should be normal delivery, unless the induction doesnt work, then I will kenna c-section.

Sum, Hope the hole will close up. I have that it is quite common and treatable condition. If you want more info, you might want to start a thread to ask about it. I recalled someone had a baby with this condition but I can't remember where it is liao.

Hello gals!

Haven't been visisting this thread as I just came back from a holiday to Cambodia. It is a beautiful place - though awfully dusty and sandy -and Angkor Wat is awesome!

Java, my heart dropped when I read what you went through. I am sure you will be a parent one day; it will happen in His time. Have a good trip to Perth and do take care of yourself and hubby!

Tiny, congrats! and welcome, baby Emma!

Tubby, you're feeling movement already! Wow!

Sum, I've heard of cases where the hole closes. One of my friends was also diagnosed with that when he was a baby, and he went though life being very careful. After 20-over years, they found out that he was fine, no hole, nothing!

Folic, may you have a good birth!

Have a fruitful Rooster year, everyone!
Hi gals
wishing all the mtbs here have a smooth & safe delivery!!!
wishing all the ttc gals a fruitful & smooth sailing year ahead & may more newborns to be announced over here!

hi gals
just now went for review at gynae's place. gynae did the abdominal scan and said all cleared and he gave us greenlight to try anytime.

the bleeding stops already but just now still find a patch of pinkish discharge.

wish all of u a happy chinese new year.
