PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

HI jam,
i was taking my temps, but so consistent, no dip no up. kept using OPK kit also negative, then 1 day i found something like egg white when I wipe the tissue, sticky and a little jelly-like, next day my temp went up, i thought it was too late.
hey ruggles
you boy boy is sooooooooooooo cute! my heart melts!
u selling opks on black mkt arh.. hehehe.. i bought mine last time online.. also quite cheap. it seems that $0.70 is cheaper tho.. my opks nvr showed anything man..

yeah.. i've got nice boobies now.. can showoff type.. but whn i stop bfing.. sigh..

i used olive oil on my tummy whn i was preggers, no marks leh... both my sisters had marks tho' so try olive oil the next time round!! din do anything to my boobs tho.. so dunno if got marks..

wow, really can feel ovulation one arh... i din even have the slightest twitch..

yeah.. K used to show that face whnevr he lets go a big one!!

my nepia is here! ur right, it's really soft. but compared w the M size, the M is quite stiff leh.. or issit bcos i bought the M from NTUC so quality is different? btw, how to exchange the points for voucher?
just thought of something. so the theory that y sperm swim faster, x sperm live longer holds true eh.. your egg was already there thus higher opportunity for the y sperm to reach it thus u got Tim. according to my chart that time, we BDed right after ovulation (the next day) and I got K..

hmm.. thewife, maybe you can try to predict using this theory!!!
oops, just say ur msg.
i tested with quite a few opks but nothing cos i O so late. i gave up after a while. actually mine was really by chance that we BDed just after O. (hehe... maybe instinctively extra passionate/emotional/h****y
on that day) only after we tested positive on the preggers kit and I looked back at my chart that it actually showed the temp dip. I think i had a bit of the EWCM too.. but not really the clear type, just more than usual.

the fertility friend website is really good for charting temp leh.. it analyses for u ..try it if u are taking BBT
hey gals, really thanks so much for e advice.. me feeling much better compared to ytday.. it really helps to noe tt many of u are mothers or mothers to be.. now i believe my turn will come one day.. keke..

anyway, i'm one person tt OPKs dun work on.. i can get +ve reading on OPK every other week.. dr says it's coz for PCOS patients, generally our LH level is on e high side.. not only tt but i also can get EWCM every other week.. strange huh.. kek
cody, remember I went gynae in the late morning..she saw the follicle. Why I had the pain is 'cos the egg was pushing against this 2.5cm cyst I've had for a while.. so the pressure was really awful. When I went back and tested in the evening, I only got a faint line leh. So weird lor. Even when I conceived Tim, the OPK only had a light line..not like what the instruction book says that the colour should be same for both lines.

caitlyn, you're right about LH surge in PCOS patients causing weird OPKs read-outs.. wah you're the first I've heard of +ve reading leh.

ruggles..hee.. so K is really a miracle baby! Mine were both conceived 'scientifically'

stretchmark cream - I religiously applied until the last month where I was too lazy/whale-like.. THEN I kena huge growth spurt and kena stretchmarks.. arrgghhhh...
Hi Ruggles,
That theory not very accurate for me leh. I also knew about that. I test postive the day before of my IUI so the next day I went for my IUI so I assume I have already ovulated hmmmm but the X sperm go in leh... Anyway I guess maybe my husband has more X sperm heee...

So far how is nepia? You like it?
catz - keke.. i use e clearblue one.. it'll show a smiley face when there's a LH surge.. keke.. every week for the past three weeks..
catz - haha.. no lah.. i also have e cheap cheap OPK.. but once i see EWCM, i'll use e clearblue one! hee.. more sensitive mah.. coz i do get very obvious EWCM one.. was wondering if PCOS patients will have more EWCM, coz i do get quite often..
hey ruggles
my bbt chart says 1 ovulated on 18/6. we BD-ed on 17/6...so hard to say..cos i read male sperm can survive for 24 hrs...so mine 50-50 hehe.
hi caitlyn, am so jealous. i don't normally get EWCM, at most only watery. so I was surprised to see something like EWCM this month (though it's still clear leh....)

sigh, think my BBT hey-wire already. had a very high temp yesterday, but dropped again this morning. and somemore i cheapo, dun wanna buy the clearblue OPK anymore. so really dunnoe if i managed to O in the end
jam - dun need to be jealous.. i dun think my EWCM means i'm fertile.. i think it just means my LH levls are too elevated!! haha
siew lei,
nepia's really soft at least for S. Like i mentioned, the M seems stiffer leh.. last night the diaper lasted from abt 830pm to 8 this morning. not bad 12 hr

how to stick the diaper such that it's not loose? i used it when i brought K out just now, thn after so many ppl carry him, i came home and noticed that the diaper is loose at the waist. i stuck it quite tightly this morning tho.. i could see his butt crack man..
ruggles, there's just an art to putting on every diff type of diaper. For Nepia, Tim is so skinny that the tabs had to overlap when I first started him
So you can try that lah.. shouldn't get so loose lei.

jam, don't need to buy clearblue lah.. just go and get those OPK strips which are just as sensitive if I'm not mistaken.
ruggles, why dun you put K in diapers that are 1 size smaller?
i find this a better solution to taping tightly at the waist ... too tight at the waist = discomfort lah ....
hi jam
i think the cheapest is from the web..
hi catz
feel very down today, vomitted my dinner out yesterday, today also no appetite. im eating a few biscuits these 2 days, dun know whether ok anot.
yah jam, only from internet.. unless certain gynaes carry.. but highly doubtful. Our resident OPK hoarder, Cody should know best

thewife, oh yah it's normal that you survive on very little.. but the downside is that you'll feel very lethargic and feel cold easily. :p Just try your best to keep food down. In fact, I just ate whatever I craved.. that's the only way I could eat. Now getting better but still occasionally got nausea. More exhausted than anything really..
ruggles, no way can he go into M so soon.. I had to wait till Tim was over 7 kg before he wore M and had to wrap the tabs around his waist. Heh. Length-wise was OK but just that his trunk is ultra skinny
I also bought M when Tim was like 6 months..waited until he was almost 1 year before he went into M. Anyway, no rush to upgrade diaper size.. 'cos smaller diapers are cheaper mah..
jam: yah, get the OPKs from the business advertiser here on this forum. she's quite responsible and friendly.

catz: LOL resident hoarder ... i hoard all, no more left! hahahaha, just kiddin!

ruggles: eh, diapers don work that way lah. if S is too big now, there's no way an M will fit him.
try putting him on the NB size? it may stay better.

the weight on the packaging is just a rough guide lah, it really depends on your kids' size.
another factor is the cutting, some brands have generous cutting eg nepia.

eg my son has a big butt, so he's already into XL diapers even tho his weight doesn't correspond with what's recommended!
thanks, cody. how do i get in touch with the business advertiser? think i really need some, as i'm still having quite a lot of EWCM today. very strange!
thanks, cody. how do i get in touch with the business advertiser? think i really need some, as i'm still having quite a lot of EWCM today. very strange!
cody, catz,
yeah, K is a small sized baby. I guess i'll just have to keep my Ms for a longer time. Looks like I'm a diaper hoarder. I've got like a big pack of drypers M and 3 packs of nepia M in the haus keke..

S is fine actually. maybe yday he was carried around by too many ppl so the diaper slipped. so far it lasts 12hrs thru the night without leakage leh.. i like the softness too.. even when i tape it tightly around the waist, it's not too uncomfortable as it kinda moulds into his shape.

Btw, how to change the nepia points for NTUC vouchers? What about the other brands also? What to do with the points?

hey, I think Dean looks like you. That's you with the half the face in the picture rite? Looks a lot like you!! I think is the lower part of his face, his lips!
He actually has your eyes too. I'm like typing this and flipping to and fro to the other thread to look at the picture!!
Hi everybody

I need for kind advise regarding my problems...
My menses came on 27 july and ends on 31 july (last for 5 days only) and my cycle is 21 days.
I started using OPK on CD 5 onwards to monitor my next ovulation period..

CD 5 - i tested negative
CD 6 - i tested faint positive
CD 7 - faint positive
Cd 8 - faint positive
CD 9 - and again faint positive

Normally people will test positive at OPK for 3 days but for my case it went up until 4 straight days. i have got no CM to guide me , (only yellow white wet discharge).

i now confused by this OPK things. i have tried BBT before but my gynae say for PCOS, BBT will always go haywire.
hi farisah
faint positive is not positive, if you read the instructions, the positive line has to be as dark as the control line. It should be more difficult to trace positive from OPK cos PCOS people has elevated LH hormone which caused faint positives. so far tracing via BBT is easier, look out for dip in temp and start BD right away.
jam - ryes sells e OPKs at 0.70 per piece.. i bought from her.. i think u can go to the TTC thread to find her.. just leave a msg for her there.. or u want me to email u her no.??

cody - ur boi boi very cute.. one happy camper! hee..

talking abt OPK hoarding, i am a hoarder too!! hahaha.. i have like those i bot from e net and also clearblue ones.. now tt i cfm have PCOS.. like all useless liao!! hmmpph...
hello galz! all of u sound great! I have been busy as usu....but still pop in once in a while to kaypoh.
still doing my Puregon injections daily for IUI, waiting for some of my follicles' sizes to grow to optimal size. Hope it is not too many like last time....*sigh*...I just need one or two big and nice follicles.....not 20! praying hard....

btw, the KKH sonographer must have kena complained about her roughly handling, she was so nice and much more gentler last friday when i went down for my 1st scan on the follicles...

farisah, dun rely just on the OPK only, try all 3 things to help you gauge. BBT, CM and OPK ! agree with thewife about the OPK always faint positive for PCOS patients....mine perpetually faint positive! I also have alot of OPK...think going to expire soon liow!
hi dawn,
good to see u around!!
busy with sch arh? heehee..

no worries k.. relax and rest more and the follicles will grow!!
Hihi ladies...

good to see all of you around again...how's everyone's weekend?? today start of another week...but hey..we got 9th august off...hehe...

eh.wats an RE??
bbunny - RE is a reproductive encdocrinologist.. they deal with hormone issues which is e main problem of us PCOS ppl..
hi all,
I have PCOS, and have been TTC for 1/2 a yr now, I'm on 100mg Clomid, but my luteal phase is very short, only 9 days, so this mth started taking progesterone supplements. Anyone in the same situation?
ruggles, caitlyn: thanks!
wah ruggles, your eyes are damn sharp!
i thot i already cropped away my ugly face!

jam: oops, lemme check and PM you the link to the thread ok? i can't remember her name... but her OPKs are cheap if you buy in bulk (eg 50pcs).

dosb / farisah: welcome to the thread!

my opk is finally positive today!!
after 30 looooooong days.
wish me luck!!

for me, i always get a negative OPK, only today the 2nd line was OBVIOUS. Hee hee, i was so excited i even took a pic of it! :p
thewife: thanks!!

jam: i think the thread got deleted. i have the info at home tho, i'll go home to get you her email details!
you can exchange the nepia points for $10 ntuc voucher by mailing the points and your contact details to the nepia supplier.

just call the supplier for her address details etc.
they have this offer regularly; so if she tells you the promo is off now, call back a month or so later.

think you need only mail in the points with your name, tel and mailing address. they will do the rest, and quite efficiently too!

i know sealer and pampers premium have points.
i called sealer - no exchange programme.
pp - they used to have, but i called them umpteen times to no avail. i think they may also have shut down the promo. anyway their gift redemption was quite lousy.
hi ladies

congrats to eggy Cody
How was last night? ;)

Sorry was away yesterday doing my OSCAR at TMC.. results are good.. I've lost 5kg from MS..same as with Timothy.

Jiayou all the TTCing ladies.
hah catz
5 kg is a lot ! i find that my 9th week is slightly better than 8th week, hope things will get better.
btw i couldnt find nepia brand in ntuc fairprice, how come?
ruggles & catz: thanks!! i hope to join your rank as mom-to-be / mom to a newborn soon!

thewife: yeah, not all NTUCs carry the nepia brand. Only the larger ones.
Alternatively, you can get them from parco bugis junction (near the nursery) or Meidi-ya jap supermarket at Liang Court.
thewife, yah not all NTUCs stock Nepia and plus the stocks do move very quickly if there's an offer

Ooh.. my 9th and 10th week were the ultimate pits.. that's when I merlioned the most :p Yah 5kg is really a lot :p Horrible hor?
ya Catz
before i got preggie, i gained from 42-46kg. now im down to 44kg...if i lose somemore, a bit too thin right....5kg is really a lot leh, maybe you lose weight fast?
haha as for the nepia, will check it out next year, mine still long way to go, but have to start saving, so this kind of small little things can learn and take note from u ladies :p
Me? Lose weight fast? HAHAHAHAHA..
But seriously MS is the only way that I can lose weight :p Either that or serious illness (choi choi).

Yah enjoy your income NOW while it lasts 'cos with baby, your $ just fly out the window. The jabs cost quite a few hundred for the first few months.
nepia order from supplier easier and faster. NTUCs dun sell S and newborns. Yah, i think only those jap supermkts have those sizes and more ex i think.

with a newborn, $ really fly them fast man... everytime K poops, it's like.. kachink, $0.25. and it kachinks at least 6-8 times a day. heheh..

wah lose 5kg arh? i put on weight all the way during my pregnancy man..

hehe.. how's the baby making... kekeke *notti*
Hi Gals,
Wow the thread is moving fast.

Hi Catz,
Ya you lose weight, I never lose weight, gain weight all the way and now I have gained 11kg liao. This coming Friday is wk 26 and yesterday my baby girl is really active move and move and today she is not that active hmmm.

Catz and thewife,
Today got baby fair at Taka, I think from today till don't know when cannot remember the end date
Anyway I'm going down afterwork this evening


FOX has just started their 50% storewide sale!
many nice stuff for newborns and young babies.
eg baby boys' tshirt & shorts set in 100% comfy cotton only $9.

if you have a visa platinum card, you get additional 10% off at the FOX at raffles city!

ruggles: let's just say my hubby is ONE HAPPY MAN!
