PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

cody, catz,
but my boy has the habit of pooping in clran diaper leh.. he sometimes refuse to poop until i put on a clean diaper.. *roll eyes*

my drypers experience is only the flying poop haha.. not so jia lat until the gel stick..

siew lei,
i think every hosp will hv their own classes. Mt A had also.
dunno want to order or not leh... $14 only until end jul. c whether 2nite my sis can find her leftover nepia 4 me..


Long time no come to this thread!!! Now its so into diapers. :p

Hi Cody,
Dunno if u remember in the singaporebrides thread. We had the same hotel for wedding dinner and I remember I asked u a lot abt the freebies.
Hw r u?

Haha!! Now i've finally recovered and hv planned to go Japan for a short break soon. Actually, tinkg of starting Clomid during the hols. Shd I? Or has anyone taken it before and what r the procedures like? Do I have to go back for any check up during certain specific day to check if I hv ovulated or etc? Or juz take n then wait for good news only?

My gynae is starting me with Sunolot to stop my spotting and induce AF for 2 cycles. So I also not sure if I need to go back to him after tat.
catz: thanks

thewife: oops, can't find the website. can you pls send me the url ? tks.

ruggles: not sure abt drypers but PP used to let you redeem toys with the points. however i think they've stopped that already... i have been trying to contact them desperately but even the P&G general line is not manned.

Tweetie: oops, sorry i forgot. pregnancy killed alot of my brain cells... good luck with your attempts!

clomid - must induce menses first, then start eating clomid on day 2.
ruggles, heh.. I think all newborns love to poop in clean diapers.. what I did is that I would wait for a little while AFTER feeding before changing the diaper. They usually poop within half an hour of a meal. Don't worry, it gets better.. you won't have to face K's butt 9 times a day when he gets to 4-5 months.

cody, I lagi brain dead.. pregnant plus SAHM for 15 months :p Now lagi stupid siah.. *duh* I'm only good at baby-related stuff..teehee.. like when was Timothy's last feed etc.
LOL catz, i'm not any better.
physically in office, but brain only evolving ard baby stuff!

dean's already a todd, and i'm nowhere near preg but i am *always* hanging ard the baby section in dept stores!!!

hi ladies,

was on the ttc thread and met some of you there...

anyway, i just got diagonsed with PCOS recently. my LH / FSH ratio is very high, more than 3:1, though i have no acnes, am underweight and menses were quite regular (though long cycle like 34 - 36 days). my gynae tried to put me on clomid last month. but i didn't respond well as it caused thinning of the wall. so she suggested laparoscopy (for which i think she means ovarian drilling).

it's been very encouraging to read all the success stories on this thread. would just like to ask if anyone has a similar experience as me? at this point, I don't really mind going through the op though I'm not sure whether there would be any long-term effects. At the same time, I've also been receiving some good advice to consult TCM physicians. so i'm a little confused now... any advice is welcome...
cody, at least you hv energy to hang around baby section! i havent' been shopping in yonks.. didn't really get a chance to go GSS this time round.
Oh well...

jam you're so lucky that you don't hv the acne/weight/irregular menses that I suffer from! Hmm..for me, I'm not very into TCM so can't advise you there.. I got pregnant both times on good old fashioned Clomid and OPKs. No harm eating nutritiously to build up your body though

you are even more blessed with two pregnancies! sigh, dunnoe when I'll see the light of this TTC tunnel!!

somemore, i heard those PCOS patients who have higher BMI can also be treated with metfomin - which I read some of you have succeeded with that. but my gynae doesn't think that would work for me
jam, yah I really got pregnant by God's grace.. but for the first time, it took us 1.5 years of TTC :p But honestly, since you have no weight issues, it should be easier to conceive. How long have you been TTCing?
hi catz, i was on pills for about 6 months after we got married. then have been trying for close to a year by now.... the thing is i'm not getting young anymore and i really hope to see the light soon, though i do know we need to have faith in God and patience...
Hi Siew Lei,
Have read your success story and am quite interested in TCM now. But I understand that you had TCM with metformin at the same time and clomid after that. Can I check with you whether your chinese physician said that it is necessary to take them altogether? my problem is my gynae said both clomid and metformin are not suitable for me.... so not sure if i can solely rely on TCM...
tweetie, i think most of us here have tried clomid before.like wat cody said, u need to have your menses induced 1st thn on day 2 u start clomid. after that just wait for ovulation.

my menses cycle is also abt 35 days b4 i went on the pill. after that it went haywire after i stopped the pill. but clomid rules.. keke.. *wink catz* i concieved on the 1st round of clomid.

but i think k always purposely wait lor.. keke.. or some times he do the big poop finish, changed diaper thn a while ltr, do just a little bit more that type..

tho' they dun poop that many times, but it gets smellier rite??
relax and take one step at a time.
hi ladies..

can anyone tell me what's the difference between PCOS and Amenorrhoea ?

I dunno which one of these disorders I have..

Well.. i'm one of those who will not have menses unless under some hormonal medication.. few years ago, I consulted a gynae but I dun recall which of these condition is mine.. and I guess i wasn't too overly bothered by it as well coz I was younger and not married.. I only remembered the gynae mentioned that it is something to do with my pituitary gland... or something like that..

Now that I'm trying to concieve, I'm getting worried coz I know it's definately this condition of mine preventing me from getting pregnant. Although I've scheduled myself for an appt with KKH to analyse my condition next mth.. I would like to find out more from u all..about the procedures, costs and likelihood of concieving and how long per cycle kind of thing..

pls advise me..
hey ruggles & siew Lei,
wat're your symtoms in your early pregnancy? i wonder whether these are signs whether its going to be boy or girl. based on the chinese calendar - gender predictor, mine is girl, dun know accurate anot.
hi hope to conceive,
i think gynae will be able to tell via blood test, why dun u try tat?
hey thewife,

eh, those "signs & symptoms" are based on old wives tales leh... keke.. u just go look back 1/2 mths ago on this thread, dawn n i were discussing the symptoms..

i din have much ms in the 1st tri just the occasional puking only but i do hv nausea whn i get hungry.

yeah, i guess u hv to determine wat is happening 1st..
Hi Jam,
My chinese sinseh is from tongji hospital but she work part-time at the Hougang medical hall at certain timing. I somehow can trust sinseh from tongji hospital cos friends around me and colleague has lot of successful pregnancy after taking the herbs from tongji sinseh. Not necessary you must see this sinseh, any sinseh from tongji hospital is fine. Just that her timing suit me, that's why I see her at hougang.

I ask her whether I should give up metformin when taking her chinese herb, she told me not to give up, just taking the metformin during days and night taking her herbs (just make sure it is at least 4hour apart). My sister's colleague did not take any metformin or clomid and just taking her herbs for a year and she conceived naturally and now have a healthy 1 year old + boy. She is the one recommend me to this sinseh, she also told me need to be patience for taking chinese herbs. As for me I took about 9mth(my hubby also take)then go thru injectable IUI with clomid and succeed for the 1st cycle.

Maybe if I take longer I might be able to conceive naturally but I not young anymore can't wait too long so I go for IUI
I still believe nourish the body first and then try maybe the success rate is higher maybe..

Hi thewife,
Ya all those sign and symptoms are based on old wives tales, even the calendar not very accurate for me. It said mine is a boy but mine is a girl leh heee... nevermind whether is a boy or a girl as long as the baby is healthy and normal, this is my only concern and worry too.

Recently try to relax don't think so much liao, yesterday I feel a bit of moment, maybe a slight kick from her. This feeling is great. Sometimes I switch on the music during night, can feel her moment even more heeee..
Now the moment is very slight not very intense but somehow I really feel great
jam, yah I was really despairing.. to the point that when I took that first cycle of Clomid, it was just 'heck care' already.. totally zero confidence. In fact, I'd already told myself I was not willing to fork out for IVF (which is what the doctors recommended) and that later on we would adopt.. who knew? So just be patient, try your best.. God's timing is always perfect

ruggles, you could try cycling K's legs before his poop time.. hopefully that helps him to nggg everything out. You could also try rubbing his tummy and making ngggg noises to see if he can continue pooping. Sounds crazy but it works

thewife, thanks... I hope I can get hold of some of those pills. The last time I saw my gynae, I didn't actually merlion so that's why she didn't prescribe those.. as for symptoms, aiyah, cannot predict one.. everyone thought I was having a girl before 'cos had zits, nose not swollen etc.. but it was a boy. For gender prediction, I only believe in ultrasound!

hope to conceive, is amenorrhoea absence of period? If it is, it *could* be PCOS or it might not be.. best to see your gynae at KK to diagnose. Don't forget your husband also should go for sperm analysis.
hi siew lei,
thanks so much for the sharing. think i know which physician you are talking abt. will probably pay her a visit this weekend with hubby
btw, do they use acupunture? read from the internet that some studies have found acupunture can help with inducing ovulation...

ruggles - really envious of you
too bad clomid thins my lining.... no choice but to seek alternatives (i.e. drilling or TCM) ...
me too, seldom menstrate unless there is external homronal interjection. sigh...
good luck with your attempts!

how did u discover that metformin and clomid wasn't working for u?
hi cody,
after taking clomid, my gynae did a scan for me on CD12. she said it thins my uterus wall lining. so even if i ovulate with a higher dose, the fertilised egg cannot get implanted. i can't remember clearly, but i think she advised i don't take metformin because i don't have the problem with high BMI and it has side effects.

btw, your son is so adorable! sigh, dunnoe when it'll be my turn...
siew lei,
yeah.. i actually miss the kicking that K did when he was inside..
K used to kick when i turn on classical..

okie, i'll try that ltr. its crazy but K did the poop in the clean diaper thingy this morning ...again.. i was waiting n nggg thn str after i change he pooped.. urgh...

your turn will come yah.. relax and take it easy. stress is not good..
hey jam and cody.
before i got pregnant, i happened to see a doc to help regulate my mense. i told her about my m/c and she gave me a jab to strengthen the uterus wall, so that it can hold the fertilised egg better, not sure if this helped me.
hey ruggles and siew lei,
true lah, as long as bb is healthy, but my hubby very mean, dun know whether joking or wat, he said he wants a prince no matter wat, must try at least 3 times to get a prince. bad hor.
Hi Jam,
She did not use acupuncture leh, purely herbs. If acupuncture don't think my husband will try, he hate needles ha! For me anything also can, I'm not that scare of pain heeee.. people used to call me immune to pain.

My company doctor is worry about me cos I'm allergic to all pain killer so she is saying aiyo after you give birth how. Frankly speaking I also don't know how, if after deliver and there is pain also has to bear, no painkiller for me. Will update you all next time when I deliver lah ha!.

Hi Ruggles,
Do you take any painkiller after you deliver?

Ya I actually bought some classical music but I discover myself don't like classical music leh, switch on cannot finish the whole CD. Usually at night I will just switch on some soothing music like piano play by Kelvin Kern etc or switch on FM93.3 heee..
my hubby is want princess.. so must try again. but i told he got only a max of 3 tries!!

siew lei.
yah. i took cos can feel the pain of the uterus contracting. not so much for the episiotomy. if u deliver in the evening, rem to ask for it & take b4 u slp just in case pain in the morning. Dr Lim will prescribe it. 4 hrly can take. if u can tahan the contractg thn no need lor. that time i try to drag the time interval to take it. tahan until cannot thn take. more painful thn labour.

listen anything also can one lah.. enjoy can liao..
siew lei,
sorry, din realise u mention ur allergy. rem to let dr lim know leh. like means u cannot use pethidine? that's a painkiller injected in the buttocks or thigh one.. i din use epidural, but the pethidine really helped.
Wow Siew Lei, allergy to all painkillers? Erks.. I actually tahan on gas mask for quite a long time, only decided to go for epidural about 4 hours before I delivered ('cos so painful until I yanked out the gas mask and tried to hit my husband).. Didn't want to use pethidine 'cos it causes drowsiness in the baby.. so went for epidural. Waahh.. shiok.

ruggles, told my husband to get a vasectomy after this one.. this pregnancy is realy taking a toll on me!! Heh. Hope the moves work on K so that he doesn't keep pooping in clean diapers.
Oh trust me, you'll look back and laugh when you think about all the poopy diapers. Sometimes when I look at Timothy, I go 'gosh, can't believe he was inside me for 39.5 weeks'! Esp now that he's 84cm and all legs!

jam, my gynae gave me Duphaston (I think it's progesterone) to help with the uterine lining build-up. There are drugs to help with the thin uterine lining, I don't think it's a problem.
hi dawn,
thanks! i got your email. yes, work is busy here and i often have to work late. however, i've also been trying to keep fit by going for classes at the gym in the evenings if time permits. hv you booked your iui date already?

hi cody,
yes, i will continue to test until i see a darker shade of the test line as indicated on the pacakaging. i used to pay a lot for clearblue OPKs but switched to another type of OPKs recommended by the JE sinseh i consulted before. it's much cheaper at $20 for 10 sticks. however, i hv to travel all the way to jurong to get it, so i usually buy a few packs to keep.

i understand how you feel. i was also disappointed when i didn't see the double lines at times. just hv to remind myself not everyone ovulate on every cycle lor.

hi bbunny,
my cousin also didn't ovulate for a long time and finally did after 1 cycle of clomid, and had her 1st son who's 13 now. so, i think your egg quality should not be affected lah.

hi tweetie,
how are you? dawn told me you are/have tried accupuncture with the sinseh at hougang ave 8? can share your experience with us?
Hi Ruggles,
Thanks for reminding me, I don't remember whether Dr Lim ask me any drug allergies. I think I better let him know this saturday when I see him.

If I take painkiller like ponstan, just 1 tablet and my eyes can swollen for 3 days and really look like ET. Panadol can only take half a tablet is more also can swollen and the rest of painkiller none of the doctor dare to prescrible me liao.

Even cream to reduce muscle aching can cause my eyes to be swollen so the doctor say I really very sensitive hmmm..
wow your posting really lifted my spirits.
i *just* tested with opk and it was negative.

sometimes i wonder if the opks work as well as the saliva test kits. cos with opks, the more water you drink means you could "dilute" the hormonal discharge. Esp if its an early ovulation, the line is already so faint. Plus more water in the pee, means even harder to detect a reading right?

Siew Lei:
wow, allergy to pain killers?
so you can't take epidural either?
oh mannnn you are one BRAVE woman.
i tahan the contractions till 7cm, at that point i was SO HIGH on gas!
thanks, Siew Lei. hopefully when i see her this saturday, she'll tell me "no problem! can fix this easily"

really happy to see so many gals discussing baby stuffs all this website. very encouraging. babydust to all those will join the league soon!
Hi Cody,
I don't know whehter I can "tanhan" the contractions but I don't intend to use the epidural cos I have a scololis at my lower tail bone. I scare later I use the epidura and I feel so numb I might exert the pushing and will have lot of my side effect of my tail bone. Somehow feel dangerous and I also don't know whether my gynae will use epidural on me.

Now I also pray hard that the 3rd trimester the baby's weight will not cause any intense pain of my lower tail bone.

There is once incident which then I realise that I have mild scololis on my lower tail bone. I I think my sitting posture somehow not correct which put too much pressure on my tail bone and at the end I have difficulty in walking. Later I went for X-Ray then realise I got this problem. That's why I start attending pilates and yoga classe which suppose to help to strengthen the muscle for my lower back before I start TTC.

Frankly speaking now occassionally I can feel slight pain, I think is the weight of the baby and the extra water. Then I will do some back exercise taught in the Antenatal class somehow I feel much better after that

Now just have to pray hard everyday is a smooth day for me
i was also given duphaston early in the pregnancy. it's supposed to stabiise the preg. yah, its progesterone.

pethidine was good leh. if taken early enough baby won't be drowsy. got antidote anyway if baby is drowsy. i used the mask until abt 2hr b4 the actual birth then i took pethidine. K was fine. In fact his eyes open big big and look and look man..

pethidine really feels like you getting high on vodka like that..keke.. but the pain level really goes down cos the CTG actually show shorter spikes. gas only makes u groggy and less conscious of the pain but pain is still there.

siew lei,
i also had a lower tailbone pain. but mine was mild. bad when i wake up in the morning. but it just disappeared once the baby popped.

as for pain, it deps whether u are the type who is sensitive to needle sharp pain or long duller chronic pain type. for me, the drip and when dr lim put anaesthetic for the episiotomy was far more painful than the contractions. Late contractions were like bad "lau sai" like that.. heheh..
Hi Ruggles,
Read your email I want to laugh you so funny. I remember my mum said when she gave birth to me is like "pan sai", very easy.

FYI I born at home cos my mum don't have enough time to rush to hospital I already come out liao and born early in the morning I think around 4p.m + ha!. My mum said i very "gan jiong" lor. I hope I will be like my mum, give birth like "pan sai" then will be good ha but don't give birth so early lah troublesome huh!
siew lei,
btw dr lim leaves the decision of whether to use epidural to u. he'll just suggest that u use pethidine if u decide not to do epidural.
pethidine is just a painkiller, doesn't numb till no feeling. that's y can still feel the anaesthetic for the episiotomy.
hi ladies,

i'm into IUI now, been injecting for the past 9 days liao. went for scan 2 times but seems that mine is not growing so well. 1st time, gynae managed to find 6mm the largest and 2nd time,8mm. heard from gynae growing v v slow n hv to wait till 20mm then can.
do u tink its normal for me? got a bad feeling tat i'm going to fail for this IUI.
any other fd we need to avoid?
Hi Ruggles,
Okay I will check with Dr Lim tomorrow see whether if I allergies to Ponstan and panadol can use pethidine if I don't want epidural. Thanks so much

Hi okeanosmao,
I feel that it is normal don't worry okay just that you have to bear with the injection.

That time I try for my IUI, I done with 3 injection, my gynae also said if the follicles not growing will have to inject more. I guess sometimes the follicles just did not response very well to the injection. As long as it is growing there is always hope

Don't stress out and try to stay cool. Good luck to you and baby dust to you too
siew lei: i had that problem ... dunno whether it was my posture or my weight, at 3rd tri i felt pain at my tail bone. sitting up and standing after prolonged sitting would leave me wincing in pain. Read on the internet that its a "problem" with pregnancy. sometimes the condition goes away after childbirth, but some women still suffer the pain for many years after delivery.
hi summer01, actually i posted last nite...but must be too sleepy, never click the final "post message". Well, AF came yesterday full force....so called KKH to start my 2nd cycle of IUI. starting another round of injections *make face* I think tweetie went to the one at AMK,not hougang...nvm, we wait for her to update us!

Siew Lei, wah so envy you can feel your princess's kick liow! must be a wonderful experience....hope one day i can experience that too! Keep us updated about her kicks yah!?
dont worry about your delivery, like mother like daughter....u will sure get your mum's genes and give birth very very fast one, no need painkillers! hee hee....but not at home lah i hope!
Hi cody,
Ya I scare mine might be worst cos not pregnant already occassionally experience sharp pain cos of my scololis. Really hope 3rd trimester don't go worst.

Hi Dawn,
So happy to hear from you again. Poor you must be very tired and stress out with work. Must relax and keep cool this month okay. Ya baby dust to you really hope to hear good news from you. My good friend and 1 of my colleague's wife is trying IUI this month too, really hope they can have good news too.

Ya I hope I don't give birth at home, that will be very messy man ha!
hi siew lei
my friend advised us to walk a lot, so labour will be shorter. hers was 4 hrs of pain, and she was still walking around during 2 of the 4 hours.

hey dawn,
jia you jia you. just less than 1 month, and you'll know the result soon!
babydust to dawn and tweetie

Siew Lei, wow, hope you can get some kind of pain relief.. One thing I regret with epidural is that I cannot feel anything so dunno what it's like to push :p

ruggles, y'know, I never noticed? Hehe...
labour is not that scary one

for most of the labor u can actually walk abt. make sure ur baby is not too low etc b4 u attempt to do exercise yah.

pushing is really like very bad lau sai. the cannot ctrl thn all the poop is coming out.. keke.. mayb w no. 2 u can exp, ur labour will prob b much shorter, no time for epi
is it normal NOT to feel the let-down reflex after like few months of BF-ing? Cos these 2 days i suddenly dun really feel the let down anymore. Max only one at the beginning of the feed then no more liao. I also dun feel the full and hard breast anymore (not even in the early morning when I have not fed for like 5-6hr)I wonder if K is getting any milk cos he's impatient at the breast. sometimes doesn't even stay on one side for 15min. Max 10min then he is impatient le. Thanks.
hi cody,
i was told the best time to do OPK is between 10am - 8pm, and you should avoid drinking water, if possible, at least 1 hr before the test. hey, have you tried taking this chinese herb, tian qi? i took it for a while and it did help in regulating AF, but stopped after i started on fertility progams coz afraid it might conflict with western drugs.

hi dawn,
good good.... rememember to relax yeah. lots of baby dust to you. i just received good news from 2 other sisters from another thread. seems like baby dust is all around ;)) i'm waiting to see dr loh in sept. if only i didn't hv to see her before starting treatments, so troublesome, and i hate the long waiting time. sianz...

hi siew lei,
you must be feeling quite a bit of discomfort hor? maybe swimming will help? my friend also has back problems and said swimmimg helps as the weight is supported by the water hence relieving much of the pain lor. maybe you can ask your gynea if it'll work for you too.

Hi thewife,
Ya I went to the KK talk the physiotherpaist also advise walking can help to shorten the labour time.

Hi Catz and Ruggles,
I check with Dr Lim last saturday, telling him that I allergic to Ponstan and panadol (actually he has the record of this). He told me this too pain relief is from different category of pethidine therefore should not have any problem taking it. I forget to tell him the rest of the painkiller from different category i also din try so don't know whether got allergies or not..next month end go down then tell him

Hi Summer,
Yes I know swimming is good especially good for people with back problem. The problem is the public pool always has lot of people and lot of my friends also advise not to go cos it is not very clean and might cause infection. Anyway now I did some back exercise which I learn from the antenatal class, I think is quite useful too
