PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

when's the sale until? fox baby clothes quite cute. but more girly stuff.. *wink* siew lei!!

heeheee.. baby dust to you and hope it'll good news.. watever it is, at least IT was good... HAHAHHA!!!!

ruggles: dunno when sale ends, but by today already quite a lot of stuff were sold out.
the t-shirts for my boy were just $6.50each!
my friend bought a singlet for just $4.50!
anyway, hurry !!

tks for the baby dust!
the OPK was positive again today, but the line was alot more faint than yesterday.
hmmmm ....

LOL catz, macam like you're an administrator! haw haw..
Adoi, yah I noticed it was me again :p Die lah, gotta start counting posts :p

FOX- Yah a lot of stuff was sold out..only got 2 pieces of size 4 (yes yes kiasu mummy) for Timo. Not so keen on the girls' stuff 'cos some of the skimpy things look a little slutty.. I like girls in proper clothes, not skimpy spaghetti straps and adult looking togs.
hi siew lei
a bit too early to go to the fair. must resist temptation first. wow you only have another 10 more weeks to go..fast man.

maybe you can buy 4d or toto, always you haha.
catz: same here!
girls must be in ala laura ashley frocks.
heee :p

that type that my daughter will grow up and say ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww !
i just went. the raffles place one still have. paragon one no more baby stuff le.. got more girl stuff tho' really 50% storewide. i bought clothes for K n my sis daughter. spent abt $100. keke.. 50% mah.. so must quickly buy!!

the girly stuff quite beachy leh.. some can buy lah.. bought a pair of pretty shoes for my niece. only like $10
Hi thewife,
That day I went to Taka hmm, actually the baby fair only start yesterday, I will go down tomorrow evening after work.

If my full-term is 40wk, then I still have 14wk to go, ya it is very fast, really counting down everyday and look forward for that day to come.

Lot of my colleagues told me that I should enjoy the pregnancy period now cos later when the baby come out, I will be very busy. But somehow I just look foward can't wait to see the baby in person ha!

How many week is your baby now? Take care okay.
Hi Siew Lei
i hope to visit baby fair soon, so exciting but a bit too early as im only turning 10 weeks this sat. going for scan tomorrow, hope its alright. usually first pregnancy will be delivered earlier, i dun mind that. ya, my friends said the 9 months is ok, its after delivery that is tedious, but they enjoy lor

hey have you thought of a name for your princess?
thewife, how's the MS coming along? Mine isn't as bad as before but it still rears its ugly head now and then (just dry heaving, no actual puking )..

As for delivering first child early.. HAH! I was 39.5 wks when I delivered and that was 'cos I was induced.. if not I think Timothy would have stayed inside till 41 wks.. heh.
hey catz
this week was better until last evening - vomitted and felt bad today. dun know whether its the spicy food i took, or my sil said my ms not so bad then it became bad, or maybe tomorrow going for scan??? can't really eat anything, eating strong peppermint sweet to stop the puking feeling.
39.5 week? i dun think i can wait so long lor, i was hoping 1-2 weeks earlier than edd, then can see little precious earlier. Tim must had been very comfy in your womb..hehe
thewife, siew lei,

i was like that with K leh.. by 36 weeks i couldn't wait for to see him le.. then he really arrived at 37.5 weeks. After that, i sometimes wished he was still in me. at least i get more sleep.. keke.. enjoy the little kicks when your baby's still in your tummy yah.. i kinda miss them sometimes.. but still it's really fun to have a little one around!!
hey ruggles
guess it's natural to want to see, feel and touch the real baby...ke ke..of cos life will not be easier after that. im hoping i can handle, otherwise 1 will be enough, im quite useless frankly, very lazy.
thewife, aiyoh.. yah spicy food does make my tummy feel very queasy. I'm still on a very bland diet 'cos cannot tahan. I think I've spent a fortune supporting Ricola..heh. Go through about 3 boxes a week :p Tim was so lanky that the last few weeks were torture. Everytime he moved, his bony bits would stick into my ribs :p Wah, when I had that scare on the last day, I thought to myself, better faster get him out.. if anything happened to him, I'd never forgive myself.

ruggles, yah, more sleep when baby is inside..teehee.. except for the constant peeing :p

yeah, i am the very sensitive to peeing type. If I drink caffeinated stuff, I'll have to pee like crazy to rid it. So in my 1st tri, I was quite affected by the hormones then I pee a lot. In my last tri, my baby was quite low, so I also pee a lot. I can wake up 3-4 times a night just to pee man.. and almost throughout the pregnancy. If I can get by with just 1 time at night, I am always very thankful in the morning!!

it will get easier.. right catz?? even with K, i find that it is easier to handle him now as compared when he was 1 mth old. He becomes more manageable as the days go by. Last night I even had a good night sleep as he slept from 9pm to 6am this morning!!! But i think that's a one-off lah.. keke..
Hi Ruggles, thewife,
Ya I actually don't mind if I can deliver my little princess around 37 or 38 weeks or best if she can be delivered on our wedding universary day at 8th of November instead of the full term of 17th Nov heee..
ruggles, yah I remember just a gulp of water would send me running for the toilet :p Awful...

Just wondering if my 'experience' means that the first month will be easier 'cos supposedly more confident with handling baby, changing diaper etc.. but I think the lack of sleep will kill me :p :p :p
hey ruggles,
i guess after spending loads of time with bb, you've got to know him inside out, so managing does get easier.
wow siew lei
that will be bonus if princess is born that day! so preoccupied by this bb thinggy that i forgot my 2nd yr anniversary last mth!
btw, im back from scan, bb is growing well 30.9mm at 9w5-6d. hb is 177bpm. I'll be going for oscar test in 3 weeks time.
ladies, what was your result like? im so afraid of borderline cases, dun know whether to go for omnio test since oscar is only 90% accurate.
thewife, my OSCAR results were given to me by 4.30pm.. quite clear that the results were positive lor. Anyway, during the ultrasound, the sonographer can already see whether the neck thickness is normal or not.. so can ask her. Amnio test? EEEEKKKK... wouldn't go for that lah.. SCARY. Did you see the photos? The needle is HUGE!!! Besides, it carries risk of miscarriage so gotta have a REAL good reason to do it. Anyway, your doctor will give you good advise
5th month detailed scan should be able to tell you if the vital organs are normal etc..
Hello everyone, I was diagnosed with PCOS when I planned to start family planning a few months ago. It is devastating. Can anyone who has the same "illness" share with me your experience and how u deal with PCOS? I'm have no confidence at all that I'll be able to conceive. Does anyone with PCOS able to conceive? *Shouting for help*
where got know him inside out!! he everyday also got new pattern appearing! now he so smart man.. dowan to sleep in the afternoon. even if he sleeps, he can't fall asleep w/o first suckling on my boobies.. cham man.. at least at night he is ok. cos i bottle feed him at night before he sleeps since he was abt 1 mth old.

is Tim like that? must suckle to sleep? somemore this morning, he woke up late, so i was like dripping and engorged so i had to pump and gave him in a bottle. he actually didn't want. just wanted to suckle from boobs. had to "bluff" him to drink then give him boobs at the end as reward man.. i go back work dunno how arh..

hi ling,
PCOS is not really an illness. It's just a collection of issues that makes it a little more difficult for people like us to conceive. It's not the end of the world.
Quite a number of us on this thread managed to conceive and even have no. 2 already!! Relax and take one step at a time yah..
hey ruggles
maybe not inside out but got to know him better by now rite? actually new patterns also cute, always give you surprises and make u feel amazed, amused and laughed mah..so cute...any new photos?
ruggles, aiyoh... naughty K. Tim sometimes suckled to sleep but I never let it get into a habit...anyway, he stopped dropping off after he was 3 months methinks. I'm very cruel, will use damp cloth to wake him up..hehe..I know all his ticklish spots too. AND he refused the bottle from 3 all the way to 6 months..TEROK!!! He would starve himself rather than drink from bottle. But yeah, most babies are booby addicts

Ling, not to worry yah? PCOS is not the end of the world.. As long as you're aware of your PCOS, can get your gynae to help you with fertility treatment. Look at me.. got bad PCOS and now pregnant with #2.
Hi Ruggles and Catz..thanks for your consolation ar. I'm vexed over it cos the treatment is getting more costly. The clomid I'm taking causes my uterus wall get thinner resulted my menses lasted for only 2 days! Hence, my doc is asking me to take Puregon injection now!I'm keeping my fingers cross now.

Catz, is it easier to conceive the 2nd one after the 1st? Heard that by getting pregnant will regulate the hormones and improve PCOS ar..
hi ling, erm, well, in my case my periods were still highly irregular after giving birth but conceived #2 on Clomid first round.. first baby, waited almost 1 1/2 year before tried Clomid but also got pregnant on first cycle.. :p
Hi Catz..that is nice. But I'm not so lucky ar.May I know how many clomid pills u took per day? By the way, u mentioned u waited 1 1/1 yr for the 1st bb..u mean u tried on ur own without prof help or what type of treatment u r taking before pregnant?
hey ling
dun worry, we can take clomid up to 150mg which is 3 tabs a day. if still cannot, there is still IUI which they will inject hormones to help mature your eggs. try step by step, there will be a way.
ling, I was on 50mg per day for 5 days lor.. Yah we were TTCing on BBT for the first baby..only after bad sperm analysis then I started on Clomid. Heh.
hi ling,

i'm in quite a similar situation now. not sure if u've read my previous posts. after being diagnosed with PCOS, i tried clomid last month, went back to gynae for scan on CD12. Gynae said i didn't respond and it causes thining of my uterine lining. she recommended me to go for ovarian drilling. after consulting many friends and ladies on this forum, decided to either see another gynae for 2nd opinion or try TCM first.

when i went to see another gynae on CD17, he thinks that one of my ovaries actually has a follicle growing and my uterine lining was ok. so he thinks i should continue with clomid for a few more months before deciding whether to go for op.

did your gynae suggest ovarian drilling to you? have you considered TCM?

so don't worry. there are still many options available for us. and of course, there are so many success stories on this thread!
hi ling
im not sure cos i didnt take that, should be between $1-2K?
and yes, i recommend that you visit chinese medical hall to ask for herbal soup to regulate your mense and improve your ovulation. i was taking paosheng, just a suggestion, no harm trying if you can take it.

it seems that sometimes our reproductive system needs something to kickstart it. according to my gynae, he says that sometimes all it needs is 1 conception (whether successful pregnancy or not doesnt matter) for everything to work properly.

i also took 50mg clomid per day for 5 days that time.
hi jam, thewife & ruggles, thanks for all these messages.at least i don't feel im alone now cos all my friends dones't share the same experience as me and im not comfy in telling them that im facing all these problem especially to my in laws.

Jam, im not sure what is ovarian drilling & TCM which u r mentioning ar..my gynea din mentioned to me but i heard something from him abt IUI but i din probe further. Have u tried the puregon injection? I have to inject myself ar..and i very scare of needles!!!

thewhife, actually i went to see a chinese physician (CP) concurrently with my gynea b4, i was quite disheartened that this CP told me that i should take his medication to take away the fyroid & cyst 1st b4 i got myself conceived. Quite uncomfortable with him cos he said even i got myself pregnant, it will still lead to miscarriage ultimately. ended up i din dare to take chinese herbal soup cos im afraid conflicts of interest and clashes with the western medication im taking now.

by the way, anyone of you know what is PCOS in mandarin?
ruggles, adoi, no choice lor.. trust me, when they're younger and cry it out, they don't remember it so much. :p

ling, you're really not alone in this PCOS thin.

jam, I read up on ovarian drilling before and there's quite a lot of literature out there saying that it's not very useful. Call me paranoid lah but it sounds like a doctor who keeps pushing surgery is a doctor who's out to make surgery fees :p It's good that you went for 2nd opinion and can even see a follicle and good uterine lining!!!!
u sound like someone i know that also uses adoi a lot leh..
but at the moment i can
to recall who..

gonna wean him onto bottle completely in abt 1-2 mth's time. hopefully by then he'll not ask for boobs anymore..
hi gals.. just an update.. me decided to get a second opinion altho i'm comfy with my curent gynae.. wld like to noe wat alternatives there are to taking the contraceptive.. if thi gynae says take diane-35 too.. then i will..

my AF came on CD20 this time.. sighz.. really starting to lose hope liao.. doesn't help tt my job is driving me nuts.. sighz
hey caitlyn,
we've mentioned clomid, you can ask your gynae if you can start on that.

hey catz,
have your ms subsided? i vomitted a few times over weekend, very sian. i lost 3.5kg, feel dehydrated but i cant take liquid cos it makes me burp like hell, the drink that really make me feel good is Teh-O cold, so sinful...
thewife - actually i did ask my previous gynae.. she says high chance i'll miscarry so she doesn't want to prescribe.. so will see wat this gynae says lor..
hi ling, ovarian drilling is a key-hole surgery that involves poking holes into the ovaries. if you are interested, there's quite a lot of info on the internet. TCM stands for traditional chinese medicine, which you have already gone for =)

hi catz, actually when i read on the website, it mentions that ovarian drilling has quite a high chance of inducing ovulation and pregnancy leh. but like my gynae mentioned, all surgeries carry risk lor. so hopefully i don't have to go for that eventually.

btw, my BBT has remained much higher than normal since 2 weeks ago. hopefully it means I have ovulated (or better still, I'm pregnant! =)). going back to gynae this weekend for a check, but don't dare to put in too much hope lah.....
oh, ling, i haven't heard abt puregon injection. but my 1st gynae mentioned something abt injection to me. she didn't recommend that because it costs $700+ per cycle!

as of IUI, I thought IUI requires the female eggs to be released as well? so need to think of ways to let the eggies come out first leh....

I remember coming across some Chinese name for PCOS when I was surfing on the effectiveness of TCM on PCOS. you may want to google TCM and PCOS to see if you can find that.
jam, oh wow..
HOpe the high BBT is good news for you!!

Yah surgery.. no thanks :p

thewife, I thought my MS was over but had a big merlion on Saturday morning.. after catching a whiff of my son's poo. Vomitted out green bile!!!! YARCKS!
Hi Jam, actually im on half-and-half option whereby im taking clomid as well as the puregon injection. I paid approx.500 bucks for that and was told that it can used for 2 cycles.

erm...what is AD huh?

Who is currently pregnant and who is TTC now? I'm abit confused after reading this thread.
ling, dunno what is AD lei..

Haha.. ok for the newbies in the thread, here's the status of the 'old-timers':-
Siew Lei (3rd trimester)
Catz (2nd pregnancy, 1st tri)
thewife (1st tri)

ruggles (Baby Kieran)

Cody (trying for #2)
Hey gals

Cheer up! I was in your shoes before I was pregnant last year and had given birth to a beautiful gal this year march 2006!
Let me have a brief history of my TCC story. Have been TCC since 5 years back but every month was heart breaking when 'auntie' came. Later in the years, I was diagnosed with fibriods and PCOS which make me think that pregnancy was impossible. But sometimes miricles do happen, don't despair! Let me share a few tips on TCC :
try to be as stress free as possible as stress is the no 1 baby killer, take the right food and the most impt is to get the right timing!

An article on PCOS:

Become Pregnant!
Goto : http://getrich12s.agrant1.hop.*********.net
hey caitlyn
since u trust your gynae, maybe just give the contraceptive pills a try for a while, maybe he wants to ensure that your cycle is regular and that the egg will be good. i think they are the professionals, so its better to listen to their advice.
Hey jam,
good luck to you! looking forward to hear your good news!
hey catz,
sounds bad, but its like once in a blue moon now is it? i home now, felt dehydrated and many colleagues down with flu, i might have got a bit of it so very tired. im lying most of the time, watching korean vcds, once i sit straight or stand up, the burpings return immediately. i thought you are in 2nd trim already?
hey catz,
that's a really nice summary!!
kinda consolidating everyone on this thread!!

dun drink too much teh-O yah... adds to ur daily caffeine intake!!
i've read that adding some lemon to ur drinking water helps allviate the puking
thewife - guess me just want a second opinion first lor.. keke.. anyway the one i'm gg to see is apparently an RE so may be better coz they wil be more focussed on correcting e hormonal imbalance first..

hi Amber, thanks for sharing and congratulations to you! read the "Become Pregnant!" website about the "secret", so did you buy her book? or your conceived naturally by reducing stress, eating the right food and getting the right timing?

thanks, ladies for the well wishes
but really don't dare to put too much hope. hubby thinks my temperature has gone up because of my flu. and though BBT still hasn't dropped, think i'm feeling some bloating and cramps liao, so AF may be visiting soon
