PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

Hey thanks Catz for summarizing...

Jam, what does AF mean? do u take temp to chk ovulation? im visiting my gynea later to chk on my follicles development...wonder the puregon injection works for me this round..*excited*

Hi amber, thanks for sharing

ling - AF = aunty flow (menses)/ BBT = basal body temperature..the temp tt u take once u wake up after having at least 3 hrs of sleep.. hope this helps..
Hi Ling,
AF - Auntie Flo, i.e. period
BBT - Basal Body Temperature, i.e. the temperature you take the moment you wake up

Yes, I'm taking temperature to check ovulation this month after taking clomid. Didn't want to spend money visiting gynae to track the follicle cos' the last scan only shows 1 follicle developing.

But all the best for your scan later!
keep us updated on the good news
jam - my RE is dr stephen chew located in clementi.. my cousin-in-law recommended.. but when i called his clinic, the lady says she's not sure if he's a RE.. haha.. i'll just go n see him and hopefully he is an RE! haha
thanks caitlyn and jame for explaining..

err..getting pai say now..what is RE ar?

jam...how does taking BBT helps in TTC? i always rely on my gynea to scan. You mean u r trying on ur own now without the help of gynea? How is it possible with PCOS patients? Pls tell me as I wana save cost too..
hi ling,

i'm using fertilityfriend to help chart my BBT. you can find more info there on how to see whether ovulation happens from the chart.

no no, i'm still getting help from gynae. but the last time i went to see him was CD17 after taking clomid on CD2 - CD7. he saw from the scan that a follicle was growing. he said if i want to track whether it'd grow big enough / was released, i could go back for another scan in 4 days time. otherwise, i only need to go back when AF comes, he'll then scan to make sure no cysts before starting me on clomid again.

decided on the latter so that i can save one consultation and won't get so stressed out over 1 follicle.
hmm...where can i get this fertilityfriend ar?

funny, i was advised to go back to see gynea on CD12 after taking clomid on CD2-CD7. From the scan, the gynea will advise me when to get together with my hubby. if my AF comes end of the cycle, then i'll have to go back to try for the next cycle..

what do u mean ur gynea will scan for no cyst before starting on clomid? i thought is cyst will be always there? what if the cyst is there, what will happen?
hi ling,

you can visit www.fertilityfriend.com

mine is the same as yours. except that if you read my previous message, my ex-gynae thinks clomid no good for me on CD12. so i went to see another gynae on CD17.

i think what my gynae means is that he needs to make sure clomid doesn't cause a follicle that has grown too big in the ovary but doesn't get released. in that case, cannot continue with clomid. he's asked me to see him this weekend if AF still doesn't report. so will see what he says.
ling - RE = reproductive endocrinologist.. frm wat i understand, they're more into dealing with hormones and stuff.. so for PCOS patients, they may be better if ur PCOS is mainly hormonal reasons.. i think lah.. frm wat i;ve read in e long long archives of this thread.. hee..
Think RE is very rare in S'pore.. I was also looking for one but then kena pregnant :p

jam, I only had ONE egg from the Clomid and managed to get pregnant lor.. so all you need is one egg, one sperm
thanks catz for the encouragement. it's really quite amazing, isn't it? sounds so easy, but yet so far!

but yes yes, hope all of us will get preggie soon too!
morning gals.. went to get a second opinion ytday and dr says if i wish to conceive, can start on clomid next cycle.. see him ard CD10/12 to check on follicle and to take a jab to ensure release of egg if i respond well to clomid.. can i just find out from those who've taken clomid, any side effects?
Yeah it's quite amazing.. like for me, only one miserable egg.. and gynae also didn't harbour much hopes 'cos most ppl supposed to release more than one egg on Clomid. But anyway, here I am lor

caitlyn, don't think I experienced any side effects with Clomid except for shortening of cycle and perhaps sore boobs.
caitlyn: that's positive news!

i didn't get any side effects from clomid either...

statistically, only 2% of women release multiple eggs with clomid.
hihi..i also want get preggie soon..heehee

thanks caitlyn for telling me wat's RE..

so wat's the diff bet. RE and gynea? :p

i went to check the scan, gynea told me there's one follicle might release from the next 1 day. i dun dare to harbour anymore hopes now. just try..gynea was also telling me that if my AF comes again..he might prescribe another medication to make me sensitive to the medication im taking now...

Caitlyn, i experienced side effects ar..doc was telling me that the clomid im taking makes my uterus wall thin. hence he had reduceed my dosage and make me take puregon injection.

Catz..shortening of cycle mean ur menstration flow gets lesser and last for 1 or 2 days only?
catz + cody - felt happy when doc said i can start on clomid.. btu a bit worried at e same time as my previous gynae had said tt my body may not be ready to handle pregnancy.. now dunno who to trust! coz i find both doc okie.. hmm.. sld i be more conservative? sighz..

ling - difference is RE will be more specialised in dealing with hormonal issues.. but like wat catz says very hard to find RE in s'pore.. wat's a puregon injection?
RE deals with hormones, gynae deals with women's problems.. PCOS kinda falls in between the cracks lor.

ling - wow, one follicle is good news. Remember to use your OPK and then BD at the right time
Also make sure your hubby 'clears stocks' every 2-3 days to ensure good quality.

caitlyn, think just get pregnant first and then make sure you rest and eat well.. that's the first step, isn't it? If everytime your body is not 'strong' enough, then wait until when?

shortening of cycle means instead of like 1 mth cycle, it becomes like 3 wks.. but not all ppl react like that.
hey caitlyn,
congrats! no side effects with clomid lah.. good luck!
yeah, my cycle when i conceived was v long. ovulated on day 35, even with the progesterone and clomid!

you only need 1 egg and 1 sperm!!! relax and reduce ur stress level yah!
Caitlyn, puregon injection is another medication to boost the growing of follicles in the ovaries ar..accordingly to gynea, it also helps on my linning but the nurse told me puregon only helps in making the follicles grows...so..

Catz..erm..what is OPK & BD?

err..guys can ejaculate everyday continously for 3 to 4 nights? :p
catz - i feel tt way too.. but many gals also say sld 'tiao' e body first.. when i hear of so many m/c cases, i also feel scared.. haiz.. but i feel tt while now i still considered young, sld hurry try to get preggy if not will get more n more difficult..

ruggles - thanks! my menses just ended.. so i guess i'll only start ard oct.. will wait until my neck long long man! haha

ling - oic.. hmm.. i wonder if tt's e injection my doc was talkig abt.. as for ejaculating 3 - 4 nites... depends on individuals bah.. but it's actually better to do it every other nite, or every two nites rite? for better and stronger sperms? hee.

frm wat i read, most of u gals tt took clomid din have to take injection rite? wonder why i must?
hi ladies
im back, pc was down yesterday.
my ms got worse, been vomitting, just drank milo in the morning also vomit...dying...

hey siew lei and catz,
which hospital are u girls delivering? my MIL kept asking me to switch to KK cos the facilities there are better, is it true? she gave a lot of suggestions, sometimes i find it a bit overwhelming, say cannot but pink clothes for bb cos 'she' will outgrow it very fast, buy white better...are u girls getting confinement lady?
thewife, oh dear.. I avoided Milo for a while 'cos the smell made me nauseous.. Plus puking milo is very disgusting.. but of course, better than puking bile :p

I'll be delivering at my fave ever hospital - TMC.. wonderful place. Would never think of delivering at KK (sorry to all KK fans out there) unless I know my kid is going to be born with birth defects lor. The individual attention I got at TMC is worth every penny and actually it doesn't work out to be more expensive than KK A1.

Er.. I bought a lot of unisex clothes but when Timo was born, felt so sorry for him that his 0-3 mths clothes were hanging off him..so we made emergency trip down to Mothercare to buy lots of NB clothes. Hehe. Don't care lah, waste of money but cannot have baby looking so horrible hor?

Confinement lady - I might consider *if* my EDD wasn't right smack 1st day of CNY.. double the price plus big angpow.. prob $3.5k.. no thanks. :p
KK is kinda exo u noe.. my personal fav is Mt A. Very friendly staff and cosy rooms. TMC is quite nice too.. but I thot the Mt A delivery room more spacious.. sorry catz.. keke..

yah.. most ppl go KK cos they scared they need emergency services.

try not to take milk products if u are puky eh.. i remember when i had K, i could drink milk but i'll get really puky when i took creamed stuff like creamed cakes and cream puffs.. so avoid milk stuff for awhile can help.

ur EDD on CNY arh.. wah like that bb v lucky one.. keke.. i had a fren who will always get 2 ang baos every yr for CNY cos he was born on the 1st day of CNY
ruggles, yah true.. TMC delivery room is a little smaller but hor, a few of my friends who delivered at Mt A all end up not breastfeeding 'cos dunno why their LC not encouraging. Quite surprised to hear that but with 3 friends with the same bf failure, dunno lei..

CNY baby - hope I pop earlier!!! Wk 37 - 40 is very tiring..
hi catz,
i also prefer to deliver in TMC cos i really like my gynae, but my MIL has a point also, KKH is better for emergency cases.
im thinking of getting stronger anti-ms pills
Ya cody..getting preggie will be my 1st priority now..not getting younger ar..

hey gals..this doggie year alot of pregnant woman ar...i can see a couple of them out in the street everyday ar..so envy.

by using the OPK able to tell what time ovulation takes places?
ling: agreed! statistics say there were more births this year!

oh yes, OPKs will tell you whether you're ovulating or not. if you read my earlier posts, i was losing hope initially until BINGO! the test was positive on day30!
the LC was quite ok leh.. but the nurses weren't fantastic w helping with the latch. they kinda jammed K to my boobs that time. frankly, Mrs Wong & staff @ TMC was really much better. I actually call Mrs Wong up when i have problems initially. i like Mt A cos of the atmosphere i think. maybe because it's a christian hosp and all that.

u very enthu arh.. test until CD30???!!! that time i did like 15 days w no results thn i gave up w the OPKs leh...

IMHO i always feel that if can dun use drugs thn dun use. if the ms is bearable.. tahan a bit??
u gg into 2nd tri liao rite? it will go away soon. cheer up!!
thewife: desperate mah ... but luckily i perservered. was on the brink of giving up until i read one mommy here who test positive with OPKs only on day 60!

now hoping to strike "lottery"
Hi Ladies,
I m a newbie in this thread!
Got few questions hope u all can clarify for me.
I was diagnosed by doc hav mild PCOS.
Already on clomid 6 cycles but still no good news, should I continue cos I heard clomid cannot take continous for more than 6 cycles.
If my DH oso got low Sperms count, which method can I go for IUI/SO-IUI/ICSI/IVF?
My doc say wait 2 more cycles then decide what is the next step or will do HSG for me, shall I wait?
welcome synergy, think usually 6 clomid cycles in one year is maximum leh.. but can check with the other ladies in the thread to see whether I'm right. My hubby also was diagnosed with 4% sperm morphology meaning only 4% of his sperm was normal.. however we conceived.. so maybe your hubby should seek treatment from a urologist while you seek treatment from a fertility specialist?

cody, yah waiting for your good news

ruggles, Mt A reminds me of my primary school (just opposite, Marymount Convent)..haha.. that's why I don't really like it. Hehe. But i know the nurses there are very caring 'cos my mom went there for breast op before. TMC was good lah, apart from the LC checking in every day (sometimes even twice or more), the nurses were all quite pro at helping baby latch also.

thewife, I think you're at wk 9-10 right? Hang on.. the MS *will* get better.
catz - was just surfing ard and saw ur post in feb mums.. keke.. me majored in social work in uni.. now also considering doing a diploma in sthg related to counselling.. hoping for a career switch next yr..
hey ruggles
i went to get strong ms pills, feeling better..another 2 wks before next trim starts. btw did you get a maid to help you out? i regret discussing with my MIL, she asked me so many questions which i find so stressful - how long are u going to breastfeed? when are u going back to work? next time must wake up early...
hey cody
good luck too!
hey synergy,
maybe you should go ahead with HSG or IUI, my hubby's sperm count only 3%.

oh sorry feel like pouring out my unhappiness...
My MIL is staying in our master bedroom with toilet so that her cats can be kept there. now i find it so inconvenient in the later stage of my pregnancy and after bb is born. we merge the other 2 bedrooms into 1 with studyroom so its only enuf to put bb with us.
next, we had a good plan to place bb in my FIL's home (they're divorced) with his maid and get a weekend car but our MIL refused for her own personal reason. her idea was to ask my mum to give up her job ($1k+) and look after, if not, we have to get a maid, she will help watch over 3 days a week while i have to cut down my working days (our biz) but this means my income will be reduced. and she rather let the maid sleep on a mattress on the floor while she sleeps on the bed with her cats. hubby was so pissed.
hello ladies!

AF still not reporting though it's CD36 liao (read that clomid will make my cycle short?) so looking forward to seeing my gynae on sat to see what's going on (hopefully good news

thewife - your problem really sounds a little complicated and you definitely have my sympathy. have you considered putting your baby into an infantcare near your workplace?

synergy - I read somewhere on the internet that you can only take clomid for a continous period of up to 6 months in case it over-stimulates your ovaries. You can start on clomid again after a rest. But it probably depends on the individual. Like I'd always suggest, if in doubt, can consider getting a 2nd opinion from another gynae?
thewife - poor thing.. must be tough on u.. maybe try to get ur hb to discuss with ur MIL? or just tell her this is wat we're gg to do.. instead of asking for her opinions??

jam - all e best!! do keep us updated after ur check-up!
thewife, oh dear.. MIL problems :p She sounds like a selfish old bat (or cat? hee
) Can't your hubby reason it out with her? She is, after all, a guest in YOUR house. Could you perhaps look into good infantcare or a nanny? It doesn't sound like your MIL would do a good job of supervising or taking care of your baby.

caitlyn, what a coincidence
Guess all my plans are only dreams for now.. :p
catz - hee.. mine also just dreams ah.. probably end up exhausting all my reserves just to get preggy.. where got $$ to go for further studies? hahaha
ya caitlyn..me too. spend a great deal just to get preggy..sighz...ku ming ar :p

am hesitating whether to get 2nd opinion now but money issue stopped me from doing so..
Hi catz/thewife/jam,
Do u hav any good fertility specialist to recommend?
I did talk to my doc during my last visit.I chk with him whether I shd do HSG, but he say usually he will do HSG for his patients after 4 cycles under his hand.
The problem is I alr take clomid for 4 cycles under my previous doc, then I shifted to my existing doc I take clomid for 2 cycles.If he still wan me to take 2 more cycles then do HSG, by then i already 8 cycles clomid.
I a bit worry loh!
BTW, I alr over 35 yrs old....
if i go for 2nd opinion with other doc, will he/she start all kind of test again even i alr done few test with my existing doc?
caitlyn/the wife:

thewife: oh dear ... inlaw problems are one of the toughest i feel, but the good thing is, the problem WILL eventually get resolved.
so hang on in there k?

jam: eh dun wait, do a home preg urine test lah!
i'm also CD 42 now but waiting for the weekend to do a test. :p

hey Jam
sounds like good news, can you quickly get a pregnancy kit and test? very kan jiong for you.
hey ladies
thanks for your 'sympathy' - she cannot take care of bb, she already said her back has problem but can carry that 7-8kg cat. infant care centre or nanny will cost more, i dun think we can afford. my hubby talked to her, she refused so he wants her to come out with better solution, i doubt she take our financial constraint into consideration.
Hey synergy
i read from this forum that Dr Foong from Gleneagle seems not bad.
