PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

siew lei,
yah, walking will help i guess. but just dun do a lot more than what u wld do if you were NOT pregnant yah. I guess my labour was quite alright cos i walk around in school a lot. Always going up and down the stairs to class. I didn't like do extra walking even in the last trimester, but I was working all the way till delivery.

ruggles, don't worry.. it's normal that you only let down ONCE per feed. Even if you switch breasts, you don't need to let down again 'cos the milk's flowing already. As for no engorgement, congrats! Your milk supply is stabilising.. K will definitely get enough 'cos he's demand feeding. If he suckles more, your body will automatically ramp up production.. so don't worry!
Besides, whenever he hits a growth spurt, you will find him nursing non-stop..heh. Also, as he gets older, he nurses more efficiently so he takes a much shorter time to empty the breast. If he's fussing after awhile and you suspect no milk, then try pressing your breast to release the milk from the deeper ducts. Once you feel that your breast is totally emptied, switch him to the other breast. I think by 6-7 months, Tim took only 5 min to empty out the breast and that was about 5oz of milk.

Aiyoh, really suffering.. now got fainting spells on top of bad MS. Blahhhhh...
thanks.. woah.. 5min.. I'll await that day to come. hehe.. but i'll rtn to work when K is abt 5 mths old le. .so by then he'll have to drink from bottle in the mornings then mayb if he wants to can nurse in the afternn when i'm home.

Bad MS huh? you din have much symptoms when u had Tim right? a girl this time maybe? then just nice liao.. you hoping for girl or boy?
ruggles, oh trust me, they can get really efficient at suckling really quickly.. so dont' be surprised that K's already emptying out your breast before 10 mins is up! Have you intro'ed bottle to him yet? I waited too long.. Tim rejected all bottles until he was 6 months plus.

Yeah bad MS.. had bad MS with Tim too.. same with the giddiness but it's just that I wasn't working then and I could sleep all day long. Now I've got an active monkey and just not enough rest. Hoping for another boy..hehe.. 'cos Tim's got enough clothes to start up a shop! So wasted if cannot use mah..
Hub is dead set on a girl.. so we'll see who's right.. I have a feeling it's a girl though. But honestly, as long as the baby turns out healthy, esp after all this suffering I've been going through.. I'll be happy with boy or girl.
hi siew lei
have u join any yoga class?
hey catz,
which week are u in already? how come still have ms? im in week 8, lost 1.5kg already, i can feel that i shrink a bit, very scared. i dun puke out my food cos i dare not eat much-there's this something stuck at my chest cannot digest la. my mum said she has bad appetite when she had me and good appetite with my bro.
thewife, I'm approaching wk 11 but if it's like the last time, my MS only went away at wk 14. I've already lost 3kg.. with Tim, it was 5 so not doing too badly :p My appetite is miniscule and it takes a lot of effort to swallow.. and not to vomit after that :p
Hi thewife,
I'm the member of true yoga but I suspend my account once I confirm my pregnancy and will only resume after I give birth. Actually I intend to attend their prenatal yoga class but it fall only on Saturday and crash with my Antenatal class at KK that's why I din go.

Yoga is good if you can go for the prenatal class after 4 month of your pregnancy
hi catz,
thats really bad. how did u go thru it? i cannot stand hawker centre smell, will puke once i go near it. i prayed last night, asking god to help me, today im feeling better :p...eating half a box of raisins, helps a bit leh.
Hey Siew Lei
what happens in the antenatal class? your hubby goes with you and how much is it? im intending to join prenatal yoga class, at least exercise a bit.
thewife, first pregnancy I just stayed home and vegged on the sofa all day long, no kidding. Now, no choice, gotta haul ass to work but really no mood to work. :p For the first pregnancy, only cooking smells and strong perfumes set me off.. for this one, it's everything!! It's so random that I don't know when to expect another vomitting spell. Shack.. :p Been praying for some reprieve from the MS but prayer still not answered lei.. :p
hi all,
had a terrible weekend as i was down with flu. anyway, after discussing with mum and hubby, decided to look for another gynae for a 2nd opinion before trying TCM. when i went to see the gynae on Sat, I was very prepared for him to tell me to go for ovarian drilling.

But surprisingly, after a scan, he thought that one of my ovaries may be responding to Clomid after all, though the follicle was still smaller than it should be by this time of the cycle. So there is still a chance that i may O this month.... And he thinks my uterine lining was ok (?!). So he suggested that i tried on clomid for a few more cycles and monitor first before deciding whether to go for the op.

am not pinning too much hope on this one follicle for this cycle.... but i think i may be having EWCM today. does it mean I'll be ovulating? or it is just an reaction from clomid? (also had a terrible breast soreness yesterday!)
Hi thewife,
Forgot to tell you, if you are delivered in KK then you will get a cheaper rate, I think like $20 cheaper. I will be deliver at Mount E so the rate that I gave you is slightly ex.
Hey Catz
did u ask for anti-ms pills, it works once in a while for me. i can't stay at home or esle I will be bored to death.
Hi Jam
ovarian drilling should be one of the last solutions. my eggs were growing slow after taking clomid, so i thought hopeless, dun know why i strike 2 weeks later. have u tried 150mg? maybe increase your dosage?
Hi Siew Lei
thanks for the info! i will check it out, mine is TMC.
hi thewife,

think my egg also a late-developer...

my previous gynae didn't want to increase the dosage as she thinks that clomid is reducing my lining. but like you've mentioned, if there's something that can help strengthen my lining, maybe that's one way to go.

anyway, my gynae now is doing monitoring for me. so will see what he says for my next cycle
no i didn't try herbs, i'm quite skeptical to try them in fact.

thewife: wow, 150mg clomid per day or per dosage?
i think my dosage is still quite low...

yeah, K usu has 1 bottle in the night before he sleeps. He's quite ok with the bottle, but he prefers the breast. so anytime he can he'll try to go for the breast.. hehe. .i call him the breast man. he sometimes even throws tantrums before he sleeps hoping that i'll offer him the boobies.. doesn't like the pacifier.. urgh..

i'll have to get him to go on the bottle in the day before i get back to work..

Men always like girls one leh.. my hubby also like that. they like a little princess that they can "siok"
yeah, boy or girl just as good. healthy can liao.. if boy then can wear Tim's clothes, if girl then can go shopping for all the pretty things.. hehe.. there are just so much girl stuff out there!!

catz & the wife
hang in there on the ms yah.. i din have much ms the last time so.. hmm.. can't imagine the feeling.. (hopefully i dun get it with the next baby either!! keke)

siew lei,
i ordered nepia le.. they let me order diff sizes plus unopened packets can be exchanged if baby outgrows the size. btw, nb and s are not sold in most supermarkets. (i think some jap supermarkets have, but more ex) They only carry M onwards. so if u want to get nb size have to order.
Hi thewife,
If you are delivering at TMC then take the TMC Antenatal class. Take Ms Wong's class heard that she is really good and you delivered there you get better rate almost the same price at my weekend rate at KK for not deliver there. Ms Wong is very knowlegable. Actually TMC and KK hold one of the best Antenatal class, so you can go TMC. Ms Wong's class is very popular better booked early hor. If I attend TMC class for weekend I will need to pay around $200+ but for you I think is around $180+ only.

Hi Ruggles,
Yesterday I saw Nepia brand selling at the Marsiling MRT NTUC which is quite near to my house. Ya you are right, I remember they sell 2 sizes something like M and L. Let me know if you also feel good then I will order when my due date is nearer
Jam, wow, that's good news
Hope you respond well to the Clomid. I'm a late ovulator - only ovulated on Day 18. Good luck, keep us posted.. sounds good that you have EWCM!!!

Ruggles, hope you like Nepia.. I'm sure you will lah
I will also be ordering NB and S when I deliver. Tim's got enough L to last a lifetime..heh. I think all babies prefer the breast UNLESS they are very good eaters and find that they can extract milk faster from bottle.

thewife, I would KILL to be at home.. I'm a real homebody. Besides, I miss my little son. Guess what? He's got this silly idea in his mind - yesterday I asked him for a kiss. He usually kisses my cheek but he insisted on giving me a big wet smack ON THE LIPS! YARCKS!! :p Hehehe.. so cute though
hi jam
right! think the gynae will know better, good luck and see how it goes!
Hi cody,
nolah..150mg per cycle - clomid only to be taken from 2-6th day of mense.
hey ruggles,
maybe its boy thats why no / less MS? i read in this forum on tat. you are very lucky ..sob..sob
hey siew lei,
really! i intend to book end of 1st trim, when everything is more confirmed.
aiyo catz,
if i have a kid, i also dun mind staying home:p..so cute leh, post his picture can?
thewife, not true that boy/girl pregnancies are different leh.. With my son I had ultra bad MS also :p

One montage of my son, done by my friend
It was taken when he was 13 mths but not much change in face lah.
Hi catz
your boy very cute leh, i want to pinch his cheek..he has that kind of look which you would want to sayang him if he acts very sad.
Tim is so adorable!! i like that look sideways "gin" pix and that "i've got 2 front teeth" grin.. keke..
the nepia diaper look quite ugly tho'.. no cartoons or anything.. considering that it's a jap brand..

see catz's remark? 1 tale busted.. hehe..

siew lei,
yupz, give review on nepia...

according to the chart that was plotted whn i conceived K, i ovulated D35 leh...
Hi Catz,
Ai yo..your boy is so cute very chubby. Recently I see lot of cute boy pictures lah.. Ruggles, cody, now yours and my colleague's son also very cute. Have not seen any cute girl girl's photo...? Don't have much friend having cute cute girl for me to see hmmm... next time my princess turn out look like boy boy how heee... anyway girl girl look like boy boy when young can be very cute too ha!
your boy is cute looking. are these candid shots, or was he actually posing for the camera? congrats on your pregnancy. are you hoping for a girl? how's tim reacting to the good news, assuming he knows mommy is expecting ;)

understandable. i'm open to try anything, perhaps it's also due to desperation lah. met my neighbour at the lift lobby just now and found out she's 7 mths preggie... happy and envious at the same time. with so many preggers around me - catz, thewife, siew lei - hopefully our turn will come soon too.

how many rounds of clomid have you taken so far? i've maxed out the recommended 6 cycles liao. errrr... did you say you or your gynea susupects that taking clomid affects your womb lining? good luck ya. hopefully, you'll have good news soon.

how's your pregnancy coming along? you should be starting trimester 2 soon?

just now MIL asked if i'm undergoing any treatment at the moment. she's getting anxious again coz hubby's cousin's (same age) wife is expecting their 1st child in nov. sigh... anyway, we're keeping mum abt my 2nd IVF attempt, not even our family. what a day - double whammy...
Hihi ladies

how's everyone getting along?? hihi to all the new comers too...sorry mia for so long....was too busy to check in..

thanks for the replies on egg qualities...pray i can strike soon...i havent started clomid yet....havent finished my OC yet.... pray can strike on first round manz..

hey summer...dun worry k..im sure u will strike soon k....dawn too...im sure we all will get preggie soon..just keep encouraging each other..
hi bbunny,

long time no hear! how are you? when do you expect to start on clomid?

thanks.... yes, we'll continue to work hard towards our common goal and hope to join the mommies and mommy-to-be soon.
hi hi.. glad to have found this thread where many PCOS patients have conceived successfully n are now happy mummies.. i've been newly diagnosed as having PCOS and wld like to get advice.. is tt okies?
hi welcome caitlyn, we're definitely all one PCOS family and happy to help if we can

summer, don't worry so much.. when we were TTCing really hard, that was the stage that it seemed like the whole world was pregnant.. got very upsetting to the point of depression which wasn't healthy for me lah. Good luck for your IVF and try to relax and take things easy esp after the procedure so that implantation can occur. You are really brave!!!

thanks for all the compliments on Tim.. unfortunately he's lost some of his chubby cheeks 'cos of his recent illness
But yeah, lots of ppl say he's got lovey-dovey eyes. Haha
Really good at getting his way. Hope if I have a girl, that she'll be good looking 'cos Tim is quite 'pretty' for a boy. Heh. Buay paiseh hor?

ruggles, yah Nepia is plain but that's OK. It's not as though baby is bothered. Teehee. Tim's only just discovered the elephant on his Pampers Premium and he keeps patting the front of his diaper - very obscene.
catz - thanx for e welcome.. hee.. Tim sounds really cute! =) and i can just imagine him petting his diaper!! haha.. for me, i've recently been confirmed as PCOS patient.. but my gynae says i quite atypical of PCOS coz i sverely severely underweight.. she suggests putting me on diane-35 for 6 mths first to kickstart my system (as i super low estrogen n progesterone - most likely not ovulating at all).. but i super reluctant coz i really keen to conceive.. may i noe wta measures u took to successfully conceive?
hi caitlyn,
i was also an underweight PCOSer..
only found out whn my menses din come for 3 mth after i stopped taking the pill. i had 1 round of norhisterone (progersterone i think, contraeptive also) to bring on the menses thn went onto clomid.

babies always do seemingly obscene things hor?
K always does the "hmm.. boobies!!- eye start staring wildly-tongue-licking look" whn he knows is milk time and he's carried into the milking (.. mooo) position!!
ruggles - one rd= one mth is it? but ur other hormones were okies? coz my gynae says i most likely wun be able to carry a bb to full term (ave a super early m/c w/out even realising it hence wasting e clomid) based on my blood test results so she does not want to put me on clomid..
hi ruggles - serious? CD35? wow... ok, i shall not give up so early then

hi summer - i've only taken 1 round. my previous gynae said it causes thinning of my uterine lining based on a scan on CD12. but 2nd gynae said it was ok when he scanned on CD17. so i dun care lah, try more rounds and see how... btw, read from the internet that you can always try clomid again after a rest. so dun worry!

hi caitlyn - I'm also an underweight PCOSer (though not severely). i suspect PCOS is used quite loosely now as long as our hormonal level is not typical and we do not ovulate regularly. anyway, have you cosnidered getting a 2nd opinion from another gynae? that's what I did as I was not very comfortable with what the 1st gynae said at first...
Hi Caitlyn,
Welcome to join the thread.

Hi Summer,
Good luck to you and baby dust to you okay, keep us posted of your IVF progress
Wow, all the underweight PCOSer.. so lucky. I'm your typical tend-to-get-fat-fast PCOSer. Sianz.

caitlyn, I actually took Diane for a loooong time to control my acne. Before I conceived my 2nd, I was on Yasmin for 4 months to sort of regulate my period. Then Clomid (50mg) to help me ovulate. If you're uncertain,I think it's always good to seek a second opinion from another reputable gynae.. most importantly, you must trust your doctor to help you conceive.

Oh yeah, I remember the ham-sup eyes
Worse of all, Tim used to scratch me side whenever he nursed. So ticklish! Nowadays, silly boy pats my boobs and says proudly 'BRA'.. goes around the dept store pointing out bras too. Embarassing, esp for his Daddy or Grandpa.
Hi Summer01
i hope im in 2nd trim ok...only 8 1/2 wk, im counting down everyday:p
when is your 2nd IVF? we will pray hard hard for you the nite before.
Hey caitlyn
welcome! i wouldnt want to take contraceptive if im really trying. i was about to start this estrogen-progesterone pills (21days), was waiting for my mense to start then start this, but strike so i didnt take at all, its non-contraceptive. the name of the pill is progyluton, doc asked me to try 1-2cycles to regulate my mense first.
hey jam
err...i ovulated on CD44-45 this round leh..
yah, it means 1 cycle. once the menses come start clomid on CD2 i think. My gynae actually told us not to expect to conceive in that month but since we managed to conceive so he say good good!! Then no need to check anything else liao.. His intention was to try and see if ovulation can occur. Maybe it's also becos I din have a history with him lah.. hehe.. nvr saw a gynae before until that time. Statiscally, it seems that clomid results in a slightly higher chance of m/c cos clomid tend to force the egg to mature faster/ to be released before it matures. But doesn't mean that it is no good. Right Catz? We both hit it on 1 round of clomid. Catz is a 2-times lucky somemore!!

yah yah.. K does that also. He lets his arm dangle on my side and then tickles me.. keke..
and yupz, hamp-sup's the word man..
Tim is so funny..!! hehe.. BRA BRA BRA!!! teach him BRASSIERE!!!! kekeek

yeah Jam!! Jia you
jam - my gynae was saying underwt is more diff to "treat" coz quite a lot of medications wun be so suitable.. i'm still 9kg away from my ideal wt.. tt's hw skinny i am! haha

catz - i'm comfy w my current gynae.. she's quite patient n will 'tolerate' all my endless qns.. also quite frank but not hurting and insensitive.. so will stick w her.. just wanna find out wat other options i have.. did u v any side effects from consuming diane-35? my gynae said it may help me in wt gain.. keke

thewife - congrats on ur pregnancy!! so e pills u took is to help regulate menses but is non contraceptive n non-fertility pill is it? if u dun mind me asking.. were ur progesterone and estrogen lvls fd to be very low too??

ruggles - let's hope tt clomid will work for me when i do start on it..

hope_to_conceive - sorry but i not too sure.. it doesn't seem e same leh.. so fr all my readings on PCOS doesn't call it by any other name..
caitlyn, it's great that you hv a good gynae
Yes, Diane will prob help with weight gain 'cos my weight ballooned when I went on it as a teenager. That's why this time round, I switched to Yasmin which doesn't hv this side effect
Can I transfer fats to you??

hope to conceive, I don't think it's the same thing but you should check with your doctor lor.

ruggles, yah I'm really 2 times lucky. Somemore the second time, I only released one egg leh. Apparently most ppl responding well to Clomid will release at least 2. Oh well.. K is so cute.. guess they've all got itchy hands at this stage
Any more pics to share? Trying to make Tim forget he ever learned the word 'bra'..sigh..
hello caitlyn, welcome!

wah lao, you're all underweighters ah?
that makes me & catz on the other side of the fence ... alamak.

fats for sale, who wants?
hi caitlyn
i didnt check on my estrogen or progesterone level, it could be 1 of the methods which can help level the amount of hormones that can regulate our mense so that conceiving is easier.
I would think that i responded quite slow to Clomid, ended up with very late ovulation. So its either get regular mense then try cos chances to strike is more, or go straight to clomid which gives you faster result if you respond well.
hi ruggles, thewife, and Catz,

btw, can i check how you gals knew when you ovulated? do u use OPK? but if you ovulate late, does it mean you have to use many many OPK?
how you know how many eggs released??

ya noe.. K just pooped as i'm typing this!! on a brand new diaper again!!!!!!

this was whn he was abt 1 mth old n he loved to do this pucker mouth sheepish oops-that's-not-me look, esp after pooping!


if the fats can go into my boobs i want.. kekekeke... (",)

i din chk my hormone levels the last time cos managed to conceive so no need to chk le.. i also agree w Jam that the PCOS term is quite loosely used. as lomg as got cysts thn is PCOS aldy. ammenorhoea means no menses right? but this can be caused by many factors and PCOS is one of them?
catz - keke.. maybe i'll ask gynae if i can go on diane-35 for just 3 mths first and see e effects.. hee.. i dun mind having more fats!! keke

thewife - okies.. thx!

ruggles - me also want fats for my boobs!! ur bb so cute!! for my case, thru e scan, e doc cldn't cfm PCOS coz she says it's just indicative.. mine is more e hormonal PCOS.. so had to cfm w hormone tests.. i think..
eh big boobs are not ALL that good k ...
my boobs are so saggy now, macam can touch my belly button.
hee... ruggles, K looks so angelic in that photo! So does he give you this look everytime he poops in a clean diaper?

caitlyn, yah maybe just try Diane.. maybe it can kickstart your system into regular menses. I took it for quite a few years and immediately after stopping, I had a few regular cycles before lapsing back into crazy cycles.

jam, yah used OPKs.. I bought about 30 strips to standby.. erm my dear friend Cody is stockpiling 100+, going on 200. Heh. Don't go and buy Clearblue, you will go broke. Go and look for those ppl who sell each strip for about $1 or less.. think there's a seller at the marketplace.

Oh, the reason I knew I had one egg is 'cos I was having VERY bad pain in my tummy around CD14 onwards. Was rather worried so I went to the gynae (also 'cos I still kept getting negative on OPK).. when she did ultrasound, she saw one ultra ripe follicle (18mm?) and confirmed it was ONE egg. That's how I knew I'd ovulated one measly egg. Then that night, told my hubby that we gotta rock and roll.. that's the story of my #2. Heh. Used about 10+ OPK for that cycle.

Big boobs- breastfeed lor.. but warn you, after stopping bf, they will shrink and you might kena stretchmarks like me :p

oh yeah jam, the business owner selling OPKs on the forum is not bad. She's selling them for $0.70 per piece if i remember correctly.

Alamak catz, dun suan me. at the rate i'm using OPKs, i may need to buy more more more!

yeah, you get a nice cleavage when you breastfeed, esp if you're engorged!

my souvenir stretchmarks are all on my tummy. damn ugly!!! all those creams & tonics didn't help ... its hereditary lah.
shouldn't have blasted so much money on clarins' tonic! darn!

ruggles: aiyoh so cute!!!!!!!! i wan to cradle him!!!
terrible lah, i got withdrawal syndromes now ... each time i see a newborn, i oooh and ahhhh at it macam like i want to kidnap the baby!
