PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

Hi Ladies,

Juz want to check with u all. i test my OPK two time today (different timing) and both's show faint lines after 10 min. Is faint lines indicate that i'm going to ovulate the next 48 hrs or it's juz a false alarm for me....?

hi cody,
how many diapers in a pack??

really happy for u!!
keep us updated yah!

long time no see eh..

here's a photo for u!!
hi Farisah,
the 2 lines must be as dark as one another, then you'll be ovulating in the next 24-48 hrs.

Thanks Ruggle!
hey your bb grow very fast! must really spend loads of time with them, so as not to miss this precious period.
Hi Ruggles,
Thanks for the photo updates, your little prince really growing fast, his look like change a bit hor now look more like daddy or mummy? He is cute, don't know my little princess look like who hmmm...now so excited everyday counting down for that due date to come.

Yes must spend this precious moment with him before you start work.

Hi Dawn,
I guess you must be very busy, did not hear from you. Do take care
ruggles, your boy is so cute.. what a sharp chin

farisah, you might have already ovulated in the past 24 hrs.. either that or you are due to ovulate soon.

Siew Lei, yah i agree it's not necessary to take those special 'mummy' milk.. HL is good enough!

cody, you're like me - super scared of chinese herbs
I hv never really gotten used to the taste and I've never consulted a TCM before. POD believes though.. but he only goes for himself.. he'd never ask me or Timothy to go.
Hi Siew Lei,
which tong Ji sinseh u seeing?
can PM me more info?
last yr frm Jan ttc for 5 mths then strike in June but
I lost my bb gal when I was 24 weeks pregnancy during last yr Dec,it was an cord accident so is very sudden, so I can understand how those of ur frens feel, may God bless them wif emotionally and phyisical recovery
but wif God strength I hv fully emotionally recover and ready to ttc again now

however seems like after my m/c last yr Dec...my hormones seems haywire, so decide to see TCM to tiao...
before that can stirke naturally well..everything happen for a reason....
okie wont elaborate more so pls PM me thks

wonder u still remember me?
last time we yak at makeup thread wif seiko n doodbug...
all of u are happy mummies now

so happy n you are blessed wif ur Tim and a coming little one
take good care n God bless
Siew Lei,
i think ppl are in general skeptical & not willing to pay for bottled bird's nest. i can't speak for other brands but lo han kah is good, so ruggles made the right recommendation.

agree. babies outgrow their clothes at lightning speed, so it's wiser to take hand-me-downs for a start. hv you and DH thot of names for princess oredi?

kieran seems to hv grown a lot leh. vy cute pix ;)

welcome on board. AF = aunty flow = menses.

dun worry if you are not ovulating on CD14, unless your AF is regular based on a 28 day cycle you are likely to ovulate later. my AF is never consistent, so on mths when it's haywired i ovulate as late as CD21.

wow.. another handsome boy. how old is your boy?
hi thewife,

i forgot to congratulate you lah
)))) happy for you! are you getting all the preggy symptoms liao? your stools are hard because you are on iron pills? my colleague had the same problem so gynea told her to drink lots of water and increase intake of veg and fruits. btw, i heard you shd avoid taking oranges as it develops phlegm... but dunno exactly why lah. u haerd of it before?
Hi Valerie,
I pm you you liao but be more patience when taking chinese herb cos it takes time to tiao your body. Good luck to you

Hi Summer,
I have not thought of the name of my little princess, do not know whether want to give her an english name cos scare infuture she might not like it. As her chinese name maybe will let the sifu to think for us so have to wait till she is born
Hi Val, of course I remember you
In fact, doodbug has just had her 2nd baby (exactly 1 year after her little boy arrived).. can't believe we're all mummies.. So sorry to hear about your m/c.. really very upsetting to hear of your sad case. Do take care of yourself yah? God will definitely bless your womb in the right time.

Mm... lo hong ka bird's nest is yummy
My mom bought me 5 bottles for my final trimester. Aiyah, I don't really believe it's good for health but heck, so nice, how not to eat? Hehe.
Hi Summer01
thank u, my hubby is more positve now and started to talk more about bb, im glad.
i havent take iron pills yet, had constipation since my last M/C, maybe i took multi vits pills with a bit of iron then. My symtoms - cannot eat and drink, very bad, constantly feeling tat im half filled with indigested food, have to take anti-nauseous pill to try to eat more.
so wats your plan now?
Hey dawn.
long time no hear from you!
Siew Lei,
thks will chk ur email on Mon in office...
hopefully my PM emails works
yup I know taking TCM need to be patient

Hey Catz,
glad u still remember me...
Oh I am totally alright now and infact just came back serving in the nursery, those babies are so cute
Indeed nt easy to cross the hurdle and moving on, well hanging on to God's promise

wah that's great for doodbug!

She is still in US?
send my regards to her if u emalling her
well, do pm me when u free and we can yak more...
Oh well,I am still in the same company,hee if you still remember where I was working
hey siew lei,
dunno who he looks like leh.. tho ppl r starting to say that he looks like me now.. cos of the chubby cheeks

yupz.. the sharp chin. u know smthing? i actually saw that chin during the detailed scan at abt 20wks!!

summer01, thewife,
yah.. he grew suddenly @ 6 wks. now he can wear the smaller sized 6mth clothes!!
hi gals!
have been really busy these 2 weeks and this thread is moving so fast, like bullet train! and so many people now!!! so Re Nao!!! Welcome welcome...so fun!!!

ruggles, kieran indeed looks different now...anyway heard mums say their babies' looks will keep changing during the 1st year rite? must be fascinating to see them growing up so fast!
keep us posted with his handsome photos ok? auntie dawn loves them! *hiaks* u taking leave till the end of the year? or popping back to school soon?

summer01, i have juz emailed you the contacts of the accupuncturist.
your job also very busy now ah? must not be too stressed ok? I am trying to do more excercises and eat healthily now. am waiting for my next AF to come, so can try the 2nd round of SO-IUI. Finally my temperature climbed up last week....so i think AF will come next week.

thewife, congrats on seeing the heartbeat! now you can be more fangxin liow! yah, man so busy till no time to pop in and talk. *sigh* rest more ok dear, i am sure all the discomfort is worth it...and very fast it will be the honeymoon period...2nd trimester liow!

cody, hello and welcome!
your boy looks really cute leh! I think i must quickly give birth to gal gal liow, so many nice boys around. haha...siew lei you quickly 'chop' the handsome boys for your princess or not? ;)

btw Catz, what is this Nepia thing you are telling them about...me very suaku! must learn learn what it is. typical singaporean hor....

hey dawn....long time no see liaoz...must be really really busy ar u...yah but must agree this thread move so fast....sick the last few days, think my menses made me sick manz....haha come in see so much posting alrady...

ruggles...ur little boy is growing so fast!! he's so big already...and still as cute and handsome...hehe...must take more pics and videos of him hor...can keep as memories..

hihi cody...yep..but i must see how the cycle goes...this is my first in i dunno how long already...so i dunno whether the ovulation starts or not...today is day 5..so tonight starting the contraceptives....

heyhey thewife...how u feeling lately?? more preggie symptoms? must drink more water also, then wun be so constipated...and more fruits and vege too...yep i will start clomid after i finish the OC and have the 2nd round of menses...

i got a question to ask hor....if i so long never ovulate and i start on clomid...the first batch of eggs that gets induced to come out, are they good or bad arh?? if ttc and strike, will it be good quality egg that strike or should i let the first batch go to waste first arh??
Hey dawn,
finally u are here! once your af come, quick try and join me too, i need more kakis..babydust!
Hey bbunny
mixture of feeling - very happy to see bb's hb, but also feel down cos im trapped home, cannot eat and drink well, go out also feel uncomfortable. i have to depend on anti-ms pill to eat more, if not, i will feel giddy or even faint one day.
As for the egg question, i think its really luck. im sure i had a bad egg in my last m/c tat didnt grow, even for this round i ovulated on CD45, about 3 months after my m/c.

haha...how i wish i can join you! will work hard and work hard.......

bbunny, not sure about the egg quality thing, I think like thewife say, really depends on luck sometimes.You will take clomid the next cycle?
why must take contraceptive to make AF regular? I thought take clomid will make it regular too?
dun worry abt good egg or bad egg.. if egg n sperm r gd and conception occurs, thn the embryo will survive n develop. if no good, nature will do its thing..
Hi Dawn,
Finally you are here? Remember try to relax and don't be too stress out with your work before trying for your SO-IUI.

Good Luck to you okay and baby dust to you

Hi Ruggles,
Yes must update us with more photo of your dear little prince okay, I like to see baby's photo too. I have been seeing my colleague's son photo almost everyday cos his son is so cute and can't take my eyes of him ha! Since mine is a girl have to look for some baby girl photo liao heee..

Wow your little prince really growing very fast, so happy for you. I guess you will miss him alot when you start your work. Do you take the full 3 month or just 2 month and the next 1 month flexible. I might take full 2 month and the next 1 month will be like working only 3 days in a week till I clear all my maternity leave. I think is good such that I slowly adjust back my working life and at the same time have more leave to save for urgent case heee...and also if I take 3 month I will cross over CNY holiday too heee...my company always give extra 1 day rest for CNY too hee..
Ruggles: you have a very handsome boy!!

Summer: thanks! I was just going to start my depression, day 17 already still no news. Sigh ...

so you continued using OPKs daily until you saw 2 lines? Gosh, sometimes my menses are so irregular they come only 6mths later. so means i test with OPKs for 6 months? *faint*

think i will test OPK / wait for menses to come till day 40. If nothing still, i'm going back to my gynae.

Catz: i'm anti-herbs cos of pregnancies fears, else i lurrve those cantonese soups (as long as they're not overly bitter!!). But i have never seen TCM in my life, and i doubt i will .... (no offence..)
LOL LOL LOL your birds nest!!!

Dawn: tks!! my boy's looks are a facade. when you meet him in person, he's a little monster you'd want to keep a distance from!

nepia is a japanese diaper. very good!!!
can't remember the quantity per packet, but aiyah its really really good lah...

thewife: you ovulated on day 45? so you tested with OPK eversince day10? wah, you're an inspiration to me!
Hi Cody,
Did robinson or other store sell nepia brand, or only can get the supply from supplier. I think it is worth trying if it is really good and cheap heee...if really can't get from other places, will call the supplier around October
siew lei:
welllll, its not exactly cheap. it's mid-range lah.

you can buy it from the larger NTUCs, or from seiyu bugis. more expensive at these places of course.

siew lei, i like nepia enough to use it if i conceive baby #2! last time i didn't know, i used pampers premium / mamy poko throughout! so expensive....
Hi Cody
i gave up on OPK kit, coz it makes me feel disappointed all the time, so i just take my temps, also very sianz cos everyday the same, never seem to dip. then one day i saw a new product - saliva test kit (test estrogen instead of LH - urine test) and bought it at $89 but alamak i strike on that day of purchase, so its wasted lor. i was thinking of inducing my AF if it hits 60 days.
thewife, wah so zhun ah! strike on the day of purchase!
it is very well worth the money lor! you bought it online or in a store in singapore? I also give up using the OPK kit liow, for PCOS patients like us, take very long to get positive! *sigh*

siew lei, yah, was abit busy last week....trying to slow down and take everything easy.
Have u started buying the stuff for the little princess? they say 3rd trimester will be too tired to move around shopping rite? My fren also going to give birth soon.....hee hee....will tell u how she finds the confinement lady!

cody, thanks for enlightening me on the Nepia...haha...good next time i know how to save $$$$ liow. Aiyah, your son cute means cute lah! no worries, i had worked in a child care centre for quite a while,so i have seen all the possible styles of monsters....including seemingly innocents ones!haha
Hi Cody,
Thanks so much. I can trust you lah since you have tried other brand and find this is still the best. I have been asking around, one of my colleagues told me his son used huggies during day and pamper during night. At least now I know nepia and I will used this

Hi Dawn,
Yes for me the OPK also not accurate always see very light line so don't know whether it is ovulating but I learn from the chinese sinseh that you can start trying if you have the white discharge cos that is the indication of ovulation coming and it is most fertile period to try.

I remember that time I went for the IUI, 1 day before already have some white mucus and on that day of the IUI, I also have lot of white discharge.

Oh okay let me know how is the confinement lady. Excited for your friend. Ya you are right lot of my colleague told me that too, should start now cos later sure very tired. I realise I still got lot of thing have not bought so really must do some shopping liao
keep for no. 2 kekeke..

boys must be monster a bit one lah..

tink i must really go try nepia le.. quite irritated by the drypers' sticky tape...
the wife: how much was the saliva kit?
want to sell to me?

Siew Lei / Ruggles:
before i knew abt nepia, i used only mamy poko and pampers premium for the first month.

after that, i used a cheaper diaper in the day, and pampers premium / mamy poko for night.

nepia is not the cheapest diaper around, but its v soft and absorbent. My son drinks ALOT of water, so nepia cannot last overnight (tho catz can).

give it a try! maybe you can buy 1 pkt fr ntuc to try first. the cutting is generous.

IF i strike #2, i will use nepia for the entire first month. cos they poo so often, regardless day or night, so i think nepia will be good enough. its only when they grow older and sleep longer (without pooing) that i will use mamy poko / pampers premium for night.

Hi Ruggles,
Wow that's very long, envy
Don't think I can take can't go without no pay heee...

Hi Cody,
Okay will take your advice, maybe around October will buy 1 packet from NTUC then decide later whether to order more from the supplier
Hi Cody
i bought it at $89, can't remember the brand - i go back tonight and let you know, there's a website too. reason i used that because my LH a bit higher than FSH, so OPK always show faint line but no dark line. Saliva kit test is based on estrogen level which also increases prior to ovulation, you'll see fern-like particles.
hihi ladies....

thanks for the answers....hehe...i think just take it as it comes lor...but really pray hard can strike

i dunno also leh..he said to regulate my hormones first...prob coz i got prior hormonal imbalance?? but i have to finish this round of contraceptives first, then wait for 2nd menses to come..then take clomid...

eh...how long usually a menses last?? sorry hor..coz i really cant recall..its been too long since i last had my menses...ora ctually had a proper one....mine still leaking till today..

but i guess its also coz im so heaty now till im sick, that i started to take cooling herbal drinks..coz my nose is so stuck and im coughing up alot of phlem....no choice....
Hi COdy
the brand is Maybe Mom, you can do a search in yahoo.
by the way, im still taking metformin - which is supposed to regulate hormones to regulate AF and ovulation, read from some sites that it is good for pple with PCOS to continue taking it into pregnancy, maybe till end 1st trim. My gynae asked me to reduce the dosage.
hi cody,
i currently use drypers for the day n pampers for nights. Drypers is not bad, just the sticky tape is difficult n noisy to peel off. and it doesn't last the night. its cheap tho' n yupz, pampers is ex.. i was lucky as the pampers were mostly bought by frens. do u know if nepia's supplier gives samples?

siew lei,
in order to b w baby, must "shen dian yong" lor..
hey gals,
i just called nepia.. they dun give samples.. urgh..
anyway price is $14/ pack (small size got 54 pc) until end jul. after that it's $15 le...
hey girls..wah so much nepia talk
But seriously, it's the best for NB - has urine indicator and it's soo thin and soft. I will NEVER EVER touch Drypers..lousy and very rough and it's not cheap either if you do your sums.

Have been vomitting a lot these past few days, very sian.. plus I'm down with flu (thanks to my germy son) so on MC for two days already. Super low energy and very siannnnnn.. Cannot even go shopping
hi catz,
sounds bad. im feeling down too coz cant eat much, deprived of good food, not much energy. is it going to be better in 2nd and 3rd trim? why some people have smooth pregnancy all the way? maybe im too siao jie. i was telling myself if its going to continue like this,maybe I'll be happy with 1 kid.
but drypers is damn cheap leh.. works out to be 0.19c per pc only.. but i agree...irritating sticker. i bought quite a bit when on sale. think will not buy it once i finish them..

my sis was commenting that she thought nepia was too soft for her liking. when she used it on her boy, it bunched up at the crouch. is it like pampers premium? i like that one
Hi thewife,
I have the same feeling as you during my 1st trimester. I'm very uneasy during my 1st trimester keep falling sick, although did not vomit but very bad appetite and cough non-stop.

When the 2nd trimester come everything is so wonderful, I already tell myself must prepare 2nd one the year after next heeee... Don't worry you will be okay during the 2nd trimester. Take good care now

Hi Ruggles,
I heard pamper is good, lot of my colleague use pamper at night so I think I will do that for the night usage. As for the day if nepia is good will get it for day usage. Let me know after you used it for your prince too cos need to hear more comment.
thewife, hang in there.. I remember things really picked up for me during the 2nd trimester.. for me, I told my husband NO MORE PREGNANCIES!! Wahh.. so miserable. With Timothy, I never merlioned this badly

ruggles, with Nepia, the cutting is generous and you have to learn how to put it on properly.. no bunching lei.. Hmm.. Nepia is quite diff from other diapers 'cos it's really thin but very absorbent. Of course Pampers Premium is the best.. if money was not an issue, I'd use PP all the way. Heh.

My friend is super anti-Drypers 'cos once, his son did a poop in the carseat and the poop shot out of the diaper, out into the carseat, through the carseat grooves and onto the actual car seat :p Wah lau eh.. so he's on an anti-dryper crusade..haha. After such a disgusting experience, I also don't blame him.
siew lei,
yah pampers is good. but it's expensive. i used that and drypers for the last 2 months. lucky all my pampers all frens buy as gifts lor... if not sure "pok" one ar.. abt 1 week 1 pack leh..

i'm thinking of ordering nepia. u want to share? want to take advantage of the $14 before jul ends leh.. but 4 packs then got deliver. actually i dunno whether can order diff sizes or not. Kieran is prob more than 5kg now le.. cannot use newborn liao.. (tho' PP he is still using newborn). Maybe i shld go out and just buy 1 pack to try 1st. But not many places have it.

yah, i get the poop shoot out of Drypers quite a few times le.. hehe.. but is kenna me and my bed only lah..

i used huggies for awhile too, find the cutting a little small.. sigh.. diaper issues..

tho' i din have much MS in the 1st trimester, but my 2nd tri still felt EVEN better. So tahan a while k.. i betcha u'll enjoy your pregnancy! When the baby pops, you'l wish the 9 mths were longer!!
ruggles, yah I usually buy my friends a pack or two of NB Pampers Cotton Care 'cos I know how seem tia it is to buy. Heh. I am another obsessive diaper mommy.. tried all sorts of brands.. so those on my NO-NO list:-
3.Petpet and NTUC - only for older babies who aren't so prone to diaper rash

Think you can get 4pks of S.. should def be OK for Kieran lah.. 'cos their growth rate slows down when they hit 6 months. After 2 pack of promotional Drypers, I never touched Drypers again. Heh. What I use now is a mixture of Huggies (for home use), Nepia for going out and Pampers Premium for nights.. Currently trying out NTUC for home use too. For going out, I use Nepia or MP pants. So far so good, my combi has never given me any leaks *phew* Huggies happen to fit my boy 'cos he's a skinny bamboo pole.
Hi Ruggles,
I don't mind sharing, let me know if you are ordering, hope I'm not too early to buy now cos I still have another 4 month to go..coming this week is 24 week.

I will be seeing Dr TB Lim this coming saturday. Dr Lim's nurses told me Mount E also have Antenatal class which I'm not aware of it, do you know? So far I only heard with good comment is Thomson medical and KK the rest no idea
thanks for the info on the saliva kit.
i presume there's no expiry date to this?
OPKs got expiry date...

at least you have a faint line!
my OPKs are a clear single line everyday!

metformin doesn't help regulate menses; its to help control the sugar in our blood. Its a medicine usually for diabetic patients, but for over-weight women trying to concieve, its prescribed to help with our weight loss.
Hopefully with weight loss we will ovulate & menstrate more regularly.

what's your metformin dosage now?
i'm on 250mg, twice a day.
diabetic patients usually take 500mg.

poor you - hang on in there k?
the 2nd trimester is going to be alot better.
i am one of those who had a smooth pregnancy throughout, but my gynae said that those who display alot of symptoms eg morning sickness etc have a higher hormone level in their blood, which is GOOD.

oh yes, agree drypers tape is v noisy.
pet pet is like that too!
i gave up on drypers cos the absorbent gel bits were stuck on my son's bum.
gave up pet pet cos the material was not very breathable, hence my son's bum was always hot & sweaty!

whoa! nepia increase price ah? oh no!!
but dun panic, if you collect 10 stamps (from the nepia packaging - 1 pkt = 1 stamp), you will rec a $10 voucher from ntuc.

i used to use only cheap diapers in the day, but i realised i was being penny wise pound foolish.
cos the cheaper diapers were not so absorbent, or not as dry - so i ended up changing alot more often. At the end of the day? i spend more $ per day on cheap diapers than on better quality more expensive diapers eg mamy poko!

catz: you and i, diaper obsessive moms!
Yeah, cody and I are diaper-obsessive moms
Heh. Aiyah, chabo, dont worry about the ovulation lah.. I think you will ovulate late, so don't worry k? I only got a faint 2nd line for this time round, very puzzling eh?
hey ladies
2nd trim really sound better huh...i have to tahan another 5 weeks! im depending on anti-ms pill now. took yesterday, only feel better today, take very long to take effect.
Hi Cody
i used to take 1000mg, now cut down to 500mg. i read from some sites tat it helps support pregnancy, maybe ultimately it helps to balance hormones, so Im still taking it until end 1st trim. As for the kit, i didnt check whether there is expiry will let u know, checkout the site and let me know whether u are keen

hey thewife, may i know what the anti-MS pills are? might have to ask my doctor to prescribe since I have been doing my merlion impressions too often these days. Colleagues and even hubby have commented on how much weight I've lost :p
