PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

hi ruggles,
kieran is such a big boy. he's so cute looking lor... feel like giving him a big bear hug and plant some kisses on his chubby cheeks. this boy is going to grow up stealing many hearts.

hi thewife,
CONGRATULATIONS!!! sorry.. i'm too lazy to read the thread now... how many weeks are you now? looks like you have to postpone your holiday plans until you're past first trimester, or delivery liao ;D

just some updates on my end. work has been keeping busy that i dun hv time to login as often as i would like to. am usually dead beat by the time i'm home.

i hv made appt with dr sheila loh in sep to start ivf. was there last sat to sign paperwork of sperm and overheard the nurse announcing good news to a patient over the phone. she was so excited i could hear her scream over the phone - i would too if i were her becos her reading was more than 1k which means she's expecting multiples! although i dunno her i felt motivated lor. IF i am the one at the other end of the phone i think i will be elated and probably faint afterwards... kekeke...

hi dawn,
is this your first time taking clomid? i've reached the max of 6 rounds liao after the last iui cycle. doc said it's ok to continue but i rather be safe than sorry. has your af arrived?

Hi bbunny,
Still don't know whether the baby is a girl or boy will have to wait till 17 July then I will update you all.

Don't worry sure you will graduate soon

Hi Thewife,
Ya, how many weeks are you now and when is your EDD, take good care hor

Hi Siew Lei,
thanks. also dun know how to take good care, just eat breakfast which i usually dun. I'm not sure when it exactly happens, based on BBT chart, im only 4weeks+, but I kind of feel that it happened earlier. EDD based on chart is 11Mar. can only confirm i see gynae 2 weeks later. Also, before this I have put on weight, now even worse, i can no longer fit into my pants, isnt it too early?
Hi thewife,
Don't worry, I also like you and I might be worst. The inital stage I already cannot fit into lot of my pant and skirt. I used to wear like extra small and before my pregnancy is test positive, I already have problem wearing my pants.

You guess what, I put on 7kg for my 1st trimester from 46kg to 53 and surprisingly the 2nd trimester really slow down, now only put on 1kg so far, maybe the 3rd trimester it will grow again

Enjoy your pregnancy and just eat balance diet, just make sure your iron, calcium etc intake from food is enough. You can start buying those enfa mama milk power and start drinking it
Oh do you take folic acid, during the inital stage the folic acid is very very importance.
Hi Siew Lei,
really? i've been putting on weight since my mc, maybe eat more bu. I used to be extra s too 42kg only..now im already almost 46kg. I have the Dumex powder left from previous. folic acid also have. but i cannot eat iron pills cos i have on-off constipation and will bleed....
hey siew lei, thewife,

sl: i put on most of my wt at the end of 2nd tri and beginning of 3rd tri leh..

tw: just eat whenever u feel like eating. i made a conscious effort to take more veg and fruit (or juices) when i was preggers.

during the beginning of my third tri, i was like have breakfast at abt 6am (whn i leave for sch), then again at abt 8-9am (after assembly), then lunch at abt 11, then when hubb fetch me from sch at abt 2+ i eat again.. then dinner.. hahaha..

i'm also small size one.. abt 39kg b4 preggers.. put on abt 14.. now weigh abt 42kg, which is quite good lah.. so u small sixe one, no worries abt putting on wt..
breakfast is the most important meal of the day, esp now since you are pregnant, and it's essential to have plenty of rest becos you will feel tired easily, right?

oh my goodness.... you are so petite! envious leh. hey, how is your #2 planning coming along?

until today i still have no luck asking around for reputable accupuncturists. i posted in one of the threads and it's been 2 weeks with no response
do you have any luck at your end?
Hi thewife,
I went to attend the Antenatal class at KK and they have brief us what are safe that we can take during pregnancy. When we have serious constipation, you can actually take fybogel (can get from guardian) it is very safe. If not you see gynae next time, please tell he/her about your constipation. It is good that you at least go toilet once a day and make sure your stool is not hard, if this constipation don't solve now, later scare if got piles, the hard stool might make the thing worst.

Meanwhile try to take more fruit juice, like apple juice (if you eat apple eat with the skin as the skin got fiber too and can take some banana)

It is still advisable to take the folic acid now and not to stop okay take it everyday

Hi Ruggles
You are really small size and thewife also. Now your weight go back to 42kg is amazing very fast you have slim down, I hope I can slim down fast too, must really determine to BF heee. My colleague give me lot of recipe of the soupy stuff to be drink during confinement. She got it from Thomson medical class, I think so. I think is a good encouragement for me.

Hi Gals,
If anyone interested of the recipe of the soupy stuff to be taken during confinement which can help to enhance more breastmilk just email me at [email protected].
Hi ruggles,
omg you are soooo light! i think the little weight you put on after birth is good!

anyway ladies,
I was looking at my chart- was not ovulating and eggs were not growing to mature size during scan around CD20+. During the week i took pao shen (around CD40+), i ovulated. I hope the ovulated egg is ok....
siew lei,
contrary to what many ppl believe, bananas do not really aid bowel movt. it is "sup eit" (cantonese), so actually not good for constipation.

as for incr BM, actually, just take A LOT of fluids, and especially abt 1/2h b4 bfing, take hot drinks/soups

yeah, i think so also.. now not so underweight

one at a time yah... have my hands full with K le..
Hi Ruggles,
I remember I got constipation for the initial stage, I eat apple and banana and quite effectively for me leh. My company doctor told me to take banana cos got fibre so I take. Eat lot of green vegetable also help
Just increase fiber intake it will help for bowel movement
Btw green vegetable provide iron and calcium too. Learn from the KK Antenatal class

Ya agreed that for increased breast milk, take lot of fluid and take soups etc. Heard lot of my colleague told me that too
It is good sometimes we have lot of experience people around us to give advice heee..
Hi Siew Lei,
some pple say take prune juice.
i just went to check my beta HCG- 3700, Progesterone 60+. she said should be 5-6wks. V-scan and saw small egg. must be very early 5wks. she said next 2 weeks is crucial, have to see fetus by then. Last time dun have...very scared. I asked her whats the chance of recurrence - said 5%, but for PCOS ladies - chances is higher
Hi thewife,
You are right Prune juice is good forget to mention that to you, sorry heee..

Hey don't worry everything will be fine, I remember last time I go down around 4 weeks, my gynae also can't see anything and he scare I have an ectopic due to my right side severe cramp but another 2 week, he can see it liao, so stay positve okay.

Meanwhile take good care
Hi everbody..

Kindly need help regarding my problems. Do anybody here have a shortest cycle of 21 days only ..? it happening to me. my last menses came on 16 june and last for 9 days and yesterday (07 july), my menses visit me again..

my menses before is super irregular so i was given "Provera" by my gynae to induce my menses.
I went to see my gynae yesterday and he did a V-scan for me. He told me that my PCOS is a mild one. my pap smear & blood test result are at the safe side.

he recommended me to take BBT and TTC naturally. i have bought OPK but my only problem is that i'm not sure when is my ovulation day..? hope for any advise and help from everybody here...
HI Farisah,
if your shortest cycle is 21 days, then deduct 14 days (21-14) and start testing your OPK kit from 7th day (count from the first day of your mense). If not, you just try to BD every alternate day from day 7.
hi gals, hmmm....the thread quite busy hor?
I have been mia these few days cos very very busy and stressed due to the MOE excel festival, was made in-charge, so alot of planning. luckily all over liow today. *sigh* but think my AF will go haywire cos of all the stress these 2 weeks of madness....couldn't sleep properly esp the few days b4 the event. today CD24 oredi,still not yet ovulated....so probably this cycle is going to stretch really long......

summer, no, this is not the 1st time taking clomid, oredi taken 4 times liow...so left another 2 times. I think as long as the clomid not taken 6 times consecutively it is ok rite?
i have no time looking for any acupuncturist leh.... are u trying any treatment at this point of time?

ruggles, i din know u so so petite!
42kg? that was my primary 6 weight leh! so envious!

thewife, will pray for you....your HCG reading quite high, so should be ok rite? must rest more....dun do your housework liow! hehe
Hi The Wife,
Din come to this thread for so long....
Congrats and you have a really high hcg. Could be triplets. Is this a naturally cycle with clomid??

I read that you have problem ovulating and you took Pao sheng. Does that helps with the eggs?? Sometimes i test the ovulation test kit and nothing happens so I am sure I have no eggs. As trying naturally these few months so hope to hv eggs at least can have some hope. I just fail FET, so resting and tiao my body before my next IVF in Oct and praying that I do not need to go thru that again. My Sinseh believe it's my eggs quality so he will tiao my body before my next attempt.

Hi Siew Lei,
HOw are you. Another 4 months down the road right. So you will know your bb gender very soon hor. Keep us posted.
Hey Dawn,
you really MIA for a while leh. You are a teacher right? relax relax...i heard nowadays teachers are very stressed..
Hey Jolene,
btw Is my HCG high for 5 weeks? only saw 1 small sac, dun think so leh.
Oh i didnt ovulate with Clomid..so decided to regulate my cycle first. The chinese medical hall gave me PaoShen + Cordyceps but $300+ leh, so in the end i only took Paoshen $100+ (4-5packs). i drank twice and happened to ovulate that week, dun know whether its the PaoShen, or I ovulated late with Clomid.
Hi Jolene,
This coming friday will be 22wk liao ya will left only around 4 month. Still can't feel the baby's movement, hopefully can feel it another month. Sometimes can be very worries whether the baby is okay. Next monday will be going for detail scan so by then should know the gender, I'm quite scare of the detail scan hopefully everything will be fine.

Hi thewife,
Ya I think your hcg is rather high too so should be very stable cos I remember my gynae keep checking my HCG make sure it is high enough. So don't worry and rest well and take good care.
Hey Siew Lei,
when you are in it, every day feels like so long rite? Some mothers said after baby is born and when they look back, the whole process seems very fast.
My SIL just gave birth -2nd child-last morning, her hubby was praying that it doesnt clash with the world cup final...hehe
siew lei,
early baby movt may feel like fingers tapping like that only..
dun worry if you cannot feel it.. maybe she/he moves when u are sleeping so u cannot feel.

yupz, the 9 mths really feel like nothing once the baby is out. 2wards the last 2 weeks before my baby was born, i was feeling so restless, somehow knowing that he is popping. those 2 weeks seemed to pass v slowly then..

very funny one, it's like also dun remember the labour pains the moment the baby is out.. i think that's just nature's way of making us less afraid to hv babies.. keke..
Hey ruggles,
yours is it natural or c-section? i heard petite ladies usually have to take the later and it heals slower. How many days did you take to really recover, can pee without pain etc?
hi thewife,
not true lah.. as long as the baby can clear the pelvic opening, can natural le.. i had natural birth with Kieran. I also had episiotomy, and it was quite difficult to pee that night ( i gave birth in the evening), dunno why. 2nd day can pee liao.. not much pain actually, can poop also on the 2nd day. but i was given painkillers lah. I felt more pain from the uterus contracting on the 2nd day. the episiotomy wound really healed in abt 4 weeks lah.. now 7 weeks le, cannot feel the stitch site even.
Hi Ruggles,
Thanks for your comfort really hope to feel the baby soon
Just wander how the feeling like

Hi Thewife,
I agreed I think once the a baby is born those pregnancy day might be nothing ha! Now just hope baby is healthy and normal
Hi Wynn,
tho you have PCOS you strike first one leh, so 2nd one sure no problem.
Hey Siew Lei,
you are already in Trim 2...steady steady lah.
hi thewife,
i really hope so...am planning to strike the 2nd one this year cos i am not young anymore and hope to have at least 3 kids...
currently..seeking some medications and doing a blood test...crossing my fingers...
hey siew lei,
I went to see Dr Lim yday and i asked abt the detailed scan thingy. he said that nowadays he sent his patients elsewhere to do so, more so to obtain 2nd opinion. also, it's quite time consuming to do it when u see him. afterall, he actually scans EVERY time you visit. So the long term consistent monitoring is even better than the detailed scan..
Hi Ruggles,
Thanks so much for asking for me as I still wander.

Everytime he scan for me, I cannot see much only that day I able to see the baby's toes heee. He actually is the one suggest me to go for detail scan on 22 week when he is doing the triple blood test for me last time and said will do the detail scan at NUH.

Now I very excited cos next Monday will be going down for detail scan just hope to see the baby clearer heee.. Ya I agreed with you that consistent monitoring is even better than the detailed scan
Hi everybody..

can anybody tell me when should i start testing my OPK? My menses came on 7 July and last for only 4 days. my bbt seems like haywire and i don't have any CM to observe. 2day i should be in my cd7. dis morning i test using my OPK and it's show negative. when is the best time to test OPK? i'm really confused here and hope for your kind advise & guidance.

my BBT is as below:

CD1 (7 july) 37.50 (having high fever)
CD2 (8 July) 37.43 (still having fever)
CD3 (9 July) 37.20 (still having fever)
CD4 (10 July)36.60 (Menses stop, only spotting)
CD5 (11 July)36.13
CD6 (12 July)36.27
CD7 (13 July)36.33
hi dawn,
i will be starting ivf again but not after i've seen dr sheila loh in sep. have been seeing so many pregnant women at my new workplace - 4 to be exact - and it makes me wanna start a family sooner

what's your plan next? are you gg to try soiui again or ivf?

how are you? have you been eating well? you shd be at least 7 wks now?
Hi summer01! My AF is haywire again...haven't ovulate at CD28 today. Will do a 2nd round of SO-IUI next cycle. If fail, will try IVF. let me know when u start IVF. I will give you all my support and cheer you on. one gal from another thread juz PM her acupuncture lobang at AMK to me, do u want?

thewife, do take care, how is everything going for you?

I have been so busy these few weeks tat I don't even have time to come in....
hey wyn poon,
im sure you can strike this year, already has 1 in your record, jia you.
Hey Siew Lei.
whats the diff btw constant monitoring and detailed scan?
Hey Farisah,
As mentioned, if your cycle is 28 days, your fertile period should be day 14 (28 - 14 days), so you can start testing OPK from day 11..in case you miss it, but this is for people with regular cycle. if dun have, just keep testing.
Hi Summer01 & dawn,
thanks for your concern. you gals have MIA for a while, miss talking to ya. I've seen the sac last wk, next fri crucial scan to see whether there is fetus (mine was empty last time). try to keep myself occupied and happy lor. this time i have bad digestion and keep burping 'the smell of my food' yukes! im only 5.5weeks, tested too early.
btw why so fast go into IVF? dun you want to test SO-IUI a few times more?
Hi everyone,

Hvn signed in for long time. Real busy wiff work and cos of that, very very stressed!

Anyway, my gynae jus diagnosed me as hvg dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Anyone hv any idea what's tat?

Hi Dawn,
Any idea if the acupuncture is exp? Can PM me? Wonder if that will help me apart fr taking TCM.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Take care,
Hi thewife,
I think better ask ruggles cos I have not went for my detail scan, will be going on Monday heee

Anyway constant monitoring is everytimes you go to your gynae for my case now every mth once, in the first trimester is like every 2 week once. Your doctor will do an ultra scan just to monitor and make sure the baby is growing well. As for detail scan, what I understand from my gynae and some of my friends, you can do around 22wk and it will check in detail, like fingers, heartbeat etc are okay and at the same time and most likely during the detail scan you can see the gender too
I will let you know in detail once I finish my detail scan on Monday

How are you have you visit your gynae already?
thewife, siew lei,

detailed scan is like a normal ultrasound scan. it's just that in that 1 session, the dr will measure the lengths of the bones of arms, legs, cranium, abdomen. look at the blood vessels, spinal cord etc IN DETAIL. so that particular scanning session is known as detailed scan (or fetal abnormality scan) and it takes about 1/2h to 45min.

with Dr Lim, he will scan everytime u go, so if got anything, he will pick it up during the routine scans. no need to wait and see in that 1 detailed scan session lor. that's why he now sends patients out for detailed scans, for 2nd opinion.
HI Siew Lei
yes visited last fri, thats why seen the sac.
Hey ruggles
detailed scan are different from triple test, oscar test is it? anyway until everything is alright after these detailed scans then i will announce to my MIL, my mother, my girlfriends, sure kena scolded by them.
Hi Ruggles,
Thanks for your explanation now at least I have a clearer picture too

Hi thewife,
I don't think you can hide long with your stomach comming out cos detail scan usually only done during your 5th month and by that time it is so obvious liao. FYi I can't even hide my stomach when I'm at the end of my 1st trimester, although I did not announce they somehow know liao ha! I put on some much weight too heee..

Triple test is the blood test to see whether you are high risk of getting down syndrome baby. I think oscar and detail scan is somehow similar leh. Most of my friend from Thomson Medical they did oscar scan which is also detail scan, I think so
hey Siew Lei,
ya i also scared..cos i've already put on 4 kg prior or around beginning of pregnancy, i have to buy new undies. ok then i target end 1st trim, try to think positively now.
my fren had a hi risk of down syndrome during the triple test, had to take a further test (amniotic test?) and paid extra $1k just to know the result in 1 week instead of 2 weeks, cos she couldnt sleep and eat.

triple test is a blood test to see risk factor for down syndrome, t18 and spinal bifida. different from detailed scan.
that one is called ammniocentesis. usu only done upon request or when triple test show high risk. or that the mother is above 35yrs old. shldn't do it unless neccessary cos it increases the risk of miscarriage. they draw ammniotic fluid from the ammniotic sac and do genetic testing using the fetal cells found in the fluid.
Hi Gals,
Today in the afternoon will be going for my detail scan, will update you all if can see the gender
Hey Siew Lei
so excited for you! which week are u in? can't wait! may i know if your MS subside in 2nd trim? Im feeling very down and terrible...
thewife, usually MS will peak in wk 8-10 then subside as you approach 2nd tri.. I'm telling myself the same thing as I'm nauseated all day long and feeling really rotten too... so hang in there.. it *will* get better.

btw, girls, I struck lottery with first cycle of Clomid AGAIN. I'm due during CNY.
On this coming Friday will be 23wk liao. Ya I have a bit of MS not very serious but can spolit my mood too. I did not vomit but always feel like vomit, in the morning cannot drink too much water and in the evening sometimes lose the appetite to eat my dinner.

Yes 2nd trimester is really like honeymoon for me. I remember 1st trimester, very bad sinus, flu, don't have much appetite, cough like mad but now all gone liao heee..feel like heaven now heee...
