PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

thanks Siew Lei
Wah you're already 23 wks... gosh.. enjoy the 2nd tri and do as much shopping as you can once you see the gender... 'cos 3rd tri can be very shack. Drink one sip of water, need to run to toilet to pee.. heh.

hey Catz,
so you are wk 8-10? mine got worse over weekend, should be week 6 only, how to tahan like that? so yours can either be doggy or piggy rite?
wow siew lei
week 20+ sound very far ahead man, its so draggy. why can't it be shorten to 2-3 months...
Big congrats Catz!
must take care of yourself, esp you have to run after your number one also! let your hubby run instead!

thewife, have u scanned whether it is a singleton or twins?

SiewLei, quick! update us....me very kay poh one.
dawn, thanks
My poor hub has been holding the fort since 3 wks back. I am flat on my back for the entire weekend, save bath and meal times :p Poor son and poor hubby...

thewife, yah I'm wk 9 already, the peak of MS.. can die man... I think confirmed piggy baby lah. Arrggghhh...2nd trimester, HURRY UP!
Hi Gals,
Quite an interesting detail scan, it take around half an hour or slightly more cos my baby girl too mischevious and active, cover her head, cover her tummy, open her mouth and stretch here and there and has hard time taking photo for her especially taking her head and heart. I have to stop breathing to take the photo of her heart but she keep moving and the photo turn out very blur so have to take quite a few time until it is okay

They did some 3d scan for the baby and can see the baby's expression, really very interesting and my colleague said her mouth look like my husband.

The scan really quite cheap, the cost only $106.50 and the professor even come down and help for some scan. He laugh at least now he come down to scan, the baby is quite well behaved ha! I think there is no doctor's fee including for this scan, this is what I heard from my gynae maybe that's why so cheap.
Siew Lei, congrats on your little girl!! Gosh.. can go and buy all pink stuff already
Did you do blood test?
Hi Catz,
Ya triple blood test and test for haemoblogin all done. My haemoblogin a bit low, the triple blood test is low risk

I don't have to do much shopping for baby cloth cos my sister's colleague is giving and some is brand new one cos she bought too much. My sister-in-law is giving too. My sister's colleague also giving her baby cot to me cos she has 2. This baby very lucky got lot of people give her thing lah so mummy and daddy also can cut cost heee..
I think I will just buy a few for her to wear for special occassion.
hi all fellow PCOS'ers!

i'll be in 30th wk tomorrow. 10 more wks to go!

same for me, during 1st tri, MS throughout the day, feeling nauseous but no vomitting so far. and MS stopped totally after 12th wk.

2nd tri is the best, feeling even more energized than pre-pregnancy

now in 3rd tri, so far so good except getting more tired than in 2nd tri.

ive gestational diabetes. so ive controlled diet plan. lost 3kg in 1st tri, and now only gained 2kg so far.
Hey Siew Lei
you are having a little PRINCESS! Im so envious!!!
wow the scan is so advance hah, can see expressions already! got cry anot! I will buy lots of pink ribbons, clip her hair, make sure she grows long hair, tie her hair, dress her up...aiyo...
Hey dawn
dun make me happy leh haha. i had a scan late 4 wks or early 5wks - saw one small sac only, fri going for another scan - late 6wks - hope to see more.
Hey edksd,
they say usually first baby will be earlier rite? most pple give birth around 34th wk rite?
nah.. not necessarily first baby earlier.. I was a FULL 39.5 weeks pregnant when I had to be induced leh.. no joke :p

thewife, betcha can't wait till Friday's scan! At least you'll know your EDD for sure by then.

edksd, wow, 30 wks.. home run soon!

Siew Lei, you are so lucky.. for me, I had to buy EVERYTHING brand new.. so hoping for another boy, else all the clothes will be wasted. TEehee.. my hubby's holding out for a girl though.
just take 1 day at a time.. the nausea will pass. try not to let urself get hungry, i find that keeping a full stomach helps. trust us, 2nd tri is a breeze and VERY enjoyable!!

i had K @ 37 weeks++
not too early.. considered full term le..

siew lei,
congrats on your baby girl!!!

woah.. twice lucky yeah?! when i start ttc for number 2, you've gotta rub some baby dust on me!!
congrats!!!! CLOMID RULES!!
hey catz,
very nervous lor, ladies pray for me can?
39.5 weeks! wow how to tahan...im a bit confused , based on my BBT chart, it says my edd is 11 mar07 & ovulated on 18June06, i simply cannot get 40 weeks from this...
thewife, you gotta minus off 2 weeks then add to your ovulation.. 'cos at point of conception it's counted as wk 2.. weird huh? Don't worry k??

edksd, yah full term babies less worry but wah lau, carry my watermelon until shack :p

ruggles, haha.. yah lor, never expected to hit on the first round of Clomid again
Yah Clomid rules..
Hi thewife,
Ya now the scan is very advance but I'm just lucky that they did some 3d scan for me to see the baby's expression. The lady who did the scan for me said usually 3d scan is done on 25wk cos now still quite early.

Don't think the baby will cry now cos look like she enjoying herself, sleeping heee..

Hi Catz,
Ya for my case cos my husband is the youngest in the family and all his sister all give birth liao.

One of his sister gave birth to a twin (boy and girl) last year therefore if I need baby cloth either boy or girl, she can give me. Then my colleague here also have some baby boy's cloth and my sister's colleague has baby girl's cloth . Maybe now the timing is just right for me as all those around me has given birth so can spare me all those free wear for the baby

Look out for year end sales might have cheap stuff so don't worry
My colleague told me this forum page the market place sell some cheap stuff for baby can look out too
Siew Lei.. wah your timing very lucky. For me, I popped during the time when a lot of my 2nd time mommy friends were pregnant so all cannot spare.. my son is the first grandchild on my side of the family. Oh well.. maybe if I have another boy, he can use his kor kor's clothings. All very new and barely worn
Girl, poor thing... will have a lot of blue stuff. Haha.
Hi thewife,
So sorry paisei mistaken your meaning heee.. no lah I din cry, I keep laughing cos too happy and excited

Hi Catz,
I think for girl wearing blue still not too bad but for boy wearing pink a bit weird. Try not to spend too much baby's clothing cos they will grow very fast. if the baby is a girl maybe you just buy a few pink clothing for her for special occassion
Siew Lei.. I am one person who cannot tahan my son/daughter looking like a ragamuffin.. clothes I will usually spend on
So that's why I'm scared I have a girl and then have to buy everything new. Hehe..
Shopaholic lah...
Hihi ladies

how's everyone doing?? havne been in here for so long....

congrates catz
must take care k
eh siew leh...so cool..go baby girl...little princess...can dress her up..i love little gals....can dress and play with them like a dolly...hehe....
hi ladies..

need to check.. wat is the normal ratio of FSH & LH? i wan to take blood test again.. and when is the right time to take this blood test?

Congrat siew lei on ur baby gal..hee can doll up already :p

the wife and ryes.. take good care of urself hor..
Hi Gals,
Thanks for all the well-wishes

Hi Ruggles,
Check with you huh, did you claim for the pre-delivery expenses from medisave. Do you know what is the limit of the claim. Now then I realise got the pre-delivery expenses can claim, I think I have to start keeping all my receipt whenever I see Dr TB Lim.

I read from the CPF board about this claim still quite blur, what is difference between medisave for maternity package and for delivery procedure? I heard from 1 of the colleague she said she claim for the pre-delivery expenses by submitting all the necessary receipt and the medisave send her a cheque limit to around $400. Do you know anything about this?
siew lei,
yah, the antenatal bills can claim. up to a max of $450. no cheque from medisave leh. i tot it was used to offset my hosp bill.. let me check on that one and let u know. anyway, jus give the registration ppl all the receipts when ur hubby do admission for you on the day you deliver. dun worry, u will still have enough receipts to reach that amount!!

medisave claims is not off the entire bill one. i.e. claim for room & board is at max of $1050, surgery got a max amt, dr fee got a max amt, then they total up to see how much is the exact claim.
Hi Ruggles,
Thanks for your explanation at least know what to do hee. Okay will start keeping the receipt cos all the previous receipt don't know where liao

Ya I know medisave claims is not the entire bill. I only see the max e.g for cesaerian including the pre-delivery expenses is only $3450.

Btw last time how many bottles of birdnest you took. So far I took only 2 bottles and stop liao don't know should buy another 2 more bottle or not. I think their birdnest is really very concentrate, never see so concentrate in a bottle before. At least I know their really no preservative cos they took from fridge and the lady said within 2 hour must put back to fridge or else can spolit. You are right, it is not sweet at all cos only like 3% of sugar and don't have any water too just whole bottle of birdnest wow!

Anyway I also take the Lo Hong Ka's pearlin powder the lady recommend me to take, she said is good for both mother and baby and has the calming effect for baby and good for both mother's and baby's skin.
Hi Mei2,
its supposed to be 1:1....mine is 1:2 not balance. usually check between CD1-14 cant remember when exactly.
Hi Siew Lei,
How nice. I bet you're gg to buy lots of nice dresses for your little princess.

My colleague told me the best time to consume bird's nest is at the last trimester cos that's when the baby starts to absorb the nutrients from your daily diet. My mom takes Lo HOng Kar and thinks they are good. Yes, my aunt took pearl powder when she had my cousins and it turns out they did hv nice complexion, so it shd be good lah.

Hi thewife,
Yes, I really miss coming in here to chat with you ladies, but i've been so busy with work and can't wait to crawl to bed by the time i'm home. Looks like i hv a lot to catch up on here. you are seeing your gynea tmrw for another scan, rite? dun worry, everything will be fine and you'll be proud mommy again soon ;)

i dun think so-iui works for me or doc won't hv recommended i do ivf the last time. keeping my fingers crossed that i can start ivf as planned, coz i just found out it's gg to be a busy period from aug to dec.... sigh... we shall see lah. sianz.

hi dawn,
sorry.. took so long to respond. pls pm me at [email protected]. has the other lady tried it before? how are you?

may i join in?
i've been TTC for baby #2 for almost a year now and still no success.

Been on 2 rounds of clomid already, still no signs of ovulation.

i don't even bleed regularly, the past 2 menses were ignited with Norehisterone. Even started metformin at my previous visit to the gynae.

today i'm at day14, OPK still reads negative.

My worry?
what if the next menses never comes, then i test OPK till next year ah?

I'm that type of PCOS patient with cycles as long as 6months!

guess my overweight-ness isn't helping with my conceiving either.
welcome cody my good friend
Everyone, Cody's son is ultra handsome.. want to faster chiope for your daughter or not, Siew Lei? Hehe..

thanks bbunny... it's quite a shock for me too.

thewife, yah NB diapers will set you back a lot... I will be ordering from Nepia. Imagine I didn't know about Nepia until much later... spent a fortune on Pampers premium. Sometimes you put a fresh diaper on and the baby will poop straightaway.. there goes 40cents. :p
herros catz!!!
am so happy to meet you here!

how are you today? still fluey?

oui my son not THAT handsome lah.
dun raise their expectations cos they may fall flat after that!

thewife: me too, got to know about nepia thru catz. its VERY GOOD!
welcome! you've got a son already? aiya sure no problem to ttc again, can u post his picture here? want to try taking chinese herbs - go to medical hall and ask for paosheng and cordyceps - tell them u have irregular AF.
whats nepia? any website to check it out?
siew lei,
i started in my 5th mth i think. so abt 4 bottles..

yah.. K loves to do the poop in the clean diaper thingy... i was lucky that friends bought quite a few packs of pampers as gifts..
is nepia really good? must try le.. currently using drypers.. cheap but i hate the sticky tape part..
Hi Gals,
Yesterday I receive a bad news from one of my poly friends, she told us one of our poly friends just has a miscarriage and the baby girl already 5 month liao.

This friend of mine told me that friend don't want so many people to know about her case as she is trying to get over it so I don't dare to visit her. Feel so sad for her, she supposed to give birth in October, do not know why such thing can happen for her. We all suspect her work might be too stress and that's can be the cause. I told my friend to pass her the chinese doctor address so she can start taking the medication to nourish her body. Really wish her speedy recovery.

Hi Summer,
Ya I took the Lo Hong Ka birdnest too recommmed by ruggles. I find it really good and not lot of people know about Lo Hong Ka birdnest, all of my colleague here never heard about Lo Hong Ka when I mention to them. If not Ruggles's recommendation I might not know too.

I think I will not buy lot of dresses for my princess lah cos friends, collegue and my sister-in-law will be giving her and maybe just buy a few pieces for special occassion will do heee..

Hi Catz,
Most of my colleague here all have boy so they said my little princess can be their girlfriend ha so funny...maybe 1 day they will meet each other heee..

Hi Ruggles,
Hmmm okay maybe I will take another 2 bottles. The last month that I bought the 2 bottles, they are having very good discount like only $105 instead of $134 per bottle, now if I buy I think only 5% discount...hmmm nevermind just buy another 2 bottles maybe at the 3rd trimester heee...
thewife: thanks!
i'm abit skeptical towards chinese medication, and my gynae is very anti-herbs as well. So i prob won't take that route, thanks tho!

by the way, what's AF?

i'm thankful that i already have a son, at least i have one. its really a blessing that i conceived him naturally that time!!!

nepia: catz introduced nepia to me, and i LOVE that brand. cheap and good!

here's my son

siew lei
my hubby's buddy's wife who also lives in the same estate as i had the same thing happen to her.

she and i were both preg at the same time, due at around the same time too!

then one day we rec'd an sms that her baby had died at 21 weeks and that she had to have a stillborn.

imagine the trauma of being hooked up to induce labour, go through the motion of pushing the baby out etc. Plus she still needed to have confinement. sigh...

it was embarassing for us to meet, esp when she had tried so hard for the baby.

eventually i was told that a possible cause of the baby's death was the huge amount of herbs she had taken during her first and second tri.

this is partially the reason why i won't take herbs when i'm prepping the body for a pregnancy, during the pregnancy and after the pregnancy...
Hi cody,
Your son is so cute. Yes is so sad to have such happening for a friend.

You are right, when you are pregnant you are not suppose to anyhow take chinese herb. With qualified chinese physician they will not anyhow prescribe chinese herb for you too.

Just let you know before my pregnancy I have seen this chinese physician, she is from tongji hospital specialised in solving woman problem. I have pcos and not ovulating and not even have those white mucus but after taking her herb, I find myself stronger and even has white mucus which show I'm more fertile. Maybe that's why I went to try for IUI, I succeed for my 1st cycle. (I took her herb for around 9 month as the same time taking metformin, she told me to take her herb at night and metformin during day)

When I'm pregnant and at my later stage of 1st trimester, I went to see her, she refuse to prescribe anymore herb for me, she told me now cannot anyhow take herb liao only can take herb during the 1st few weeks of the pregnancy to make the worm stronger then cannot take liao. So I find her really careful and with her experience she know what cannot take.

That's why I don't advise self medication for chinese herb, must with qualify chinese physician so i think you should not against trying the chinese herb
I still feel that you can see a qualified chinese physician to nourish your body and try for your 2nd one and I think since you have your 1st one, by nourish your body you should have much higher chance to have a baby for your next round.

Just FYI. My sister's colleague who have PCOS, she miscarriage for her 1st pregnancy and 2nd pregnancy she got an ectopic. Then she see this chinese physician from Tong ji and took her herb for 1 year and try naturally and now she has a healthy baby boy. (her boy should be 1 year plus by now). She is the one who recommend this chinese physician to me
Hi Cody,
No problem. Baby dust to you and good luck for your 2nd try, must update us if have any good news okay

If you want to see any chinese physician can go Tong Ji hospital, all those chinese physician are qualify for all fertility treatment
I heard Yu Ren Sheng the chinese physician also very good, one of my colleague try before too but just that slightly ex.
hey ladies,
came back from scan, saw the embryo with heartbeat, very happy.
Hey cody,
no problem, i suspect that i had m/c cos of chinese herbs taken at early pregnancy, so this time i tried taking herbs to regulate mense. Once I ovulate, i completely stop the chinese herb.
Hi thewife,
Congratulation so happy for you, very fast of you to see the hearbeat now, how many week are you now?

Ya please don't self medicate with chinese herb okay it is very dangerous. Do take care now and eat well and rest well.

You can start drinking Enfa mama milk or any milk for mummy. Hmmm..I'm going to stop my milk intake cos I have very bad stomach upset everytime I take milk. I got IBS and Lactose intolerant too, so I'm going to switch to goat milk from next week onward, anyway I have been drinking this mummy milk from 1st trimester till now, I think is okay to switch liao.

Have already order the goat milk from haydaries. I heard goat milk is more easier to digest and good for baby too, very close to mother breast milk but it is rather expensive, might have to spend around $100 for 1 month supply.
i didn't drink a single drop of milk during my first pregnancy. the fat content of those milk is VERY HIGH!!

considering that i'm not from the skinny category, i could afford to go without milk anyway ....

Hihi the wife
so happy for you
can see the heartbeat liaoz..dun have to worry so much already k...me arh...latest update...finally my menses came lah...after taking dulsulphan...wah...really heavy manz..never seen so heavy bleeding before..even my lou gong say since we got married..never seen so heavy....

so waiting for d5 to start oc then from take clomid and see how..must pray hard liaoz....hehe

so hows everyone else?? eh ruggles, how's ur son doing now?? photos photos
Hi, all

Hvn't been here for a long time. This thread is really bzee.

Like Cody, I'm TTC for No. 2. But still no joy after 1 yr. At one point was so discouraged, I stopped all my medication (western & chinese.

Anyway, now I'm back on the TTC track again and will be dropping by often for sm support. Glad tt so many of pcos-ers are preggers now. Encouraging leh!
Hi Cody,
I drink the enfa mama is low-fat one just to provide enough calcium for the baby. Actually not necessary to take those mummy milk, I attend the antenatal class at KK, they said low-fat HL and daisy milk is also okay
Thank u ladies,
the scan says that im 6w6d. i was a bit distracted by the nauseousness, so not so kancheong, once i went in i told her go straight to scan...once i saw something, i yelled i saw something, and my hubby quickly came in and he saw the heartbeat first! its very cute!
i also asked for anti-nauseous pills, and "stool-softener"..
Hey Cody,
your son has very beautiful eyes.
where can we get nepia? ask first hehe.
Hey bbunny
i also had my heaviest mense after D&C - 6weeks, and it was induced cos i was too impatient to wait. will u be taking clomid to ttc?

chatz: welcome!

thewife: congrats on the heartbeat!!
nepia - call the supplier at 62262650.
$14 per pkt, free delivery with min 4 pkts.
collect 10stamps and you will also get a $10 ntuc voucher in exchange!

worth it right, makes is only $13 per pkt with free delivery!!
