IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Cale,
Yipee! very happy for you leh. Wow, ur results super high leh, must be little twins stars! ;) My initial appt oso on 17th at clinic D, but i change to 12th in TPS so dr loh can do the scan there directly. Else if go clinic D must go another department for scan 1st leh, and i find it very troublesome leh.

Hi juju,
Same lah, my hubby oso thinking of changing car liao, say wana change MPV then got more space next time etc etc....i think its just an excuse for them to change lah.

Hi Imel,
Thanks! I hope it's twin too
. Will only know during my next scanning 2 weeks later. Another 2 weeks wait..
. Your scanning next week right, very happy for you too. I am sure you will see your beautiful baby by then. Keep us updated ya.
Hi Cale,

congrats!!! Your beta is very high, most probably be twins or more. How many embryos were put in during your ET? :D Have a good rest first. Waiting for more of your good news

My follicle sizes range from 10mm to 16.5mm. Hopefully eggs will grow bigger and well for my ER.

Hi juju,
congrats to you too. I am sure you will get a very BIG positive too. Wait for your happy news!
ur hubby confirm triplets liao ah?
mine thinking of removing front seat cos ours is 2-door, difficult to put in baby seats, etc...
hee... dunno lah... i told him to wait and see how many inside first... haha
Hi Maykel,
Thanks! I really hope it's twin. Even if singleton, i also very happy liao. My appointment on 17th sep is already at the TPS. Next monday i will try to call up to change my appointment. If i managed to change, then my appt will be one day later than yours, like beta test..hee
Hi Bliss,
Thanks! I put in 2 grade 4 embryos only during the ET, so the max that i can have is twin only

Looking at your size, your ET should be around the corner already. I have a feeling by next tue/wed you going to have your ER. Good luck to you! Your turn will come soon.
Hi Juju,
No lah, my result not very high, dun think will have multiples, but he just want to change, cos he say putting 1 baby car alone takes up alot of space (??)Also cos we always bring my parents out, so need more space. Aiya, say oni lah, wait if really got baby, i'm sure we'll want to save the money right?
Oh, you mean remove front seat then you and baby sit behind? Actually no need to remove oso can right? Just put baby seat behind oni mah. Aiya, dun think so much now cos anyway if got multiples you sure gotta change car wat, hahaha....
Hi Cale,

yah, my ER is confirmed on next Wed and ET on next Friday. Thanks! Really happy for the 3 of you, Maykel, Juju and you.
Hi Cale,
Hope you can change your appt, cos I think if me, i can't wait tat long heehee....initially i worry 12th is too early but the nurse say its ok, lucky leh.

Hey fren, now the next thing i worry is my job, cos my colleague just called me. Dun kn if you remember i told you gals i got a Head who always work with her emotions....well, apparently she become crazy again....say she need a long break after i return to work cos i took leave so long and she very stressed up, and told my colleague that when i go bk to work next wk, she is going to throw all her work at me. I'm very sian now....was thinking of taking it easy when i go bk, but seems like somebody doesn't like tat idea. I find it very cruel of her, sickening spinster, she shld know that i took HL not for fun wat and tat when i go bk, i cannot get too stress, really sian now. Hope after i see dr loh he can give me long HL, so i can drag until my bonus then i'll leave.
Hi Maykel,
She is indeed sickening. Don't bother her too much. Dun be too stress over this. As you already prepared for the worst to quit, i think no big deal if she is not satisfy with you. Even better, if Dr Loh give you long HL, let her faint..haha
Hi Cale,
Ya loh, i try not to be stressed by her. Must really tell myself to bo chap....i dun mind quitting, but find it not worth to it cos of her. Ya man, really hope can get HL...
Thot you wana nap? too excited to nap now right? heehee...me logging off soon, ltr at nite then login again, you rest well
wait till ur scan before u rule out multiple la... maybe ur hubby is thinking for the parents la, cos 1 baby seat at the back will make it very hard to seat 2 adults behind le... i ever sit in colleague's car wif 1 baby seat so i noe how cramp.
no wor, hubby say even triplet, dun need to change car yet, jus dun remove front seat niah... he still quite like this car...
ya, dun think too much of dat spinster. they usu think wif their a**... hehe

not napping?
Ok, than I also stick to Ensure. I’m also trying to avoid cold things. You are doing the right thing, not Kiasi la.

Isn’t that a piece of good news? U are only on 200 IU and you’ve got 15 eggs. So good. Is this your first IVF?

Thanks for the info. Dr Zhong told me she works with Dr Paul Tseng also. If your doctor works with her, I think it should be fine bec she knows what is the right medication to prescribe for you. I heard that as long as you have an interval of 2 hours when taking the 2 different types (East n West) medication. It is fine.

So she gave you different TCM at different stages. Sounds good and detailed, I think go and see her again. I’m feeling abit “Han” (cold) in my body these few days after my recent AF. I’m afraid my body is not fit enough for IVF.

Congrats! And thanks for your babydust! Good News Day!!!
Don't get stressed up by work. My SIL also had a female boss who is like tat. She wanted to sack her when she knew that she is pregnant. So terrible right? Luckily my SIL stayed on and also gave birth to a boy. And her boss is still as emotional as ever.

Sometime, can't expect them to understand our stituation. They have their frustration as well.
But most imptly, u must relax ok. Like you say, bo chap abit lor. I think you are a responsible preson at work, ur bo chap also still got quality one. Smile
Hi Cale

That's wonderful news. So happy for you! I know that you mentioned that you had no symptoms - are you having any now? You take care, ok, and thanks for your reassurances.

Hi Maykel

If you can bear it, put up with your nasty boss, or better still, take long leave. Your baby is more important. Thanks for your kind words. Right now gastric type of cramps have hit me. I still can't shake off the worries. Take care!

Hi Juju78

So happy for you too. Congratulations! Make sure you rest well.

Hi Bliss

That's a wonderful number of eggs. May they all be healthy embryos! All the best for your ET.
Thanks alot, happy, Bakaholic and Mala. I am praying hard my ER and ET will be smooth.

Happy, ya this is my first ivf. Also glad that the 200iu puregon is enough, no need to increase the dosage.

I have been feeling uncomfortable these few days with the effect of puregon, very sore nipples, swollen breasts and crampy ovaries leh. A bit scared, coz not even ER already like that. But if the eggs can be well fertilised and have healthy embryos, it is really nothing to bear with all these pains.
Really pray hard.

don't worry too much about putting up with your boss. Everything will be fine, may not be as bad as expected.
Stay cheerful no matter what. Make sure your baby is a happy baby! :D
Hi cale,
Congratulations. Hope I can join you soon ^_^.
How long is the beta result?
Hahaha, at first I also already told my colleague and my boss that I got 14days HL. Then few days after I called my boss that I got extend another week. Hehehehe...
Hi Juju,
Got nap a while just now, for about an hour. Hopefully can still sleep soundly at night

Hi happyever/backaholic/mala,
Thanks! I am happy that i finally got the BFP
. I am sure all of you can make it too. Jia you!

Hi Josephine,
Thanks! I did my blood test at 8am, got my result around 11.10am when i called back the clinic. I am sure you can join us soon, have faith to yourself and baby! I will see you in MTB thread
Hi Mala,
First 7 days of ET, i don't have much symptoms. However i started to feel some very mild cramps later on. It's so mild that i thought i would have imagined my symptoms
and quite upset by 11dpt as i don't feel much, and thought it's gone case for me. However, i realised that as of today my nipple still sensitive. Usually when closer to my menses due date, the sensitiveness will gone and back to normal. I don really have bloatedness and sore breast. Recently, on and off i can feel some cramps that lasted a while only.
Hi Ladies,
I have a new spare puregon pen and some puregon needles, was given by KK nurse as a backup in case my old puregon pen not working. Understand from the KK nurse that, it costs about 80+ in private hospital.

I am giving it out for free to ladies who need it. Self collection hor. If interested, let me know
hi Mala,
thanks, will try to rest more

dun worry. i'm sure u still can sleep tonite.
so good, they give u spare Puregon pen. though my SO-IUI was done a yr ago, they din think i wld need a new pen... haha...

i also hv spare puregon needles & lucrin needles. lemme noe if need.
but i think each puregon cartridge box alrdy supply extra puregon needles, jus in case la
Hi Juju,
Hope so. Recently, i have this problem of waking up in the middle of the night to pass urine, after that i couldn't sleep back!

The nurse asked my old one still can use or not, i told them not sure, as it has been put in the fridge since last used. They said in case got problem when i do the injection, so give me a spare one and asked me to return back if not used. I am thinking to give out to other ladies who might need to purchase it, can save some money mah. Hospital already so rich liao
. However, I am not sure if it's true that the puregon pen is not given out for free at private hospital.
Hi juju78,
You are right, wait for scan 1st, thou i secretly hope for more, but i know cannot be greedy lah if got 1 must 'tao chio' already heehee....
har...nvr mind, he will change his mind when he knows how cramp it is, imagine, 3 baby seats behind?! haha.....
Oh ya, tat spinster is very mean, hate her....always think she very smart.

Hi Happy,
Oh, seems like Dr zhong works with many well-known doc
Ya, now not working, everyday at home can spread out and remember to take med, but next wk go bk to work dun know can remember or not, but anyway, will try my best to remember, cos my baby more impt now

Yup, got different med at different stages. I did felt that my body is stronger after i took TCM, cos i used to fell sick during AF every mth, but after i took, i fell sick less often. So I think you may benefit too, so ur bdy can be strengthen for IVF.

Wow, ur SIL boss so mean ar! Did she get a hard life when she stayed on? True oso, i can understand that they may have their problems etc, but i still think that they must be more sensitive towards us, esp she knew that i've tried very hard for a baby. Ok, I shall put my sense of responsibility aside for 9mths and bo chap, bo chap, bo chap....heehee... ;)

Hi Mala,
Ya loh, I will tahan if i can, but i agree that my baby is more impt than anything else now.
Oh, talking abt gastric, I've been having gastric recently after 3-4 hrs of makan, think ur body is taking in a lot of nutrients now, so try to eat sometihing every few hrs, having milk helps for me oso.

Hi Bliss,
Thank you, i will try to be happy, dun want my baby to come out frowning oso kekeke....

Hey gals,
Like wat some of you are saying, do you think its posible that I try to take HL, follow by unpaid leave, then go bk work a while until yr end. Then next yr start the same thing again until EDD? Haha.....sounds very 'gan' (mean) hor
Hi Cale,
I think its very common to wake up at nite and PU nowadays, me too, find it difficult to sleep bk after tat.
BTW, this is not ur 1st ivf mah? Oh ya, you intend to go to the MTB thread?
Hi Maykel,
I hate the feeling of awake at the middle of the night when everybody else sleep so soundly. Find it quite torturing to pass the time if cant sleep.

This my first IVF. The puregon pen i had last time is becos of my SO-IUI. Did 2 cycles not succeed, decided to go straight to IVF liao. You also first cycle trying right?

Yes, do you want to join the MTB thread too? Go join the IVF MTB thread la, then we can share our journey and seek advice as and when needed from the experience ladies there
Hi Maykel, Cale and Juju,

I am just soooooo happy for you all. It just give me more confidence to start this journey. I hope i can join you all very soon too. I am starting lucrin on the 12 sep.. Hopefully mine will be as smooth as yours too. Let our dream be realised soon..

Take care all MTBs and all the "soon to turn MTB"
Hi Cale,
Ya, me too...esp now i find getting up from bed and sofa very difficult, cos must hold tummy, if not felt like exerting alot of work on my tummy.
Oic....yup, my 1st ivf oso.
I oso did IUI once, but no need to jab anything leh, except the day b4 IUI went to clinic and took 1 IM jab oni. Okie, will join the MTB thread too
Hi Kurn,
Have you chosen a doctor and hospital for your IVF ? You will be paying 3K lesser if you eligible for the subsidy. All of us here have been trying hard to have our own baby. You have move one step out towards your dream. Good luck to you!
weird wor... no matter wat time & how many times i wake up to PU at nite, i def can go back to sleep and sleep very late. nowadays, i only wake up after 10am. dunno how when i start work on Wed.
initially also told my boss go back after 14 days HL, then last wk after extended HL, then called her to extend a few more days.

my puregon pen also kept in the fridge since last yr, lucky still can use.

dun worry la... think all of us here will be very happy no matter 1 or 3 embies get stuck inside. i think of twins alrdy scared (yet i wan twins), dare not think of triplets. 1, can dun hv maid or CL. if twins, i think i must get CL and maid liao...
dun think or hate dat spinster, jus ignore her... must feel happy so dat bb(s) come out also happy happy

hi Kurn,
thanks. i'm waiting for Tue's BT to get confirmation. now still worried my eyes see wrongly
Hi Maykel/Juju,
Wanted to ask if both of you are currently taking any pre-natal multi vitamins now or plan to take any in future? Do you have any brands for recommendation.

Hi ladies,
I am contemplating to buy the GNC pre-natal multi vitamin, any advice on this? Any ladies here taken this before? Is this good? Or do you have any other good brands for recommendation?
I will also be doing in KK by Dr Loh. Thank you all for the well wishes. Really very excited to start soon as we have been trying for abt 3 yrs without success. Thinking of doing accupunture to increase the chance too.

Juju, no worries, i think all will be well. The fact that the line is lighter and then became darker actually is already a very good sign. So just take care and have lots of rest.

Maykel & Cale, Are you going to announce the good news to ur family (& in laws) or to wait till aft 3 mths?
Hi Juju,
Ya loh, you are right, we want twins or more, yet we worried, so best is let nature decide bah
Ya, think i shldn't let anyone affect my mood, must be happy

Hi Cale,
I remembered last time TMC gave me a multi-vit call Obimin. I'm not sure abt other brands leh, maybe we see wat other sisters have to recommend. Else we check with dr loh?
Hi Kurn,
That's great, looks like SF Loh have high success rate. Maykel and myself are with him too

I only shared my joy with close family members, didn't plan to do any announcements to relative/frens before the 3 months.
Hi Maykel,
This round you didn't take any multi vitamin har? I am taking the centrum multivitamin, prescribed by Dr Loh and it's finishing soon.

I have a GNC member and this month is my birthday months, can get discount of 35%. Last day to enjoy this discount is tomorrow. That's why i thinking if i should buy one while the discount still valid.
Hi Cale,

So you will only see Dr Loh during ER and ET? Else will be others Dr or Nurse helping out?

SO how abt ur boss or immediate? Are you going to tell? I am changing new immediate very soon so now in a dilemma when to tell abt my 2 w HL. Seems like it will be quite fast if all are smooth sailing. How did you all handle?
Hi Cale,
Thanks for the link, i posted there already heehee....

Hi Kurn,
My family and inlaw knew i'm doing IVF, so they know the results already. But for others I will not tell unless they can see my bloated tummy and ask. All the best for your IVf journey
Hi Kurn,
Yes, i only get to see him 3 times through out the IVF. During first IVF consultation, ER and ET. Rest was handle by the nurse and doctor in charge to review your scanning result. Of course, if they are unsure, they will always check with Dr Loh first before decide the next course of action.

I have no choice but to inform my immediate boss about my IVF to seek her understanding. If you are really not comfortable to inform her on the IVF, you may just tell her that you need to undergo some women surgery and need 2 weeks hospitalisation leave. However, you would also required to take a few time off in the morning to do the scanning depending on your response to the stimulation drugs during your stimulation stage. Got to think of an excuse of getting the time off.
now jus taking folic acid & EPO. will see how BT goes on Tue and see wat kind of pills they prescribe before deciding further.

Kurn, Maykel,
Hi Cale,
I nvr take any multi-vit now leh. Dr Loh didn't prescribe any for me leh. Anyway, i oni saw him once b4 i start my IVF, after that got no appt with him liao. And saw him oni in ER and ET. When did he prescribe for you?
This mth my bday too and i got GNC disc oso, i just threw away leh cos i thot got nothing to buy this time aiyo....how, you think shld buy? If so, maybe 2mr i go and see.
Hi Maykel,
He prescribed the centrum multivitamin together with the folic acid during my consultation before starting the IVF.

Donno le. I also not sure if need to buy, how har. You let me know if you decide to buy hor. Regarding the voucher of the GNC, i think not much used one. In order to enjoy the 35% discount, we just need to keep in the NRIC and password, dont even need the card, as their database can recognise our membership liao.

Hi Josephine,
Yes, did the blood test on my 6dpt. It's 99.2. You did your progesterone blood test today? What is your reading? Time flies, you are in your 7dpt liao
