IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi ladies,

read this online article, find it quite useful.


Hi Maykel and Josephine,
I remember that my progesterone level at 7dpiui previously was 130.8 which was considered very high. However, that iui still failed.

So the progesterone level only shows the thickness of the uterus lining which is essential for implantaion of embryos, but it not necessarily means positive for beta test result, right?
Hi Cale,
Ooo ic.. I done my 1st blood test on 27 Aug and the result is 294.2.

Hi Bliss,
ooo ic. I dun know abt that. Hehehehe.
I only knw that nurse said that I do not need to increase my progesterone dosage.
your blood test result is high which is very good, showing that your body is creating a conducive environment for the embryos to implant.
Hi Bliss,
I think you are right. It's meant to indicate if it's enough to support the lining, not conclusive in determining pregnancy. However, i came across some website that say very high progesterone, may be an indication of possible pregnancy.

Hi Josephine,
It's certainly a good news to know that you have high progestrone that indicate good support. Hope that it's a good indication for you. Keep the finger cross
Hi Mimoko,

Wow! Yr HCG is higher than mine! High chance is twins! You can call to check any earlier slot available for scan. I oso, on the bloodtest day, nurse said only 13 Sep available, but later i called up, they changed to 10 Sep for me.


Congrats on yr BPF! Tell us yr HCG after bloodtest on Mon
Hi Cale,
Think I dun buy the multivit first, cos I think will check with Dr Loh on my next appt. Anyway, now i had enough of med, got dydrogesterone, folic and TCM already haha....Anyway, next time if want, we can still use the member discount

Hi Bliss Tan,
Yup, I think the progesterone level signifies the womb linig and how well implantation can occur, it does not necessarily guarantee positive beta. But guess wat, i didn't even ask abt my results heehee...
Thanks for your links. BTW, was wondering, if soy boosts IVF success, does it continues its good effect if we continue to take during preggie?
Hi Josephine,
Your progesterone level is so high. Mine fail...hehehe only 37 and normal range should be 60. Anyway, I have to double my dosage, jab everyday and its painful. Now my progesterone level is 161. I think progesterone level is impt for the first 12wks in the way that it help to support pregnancy.

Congratulations first to your BFP in HPT!!! If its positive in HPT, then indeed your level is quite high. Waiting for your good news on monday.
Hi Cale,
Thanks. I will keep my finger cross. ^_^
Your HCG level also high, I think it is twins.

Hi Bliss,
Thanks for your useful link.
What is your progesterone dosage?

Hi Imel,
That time what is your dosage? Then how many you increase the dosage?
Yea yea, it is painful. You got jab where? thigh or buttock?

Hi ladies,
How to put icon (like baby dust)?
Hi Josephine,
My dosage last time is 50mg than later increase to 100mg. Always jab at buttock and both my buttocks become very swollen lah.
Hi Josephine,

I cannot remember my progesterone dosage during my last iui. Anyway, I was given progesterone pessaries. I was told that for ivf in KK, progesterone injections are given.

Imel and Josephine,
so both of you have to go to the hospital everyday for that 2WW?
Hi Bliss,
Yup, every morning I go to KKIVF and Sunday I go to KK 24 hours. Hehehehe.. tiring...
There is another treatment beside jabbing. It is put in tablet inside and you no need to come for jabbing (I got offer this one, cale got use this one). But I was afraid that tablet is not properly put in. So I choose the jabbing.
Later during 2ww, have you thought which treatment you gonna use?
Hi Josephine,

ask you, for the tablets, can it be inserted into the rectum instead of vagina? If not, I will have to choose injections, coz I get easily infected with vaginal infection. I got yeast infection during my iui 2WW after inserting the progesterone pessaries into vagina after a few days, and have to change to insert it through the rectum.
Hi Bliss,
Nope, it cannot be inserted to the recturm, only vaginal. Actually the pill can also be taken orally, but we are told not to do that, but to insert only to the vaginal to get the maximum effect. It's definitely less painful than the injection and save the trip travelling to KK daily. Some more the drugs is free of charge as they are currently doing a project on this.

oh I see... then think I will not consider the tablets then, coz I really dare not insert any medication into vagina, can't afford to get any infection anymore. No choice then, I have to go to hospital for the injection everyday then.

By the way, for the injections, can go to the hospital in the evenings or afternoons, instead of mornings then? Must be the same timing everyday huh?
Hi Bliss,

It was Cale who answer your question. She understand more about this new treatment.

Like Cale said:
1. it's definitely less painful,
2. save trip & time traveling to KK daily,
3. save money as the medicine/drugs is free.

Yea Yea.. I also not dare to insert to vagina. Hehehehe... The injection should be around 8.00-11.30 in the morning. Nope, not must be the same timing because sometime I reach 11.. sometime 10 ... sometime 9.. hahahaha :D It is depend when I wake up. Hahahaha :D
Oh... so means have to take the injections during mornings, cannot be in the afternoons or evenings then? So...it is really bit tiring. Hahaha, never mind then. Sigh...if not for me easily kanna infection, I will definitely choose the inserts. Bo Bian.
Sorry Cale and Josephine,
I so blur, my eyes blur liao, mixed up both your names, hahaha!

Thanks for sharing the injections and inserts info. I have to prepare to go hospital everyday during the 2WW then.
Hey all,

Anyone had experiences of OHSS and ways to prevent it? I went for ICSI a year ago and had OHSS (as I retrieved 40 plus follicles). Couldn't do ET then. Did 4 thaw cycles over the year and had 2 chemical pregnancies (m/c at 5 wks+). Thinking of doing the second fresh cycle but don't know the (best) next step to take.
Hi newbride,

you had a large number of eggs retrieved! Sorry to hear about your sad experiences. Think you should seek your gynae's opinion and then decide on the next step to take. Jia you!
Hi Newbride,

Wow.. you had a large follicles. Hope this article help you:

Ovarian Hyper Stimulation Syndrome (OHSS)

OHSS occurs when the ovary overreacts to superovulation drugs. While the exact cause of OHSS is not known, and doctors can not predict who will suffer from it, women with PCOS are more susceptible to it because they have a large number of semi-ripe follicles in their ovaries already. These semi-ripe follicles will all respond to superovulation, resulting in an unusually large number of follicles at egg pickup. The down side of having such a large number of follicles is that they are usually of a poor quality, with only a few being suitable for fertilisation.

When IVF is undertaken, 10% to 20% of patients will experience mild OHSS. Symptoms might include nausea, sore swollen stomach, and some dehydration. It is uncomfortable, but dissipates within a few days after egg pickup. One percent of women will experience severe OHSS requiring hospitalisation and stomach draining. Women with PCOS have a significantly higher risk of severe OHSS than the general populus.

The complications caused by the condition can be life-threatening, particularly difficulties with breathing and blood clotting. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and other hormones leak from the ovaries into the pelvis and stomach cavity, in response to superovulation. These areas become full of fluid and the presence of the hormones also draws fluid from the blood circulatory system leaving the blood more concentrated and prone to clotting. These fluids quickly fill the lungs and any other body space available, making breathing extremely difficult. Patients can gain 10 – 12 kilos of fluid in a few days as a result of OHSS.

Blood clotting is a very serious complication caused by the release of hormones into the body. Patients are routinely placed on aspirin therapy following IVF egg pick-up, however in severe cases injections of heparin or other anti-clotting agents are required.

The presence of these hormones in the digestive tract creates extreme nausea. Patients are often very dehydrated because even drinking water becomes difficult. This sense of dehydration is exacerbated by the massive fluid imbalance in the body. They are unable to eat or digest food.

Some things can be done to prevent OHSS.

* Eat a high protein diet throughout the IVF treatment, especially during the few weeks after egg pickup. Patients in hospital are treated with protein drips in an effort to neutralise the effect of the leaking hormones on the body, however patients at home could try drinking Sustagen for a similar effect.
* Drink three litres of water a day to help prevent dehydration.
* ENSURE that your IVF Specialist closely monitors you while on FSH treatments. Even if you are concerned about looking disrespectful or rude, insist that your doctor closely monitor the growth of follicles via ultrasound during FSH treatment. As a patient diagnosed with PCOS, they should be checking you every few days to help avoid OHSS. It might mean abandoning treatment mid-cycle, but that is preferable to hospitalisation and the risks of OHSS.

For more information, there is a good fact sheet on OHSS at:

Hihi ladies,

I'm a little confused. I remember reading some postings earlier to say that we shd not take too much soy products coz of some estrogen thingy. And now, the article posted by bliss encouraged us to take more. I'm a lover of soy pdt, since the last article I stopped. Please advise!

Another confusion I have is with regard to the jabs that we take. Suprefact puts the eggs to 'sleep' while Gonal-F 'excites' and stimulates the follicle growth. Why is it that we still take Gonal jab tog with Suprefact since we would desire many follicles?

I know I know... I'm a 'problem kid'.
Hi Debz,

Suprefact is like telling yr body not to release the egg too early, while waiting for Gonal-F to grow yr follicles into the righ size (16mm and above). Once yr follicles have reached the right size, then they will give u a pregnyl jab to release the eggs from follicles.
Thanks Feibb! So worried that my system will get 'confused' and 'give up'/fall sick. So the doc will tell me when to stop Suprefact and give me the pregnyl jab..
Hi Debz,

I myself also confused about whether to take soy products after reading the article that I posted. That's why I am also asking you ladies what should be deduced from this then.

I was wondering if the restraint from taking soy products is only meant for certain women who has certain kind of reproductive problem. I am confused too, hahaha!
Meanwhile, I guess can just take any kind of 'normal' food in moderate amount, not taking too much as well as no need to avoid completely then.

Wonder anyone here can help to 'clear' our confusion.
Hi Debz,

Yes, Doc or nurse will tell you when to stop Suprefact and also when to take the pregnyl jab. So don't worry!

About the soya staff, I am also confused, some say good, some say cannot, to be safe, I avoided it totally until now.
Hi Bliss Tan,

Not sure if I am definitely right, just share what I know and hope someone will correct if i am wrong.

I have the understanding that soy pdt will cause the shell of our egg to be thicken, thus, for couple trying to conceive, the sperm will need to make extra effort to penetrate the egg.And may affect fertility.

After the sperm penetrated and egg fertilised, it may not be that critical for egg to be easy to penetrate. Thus, my best guess is that is why during the 2ww, we need not cut down on soy pdt intake.
Hi all,

Anybody care to tell me what will Dr Loh in KKIVF will tell or ask to do in 1st day 1st time consultation , husband go for SA ? husband n wift will process to any blood test ? or they will want us to come back another day to do the above mention ??? please help me tks
hi fairyrose,

What is SA? is it Semen Analysis?
I think Dr Loh, will recommend what steps that you need to done.

As for me, that time during 1st consultation Dr Loh ask me to do Larascopy as she saw my previous record I took Clomid about more than 10 Cycles, so he recommend me to do Larascopy to check my uterus lining.

As for my DH, the Dr ask to do another SA although SA already been done before.

Hope this help you.
Hi Fairyrose,

As mentioned by Josephine, I think it really depends on your medical record that we may advise differently on what he want us to do.

For me, during my first consultation on the SO-IUI, i already did my blood test like rubella, FSH, LH, Testosterone, etc and my hubby was asked to the the sperm analysis.

However, during the consultation on IVF, he did not asked us to do anything. Just as a standard protocol, we need to do blood test on the HIV, Hep B and one more can't remember the name liao, before we start the IVF.
Dear Cale ,

tks for the information , i so scare as this is my 1st doc apponiment about fertility .

Bt the way how is your baby doing ? back to work already ?
Hi Newbride,

Woah, u have the same condition as me. I just had my ER procedure done on 20th Aug but was unable to proceed on to ET 3 days later due to OHSS. I had 49 follicles retrieved and my OHSS worsened post-ER.

For my case, I started to become bloated around D7 of puregon injections and I started drinking 2 cups of Ensure protein drink and eating 4 raw egg whites daily. Post-ER, I upped my intake of raw egg whites to 8 daily and drink 4 cups of protein drinks, drink 2litres of water and drink a few bottles of Gatorade energy drink also. A lady told me eating bird's nest helps also (but I didn't try it).

Do u have polycystic ovarian symptoms (PCOS)? I guess that is the reason for the large no of follicles retrieved. If not, that means ur IVF gynae gave u too high dosage of Puregon (or Gonal-F) leading to you have so many follicles. In a normal IVF cycle, an above-10 follicles is considered ideal number.

PCOS lady also have a higher chance of getting OHSS even with moderate puregon dosage. I was on 200IU Puregon for 10days but still ganna OHSS, there are ladies who use even higher dosage but are fine.

OHSS cannot be "prevented" but can only be controlled with high consumption of protein and water to replace those that are leaked out of our blood capillaries.
Hi Fairyrose,

Yup, he is a male.
Sorry for my mistake. Some I wrote she some I wrote he.. hahahahaha :D sorry... sorry...
Hi NewBride,

Just to share something with u. After my ER, my gynae strongly advised me to forego ER and do a FET later on after my OHSS subsided. I had a choice to go ahead but I decided to heed her advice. But in my heart, I know I will never forgive myself if my 4 embryos can't survive the thawing.

If you strongly feel u stand a better chance of being pregnant with a fresh ET (due to your 4 regrettable thaw cycles experience), then you should make a stand with your gynae. But you can only control the OHSS, not prevent it. It will be good to have a heart-to-heart talk with your current gynae about your concerns. Or if you decide to change gynae, then u must consult the gynae to see what is their stand on OHSS.

My gynae is very strict, all her patients with OHSS are all strongly advised to do FET.
Hi joesphine

No worries
thanks anyway

I have been reading this forum everyday for the passed week , i easily start to worry, stress up and at time my tear will just roll now after reading their process here. people who failed,people who must stop due to OHSS and people who finally blessed to hear their baby heartbeat for the 1st time ..........

I'm not sure how am i going to go thur this process , really no ideal.............
Hi Fairyrose,
So far i am doing fine. Just that I feel hungry easily and eat more than i previously did. Luckily think now body is warmer, it helps to burn out the extra calories

My next appointment is only 2 weeks later which is on 13 sep. Pray that everything is going to be fine.

When is your first appointment? Dr Loh is a male gynae le. You got to prepare for the long waiting time. Preferably ask your hubby along during this first visit too.

Good luck to you!
Hi Josephine,
Remember you asked about uploading the icon. You just need to click on the "Upload Attachment", then select your file. The image text would be appended at the last of the message. If you want the icon to appear in some other places in the message, just cut the image text and paste it to the location that you want.
Hi cale ,

My appointment fixed on 16 Sep 08 , yap hubby will be going with me

I think is normal for a preggy lady to feel hungry easily ......dun worry just sit back and relax to be a happy mum.

oh ya did you go for accupuncture before you undergo IVF ?
Hi Fairyrose,
I did acupuncture while trying for the SO-IUI for 2 cycles, but it seems didn't help. Since then i have stop it and continue the IVF without the acupuncture.

I guess our body react to this differently. Heard quite a number of ladies here got improved after the acupuncture. You may want to try this to boast up the chance, no harm.

Btw, i have already started working since last tue as i didn't extend my HL leave.
hi ladies,
hope everyone doing well...

re soy pdts, moderation is key. too much is not good, too little not enuff nutrients.

why SA have to be done again? cos SA results only valid abt half a yr. due to lifestyle changes etc, doc said SA results will differ abt every 6 mths, better to re-do to noe the situation better.

blood tests - HIV, Antibodies and Hep B for both husband and wife. if the last tests were done a yr ago, both spouse will be required to re-do blood tests.

i've also been eating a lot, think too much for my own good. almost put on 4-5kgs since started on ivf
Hi Juju,
Hee, really, think this is the period that you dun mind putting on weight

When i started my IVF, i slowly gain weight up to 2kg before my ER, even though i didnt eat much. A few days after my ET, my weight go down to my original after the bloatedness is gone. Now, i think i will slowly putting up on weight again.

Looking forward to hear your good news tomorrow. May you have high high beta number!
scared cannot shed off the weight next yr ah...
initially gained up to 6 kgs, then down to 2kgs, now up again. think my appetite too good...
my aunties say my weight gain very obvious wor
Hi Cale, Juju,
Yea I also feels hungry since I start the jab leh..
Sigh.... I also gains weight... hisk hisk....

Congratulation cale! You made it!

stage 1
Sri - 25 Aug

Stage 2
Dimple - 17 Aug ER 26 Aug
Patricia - 21 Aug
Bliss - 23 Aug
Mel Wong - 25 Aug
Kalki - 28 Aug

Stage 3 - 2WW
Josephine - ET 22 Aug
Mala, Bakaholic - ET 29 Aug
Austere - ET 30 Aug
Ping - ET 1 Sep


I have done ET today and is officially in 2WW. Sad to say that out of my 13 eggs, only 4 get fertilized. After putting in 2 today, I am only left with 2.

Dimple, are you OK? did not hear from you for very long, have you done your ER and ET?
