IVF/ICSI Support Group


Im new here. Currently is in 2nd stage of Lurin injection. I am also a PCOS and is worrying about the OHSS. I was told that the doc will put me on the minimal dosage since i am young at 25yrs.

Anybody tried acupuncture to prevent OHSS? Can acupuncture help?

Anyone around the same age as me and succeed in the first try?
Hi Seiki,
I think your success rates is higher than us. For below 30, your success rates is about 55%.

So dun worry. Acupuncture? Dunno whether it helps or not. To prevent OHSS maybe you can try eat more protein (eat only egg white cos it contains more protein), drink plenty of water and rest well.
Hi Ping,
Welcome to 2ww! Dun be sad about the no. of fertilised eggs. All you need is just 2 of them to implant and grow right? Just relax and enjoy your 2wks break.

Hi Seiki,
You are so young compared to me so you have higher chances of succeeding. Dun worry so much about OHSS. PCOS has higher chances but doesn't mean will get it. Just take more protein food like josephine said and rest well so that you are in good health for ER and ET, and 2ww.

Hi Austere,
How was your ET? Haven't heard from you.. Take care and rest well.
Hi Seiki,

Woah, 25years old. That was many years ago for me.

I ganna OHSS becos I have PCOS like u. No, accupunture cannot prevent OHSS. I was on 2x weekly accupunture and TCM medicine for the whole course of IVF and still ganna OHSS. OHSS is more severe for PCOS lady becos we tend to have many mini follicles and only few mature follicles. I think the more eggs retrieved, the higher the chance of OHSS onset after ER.

Don't worry, your gynae knows ur condition so u will be closely monitored. Do take more protein food like what Josephine says.
Hi Ping

Congratulations on your ET. Don't worry about the number of fertilised eggs because you only need one embryo to take off. And also you must be quite young unlike me. You will definitely be a mother. Ha! Ha!

Anyway, make sure you rest well. All the best to you.

Hi Seiki

Age is on your side and with all the help given by your doctor, you too will definitely be a mother.All the best to you.
Hi all
went down for my check,the embryo is around 10-12mm. He suggested me to go for 150iu for 2 days and then can see how on Wednesday during the scan.
I am a bit scared about my embryo,because he asked me to eat egg(but vegetarian..) don't know how things are going to work for me.
Hi Ping,
Thanks! You are officially moving to 2WW liao. Congrats to you! Dun worry about the number of eggs fertilized. We just need a good one to get pregnant. Good luck to you!
Hi kalki,

how many eggs are produced? Why did you doc ask you to eat egg? You only need to eat egg whites after ER to reduce bloatedness and prevent OHSS.
Hi ladies in 2WW,

want to ask those of you with KKH who are taking progesterone injections, do you need to strictly go to the hospital in the mornings? Is it possible to go to the women's 24hours clinics for the injections in the evenings for the 17 days? So when do you buy the injections? After the ET? And then bring one to hospital everyday to get injected?

Hi Bliss,

I am taking progesterone injections.
They give me the schedule to injects between 08.00-11.30 am in the morning (tml, i will ask the nurse whether can be done in the evenings).
I think you can do it at KK 24 Hours if you want to because is nurse who injects you.
Buy the injection after ET, rest for a while, ask your DH to buy the progesterone then straight away jab half dosage then go back. Then next day jab the whole dosage until D7 the blood test to check your hormon level must be above 60, if not they will increase the progesterone dosage.

Hope this help you.
Hi Bliss
My doc asked me to take enough egg white to increase protein level so the quality of my egg is good.Any other alternative because i am a vegetarian?
Anyway there are about 10 out of which 4 or 5 are around 10-12mm rest around 8+mm.
Hi Everyone,
i was shifting from my place to my mom's. so didnt have net as my lappie was in office.hence, i couldn log on.

Congrats to our latest grads, Maykel & Cale.

well, i had my ET on 28/8/08. Out of the 19 eggs i had,10 were matured.But only 3 got fertilised ; 2 of grade 4,1 of grade 3.(so Ping dont be upset abt having 4, oki?) So my doc put in 2 and froze 1.

I have put on lots of weight.Stomach is sticking out =( im honestly bored of lying down,sleeping watching tv. but i feel pretty normal..can we go for walks or du any form of exercise during 2ww?i need to feel less of a couch potato. ***SO DEPRESSING***

Progesterone Injections - The nurse told me i can come for the jabs before 5pm. Ive not tried going in the evenings though...
Hi Kalki,

Hmm, maybe u can go GNC and buy 1 packet of protein shake (like Yeo's packet drink)? Got alot of flavour, mocha, cookie and cream, dark chocolate leh. 1 packet is $5+ (quite expensive), but u can try the flavour b4 u decide if u want to buy the powder form (more value for $).
Thanks ruru
will try to get that, but need to complete my ensure before i buy a new one.
Anyway my weight is also increasing almost 1kg per day.
Hi Seiki,
Welcome! You are one of the youngest in this forum. No worries! If research says the younger the higher the success rate of IVF, you are definitely on the better side!

Hi Ping,
Congrats on your ET! Do have lots of rest!
You mix the vanila ensure with horlick (dunno how to spell), it taste very good. If the vanila alone, I also dun like.
Hi Seiki, Welcome to the thread. I have added your name to the list but do not your start date for lucrin

stage 1
Sri - 25 Aug

Stage 2
Patricia - 21 Aug
Bliss - 23 Aug
Mel Wong - 25 Aug
Kalki - 28 Aug

Stage 3 - 2WW
Josephine - ET 22 Aug
Dimple - ET 28 Aug
Mala, Bakaholic - ET 29 Aug
Austere - ET 30 Aug
Ping - ET 1 Sep


Hey ladies, do you have this fear that your embroye will drop out when you go to the toilet? Is there anything that we cannot do during this 2WW.

I am in KK but I need go back for injection everyday. Instead I can do the jab myself every 3 days on the tummy. I guess it depends on your age and the no of eggs you have, then they will determine what type of medication you will have.
Thanks, Josephine!

Hi ladies,
Just injected the pregynl injection at the women's 24 hour clinic a few hours ago. Have been feeling very crampy at the ovaries area for days, feeling especially uncomfortable when standing. I hope this is normal.

For those also taking TCM during IVF, may I ask when should I see the sinseh again for prescription of new Chinese medicine? Is it after ER or after ET?

Maykel, are you seeing Sinseh Zhong Xi Min at Paragon Eu Yan Seng too? So when did you see her during that time?
Hi Ping,
thanks. What do you mean by you need to go back for injection everyday and then can do the jab on your own every 3 days? I do not really understand. So is it that we need to go hospital for the jab everyday for large or few number of eggs we have?
Sorry bliss, typo error. I mean I do not need to go back daily for the injection.

This morning when I checked with the nurse, they say it is because I am quite young and I do not have many eggs so need not jab everyday.
Hi Dimple

Congratulations on your smooth ET. Yes, I too am bored out of my wits! I'm armed with a lot of books to read just to keep my mind occupied so that I don't keep looking out for symptoms. Slow walks are fine but no other tedious activities, that's what I was told! I guess we have no choice but to comply. Ugh!

Hi Ping

Yes, I too have this fear that the embryos will drop out when I go to the toilet although I've been told that it's physically impossible.

But the embryologist did tell me that it's very important that we do not strain our abdominal muscles. So make sure that you do not constipate.

The other things I was told to avoid were swimming, soaking in baths, stretching,
squatting and carrying heavy things. Hot showers are fine but no excessive heat on the lower half of the body. You can't lie down or sit for too long. You must walk around for circulation. And don't place your laptop on your lap.

Something new I was told was to avoid vitamin supplements. By the way, how are you feeling right now?

Hi Kalki

The nurse did say that we could take protein shakes instead, or take lots of chickpeas, green peas and long beans but you have to consume them in large amounts.
Hi Mala,

are u sure that we have to avoid vitamin supplements? Is it only during the 2WW? Oh no, I have been taking multivitamins supplements all along, the nurses did not tell me to avoid. The nurse even told me can just take my supplements which also contain sufficient amount of folic acid and so I dont have to take extra folic acid tablets then.
Hi bliss,

The main reason for avoid multivitamin is because some of them comtain vitamin A which we should avoid while on the program.
Hi Bliss

This is where I'm also confused. I have been taking vitamin supplements all along. I was never told to avoid them in the 2WW's of my previous ivfs.

It just so happened that I asked the nurse after my ET a few days ago about other types of vitamins that I could take and she said to avoid them completely as my doctor believes that they contain preservatives which harm embryo growth.All that is needed are fresh vegetables and fruits but no salads! Salads are considered raw food which is best avoided. Even his pregnant patients have been told to avoid vitamin supplements until after the first semester.

The nurse said that the drugs given after the ET like folic acid, Crinone, duphaston etc are more than enough to aid embryo growth.

I think this belief varies from doctor to doctor. Right now, during this 2WW, I avoid taking vitamins just to be on the safe side. If your nurse or doctor has said that it's all right, then maybe you may just like to stick by it. I'm sure a lot of the ladies here have been taking supplements during their 2WW.
Hi Mala,
Thanks now started taking yogurt drink,and also some nuts.

thanks i love horlicks..yum yum...will try that. Thankku so much
Hi Kalki,

did u try the strawberry? i hate milk generally but the strawberry ensure is not too bad,u noe.

thnx Mala for the useful advise. btw which hospital are you undergoing the treatment.Lots of sound advice given

Yikes, i am beginning to constipate..cant take banana aso...im drinking lots of water..but..sheesh...

Ping u so cute... i honestly didnt even think bout tht(embroys drop out wen we go toilet)now tht u mentioned it, i kinda panicked for a moment.but once again mala the advisor to the rescue :p
hi dimple,
I did try the strawberry yummy drink but the giant outlet only had vanilla and i my husband got it for me.
Anyway drink a lot of yakult it reduces the constipation because yogurt drinks have live culture which helps in easy digestion of food. So no problem at all. If you are lactose intolerant then yogurt helps.
Hi juju78, Imel, Bebecraze08, Cale and Maykel,

Congratulations to you girls and appreciate for giving me yr helping hands when I am feeling lonely. Hope to join you girls soon.

Hi Josephine,

Thank you for yr support. I will always remember. Have good rest in yr 2ww! Jia you!

Hi Mala,

Yr kind words definitely warm my heart. Tk you. I want to do acupuncture but my TCM doc said my body is too weak. Now concentrate on chinese medicine. Have good rest in yr 2ww. Add oil!
Hi Bliss

I am 31 this year and I have 13 eggs.


Thanks for your advise. I was also told that it is physically impossible to dropout but being paranoid, I cannot help worrying about it. Heheeee.......

Well I am feeling perfectly normal, no bloatness, no cramp, ........ Actually right from the start of this IVF, I do not experience much symptom except a bit of cramp at the ovaries area before the ER. Other than that , everything is as normal as it can be....When it is too normal, you will start to wonder if the embroye is still there, whether it is sticking well to the lining.......
Hi Ping,

i am same age as you and I have 15 eggs so far. So hopefully I am same as you, no need to go hospital for the injections everyday during the 2WW.

It is good to hear that you do not have much discomfort throughout the whole IVF. Be positive, you will hear good news soon.
Jia You!
Hi ladies,

I am so worried now, my dear hubby is kind of falling sick since yesterday. He is having slight running nose and sore throat! He had the antibiotics tablets given by KK for the last one week. Why like that ah? I am worried this will affect his sperm quality, tomorrow is my ER liao...

He also scared of spreading any flu virus to me now, staying far away from me.

Me so worried now... He seldom falls sick, only once or twice in a few years, why this time so 'lucky' sick at this time??? Sigh...
Hi Ping,
Congrats on your ET
Hope ur embies stick to you.

Hi Dimple,
Thank you
Dun worry abt the number of eggs, all it takes is 1 to stick to you.
Dun worry abt weight, think all of us are the same. Me now oni 5wks but look like 4mths, no clothes to wear liao now. Its not easy to go through 2ww, but you have to tahan, esp on the 4-5th day, its very impt to rest cos the nurse told me thats when implantation takes place.
Try not to do strenous activities or exercises these 2 wks, tahan loh

Hi Seiki,
Welcome to the thread

Hi Bliss,
Dun worry abt the crampy feeling, i think shld be alright, cos i always had the feeling oso, think its cos you have more follicles than expected inside now.
I'm seeing dr zhong too, I went to see her after ER, before ET, cos after ET i went straight home to rest. So ur ER is 2mr?
Hi Bliss,
Same loh, tat time my hubby oso, he was perfectly well before he took the antibiotics, but 1 day after he started taking, he fell sick with cough and flu already. I was oso very worried that his sperm not healthy and oso scared he will pass to me. Then we went to see dr zhong, she reassured us that there are millions of sperm and there will sure be healthy ones for watever number of eggs we have and i think it makes sense oso. Hope this would make you feel better. Dun worry, just be happy and everything would goes well for your ER

thanks so much!! I am really very worried, coz he has been lying on bed sleep and sleep whole day, looking very tired.

By the way, any idea that if husband should not be keeping the sperms for too long before the ER? I know that for iui, we were told that only not to have sex 4 to 5 days before the insemination, but before that should not keep the sperms for too long, coz should produce 'fresh and new' ones for the insemination. So now I am not sure what it is for ivf then. Does it matter if husband has been 'keeping' his sperms for more than a week liao?
hi Mala, thnx for suggesting yakult. wud try it out!

Maykel, thnks for ur encouraging words..i try to tire myself out like sleeping late at nite..last nite i watched some movies with my siblings so slept late. I had a much better sleep and slept in till like 10 unlike my usual 7am. My dad just got me some books to read. Guess tht would keep mi busy for now...

Bliss: As far as i know, my gynae told us it is sufficient to keep the sperms for 3 to 4 days. If we keep too long, the sperms not so 'fresh'...
Hi Bliss,
I understand how you feel cos tat time my hubby oso quite sick. I was advised tat hubby's last expel shld preferably be 3 days b4 the procedure, so that fresh sperm could produced. But 2mr is already ur ER, not sure if its alright to expel now leh. You wana call ivf centre now and ask if shld expel now or just keep it?
Hi Dimple,
I agree that it can be very boring to keep doing the same thing daily, its either TV/DVD or reading or surf net. But enjoy it while you can, cos i am very miserable now cos i went bk to work yest, very stress. But today took MC again cos of nausea and cramp. Some more my ofc doing painting, i dun wana go bk and inhale the fumes.
Hi Maykel,

like what you said, it is probably too late to expel now since 2mr is the ER. My hubby consoled me that it will not be a problem and told me not to worry. But I am still worried coz it has been more than a week, the nurse never remind us about this issue and I myself also forgot about this matter. Sigh... I need to pray hard now.
Hi Maykel,

just called KKivf and asked, the nurse told me that it will be fine to just keep it, no need to expel the sperms today, since there will be millions of sperms to select from, like what the sinseh said. I really really pray that this will not affect anything.

you must rest well, don't worry too much about work. Have to leave work aside when need to, baby is more important.

Hi Bakaholic/ladies,

Yup I just logged in after 3 full days of bed rest/toilet breaks/kitchen "trips". Oh my, its so nervewrecking..waiting n waiting. Under prof's order of not moving aroung too much and just resting. No dinners outside, no shopping, no mopping ;) So basically bumming and watching movies rented.

There are times when I feel that its just not working out..a bit depressed..I dun feel any symptoms at all other than the mild tugging which I feel is just the recovery of the stimulated overies. *sigh* I guess I feel a bit paranoid. Anyway, just praying and hoping for the best on 9 Sept.

Oh ya, on the day of ET, I had 10 fertilised eggs out of 12 extracted. So put in 2(I'm 29) so that's the max they allowed me. Wanted to put in three. You know, maximising my chances. Froze 8. I did ask about the grade but all the prof and nurses said only that they're good. Was wondering what do some of you mean when you said Grade 4 embies? The two embies that they put in are 10-cell embryos. Dunno what it means?

Well, for all the ladies here, good luck and may we have good news soon
