IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Josephine,
Hehe, i also worried during the 2WW. Quite often will wake up in the middle of night, only able to sleep about after an hour or more. It's the most stressful stage in IVF. Try to keep yourself occupy with other things like watch drama, so that you can take your mind of this IVF things and before you know if, another day has passed

Hi Happyever,
Some ppl will have bad side effect taking the drug/injection. You are one step closer to your dream. For the sake of baby, everything is worth it. Hang in there, you can make it.

Hi Austere,
Good luck to your ET on sat!

Hi Debz,
It's very hard to pin point exactly which cycle day you can do the ER. It very much depending on your response to the stimulation drugs. On average it's between 8-12 days after starting the puregon/gonalF, you should be able to do the ER. However, some need slightly longer. Which stage are you now?

Hi Mel,
From what i understand superfact/lucrin is used to suppress ovulation, that is to prevent the spontaneous ovulation triggered by our own body.

Hi Patricia,
Since you were told to go back again tomorrow, i think your ER should be around the corner, that's why doctor want to monitor very closely. In terms of the size, i think doctor is looking at may be 4-5 follicles reach > 16mm. Last time i have around 5 follicles that is more than 15, the rest around 11-14.5, doctor asedk me to inject 2 more days of puregon of 200iu. Then stop one day and the next day went for pregyn injection already. They didn't even ask me to go back for scanning again. Btw, why are you worried on the 14 days HL, it's a good opportunity to rest after working for so long. This is the period that must rest and not stress over work.

Hi Bliss,
Probably is the side effect of the drugs. Think on the bright side. This sat is your first scanning? Hope that you will have lots of good follicles

Hi Juju,
How did you pass your time today? When i count down my days, thought i will also count down for you as you are 2 days later than me

Hi Maykel,
How's your spotting now? Stopped already? I am sure it's going to be a positive tomorrow. Hope your the beta result turn out very high HCG number. Good luck to you!

Hi Mala,
Heard the chances is higher for blastocyst transfer. Some more you are planning to put in 3, looks like high chance le
. Good luck to your ET tomorrow!

Hi Imel,
Recently when i Wake up in the morning feel very hungry, after meal usually feel very full and stomach bloated. When press down on my stomach, i can feel the pain. Is it consider gastric? Is it what you are experiencing now? Any idea how to tackle this?

Hi Fairyrose,
Thanks for your wishes. In KK, no chances to see doctor at this stage one. Only the nurse will tell you the result. Hopefully i can bring good news to this thread

You too, jia you! You have been doing great. After you pass the hardest period, you will feel better. Keep it up.

hi Cale,
today very free... went for dim sum, sleep and watch TV. couldn't fight off the weariness at all. later going out for satay
Hi Juju,
What a good life huh. This should be the right way to pass the 2WW
. You have been doing great.
I already started working since Tue, have been quite busy since. Only get to do the detail posting at night.
Btw, have you decided to wait till your beta test, would you be planning to try another HPT?
Thanks Cale! Yes I hope so too. I am feeling better now, just that lots of aching and pain at the lower part of the body, and feel lots of cramps(especially today) at both ovaries.
Hi Cale,
Ya feeling very full and bloated and at the same time you feel theres something there stuck in the stomach. Thats how I feel the gastric. Still feeling it now especially after eating. I have reduced my eating portion and still feeling bad, nausea and can't really sleep. Keep burping even after you have eaten for hours. Will be allrite. My HB ask me to eat mylanta but I just try not to take any medication even if its save for pregnancy. As long Im not vomiting, Im allrite.
Tomorrow is your big day. I have to wait till wednesday to get my first scan. All the best and hope to see your babies and if possible a hb.
Hi Bliss,
Your symptoms sounds postive, like having quite a good number of follicles awaiting you. I also felt the pain before my ER, i think that's the peak of my follicle growth liao. I am sure you will get a good result on this sat scan. Excited for you, keep us updated on your progess

Hi Imel,
Same here. Donno why like that. It's the first time i have such feeling, so uncomfortable. If i eat too little, i feel very hungry le.
Hi Cale,
I'm on 6th day of Suprefact. Been tired these days and a little emotional. Well, guess my AF's anytime near. I always feel this way b4 AF.

Wow.. 8 - 12 days then ER.. Looks like I can only adjust my work after I see dr on Day 5...

Dear ladies,
stay strong and pull through the 2ww! Savour the 'fruits' to come!
isn't ur BT on Sat? how come u r back to work alrdy?
eh... lemme test again tmr morn then tell u gals wat i saw this morn, ok? not confident at all
thx for keeping me in ur thots
Hi Juju,
We are the cycle buddy mah
. If you not ready yet, think may be wait till your beta then test. Anyway your beta is on next monday, a few more days to go only. Jia you!

Coz i didn't extend my HL leave mah, my leave only covered till monday only.
my beta on Tue leh... dun ask me why so late ;p i din ask the nurse
how come din extend ur HL?

hubby jus called. time to go out for satay
Hi Josephine,
I on 250iu not 200iu. Maybe too tired.. tell tell the good news tml.

Hi Cale,
Thanks u i feel better. POSITIVE for ur BT.
Hi Cale,
Worried about 14days HL coz my boss maybe will be "
" But for baby, will confirm take HL and rest for this 14 days.
Thanks for the great support gals

Patricia, dun worry, they'll monitor you closely and increase the dosage if need be. I did ask my doc on how to increase the size, and he said to take folic acid. Are you already on it?

Doc called just now and said that out of the 12 eggs, 10 were mature and that 9 are fertilised. So now I just wait and pray that they'll grow well.

Bakaholic, how was your ET? Hope you're feeling ok.
Hi my dear friends,
see that puregon is showing its real effect on bliss.
Anyway just to let you all know listen to some music for relaxation and meditation that helps a lot.Yesterday I was all in tears for a few hours, but the music helped me,hope the same for all MTB.
Lots of love and prayers for all those MTB.
Cause of Gastric is maily a side effect of acid which is mainly from antibiotic, so you can take fruits such as
# Grapes
# Cherries
# Melons
# Avocadoes but in small portions it helps.

Avoid taking
# Grapefruit
# Plumbs
# Olives
# Unripened pineapples
These generally cause more acid. Also try to avoid too much of garlic.
Just thought will share,these are the effects of staying in the house and going through 2 unsuccessful cycle.
Anyway I read some article that caffeine intake should be reduced or brought to nil during ivf cycle.
bliss - dun worry abt it...
emotions -> i usually go a bit crazy with emotions, with the influx of hormones, whether it is synthetic or natural... just go with the flow, i guess.. try crying and hitting your hubby at the same time.. may make you feel better ;)
physical -> very very positive!! sounds like lots of follies... good luck for tomorrow..

cale/maykel/whoever is doing beta - lots of luck and happy thoughts!!

mala/whoever is doing ET - good luck.. may you have sticky beans..

whoever is doing ER - may you have many many good eggs..

the rest - happy jabbing.. :p
Hi, i hv quit my stressful job when i embark on my first IVF. However, it resulted in ectopic pregancy and is currently treating it now..I'm not sure when i can start FET - i hv 4 embryos in freezer... Don't really feel like working full-time at this moment....
anyone has any home-based assignment/job to recommend?
Good luck to all !!!
Hi Austere,
I am feeling fine, just a slight crampy feeling on the abdomen. The ET went ok. Very fast, about 10-15min. Was a bit nervous as I was conscious of the stuff going in the OT. Had to lie in bed for 4 hrs after that. No getting off bed or sit up. That was torturing part...Had to move in slow motion since then.. it's agonizing as I am those active type but since I have come so far, just bear with it.
I have 2 embryos transferred and froze the rest.
Good luck for you ET tmr..

Hi Patricia,
I didn't eat anything special. Just eat a balanced meal, no heaty stuff in case i fall ill. I stayed off stuff with caffeine, soy products. I also increase my protein intake like more meat, ensure milk as I was feeling bloated and was so scared of getting OHSS. I did have slight OHSS though. The bloating went away after the ER. No egg whites for me as i am allergic to eggs.
And try to take things easy, relax and sleep well. Dun worry so much. Just a step at a time. Things will work itself out.
Thanks Mel,

I am feeling better now. I did not vent on my hubby, yest just told him I cried, then he showed extra care for me. Felt better then. Hehehe!
Hi Josephine,
Went kk scan again. size ok now. ER will be on tuesday.
Hi austere,
thanks. I am currently taking folic 5mg everyday. Eat lots of tau fu so to increase size and quantity.
Hi Bakaholic,
Thanks for ur info.
Very very tired now but still going to work now with my tired body and mind..hehe... Need to be alert when injecting patient haha..
Ladies take care, will keep u guys update.
The worse part is i hate the feeling of giving me the injection and i sleep during ER. I know i will be feeling nausea and vomitting. Keep my fingers cross on tuesday.
Hi Patricia,
so how many eggs you are having now? The sizes? So when will your pregynl be given?
All the best for your ET, very fast one.
Hi Patricia,
I was told to avoid soy products as it contain estrogen. You may want to check with your doc?
Good luck to the ER on Tuesday! Take care. Dun worry about the sedation. Not everyone experience discomfort.
Hi Cale,
Thanks. This few days, I always dreams my test is BFN. Sighhh.. Hahahaha...
Actually I never think abt my result but maybe not realize deep inside my mind is thinking.
Sigh.. I must relax and calm down. Hahahaha...
Your beta test almost near rite? When is your beta test?

Hi Patricia,
Congratulation. Wish you all the best on your ER. Keep us update. And dun forget eat white egg and drink plenty of water.
Hi Yaya,
I also failed the 1st ivf, same thing also like yours etopic pregnancy. Was happy for only 2 weeks when received news that pregnant, then lost it.

I am also waiting to start FET, will wait for the next menses to come. The nurse said that some people wait for body to recover, wait for 2 menses to start FET.

Hi Patricia,
All the best for your ER.
Hi ladies

Just had my ET today. Before I went for ET, I went for a session of acupuncture and after ET, I rested for 2 hours and after that I went for another round of acupuncture again.

I transferred 3, 8 - celled Grade 1 embryos. In Thomson, Grade 1 is the highest. So I'm now officially in the horrible 2WW. Already, my heart is beating so fast. I just can't seem to relax.

Hi Bakaholic

I'm glad that your ET went smoothly. You gave me quite a scare when you said that you avoided soy products as I've been consuming them in great amounts.

Take care of yourself and let's keep each other updated.

Hi Patricia

All the best for your ER. May you have lots of good quality eggs.

Hi Austere

Good luck for you ET tomorrow. Don't worry. Your embryos will grow.
Hi mala ,

Great to hear from you that you have #1 Grade embryos , i think the best things you can do or rather you MUST do is to rest more and don'y think so much.

just hear from my collegue that 1 of the lady manager has lost her 7month old bb (due in NOV) yestday due to the stress she had lately and worry too much and lots of negetive thought lately .

Please rest more and DONT think too much ok after all you have try and did you best
Hi Feibb,
Maykel and cale still "no picture no sound" i have been wating for both of them to post since morning me too very kancheong from them too hhehehhe hopeful is a YES for both .

Cale and maykel ,

post us after you see this msg
Hi Mala,
congrats on your ET & All the best for you.
Please stop worrying so much, as it's not going to help.
I can understand, it's easier said, than done
You 've successfully crossed 1/2 the journey.

Believe me, 2 days back , I was speaking to a nurse from KKH.
She told me about a lady, who successfully conceived on her 2nd attempt of IVF
at her 43rd year , along with accupunture treatment.
Now, she's expecting anytimes "TWINS"

By god's grace, you'll complete the rest of your journey too....
Try to concentrate on something else...
Can browse through some old photographs, childhood ones.
Do something you really cherish...

To all the other ladies,
Wish you all success in your journey ....
Hi ladies,
Thought of sharing a story about my cousin, who tried to conceive
for quite sometime....
She succedded in her 3rd attempt of IVF.

In the first 2, she did conceive , but could not carry full term, since her utreus was very weak.
On her 3rd attempt, she was in full bed rest.
Her mother (who was already 60 yrs then) used to keep bedpan for her ...
She did not even take trips to the Loo for all 9 months...
Then, she had a c-section & had a bony boy...
I visited them the 2nd day on the birth of the baby...
And, now, I'd a chance to meet the boy 1 year back.
He is 8 yrs old now.
Believe me, he is the sweetest kid , I've ever met.
Wow, such warm, friendly, understanding at such a young age.
He is too helpful, thoughtfullll..... And whatmore adjectives, I can use on him.

I truly believe, his mother has reaped the best , for all the hardships she went through.
After I met him, I too gained the confidence that I would surely one day meet my goal.
I too will have my little ones hanging to me like my nephew
Hi Sri,
Thanks for sharing the story, very motivating. She is amazing, went through such sacrifice. But how did your cousin take a shower? and she need to quit her job?
Hi fairyrose, Lina,
Thanks ...
She was already at home only... not working....
Shower.... she had very little movement....
Mostly, her mother helped her through out...
She was also hospiltalized every now & then for bleeding
Hi Sri ,

Any ideal is s Perugon jab a must for IVF-ICSI undergo ?? and is there a diffirent between Perugon and Gonal F ???
Hi fairyrose,
Sorry dear, I only know that Puregon is taken at KKH, since i'm with them, may be different hospitals diff medicines, according to their research
HI Sri

is ok , tks anyway .

Anybody from KK can help me ......IsPerugon jab a must for IVF-ICSI undergo ?? and is there a diffirent between Perugon and Gonal F ???
Hi ladies,
Thank you so much for your reassurance. I went for my beta today and its positive
But I think my mind can really be at ease until i go for scan 2 wks later. Cos last time i oso +ve 2 times but ended up 1 ectopic and 1 biochemical preg. Really praying hard now.

Hi Feibb and Fairyrose,
Sorry lah, cos after went kkh, i went to cut hair, after that go bk kkh again to take prescription again when confirmed positive, now just reach home a while oni heehee....

Hi Cale,
Jia you for you 2mr ok? *muackz*

Hi Imel,
I oso have symptoms of AF few days b4 my beta, so seems like its a norm....my tummy oso bloated now, but actually nurse say its oni 4 wks preg. My beta result is 605 and the nurse said that it is supposedly stable, is urs around there?

Hi Patricia,
Ur follicles size is such a wide range. Its really not easy for you as you work shifts. Just hope that you have understanding colleagues and superior.
I nvr eat anthing in particular for egg quality leh. Egg white and ensure helps in bloatedness.
For me, i oni had 4 tiny follicles (5-7mm) on my Day 7 Purgeon scan? Was jabbing 250iu for 1st 7 days. After that increase to 600iu then 700iu, total puregon is 14 days. Eventually ER got 7 follicles
HI maykel ,


Phew ~~~~ finally right ? dont worry dear DONT THINK SO MUCH ok you and youe baby will be alright

So happy for you and i guess you have a nice hair cut too right ?

Your hubby go with you for the test just now ?
what is your HCG ?

Maykel has upgraded to the next level MTB hip hip hooray
Hi Cale,
Forgot to tell you, my spotting lasted 1 day oni, today dun have liao. Nurse Noora told me if bleeding get lesser then its ok, but if getting more then must go 24hrs clinic asap. If got bleeding means over-exert, so must rest more. She oso say cramping during this time is oso normal wor.
Just now went bk to take 'an tai' med. If you can, you go earlier 2mr, cos the result must wait 4hrs, then if +ve, must go bk KK again to take prescoption for 'an tai' med. Think pharmacy closes around 1pm leh.
Hi Maykel,

Congrats! If nurse nvr ask u to go back for 2nd blood test, should mean that 605 is a good HCG reading. Ha Ha, so now you are like me, waiting for our 1st scan. I oso don't feel secure until I can see something on the screen. My BFP still does not feel real for me now.....another 2WW...
You just have me worried just now since I heard no news from you. Its good to know that yours went well. Your beta number almost the same as mine. Hahaha....well the next 2weeks is the crucial one. The scan to decide everything. Well I understand how you feel. I still feel unsecure even I have +ve coz I have that too last time and end up to be blighted ovum. Lets pray that everyting goes well.
Hi Fairy,
Thanks alot, ya man, finally! ;)
Hubby and my mum went with me, my reading is 605.
haha...trim my hair oni lah. You know i just colored/highlight my hair in june, b4 i start the IVF, think need to touch up in 1-2mths. My stylist say preg can highlight hair but not color, cos highlight does not touch the scalp. Any thots on this?

Hi Sri, thank you

Hi Feibb,
Really? you mean got pple go for 2nd beta test meh? Ya loh, it feels so unreal, like too good to be true hor? kekeke....But ur reading vey high, maybe got twins or triplets, so good

Hi Imel,
Sorry to make you worry....hee...
yup, like wat i was telling Feibb, it seems so unbelievable. I'm going bk to work on Mon already. Thinking of asking HL from Dr Loh when i see him on the 12th, else i'll take unpaid leave to rest. Cos after my spotting yest, i am really scared now.
Hi Mala,
Tats good, very happy for you, 2ww is not that horrible, its a good time for you to rest, rest and rest
Remember dun exert urself ok?

Hi Maykel ,

any ideal Is Perugon jab a must for IVF-ICSI undergo ?? and is there a diffirent between Perugon and Gonal F ???

sorry i have so much to ask you :p
