A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi melody

I cant be really sure but seems to be the case for some ladies here. My temp dropped today but I am hoping it will go up tomorrow & my AF wont come lor...

as for BD position, most of the readings that I saw would suggest to have military or back penetration position which will helps deeper flow of the sperms...

keeping finger cross for both of you. u all now are on the way to success. hope to hear good news from both.

lilac, i had receive your mail i will start temp taking tom morning as I went back my parent home last night to stay. thank for all the encouragement and advise.next cycle i will try to choose a stormy and rainy night to BD too hope got chance haha.will keep u update

i got married on 4 sept 03, so very close to you.
did not really try very hard cos any thought tat getting pregnant is so easily. until nothing happen start to stress liao.

relax, dun be too stress. me too sometime breakdown easily. and plus work stress.. i nearly suffer from depression .

thank for the advise. I will use the chart at the moment to monitor.
Didi u use pillow to lift your leg after BD? any effect?
melody, lbs
so sorry mix up all your wedding date,
after reading so many thread then when reply below all forgot liao.
so my wedding date is closer to lbs and not melody.
hi all

just went to toilet..I am breaking down soon..I saw red..my AF has come!

i dun know what to say, feel like crying...why is it so hard to get pregnant??!

This month, we BD almost every other day from CD12 to CD20..& according to FF, I shld have O on my CD14.

I really dunno where went wrong..shld we consult doc??
Need advise. I may need to travel for work. Next week i will know if my AF come or i am preg. Is it safe to travel next week?

do not give up, sometimes when over stress lagi more diff to get pregnant. try to relax abt the whole issue, there are many cases where the moment they take a bo chap attitude, they got it..

Jia You!
Hi Micky

thks for the encouragement!

I have been married for 6 months..for the first 3 months, I really bo chap..

starting this year, sort of like more cautious of getting preggie but didnt really get into action like taking temp/charting etc..etc..

Thought it shld be easier with monitoring the temp,CM...but..still

Though been telling myself relax, relax..but cant help getting dissapointed..even this morning my temp dropped, i sort of trying to console myself that this is not the sign that AF is coming soon..now is proven..

I guess you are right..the pressure come within..my hubby is not really rushing into it ..
But more like stress coming from his mum,my mum, friends..etc
Hi melody,
I also got mine from Eu Yang Sang, can also purchase this brand from Watson's and Guardian stores.

Hi wendypooh,
Yah, trying to relax and tell myself to take it easy but very tough leh..

Hi lbs,
Can understand how you feel. I also broke down when AF arrived past months. I'm sure I've ovulated and BD timing is right, yet still didnt strike! keep seeing and hearing people getting pregnant.. very frustruated with myself sometimes..

I try to be optimistic though very difficult. I always tell myself "maybe this month?" or that I can try real soon after AF has cleared. so to all ladies here, we all must jia you and succeed!!
hi shuin

thks..u know? really feeling better when I know there is a group of jie mei outside 'fighting the same battle as I am.

Do you believe it might have something to do with our hubby as well?

Would you considering asking him for body check up? My hubby is those very reluctant to go tp see doc.

He is not tat kan cheong yet. I am the one who wish hard for babies. He is not really bother by the stress...

de..I am also sure I've Oed & made sure I BD every other day during that period..what can goes wrong??

seeing my friends really like remote control, I really envy them

you only been trying hard for 3 mths right, dun worry and i think dun need to get your hubby to see doc yet. you so anxious coz want monkey baby?

sometimes we hv to agree that ppl are real fertile that they can practically chose the mth of the baby that they wan, but so long get baby shld be happy liao..things will definitely happen, relax...
<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
Can understand how u feel too. But u dun give up. We must all fight the battle till the end!

This is my 7th month trying liao. Next week is my one year wedding anniversary and my O day is ard that time. Hope that i able to catch hold of my egg.

Actually, even thgh we gt all the timing correct, it doesnt mean that we definitely will jackpot. It also depends on the quality of our eggs and sperms. If one party does not produce a gd quality egg/sperm, its also very hard to get preggie. N of cos we must try to relax ourselves as stress is another factor.

Me too evny those that can strike on their very first try. They can have it when they want and dun have it when they dun want. For us, we have to try many many times b4 we finally have one!

Haiz..... thats the life of a woman.....

<font color="0000ff">Jov</font>
Okie, ive updated. Jia you......
Hi micky

I hope to have my first before turning 30. I am 28 this year so plus minus , left abt a year plus to try..

of course, between monkey or rooster, I prefer monkey lar..however, so long as get baby, I am happy already...

Hi lilac...

u are really superb..trying for 7 months &amp; you are still full of energy..Me after 3 months , a bit disheartened liao..but I know I mustn give up hope...

This time, going to make sure I do it right at the right time with the right quality!
<font color="aa00aa">lbs,</font>
relax, maybe u need to take a short break? dun stress urself or hubby so fast. it's normal for a perfectly healthy couple to try (&amp; i mean getting the time right, doing the right things, etc) for a yr before they conceive. so don't worry, you're still far from those test/checkup!

<font color="aa00aa">wendy,</font>
guess u missed my post AGAIN. http://www.singaporebrides.com/cgi-bin/forumboard/show.cgi?tpc=36738&amp;post=540280#POST540280

<font color="aa00aa">yannie,</font>
it will be safe to travel. if not, then those who had their bb made oversea dun need to return home until their bb is born...
<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
Me sometimes will also be sad but after awhile i will recover lor. Cos no point dwelling over it liao. What we have to do is to keep on tryng with a positive attitude and we will sure gt it one day!
Hehe.... im still learning too....

Actually sometimes i dun feel like going back to my PIL house to makan cos one SIL gave birth last year and one gave birth last month. So i feel so useless at times when i see the 2 of them! But...... thats my fate!! Must learn to let go lor....
thks all for the comfort &amp; encouragements!

I will get better after a while.. Is just that I am ..well, maybe too confident this time thinking that with all the right timing, shld be able to hit the jackpot..

Luckily my PIL is in Malaysia..&amp; I seldom get to see them..both of us PR here..

However, just imagine after a while you go back, pple will expect they have good news to hear? My hubby is the only child &amp; he has a big extended family..just imagine, one person with one question will enough to drown you..<sigh>

I am going back this weekend...very sian...


pls dun say that to yourself..though i always get discouraged when dont get it but never think that yourself is useless, k??

We just dont get lucky enough yet..
lilac...&amp; all

yupz..we will soon all graduates with all the determination we have!!

i am getting better now..I am telling myself at least my AF has been regular...focus will be more to destress myself &amp; get quality eggs...
Hey ladies,

One of my pregnant colleague just told me that at least a month before you start trying to conceive, you should be taking 400 mcg of folic acid daily(during pregnancy is 600 mcg). It is one of the few nutrients known to prevent neural tube birth defects, such as spina bifida.

Can this be easily purchase from the pharmacies?
hi lbs,

u can easily get folic acid from any phamacies and its not expensive. i am taking GNC ones at the moment.

me also in same shoes as u. i am 28 and also hoping to have a bb b4 30. and hor i also prefer monkey bb..(aiyo but i tcc too late liow lor coz was misled by those grandma stories that with regular AF, we will strike easier)

this is my 4th month trying and for the past 3 months, i will also cry my heart out when AF came (sound silly but then really cant help it. my hb always scold me for being sooooo silly.)

actually before i tcc-ing, i can detect my EWCM every month since my AF very accurate but then these few months, i cant seem to detect any liow. (i begun to suspect due to taking folic acid but then it shouldn't be the case---maybe i am convieniently finding an excuse)

to all gers out there, we must "jia you" ok...but then sometimes really cant help feeling so dishearted...

i think i will advise my girl friends not to tcc so late (as in my case, i am married for over a year liow, then start tcc..now kinda regret)

maybe i will start charting if i failed again this month...

<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
Best is to take folic acid 3months b4 u TTC. But its never too late to start. I bought my folic acid from Unity. It cost $2.50 for 100tablets.

U can also gt it from Guardian and other pharmacy. But Unity sells cheaper.
hi ice jelly

u mean you start taking folid acid only when you started TTC-ing?

Is there any particular good brand? Any other supplements TTC-ing women shld consider taking? What abt hubby?

Yea, me too. I think I am overly confident initially.Thinking since my AF always regular, shld have no prob to get pregnant whenever I want..'<sigh>

I just called my hubby &amp; told him my AF come already &amp; I feel like crying. He told me dont be silly lor. Anyway, I think we, women tend to be more emotional, anyway..
ya lor,, agree with all TTC.. Our fear,, scare to see red, AF..
ha ha,, wendypooh and ibs,, i have the same expereince,, thought preg is very easy,, but yo.. now then i know is damn difficult leh
i been real trying for abt 3months,, and yet no good newss.
dun be discourage,, sometime,, i feel tt may be i am weak and start thinking tt may be i have kana cysts / blood tumor or other abnormal growing in my stomach wich cause all the trouble to get preg.. so worry.. (cos now many woman have this kind of illness leh)

dun know should i need to go for check up.. but do you know sekali if really got one,, wah,, then unable to get preg,, have to cut off the womb,, or etc.. then how???
so scare..
hi melody

i thought i was one of the extreme of being overly worried abt my body..but 'yi shan hai you yi shan kao'

actually, I havent had my papsmear done yet (which I know shld) because I am scared of all the What ifs..

But, I plan to do check up after my AF lor..
hi lbs,

yupe i started to tcc-ing in dec and then a frd told me ideally i have to take folic acid 3 months prior, then i started to take lor (actually initially i thot only when preggie then need to take)

hi melody,
me too...after all these months of trying, i begun to wonder is it becoz i got prob that why have not bingo yet...wanna to go for a checkup but hesitate coz wat if the prob lies with me..dun think i can accept it at this point since so eager to get preggies..

so i am like u and lbs with so many doubts and whats if..heheheh (but serious was thinking if i still cant hit jackpot after half a year i will go see a gynae)

so glad to find so many khakis here with similar thoughts

me gonna complain again..last time so worry AF din visit us on time...now just cant help to hope that it will not visit us! what an irony!

lbs, ice-jelly, others

ya try and keep trying.

I going to be 29 this year, really hope to have a bb before my 30th birthday next year. Gotten married for 2.5 years already, I got PCOS so throughout this 2.5 years, I only ovulated twice. Once last year which din result in a preg and once last month which result in a miscarriage. Both ovulations are result of lots of pills from my gynae.

But we are still going to try and try.... at least we know that we have some chance of succeeding one day ...

so dun despair ;) If you got cycle of 28, at least can try every month mah...
<font color="aa00aa">lbs,</font>
oops, thot u knew abt hving to start on Folic Acid at least 3 mths b4 u conceive that's why din remind u.

guess we're here too long so start to assume everyone knows abt that!!

well, i guess when u "seriously" start trying for bb, ur cycle will tend to get a bit disrupted. might be due to the BD frequency, or maybe the stress we put on ourselves. but after a while (guess duration depends on individual) things will get back to normal.

maybe think of it this way, our body is letting us prepare ourselves (building up enuff nutrients &amp; strength needed) b4 letting us conceive?

<font color="aa00aa">poohy,</font>
me oso thot can make it b4 my 30th bday, but unless my bb decides to come out at least 2.5 wks earlier, i'll be 30 when i hv the kid

but well, i'll hv slightly more time to save up though
Hi melody, don't stress yourself too much. I found out that I have cysts 1 mth before I preggie. Even my gynae was surprised that I managed to conceive with 2 cysts. So don't give up ok... even having cysts can have bb. However, if you worry, can always go for pap smear and check things out.
Hi poohy

Thks for the encouragement!
You have really given me a lot of strength to never give up!!

Hi Angelia

Actually is really my fault as I was one of those pple dread the idea of consuming pills/medicine...so whenever I research for pregnancy info, I am sort of being blinded by all the writeups abt supplements consumption etc.
What I look up for is usually those advices on type of natural fruits/foods..

I guess so too. Now when we are really into 'action' I have been very cautious when we shld BD, making sure to put pillows under,
,lie down for at least 15 mins...all sorts of things..<sigh>

I must really try to relax

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 26 Mar 04
lbs ............ CD 02
jov ............ CD 03
wendypooh ...... CD 06
okeanosmao * ... CD 07
skinnyma ....... CD 10
joice .......... CD 14
funny .......... CD 17
amberlyn ....... CD 18
iloveoreo ...... CD 20
lilac .......... CD 21
maya ........... CD 21
Ms Blur ........ CD 22
Emma ........... CD 23
jigsaw ......... CD 23
Jen ............ CD 23
jojoba ......... CD 24
tuffy .......... CD 30
catepillar ..... CD 32
ribena ......... CD 35
</font><font color="ff0000">
MIA => Pls update ur CD / let us know if u have graduated!

aa ............. CD 46
felene ......... CD 47
wizard ......... CD 57
shopper ........ CD 58
hopeful24 ...... CD 74
moonriver ...... CD 77
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Giggler ........ 13/06/04
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Micky .......... 23/10/04
Wendyl ......... 24/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ ??/11/04
<font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>
<font color="119911">* = PCOS</font>
Common terms used ==> http://www.singaporebrides.com/cgi-bin/forumboard/show.cgi?tpc=36738&amp;post=489349#POST489349
hi angelia,

you born in 1974? me too
so i'll be 30 when i give birth in oct.

how's your checkup going? i've been down with flu and cough for the past one week. so went to scan yesterday to make sure baby is ok. baby is 5.4cm now, so happy to hear the growth each time i go for scanning.

hi lbs,

most folic acid comes in small little pills, so don't worry abt consuming them
relax ok? i'm sure you'll succeed soon
<font color="aa00aa">lbs,</font>
hope u read my posts that i did all those pillow, lay in bed stuff but nvr strike. the minute i din do it and go urinate immed after BD (cos thinking, got got lor attitute), i hit
it was a surprise for us.
<font color="aa00aa">slk,</font>
yup, me tigress!! hahahaa..

my next appt is coming Monday, can't wait to go &amp; cfm bb is alrite cos my tummy seems not growing leh
<font color="0000ff">wendypooh</font>
have u started taking ur temp for this morning? U are in ur CD06 and going to O soon and u have to have sufficient data in order to predict ur O day on the chart.

<font color="0000ff">catepillar &amp; ribena</font>
Whr are u?? Any good news to share?
<font color="0000ff">Angelia</font>
dun worry abt ur tummy not growing! U are only abt 2mnths rite?? Still early to see ur tummy lor.

Dun scare urself hor..... Ur baby will be fine!
hi girls,

thanks alot for all your encouragements! it does help to make me feel so much better after airing my "complaints"...at least everyone here understand the kind of "misery" we are going thru....

so glad to have find this thread...hugs and kisses to all of u....

TGIF liow...

I went to the pharmacy yesterday thinking to buy the folic acid. I think each pill is 500mcg but I read that we only need 400mcg daily..Will this lead to overdose especially we might have get some foid acid through other food we eat? Also, do we need to seek doc's opinion before consuming? The instruction given on the package is if you are on TTC, you shld seek advise from your doc.

Sorry, I am pretty ignorant when come to these supplements thingy.

Hi angelia

Yeap, I read your posts on the pillow,lay down thingy..But if I dont do that, I could feel it flows out the minute I stand up ler...
Hi ladies,

Just want to let you know you gals are not alone. I'm also getting anxious and demoralised after failing every month with all the crying and stuff... but hubby is real cool about it and is not in the rush..

Let's all try and succeed together! jia you!!
<font color="aa00aa">lilac,</font>
me wk 12/13 liao. so considered 3 mths liao leh

<font color="aa00aa">lbs,</font>
then let it flow out lor. cos not all will flow out with the semen. some will hv alr "swam" up to meet ur eggs. if u'r worried, maybe lie for a minute or 2, but dun need the pillows lah

once read that putting pillows might affect cos we might raise "too high" and cause the sperms to "over-swim" thus not meeting the egg

as for folic acid, it's alrite to take the 5mg (= 500mcg) one. cos folic acid is "dissolvable", so any excess will be passed out of our body

the one that gynae gave oso 5mg
hi angelia

hahaha..I didnt know the egg might over swim..

so we get doc to prescribe the folic acid better or can I just buy of the rack?
<font color="ff6000">lbs</font>
u can buy off the rack
i bought from NTUC pharmacy @ 2.50 for 100 tablets
when i cfm preg with GP .. he oso gave me the same folic acid
<font color="aa00aa">lbs,</font>
can juz go NTUC Healthcare to get it off the rack. i took the NTUC housebrand, cost only $2.50 for 100 tablets.
Hi SLK &amp; angelia, so qiao... I also tigress leh.

Hi angelia, don't need to worry abt tummy not growing lah. My tummy only become obvious when I was 4/5mth. I think it depends on individual lor.
thks ladies!

I will pop by to buy later at phamarcy nearby..

Though just started but never be too late, I guess..
Icejelly, Ibs..
Ha,, glad to find someone has the same fear as me..but sometime, is naturally that we feel in this way lor

Thanks for the comform
So what you going to cure the cysts, Docs say no prob abt it.. Cos my fren has 2 cysts and have it remove by operation..
Actually,, how you are aware of it growing.. my fren know cos of unbearable menses pain

Can I know what is PCOS?
You say you only ovulate twice? Meaning you only experience AF twice?
Cos i read from past thread,, some people will not oluvate every month..
Can I know is it even one have AF, and does not ovulate???

For those TTC, can i know do you all went to see docs for more information..

<font color="0000ff">Jen</font>
dun worry.... we are all taking folic acid bought from pharmacy. Excess intake of folic acid will be get rid of thru urine.

N even when u are preggie, doc will still prescribe u with the same folic acid. Ive been taking folic acid bought from NTUC healthcare for more than 3mths liao....
