A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
I usually buy the OPKs in more quantities.. as nearer O day got to test.. if today don't kanna, tomorrow have to test again.. so that's why need to buy more..
of course the more you buy, the cheaper each one will cost.. think on average is abt. $3.00

<font color="ff6000">oreo</font>
i usually record wat i saw in the morning ..
cant say much abt CM .. coz i got a lot of agarations on this ..

<font color="ff6000">lbs</font>
its cheaper to buy in bulk lor
but if u are buying o-kits, 1 is not realli enuff lor
<font color="0000ff">chihiro</font>
yeah...... Oing soon..... hope i can catch the boat but dun pin too high hopes liao. But will still try my best!

<font color="0000ff">oreo</font>
As for the CM, i will only record what i see in the morning.
hi chihiro,

hmm... still no obvious signs. today's temp dropped to 36.7 from 36.8. I am at DPO11 now. Have cramps on off. If my temp continues to drop tomorrow then I think no hope liao... How are you feeling?
<font color="0000ff">chihiro</font>
hehehe........ tonite gt to BD liao... hmm...... wonder if it will rain tonite??
btw, is it possible to collect the O-kits from the seller instead of having it delivered to the house? no one at home to collect leh...
<font color="ff6000">tuffy</font>
wats ur usual luteal phase?

<font color="ff6000">lilac</font>
mayb got chance leh ..
im working in the east, and the sky is quite dark now ...
<font color="ff6000">tuffy</font>
they will mail to u .. will be in ur mailbox
no need to worry that no one to pick up from them
<font color="0000ff">chihiro/lilac</font>
Oh... then i might have missed my boat liao...

It was yesterday morning that i got watery discharge... if i BD later.. u think there would still be any chance.. my temp is still low.. yesterday it was 36.0..today increase by 2 degrees to 36.2.. Maybe i missed it already.
<font color="0000ff">Tuffy</font>
haha..... i gt the same thgt as u b4 i order the test kit. I also thgt will be delivered by hand. Its a brown envelop and can fit into our mailbox. No worries........
hi lilac,
how many strips did you order? Can't imagine what the family members will think.
will be even more stressed if they start asking questions!!

btw, my friend just gave birth after at least 12 hours of labour!!! good grief!
<font color="0000ff">oreo</font>
ur CM is watery har?? Stretchy or not? Maybe u BD tonite in case? Whats ur usual temp b4 u O?? Previous daysss leh?? U gt use the O kit or not??
<font color="0000ff">Tuffy</font>
i order 7strips and they free one strip for me.
Its in a very normal brown envelop with nthg fanciful on the envelop. Just ur name, address and stamp lor. Nobody will know wats inside it.
<font color="119911">wow, u gals suddenly so chatty.. i gotta read archive to catch up</font>

<font color="0000ff">and dun worry, the kits from PreggieBliss are individually wrapped &amp; can keep for 2 yrs. so if u can't finish this round, maybe can use for 2nd one

<font color="aa00aa">oreo,</font>
dun worry, can still BD tonight. who knows, today ur CM watery, tmr then is ur O-day?

<font color="0000ff">*** baby dust ***</font>

<font color="aa00aa">lilac,</font>
i took b4 i shower, but it was a faint +ive (which means shld be = negative). but when i shower (or was it the next day when i shower), i find my CM very transparent &amp; stretchy. somemore like quite a bit, so after shower asked hubby wanna try or not? so we fast fast do then go to bed lor (of cos after going to urinate lah). who knows, like that oso strike, was very surprised.

by the way, my 2WW then was during CNY &amp; i felt hungry easily.... but after the 2WW, felt bloated &amp; dun hv good appetite liao

<font color="0000ff">*** baby dust ***</font>
I just went to the website and they say that the midstream ovulation test kit is out of stock! is this the one you bought? I can't see a lot of things on the website here because of firewall.. are there different types of OPKs?
<font color="ff6000">tuffy</font>
i got the test strips instead of test kits
cheaper .. but inconvient lor coz u need to collect urine sample before dipping the strip into it
<font color="0000ff">lilac</font>

My CD ranges from 30-40 over days.. so very difficult to predetermine the exact day.. last month it was CD30... so i started testing from CD14 for 4 days.. but all negative... and my temp has not risen yet.. all in the range of 35.8 - 36.2.
The last 2 days did not test leh.

ohh... hmm - what type of container would be good for this? sorry - v boh liao question but I really can't think of a suitable container leh.
<font color="aa00aa">oreo,</font>
then u hv to roughly gauge ur CM then start testing if u dun wanna waste too many kits.. that's what i did lor..

anyway, think my case was like everything dun follow then everything got it right (cos got pregnant mah
), so i oso dun quite remember/know how to feedback to u gals lor.. too many uncertainties cos it's not "follow the book" routine so din remember mah.
Hi oreo,

Fertility friend recommends that we record the most fertile fluid for the day. Yup, agree with the gals, pls rape your hubby tonight by hook or by crook...
<font color="ff6000">tuffy</font>
use a plastic cup lah
throw away after tt..
ez right?
i stupid, i used a chicken essence bottle to contain..
Agree with you..
"wow, u gals suddenly so chatty.. i gotta read archive to catch up"

I am very anxious to come into this thread.. very interesting,, can learn a lot than book..

I really envy you..


My fren recommendment to me a package at Gleneagle
Dr Tham-abt 150++incl scan, pap smear and check up..
May be u can try lor..

Like Shuin/Ibs/Wendypooh and me we are very eager to have "baby dust" coming our way..
Hope we can get it right when we try again..

Hope it get it right this time..
<font color="0000ff">lbs, chihiro</font>
hahaha...... so today will be a stormy night!! hehehehe........... so hopefully can strike!!!

<font color="0000ff">Tuffy</font>
i oso buy test strips cos its much cheaper. dun wish to spend a bomb on this kit.

<font color="0000ff">oreo</font>
dun worri, maybe u haven O yet. But u tonite still BD lor. Tml onwards u must rem to take ur temp hor.
<font color="ff6000">melody</font>
coz working hrs for friday is ending soon mah
or rather has ended in our heart .. kekeke ...
<font color="aa00aa">lilac, chihiro,</font>
wah, u 2 so smart.. i'm the only 1 who bought the midstream izzit?

but hor, mine easier leh, juz put it to touch urine when i urinate, then close the cap, then leave it at the toilet, after a while then go back see.. lazy pple is like that one lah

<font color="aa00aa">melody,</font>
no need to envy me. i oso "envied" others for at least 6 mths before i got envied

<font color="0000ff">** ReLaX ** ReLaX ** ReLaX ** ReLaX ** ReLaX ** ReLaX **

~**~ bAbY dUsT tO aLL ~**~ bAbY dUsT tO aLL ~**~ bAbY dUsT tO aLL ~**~ bAbY dUsT tO aLL ~**~
<font color="ff6000">angelia</font>
i oso like u bought test kits at 1st, then my last cycle or shd i say tis cycle
.. i dun hv enuff, so i ordered again..
then preggiebliss they hv ran out of test kits liao .. since need it urgently, so i get the strips one lor ...

wow, its raining cats n dogs here ..
Thanks gals for the encouragement!

Ya.. will do it tonite... told hubby already! but he will only be back pretty late ..no choice.. but we'll do our best.
I stay in the east .. so it's gonna be a stormy nite right?

Oh, btw, i used a plastic cup used for making jellies to collect my urine.. but everytime i would washed and then re-used it.
I think I am also the lazy sort leh - tempted to use midstream instead. what's the price for that hah? is the strip much much cheaper?
<font color="aa00aa">chihiro,</font>
i c..

oh no.. then my hubby will hv problem going home.. *lol* somemore last nite he says he wanna go outram buy some CDs first then meet me..
<font color="ff6000">tuffy</font>
here's the price for the test strips

1 Test S$3.00
5 Tests S$11.25
7 Tests S$15.75
10 Tests S$20.70
<font color="0000ff">chihiro</font>
hehe...... tonite really benefits me!! Hahaha.....
But hor, i not O yet mah..... maybe will O next few days.
Oops... go home liao..... bye......
After i test, i will let u all know!
hi lilac,

i wish
but i really don't think so cos i don't bbdance often and i also don't know how to keep track of my "fertile" period cos my menses is so irregular! no difference leh, only thing is i feel hungry easily nowadays, that's not a sign of being preggie!!
my menses is irregular on the dates, don't have a fix date, can delay for 2,3 weeks kind.
<font color="ff0000">ribena</font>
you can start by charting your temp.. and from there, you can roughly gauge your cycle.
<font color="ff6000">lilac</font>
so gd to knock off @ 5.30
sigh .. i still got 20mins at least

<font color="ff6000">ribena</font>
ya, temp charting may help
have u chart ur temp every morning b4 ?
oh.. btw, you gals staying in the west....
good news! It's a storm now... can hardly see outside.
It's gonna be a rainy and stormy nite too!
So...<font color="ff0000">Happy BDing to all!!</font>
hi giggler,

so you are tigress too. how's your pregnancy so far? your EDD getting nearer... must be very excited now
<font color="ff6000">tuffy</font>
eh .. i tink rather accurate bah
otherwise will not BD on tt rainy night ..

So sorry that you got to update for me and classify me as MIA leh...... cos my pc got problems so cannot use. office pc also problem cos company tracks the site u go to.... and then i too lazy to settle pc problem.....but now settled liao lor.... so can come in again...

after 5 mths, now is 6 mths....still trying... i went to see gynae...been 2 mths already.....sad to say, tested that my hubby got some problem. his sperm count is ok but those of normal forms are very poor. so doc says low chance if we try ourselves...but since only need 1 sperm to succeed, still got chance lor..but low lor...she suggested we try artifical insemination (AI)...increase the chance...so we thinking abt it....lucky i see doc early, so discovered the problem. anyway doc gave hubby pills to eat to improve quality....but still doesn't mean AI will sure work...got other factors like egg quality etc....
<font color="0000ff">chihiro</font>
no rain, no thunder, no lightning..... nothing at all...... BUT will still BD

BTW, i test liao my my control band is darker than test band and so its negative. Gt to keep monitoring cos my usual O shd be ard CD24 which is next Monday.

Happy bb dancing to all..........
<font color="0000ff">Hopeful24</font>
hehe.... so u finally re-appear!

sorry to hear abt that... but its indeed that u see gynae early. Now keep ur fingers crossed that ur hubby's sperm quality will improve. As u have said, it needs only one sperm to fertilised ur egg, maybe u are the lucky one! Thgh chances are low, that doesnt mean no chance at all rite?

Sorry to ask u, how much does that AI cost? N which gynae u went to?

Shuin n all those depressed ones,

dun feel sad la...u all depressed i worse rite ? after all, my chances so low...so every mth try, also duno succeed or not, since those good sperms we have are so little...need lots of luck ma...but anyway hor..doc told me that observe CM may not b accurate....she said eat "liang" stuff also can increase CM...so best is use the O-kit...surge, then can BD lor... so dun think too much la.... i know its hard but we all try lor...i also very sad every mth but getting used to it...
