A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)


thanks for offering your help. u mean i can still contiue to key my data in after 30 day?
i thought of saving the graph and do on excel it it possible.
well i still considering whether to change job, actually my present one is not tat my boss just give me an increasement

<font color="0000ff">yannie</font>
I O-ed later this cycle. So i am not expecting my AF so soon. Probably need to wait another week.
That's one other advantage of charting - at least you can predict your AF and you know when the AF will be late.

<font color="0000ff">wendypooh</font>
Don't stress yourself out too much yah? All you have to do is just key in the information in FF. Let FF do the rest - ie predict your O. But you should take special note of your CM. Once it gets stretchy and it's near your usual O date, it's time to BD! Good luck!

<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
I usually go to the toilet once I feel that there is some discharge. So I can see the texture before it dries up. Sometimes, the CM can be seen while you are in the toilet.
Hi lilac..

emm, sort of...

Anyway, when do you gals usually get the following discharges? Is there a common flow pattern?

1) Sticky
2) Creamy
3) Watery
duno y, my AF stopped liao..2day only the fourth day..isit abit too short?? my previous AF its not like this leh..
u gals oso the same?

tink i've to plot the chart liao..oh isit morn ard 6am or 7am is the best time to take temp?
Hi tuffy

actually , i have been trying to do that..especially during my 'supposedly fertile period'! hahaaaa...

my hubby is so amused because I have been very cautious &amp; in/out the toilet..

I really crossing my fingers I will strike it this time..according to FF, I probably ovulated on my CD 15 to CD 17..

Seems that our CD is very near hor..you are at your CD27, right? Mine CD25 today..
Hi okeanosmao

I think 4 cycle day is normal...though mine normally 'dragged' abt a week..6th &amp; 7th day usually spotting..

I think 6am or 7am not much different. As long as you take it first thing you wake up every morning lor..I usually have mine taken abt 645am on weekdays &amp; 7+ on weekends
Hi okeanosmao

I think 4 cycle day is normal...though mine normally 'dragged' abt a week..6th &amp; 7th day usually spotting..

I think 6am or 7am not much different. As long as you take the moment you wake up every morning lor ..I usually have mine taken abt 645am on weekdays &amp; 7+ on weekends
<font color="0000ff">Ibs</font>
For my case, i will definitely gt all the discharge mention.
1) Sticky -> Usually after dry period and only last for ard 2-3days
2) Creamy -> after my sticky CM, will last for quite some time
3) Watery -> after creamy CM, will last for ard 2-4days
4) EWCM -> after watery CM, will last for few days but only one particular day is the most strectchiest!

The number of days that i had that particular CM varies each cycle.
Hi lilac

thks for sharing..

so after EWCM, would you get watery back?

As for mine, after my AF, it will be sticky for few days..then seems to be Watery liao..as to whether any EWCM, really hard to tell because it seems to be sticky &amp; stretchy for me..

now into my CD25, I am having some creamy/yellowish discharge...looks sticky to me..though they have dried up lor..

I think monitoring the CM is really difficult...

I even asked my hubby to verify for me..hahaaa
lilac, acherly FF always ask us to record the most fertile CM... so whenever I wipe, i make a point to see lor... sometimes I acherly feel dry... but when I wipe, I see this thin layer of CM, like when u sneeze, look like mucus... so i consider it as EWCM... then sometimes on my liner, I will see i lump of CM... though I feel dry... it's also stretchable... so I oso consider as EWCM... correct or not huh?

Watery I consider as really I feel wet and no substance on liner... just that liner is wet wet...

Sticky I consider when it feels like dried glue, u can rub and it feels lumpy... when you stretch it will break...

correct or not huh?
<font color="0000ff">Ibs</font>
some sort lor..... i will gt back the watery for awhile and then back to creamy all the way till my next AF.

<font color="0000ff">Jen</font>
I consider watery when it looks like EWCM but breaks very very easily. EWCM is when its texture is really like egg white.
okay..it make more sense now...

if i miss this time...i will at least knw better on the discharge next time (hopefully not!!)

btw, when do one usually test for pregnancy? I was told we can test as soon as when your normal AF suppose to come but does not come..is that right?

My cycle usually 28 - 29 days but my last cycle is 27 days. Shld i test it this Sun if my AF not come yet? Or wait for few more days?

Which brand is good..I heard of ClearBlue...
<font color="0000ff">Ibs</font>
Some people tested positive b4 their AF due. It all depends on ur HcG level. Lets say if ur AF shd be due this friday. U will be able to gt a positive test reading on Thursday if ur HcG level is high enuf to be detected.
But, of cos u must know ur average luteal phase.
hi lilac,
i had pm u regardign some issue hope u can help me.

thank for you comfort. think i will start to plot next mth now a bit too late AF is 3 day alry.
It's not too late to plot. The temp during AF is not that critical. If you can, you should try this cycle yah? Good luck!
<font color="0000ff">wendypooh</font>
yup.... its not too late to start temp. What <font color="0000ff">Tuffy</font> said is true, AF is not critical. U gt to try it now but not next mth. I remembered when i start temp charting, i started from ard CD15. But lucky my O usually occurs after CD20.

BTW, i have replied u but hope i did ans ur Q.
<font color="0000ff">lilac</font>
I'm not sure if Oed already or not.
Just now saw my discharge on my panty a little wet.. but not much. Seems like dried up already...
So can't tell if i O already.
Last month, FF detects my O to be 18. Today's already CD17.. think i should just take a chance!
Hi chihiro

can i check with you if those symptoms you had before you confirmed your pregnancy...is very similar to when you are expecting your AF to come?

Also, do you have the usual CM discharge?
<font color="ff6000">lbs, yannie,wendypooh</font>
thks !!

i understand the stress ..
hv to tell urself "DE-STRESS"
try again tis mth ... dun be dishearten ..

i still tink temp charting is gd lor
at least u know when u O
when ur AF is gg to coming ...

<font color="0000ff">~lots babydust~</font>
<font color="ff6000">hi lbs</font>
for me hor, i usually hv sore breast for many days when AF is coming ...
for tis cycle,based on my memory, i hv sore breast for a few days and after tt is tender breast liao ..
and also feel bloated lor .. burp quite often ... which i tot it might be due to indegestion ..

as for CM .. ya .. i still got discharge
what i see 2day is yellowish color one .

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 24 Mar 04
wendypooh ...... CD 04
okeanosmao * ... CD 05
skinnyma ....... CD 08
joice .......... CD 12
funny .......... CD 15
amberlyn ....... CD 16
iloveoreo ...... CD 18
lilac .......... CD 19
maya ........... CD 19
Ms Blur ........ CD 20
Emma ........... CD 21
jigsaw ......... CD 21
Jen ............ CD 21
jojoba ......... CD 22
tuffy .......... CD 28
catepillar ..... CD 30
ribena ......... CD 33
jov ............ CD 34
</font><font color="ff0000">
MIA => Pls update ur CD / let us know if u have graduated!

aa ............. CD 44
felene ......... CD 45
wizard ......... CD 55
shopper ........ CD 56
hopeful24 ...... CD 72
moonriver ...... CD 75
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Giggler ........ 13/06/04
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Micky .......... 23/10/04
Wendyl ......... 24/10/04
YeeYee ......... ??/10/04
chihiro ........ ??/11/04
<font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>
<font color="119911">* = PCOS</font>
Common terms used ==> http://www.singaporebrides.com/cgi-bin/forumboard/show.cgi?tpc=36738&amp;post=489349#POST489349
Hi Chihiro

I have been feeling very restless for the past few days. Having yellowish discharge as well.
As I have just started to chart my temp this month from CD12, FF would not really give me an accurate results as to when I ovulated or not.

Hi lilac

Can I add in mine to the list?Today is my CD27

<font color="aa00aa">wendypooh,</font>
u can try this link for hardcopy charting. juz place it beside ur bed, every morning when u ope ur eyes, take temperature, then juz circle the chart can liao


<font color="aa00aa">chihiro,</font>
what kind of pkg details do u want? cos pre-natal pkg only covers consultation fees, medications, normal urine test (think it's for sugar &amp; protein level), scans which include every visit scans + 2 detail scans. 1 detail scan is done at gynae, the other is at TMC. oh, if u'r sick &amp; go to gynae, it's oso FOC. but usu i need to go company doc to get MC 1st cos company dun recognise anything not from company doc!

think i need to go back refer again then let u noe if i missed out anything.

<font color="aa00aa">lilac,</font>
<font color="ff6000">yeeyee's</font> EDD is 24 Oct.
<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
okie, i will include u in the list. Starting from tml okie?

<font color="0000ff">Emma</font>
If u are preg, ur temp will remain high throughout ur whole luteal phase. The dip is only a day and the next day, it will shoot up again and remain high. Hmm... guess im correct.

<font color="0000ff">skinnyma</font>
if u want to colour ur hair, do it NOW! Cos better not do it during ur 2WW. Thats what i thk personally lor.

<font color="0000ff">Angelia</font>
thanks for telling me <font color="0000ff">Yeeyee's</font> EDD. Im thking of removing her from the list liao cos ever since she preggie, she din come into this thread again lor. So sad........

ask u, how to circle the temp? i mean, using the hard copy char,they got so big nbrs-80,90 etc..if there's decimal pt, do we round up to the nearest?
<font color="aa00aa">okean,</font>
if u look carefully, u'll see that 2 rows are bold - 36 and 37. then the numbers in-between are actuall the decimal places.

e.g if ur temp is 36.10, then circle 10 (2nd last row), if ur temp is 36.75 (using basal thermometer) then circle the 75 (8th row from top).

hope i'm clear
Thanks for the information.
I will search the web,, and if anything,, will check with you ya..

Been actually trying for abt 3 months,, since my wedding in Dec'03.

Dun need stupid in yourself.. ha ha,,think me also..
I feel the same way as you leh.. very stress to TTC..

I think my discharge abt the same as you..
yellow discharge..
and i feel very difficult to see lor.. and not not sure hot to check also..
<font color="aa00aa">skinnyma,</font>
i read that it's a no-no to do colouring, but highlight is okie cos it doesn't touch the scalp. of cos, muz get professional to do it &amp; tell them that u'r pregnant &amp; ask them not to let the chemical touch ur scalp.
<font color="ff6000">tuffy</font>
hvnt leh ..

<font color="ff6000">angelia</font>
im referring to pre-natal package i tink...

thanks !

<font color="ff6000">lbs</font>
how long is ur usual cycle? or do u mind posting ur chart here ?
Hi Chihiro

As I said, I only start charting on my CD11..so, not sure how accurate is this..

seems that I ovulated on my CD14...but I didnt BD that day..only a day before (pm) &amp; after(pm).

btw, my usual cycle 28-29...

But my last cycle is 27 days...

I have been having sticky yellowish discharge..lower body like very 'suan'&amp; I feel bloated &amp; burp also..but this is usually how I feel when my AF is near ler.

As for my breasts, feel 'big'(if you know what I mean) but my nipples not pain ler. When my AF near, normally my nipples ache lor.

thinking to test tomorrow if AF not come..or shld I wait few more days?
<font color="ff6000">lbs</font>
well, its entirely up to u lor
for me, i actually wanted to wait till end of this wk then test one ..
but when i took my temp on Mon morning which is 1 day after my 29day cycle, and see that its still on the high side, couldn't resist the temptation .. so i tested and i got the results ...
hi chihiro

is that you always have 29days cycle? actually, I also feel like waiting few more days but couldnt resist the temptation..

<sigh> we women very 'cam' hor..? Very stressed up...but i think is not good as stress may also delay the AF..then later 'yi cang huan xi, yi cang kong'..
<font color="ff6000">lbs</font>
not every of my cycle is 29day one
my last one is 29day ..
sometimes 30 or highest record is 52days

but i juz took 29 as a gauge lor .. :p
thank for providing me the hard copy. like wat lilac say,the hard copy can't really let us know when we "O". Is there any way that we can detect?
Will this chart have the same advantage as fertility friend?

thank for your reply. u did ans my qn, now i trying to digest all those info. last night i gone thru soem of the thread till quite late and struggler to understand. I will try to plot the graph tat angelia gave hope it help.

thank for the comfort and encouragement. whenever i heard ppl getting pregnant, i feel so happy for them and later i will feel very demorlised in myself. i try not to tink but cant help lor. i will try to plot and now under guidance of lilac. she is helping me.

u are better than me i got married on sept 03 and had been trying till now but not very on type waiting for miracle only haha.
u are
you are welcome!
Am happy that we get an avenue to air our concerns and fears here. It's hard to speak to other pple about these things.
hi wendypooh

u also got married last Sep? When? me too. Mine was on 20 Sep 03..

As for me, we didnt really 'try' that hard to get pregnant since September 03. Thought if we let nature takes it course, it will less stressful, though I have pressure from my MIL. My hubby the only child.

We also never use any contraceptive or condoms. Sometimes, we even do on the supposely fertile period...

Actually, I dont know how long shld I consider I TTC for? Last two months, we are also quite active during the fertile periods but also no good news..

Only starting from this month (in fact after my last AF, ha!), we are seriously thinking of having baby, thus I have started to chart my temp lor...
<font color="aa00aa">wendypooh,</font>
the hardcopy is for u to chart daily so that u dun hv to log in to fertility friend to enter data everyday.

if u wan FF to help u detect ur O-day, maybe u key in on weekly basis, but when it's near ur O-day (based on past cycles, roughly calculate ur O-day) enter ur data into FF a few days b4 that then FF might be able to detect ur O.

anyway, FF can detect O-day only AFTER it happens

i still rem there was once there's dip in my body temp ard my 0-day, i quickly BD juz in case ... ;p
