A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

<font color="ff6000">lilac</font>
r u ready for ur battle soon ??
Thanks for the hard copy,, I have receive.
and have also note your teaching method to wendypooh..
For the CM, is it also we need to observe daily and record down?
Sometime, I do not notice any CM at all except, i notice my panties wet or sometime near to AF, I notice yellow/creamy discharge.
So what is this? how to record..

I am really glad to come into here..
Agree with Tuffy,, sometime It's hard to speak to other pple about these things and we can say our out fear here..

But a qns to ask,
usually when O, the temp is high or low..

Ha,, get to know that we have married last year..
It natually that MIL will give us peer pressure lor..
<font color="0000ff">chihiro</font>
not yet start the real battle leh....... i O ard CD24 and today only CD19. But i gt start a warming up battle yst! hehehe.........
hi melody

i read that usually after 3 days consecutive rise in temp, it means you have ovulated lor.

But I am not sure when we exactly O, is the temp high or low ler..
<font color="0000ff">melody</font>
ur temp will be low during ur O. After u O ur temp will be high and remain thr till ur next AF comes.
<font color="ff6000">lilac</font>
jia you !
hope u will be the nx graduate ..

of coz hope all gals here will be the graduates !
<font color="aa00aa">melody,</font>
for CM, juz note them if u see that it's obvious lor. for me, i only note 2 or 3 x cos that's when i find them obvious to me.

CM can be quite impt cos FF oso uses that to double confirm ur O-day.

maybe those creamy type can ignore, but those watery / stretchy better to note down lor.
<font color="0000ff">chihiro</font>
Thanks for ur support! Hope i able to be like u this round. U so gd BD twice and jackpot.

Hmm.... maybe i ned to find a rainy night too??
<font color="ff6000">lilac</font>
hee .. oso din expect to hit jackpot coz i did experience sore breast .. so i tot AF is gg visit me ..

ya ... stormy n rainy night ...
Hi ladies,

Same here.. cant help feeling demoralised and depressed after failing each cycle. I've reached the extent that I'm not comfortable meeting my frens! Cos that's one of the first questions they have in mind.. Am only comfortable talking to a few close frens about it.

2 of my frens striked on 1st try and another already expecting the 2nd one! also 1st try! and I see so many pregnant ladies around, hearing so many people I know getting pregnant or given birth already. I feel very stressed out..

For the past couple of months, I actually broke down when AF arrived... Also tried to hide from hubby whenever the mood strikes cos' I didnt want to dampen his mood though he's quite optimistic about it and taking it easy with no pressure. It's more of a woman's thing, yah?
Hi lilac,

You normally O around CD24? Did you try taking BFW? Cos I find I O earlier after taking it. Hope it helps for you and lots of baby dust to you!
<font color="0000ff">shuin</font>
yup i taking BFW and have been taking for months liao. Sometimes i overdose and will become heaty and so my cycle will be much more later! Like last month, i O on CD28. Haiz....... becos im a heaty person and so i cant take too much heaty stuffs to "pu".

Baby dust to u too..........

I understand how u feel cos i also break down last time when i saw my AF. My hubby was abit shock when i break down that time and keep consoling me and telling me nvm can try again........

Now i trying to learn to let go liao.
<font color="ff6000">lilac</font>
look for a Fa(3) Shi(1) to do rites ... bring wind and rain on ur fertile nights ...
hi lilac

no wonder you said you usually O on CD24...

no worries, at least yours is pretty consistent, right?

One of my friend has very irregular AF but she doesnt like to 'get help' from consuming pills/medicine lor..

so, after marrying for 2 years,still trying..

yep, we all must 'jia you'..hope everyone TTC here is going to graduate very soon!
I am getting depressed today. My temp just dropped 0.3 this morning.

Though AF not come yet..not sure is this a sign?

Anyone having temp dip just before AF comes?
hi angelia,

erm..but i haven't reach my O day yet leh...should be ok to colour hair before O day right?

Every one jia you!!
hi lbs,
My temp usually drop before my AF. Are you expecting it soon? Don't be too discouraged yah? can always try again.

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 25 Mar 04
wendypooh ...... CD 05
okeanosmao * ... CD 06
skinnyma ....... CD 09
joice .......... CD 13
funny .......... CD 16
amberlyn ....... CD 17
iloveoreo ...... CD 19
lilac .......... CD 20
maya ........... CD 20
Ms Blur ........ CD 21
Emma ........... CD 22
jigsaw ......... CD 22
Jen ............ CD 22
jojoba ......... CD 23
lbs ............ CD 28
tuffy .......... CD 29
catepillar ..... CD 31
ribena ......... CD 34
jov ............ CD 35
</font><font color="ff0000">
MIA => Pls update ur CD / let us know if u have graduated!

aa ............. CD 45
felene ......... CD 46
wizard ......... CD 56
shopper ........ CD 57
hopeful24 ...... CD 73
moonriver ...... CD 76
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Giggler ........ 13/06/04
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Micky .......... 23/10/04
Wendyl ......... 24/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ ??/11/04
<font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>
<font color="119911">* = PCOS</font>
Common terms used ==> http://www.singaporebrides.com/cgi-bin/forumboard/show.cgi?tpc=36738&amp;post=489349#POST489349
<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
For me, when my temp drop, my AF comes either on that very day or the next day.

Maybe ur temp will increase again tml?
Dun be discouraged..... if u failed again this month, then we work hard again for next round!
<font color="aa00aa">shuin,</font>
maybe when ur frenz or relatives ask "when's ur turn", juz tell them "when it's time, i'll let u know" with a smile

for me, previously, when my relatives asked, i'll ask them "u wanna take care for me or pay for me izzit?"

maybe u'll also like to start on BFP if u haven't. i finished 7 bottles (which is abt 2 cycles) &amp; hit jackpot
not sure if it's the effect of BFP but no harm building up our constitute right?

<font color="aa00aa">skinnyma,</font>
oh, i thot u in ur 2WW mah. if not, think it's okie to go ahead with ur plan
<font color="ff6000">suet</font>
thanks !
no i hvnt decide to see which gynea yet ...

<font color="ff6000">lbs</font>
dun giv up hope yet
pray that ur AF dun come and ur temp go up tomolo
kekeke ...
for me, my temp will drop gradually for 2 days before my AF come
Hi angelia,

Yup, am already taking BFW and it helps to regulate my menses and shorten my cycles. Take good care of yourself and your little one. Hope to join your club soon..
Hi lbs,

Same here, when my temp drop AF will come within 2 days, sometimes on the very day. But dont lose hope cos I've seen many BBT charts with temp drops about AF time but it increased later or stay above the coverline and they're preg!
hi tuffy/lilac

yea, I usually have 28-29 days cycle. last month was 27 days cycle, though.

I know i shld not be 'cao zi guo ji' (rushing things) but really getting a bit discouraged when I saw my temp dropped this morning. I even took few times just to be sure.

Initially thought to buy the kit to test if my temp stays high today...but...i am just crossing fingers now..
<font color="0000ff">Tuffy</font>
what abt u? u are currently in CD29. Which day u O?? U in ur 2WW rite? Anythg yet??
hi lilac,
am into DPO 10 now. Nothing in the chart that indicates any positive signs.. Temp is 36.79. still about the same as the last few days.

I got some cramps today and I thought AF is coming (cos my cycle is usually 28 days). But hasn't arrived yet.
<font color="aa00aa">pets,</font>
think me wk 12 only lah. maybe i O-late

not feeling good recently, every nite for the past wk, sure to donate dinner to the toilet bowl
hopefully this will pass this wk!! *pray hard hard*

maybe u can join us at http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/36738/50440.html? too

<font color="aa00aa">shuin,</font>
guess u muz relax and i'm sure u will be joining us soon

or maybe get some O-test kit to help better determine ur O-day? i used 1 &amp; strike, think <font color="ff6000">chihiro</font> oso juz bought &amp; strike
You all mentioned that you take BFW. Which brand?
Does BFW really help?
Sometime, I feel how come some pple really get preg after one try.. but why I try so many times and fail.. Sometime,, I do hope my AF dun ever come..

Saw ur name in the EDD list..
Wow, Congr.
How many time u try?
<font color="ff6000">tuffy</font>
since ur temp remains high ... shd hv chance
keep my fingers cross for u ..
<font color="0000ff">Tuffy</font>
Maybe u really gt chance?? Keep my fingers crossed for u!

<font color="0000ff">Angelia</font>
Hehe.... i also just bought my O-test kit but haven use yet. Hmm.... hope i can be like u, use 1 and strike.

BTW, when do u used it? Cos i intend to used when i start to see watery CM. Is it correct? Or u go according to the table given?

<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
DPO -> number of Days Pass Ovulation
<font color="0000ff">melody</font>
I buy my BFW from Eu Ren Sheng. It does help in regulating ur menses if u are those irregular type.
Hi tuffy

yeap, crossing my fingers for you &amp; myself too..we are in our 'critical stage' now..
your chance is higher actually...

hi lilac

thks for the info.
btw, is there any relation between DPO &amp; getting pregnant? like, usually after how many DPO, pregnancy can be detected...
<font color="ff6000">lbs</font>
DPO refers to days past ovulation .
meaning 1DPO is the day after ur O-day and will be refered as DPO until your AF visits
Hi gals,
Thanks for the encouragement! but I think DPO10 is still too early to tell. usually my temp will drop on DPO13 and then wala AF is here. So gotta hope that it remains high up to DPO14 before I would say i have a chance.

just crossed my mind..I used to fear my AF not coming on time..now, pray hard hard it wont come..!

<font color="aa00aa">melody,</font>
i tried for abt 6 mths. tough work, but strike when we kind of "give up" &amp; in relax mode &amp; not doing those pillows under legs for 15 mins stuff, etc.. instead, i went urinate almost immediately then went to bed.

i got my BFP from Eu Yang Sang as well

<font color="aa00aa">lilac,</font>
think it's best to follow the chart. if urs is regular, even better cos dun need to waste too many.

for me, that time i scared i'll end up with not enuff to use (cos my cycle difference too wide) so i kind of waited till i see watery CM. luckily din miss the boat!!

<font color="aa00aa">lbs,</font>
usu, can test for pregnancy when u'r 18 DPO, unless of cos, ur AF is so irregular that it comes only every 2~3 mths type, then will not be accurate lor.
<font color="0000ff">Angelia</font>
thats what i thk too. Im afraid i will end up with insufficient test strips. Cos my O for last month delay by 4days and im afraid this round will delay again..... Haiz.......
hi angelia

my first few months of mariage, we are also in relax mode...dun want to think/plan so much but..<sigh>

actually when we are in this stage (I mean start charting our CM/temp/BD, etc) is already kinna of stressful...especially the waiting period..

Hi melody

kinna agree with you..I have friends who are like remote control..
ont want = dont have; want= strike it immediately...
<font color="ff6000">hi melody</font>
we tried for abt 3mths ...

<font color="ff6000">lilac</font>
how many strips did u order last time?
if u usually Oed ard CD18, prob u can start testing from CD17 onwards ...
cna save on the strip then ..
<font color="0000ff">chihiro</font>
i ordered the 7pcs set and they free 1pc. So in total i gt 8pcs. If im not wrong i will O on ard CD24. So i will start testing maybe on CD22? N of cos gt to double check with my CM.

can i know if let say temp drop before AF meaning not much chance of begin preg..
the best is actually temp maintain thru..

can i know is there any BD position which can help to have greater preg stage.
