A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi ladies

just bought one box from Guardian. I guess shld be not harmful eating even though the box said shld consult doc first lor.

I just read in a research article that women should always get enough folic acid every day even if you're not thinking about a baby any time soon.

The rest is right. We shld ideally consuming 3 months before TTC but it never gets too late now.
Maybe for those that are currently waiting to graduate anytime now shld check with doc first lor.As for me, since my AF just came, I wont expect to get preggie anytime now lar..

just treat it as a normal supplement you would take daily lor.

Hi everyone!
hi lilac
thanks for always updating the chart!

i hasn't really chat in here cos i'm not too sure about things and don't think i'll be of much help here
in fact, i didn't really ttc yet though i would love to
becos i'm now trying to regulate my menses..you know my menses for this month is not here yet
!!! so if its so irregular, i don't know how i should go about trying for bb.
so i'm really upset loh..
lilac, wat's the point of me taking folic acid when dunno will accidentally strike or not... like very wasted like that leh...

my temp like higher than usual this few days... dunno is it becos AF coming or i feeling a bit sick this few days... sigh...
Hi Giggler
Thanks.. Do you have any unbearable pain during AF.
But i guess cysts is very common in everywoman nowadays.. - i see from a report from news

PCOS is polycystic ovary syndrome. I took medicine then can induce my menses. Also took medicine to induce ovulation, but on the last 2 times succeeded in inducing the ovulation
ya even if AF come each month also may not have ovulation .... You can go to the infertility and high risk pregnancy thread to know more abt this
hi jen..

have you past your usual AF due date?
If yes, then you might be preggie liao..

yeap, quite true if you might get preggie anytime now so if you really want to consume must check with doc.

Anyway, when you confirm preggie, I think doc will still prescribe you folic acid.
Hi melody, I used to have unbearble pain during AF years ago and gynae detected fibroids. Got them removed 2 years ago but got cysts now. However, I don't feel any menses cramp from the cysts.
<font color="0000ff">Jen</font>
Taking folic acid is not wasteful at all lah.When u are TTCing, u ahd take, even if u are preggie, doc will still prescribe u the same folic acid. When my SIL preggie she also took one tablet per day.

I start taking folic acid when my SIL ask me too. That time i was abit reluctant but then when i came to this thread, then i know the importance of taking folic acid.

N it is recommended that we shd take it 3mths b4 we conceive. So u dun worri, cos its for the sake of the bb.

<font color="0000ff">ribena</font>
or maybe u are preggie liao? Have u pass ur usual luteal phase? How irregular is ur menses??

<font color="0000ff">Pet</font>
No choice mah...... cos 3mths b4 conceive must take leh. N i thgt its easy to strike, but who knows...... "yi zha yen" i took 2nd box of folic acid liao........

<font color="0000ff">Angelia &amp; chihiro</font>
when u use ur O-test kit, do u follow the instruction as not to drk water 2hours b4 test and somethg like take unrine sample at the 3rd hour?

Cos i saw abit of stretchy EWCM now. But it breaks after strecthing for abt 1cm. Will be testing later after work when i reach home ard 7pm. It was also written that the best time to test is at 12noon to 8pm. Do u follow this rule??
hi all,

i think i need some help..on analysing the temping chart..

actually me play cheat lah, only started temping earlier this week coz based on the ovulation website i visited, one said i should O on 24/3 whilst another said on 26/3 (based on my regular 30 days)..

my temp on mon-wed remain at 36.1 and thur at 36.3 and today it went up to 36.6.

does that means i will O today or ,maybe over the weekend?

thanks for your help in advance..

lbs, melody, shuin
our suiation are the same we have so much stress on our selve. i did not reallt try hard the last time now then panic alry.
last time thought getting bb so easy just need to sleep together then can liao who know so hard very stupid hor last time we all so innocent unlike like all kid so smart
<font color="0000ff">wendypooh</font>
Yeah........ gd for u that u take ur temp this morning.

oops.... forget to tell u that u gt to take ur temp under the same condition/environment and same time everyday.

If one day aircon and one day no aircon, its not accurate liao lor.

I am also thinking to use O-test kit for this cycle later.

Hope to know more abt this kit. Does it means if tested we ovulated, meaning we shld BD on that day?

Also, can the kit be re-use? I am just wondering when to use the test kit - Is it when your temp shows a dip? or agak-agak that you shld be ovulating during then period then just test &amp; trial?

Sorry I am blur abt this test kit.
<font color="0000ff">ice-jelly</font>
u gt to see the temp for next 2days. If next 2days also goes up or maintain at 36.6, that means u O on wednesday. What abt ur temp b4 Monday?? What abt ur CM?

Experts.....correct me if im wrong hor.
<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
sorry cant help u....... cos i just bought this kit and haven try yet. But cant be re-use lor.

For my case, i will test it when i beginning to see EWCM, cos dun one to waste my test kit mah.... N if tested positive, that means our egg will release within 8-36hours and we shd hurry BD.
<font color="ff6000">lilac</font>
i rem i tested on diff times of the day during my supposed fertile period
once i tested ard 7pm, nx time i tested ard 12pm and then i tested in the morning .. :p
but read from somewhere, we can actually test from 10am onwards lor ..

ok thank. so u mean as long as everytime the condition is the same then is ok to take in aircon room.
i will plot tomorrow since i off tom.
hi lilac,

the thing is i cant seem to detect any CM for the past 3 months since i started tcc-ing..

errr..i din take my temp prior to this week..actually thot i will only seriously take up temping if i fail this month (again)..my hands itchy so i thot to take for this week for fun lor...heee

so does it means that after O, temp will remain high until next AF?

aiyo i always have the misconception that temp will rise during O...
hi wendypooh

yea, i think I am too naive liao. I shld have done so many things before even got married...Shld have regular body check up, shld have read up more &amp; start taking supplements (if needed)..<sigh> the worst is shld not have wasted those months of bo-chaping lor..

now, start to worry this &amp; that...
Hi ladies,

Depression strikes me again. Another colleague of mine just got pregnant and it's her first try as well.. People around me seems to get lucky with their first tries...

Feel so frustrated with myself and really very demoralised. Feel like hiding now and cry out... Sorry for all these but I really need a channel to let out..
<font color="ff6000">shuin</font>
understand how u feel..
must keep cool and relax...when i failed in my last try, i oso keep telling myself, dun be dishearted.. must relax ..

u can do it !!
did you join in for the CD update??
why is it the kit can be use only between 12 - 8pm?

Is it because ovulation will only happen during this hrs?


when you said you checked to see EWCM, meaning that you usually check your CM in the morning issit? then will use the test O-test kit something between 12pm-8pm?

Can I conclude tha EWCM will appear first, then you test + on O-kit, then ovulation shld happen 6-36hrs later?

alamak, I am getting naggy

aiyoh, now I realise there is sooo much to learn...worst than taking exam!

so glad I am here in this thread..
i agreed wif u too we never though so much b4 now then know the hard. we nevr go any check up too even though i alway have painful mense.cos thought my mense very regular so thought ok.
now very scare alry hearing those cyst, etc. my sis have help me to fix an appointment next mth for body check up

relax. i know your stress i feel the same way as u do. i just got over 2 days ago when i heard my friend getting pregnant.
<font color="ff6000">ice jelly</font>
actually i tink shd start temping as early as possible ..
this will let u see ur cycle's pattern .. easier to time when to BD
<font color="0000ff">wendypooh</font>
yup, so long u take ur temp ard the same time under the same condition, its okie.

<font color="0000ff">ice-jelly</font>
ur temp will increase after u O. N it will remain high up there until ur AF comes. So 1-2days b4 ur AF due, ur temp will drop. But if u pass ur usual luteal phase and AF still not here, it means u are likely to be pregnant.

<font color="0000ff">shuin</font>
u must not stress urself cos it will affect ur bb making process! Must learn to destress..... and be happy. Dun thk too much abit it. Tell urself that it does not help u at all if u continue to feel demoralised! Dun be affected by ur pregnant friends or relatives or colleagues.

yea..relax..dun forget you have us here fighting the same battle !!


where will you be going for the checkup? my friend help me to get a brochure from KK. I think for the full package checkup (breast,scan,papsmear etc) is abt S$200++. Still thinking hsld I take up?
hi chihiro,

yalor so i think if i din make it again this month, i will have to start temping diligently liow..but then if i cant detect my CM at all, then FF cannot detect my O based on my temp only is it huh.

<font color="ff0000">shuin</font>
You're not alone. i'm pretty sure there's many of us out there who feel the same way as you.
I also got news from my colleague that his wife also pregnant liao, giving birth in Oct.. and the other in Apr. They all got married later than me. And here i am, still childless.

I told my hubby and he asked me not to worry.. coz' it's only this month that we seriously started trying.. sometimes can feel really frustrated.
<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
from what i learn, pregnancy test need to be done in the morning using ur first urine of the day bcos that is the time when ur hCG level is the highest. This hCG level is to detect whether u are preggie or not.

As for O kit, its diff from pregnancy test kit. U've gt to test it at at a later time of the day. Cos that time is when the duno what content is higher lor.

Haha..... its not that ovulation happens between that time lah(i guess).

I will always chk my CM when i go toilet but when im nearer to my O day, i will pay more attention to my CM. So this morning my CM was still creamy, but just now aft lunch, it become watery and abit stretchy liao lor. So today after work i must hurry test. Cos if tested positive, that means O will take place in 8-36hrs time.

N hor, this is my first time testing so i cant contribute much knowledge to u lor. Paisay hor.......
<font color="0000ff">ice-jelly</font>
FF will still be able to detect ur O day. Just that ur line will be dotted one instead of solid red line.
<font color="ff6000">ice jelly</font>
FF will still agar agar detect ur O day lor
i got 1 cycle which i did not input my CM .. so they hv this dotted lines which would determine ur coverline ...
thanks lilac,

but one more question, how do i know i have already O since temp will only increase after we O. isn't it too late liow to bd by then..

hi lilac

thks a lot for the info..

hahhaa...it is more than enough knowledge I gained from u ladies here...better than do the readings myself then start scratching head...

so, when tested positive, better to BD soon right?
I also read that depending on hubby's sperms quality, the fastest swimmers may find the egg in as little as 45 minutes, while the slowest can take up to 12 hours..so, if we really want to board the boat, our hubby must work harder...

Is the O-kit expensive? Any particular brand to recommend?
<font color="0000ff">ice-jelly</font>
Thats y FF helps us to determine our O day.
U have to plot ur chart for few cycles and u will know u O on which day. So when u are near ur O day, u have to start BDing.

U must understand that FF does not tell u which day to BD. It is to help u chart ur cycle and to let u know which day u normally O.
<font color="ff6000">ice-jelly</font>
keke... once u see ur temp drops ard ur O-day,
assuming u agar from the last cycle,
better BD if you got chance .. :p

Wow... you ladies are real fast in responding! Thanks, I'm feeling better now. I'm glad to have you gals around. jia you jia you!
thanks lilac and chihiro,

ya u gers are really fast..almost cant catch up liow. but luckily today boss not in so can lobo and online most of the time.. shhsss

have a good weekend ahead and hope we can strike jackpot ASAP..

<font color="0000ff">chihiro</font>
nope.... haven test yet. Will test when i reach home later at 7pm. So eager liao.....
hi chihiro

just curious why you didnt buy off the rack from pharmacies?

is the O-kit from this web better?
<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
I also bought from preggie bliss.. they are much cheaper than those from the pharmacies..
Hey gals,

Just wanna ask.. if you have watery discharge in the morning, then come afternoon, it was a "lump"... late afternoon creamy... how to classify ???
<font color="ff6000">lilac</font>
jia you ! O-day ard the corner ...

<font color="ff6000">lbs</font>
coz its much cheaper ..

i nv bought from pharmacies b4 .. except for preg test kits when i tot i might be preggie few mhts back ..
i oso bought preg test kits from this web site too ..

<font color="ff6000">tuffy</font>
u are in CD30 today liao ..
any news?
