A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi penguin, i used up all 5 sticks of clearblue OPK...even though on paper i am supposed to O, the OPK stick didnt show any dark line on the O day. But the mucus discharge turned v stretchy and clear-white. So i took it that i did O as said on the O chart and did my BD. Not sure if I am rite or wrong. But no harm BD on the supposed O day.

on my chubby frame, i thot of exercising but worry that too much running and workout might interferes with my cycle...actually hor...maybe it boils down to laziness lah...hee
hi penguin,
i used 5 stick of clearblue OPK through the supposed O date but didnt get any dark line indicating O. But noticed mucus discharge got clear and stretchy on the supposed O day so I BD. I supposed no harm BD on the supposed O day even the OPK didnt show dark line...just in case...

checking...how long will implantation takes after O day? Will one experience slight pain on the right lower half stomach?
penguin - dun be too worried or stressed out first.. maybe u really haven't O.. did u track ur CM? for me, i used up 10 sticks of OPK and panicked and got upset coz i thot i din O.. but in e end when i tracked my CM, and i saw a bit oF EWCM i hurry test and managed to get a +ve reading on CD 21. which OPK u using?

yuki - keke.. me not say anxious i guess.. but really lurve kids and my ambition like frm sec skl was to be a SAHM.. haha.. so many of my frens ask me study until uni for wat.. so i guess it kinda makes me feel very bad when i see many others getting preg but not me.. but of coz.. i will listen to dr chua n work hard at putting on wt.. =)
Dear all, i have think alot for my job, will carry on first but i need to tune my mentality a bit. ie. don tik of work after office hrs, do wat i can at work.
koori - yup.. try not to allow ur job t eat into ur pte life.. me also trying very hard to draw a line.. coz smetimes when i go back, all i can think abt is how i have so much work to do the next day.. and it affects my mood very badly

for me, my nipples will sore after O. i O on CD17 for continuous 3 cycles. and always experience sore nipples.


yup, low progesterone level means one does not O well or never O. i got a friend whose menses are very regular, also have EWCM but her progesterone level is very very low... her gynae told her she did not O
Hi penguin,

I used the clearblue opk on CD14 and got a smile face (means +ve). Then I used the normal wan we use which is green in colour, realised that the test band is not of a darker colour then the control band. I think the clearblue wan is more sensitive. Although the green colour opk shows a negative result, but clearblue shows positive result. And I take it that the result is positive coz i got more EWCM. Then on CD15, i tested the clearblue wan again, realised that no more smiling face.... think I already Oed on CD14.
Hi Caitlyn

Dun worry me same case as u, only having menses very few times a year. But I managed to have a son after 2 years of marriage. Now trying hard for no. 2. Hit rate low but no equal to unable to have one.

Let's workhard together
Hi Penguin & Peg

Low progesterone means either u didn't O or u didn't O well enough....

My progesterone was low at first... so, my gynae prescribe me wif Clomid which increase the readings after that... but this is my 4th cycle... so far, not preggy yet...
Hi girls,

Wonder if anyone taken clomid and obtain higher BBT after ovulation as compared to past cycle? Is this one of the side effects?
piggy - i think for e green one tt we use.. the test band does not need to be darker than the control line.. coz i realised when O, there'll be a test line.. but when no O there'll only be e ctrl line.. for my case lah.. =)

ohohjazz - yup.. must work hard together! i wish i wun keep havig menses only once every 2 - 3mths.. really quite sianz when trying for bb!
hi caitlyn..

dun think it is true with regards to the OPK leh..

when i dont o i also have a faint postive line
Hi caitlyn,

Thats why next time I will treat got a test line means O liao lor.... so that dont need to waste the clearblue opk... its more expensive..
stella - depends on e brand maybe? when i used clear plan was like tt.. but when i use e green one was not.. coz tt time when i got a faint positive line on the green one i used my clearblue one to double confirm.. =) maybe diff batches diff? =)

piggy - keke.. me oso.. coz i used both e green one n clearblue one.. n if follow by wat i think, for me tt's how e green one works.. but stella's results seem diff..
So you use 2opk ah? Me too leh.... because of the fact that clearblue says +ve and green wan says -ve, I treat it that once the green opk shows a line in the test band, i treat as positive.
piggy - i did it for last mth.. when i suspected tt i O but my green one e test line fainter than the ctrl line altho all along i only have e ctrl line.. keke.. think we both think alike.. trying to figure out e green OPK! haha
Hi Caitlyn

ya lor... be good gal follow Dr Chua's instruction lah... izzit because u r underweight that yr AF is irregular?

Hi Piggy

If we are using the same one... the green one... it has to show 2 lines in the test band to be positive...
yuki - dr chua says most likely.. she did show me some pics and all.. but cannot really rem liao.. haha.. very notti student.. but she says with such wt issues most likely diff to conceive oso.. coz maybe dun O well.. coz most ppl w irregular periods either dun O or dun O well i think.. i oso dunno.. i think piggy noes must show 2 lines.. but the test line doesn't need to be darker than the control line rite?
Hi yuki,
I know must show 2 lines... mine got show 2 lines but then like wat caitlyn says, the test line is not darker than the control line

I also using the green one and all the while I only have a contril line which is nearer to the green handle. As for the test line whichis nearer to the mark, it's very faint. I suspect it's nothing but juz a trace of test line which does not show up, meaning not O.
penguin - when i use e green one.. only a ctrl line will show.. i guess once or twice there was a super super faint test line almost invisible then i'll assume i din O.. but ever once when i tested, i saw two visible lines.. but ctrl line darker than the other line.. since i suspect i O on tt day.. i went to check my clearblue which showed a smiley face (meaning O).. i guess the clearblue one is more sensitive.. but darned EXP!
Hakida - please help interpret the SA results, got it today, finally!
Motility 63%
a) rapid progression - 38
b) slow progression - 19
c) non-progressive - 6
d) immotile - 37 (doc circle this, not sure why)
Vitality 83%
Morphology 7% (seem this one is the prob one - normal should be at least 15%)
Agglutination - No
Comments : Teratozoospermia
talking abt OPKs, i am using the green one. the test line is darker than the control line last 2 cycles when i O. got to wait for a while then the 'darkness' will appear.

i am sick.... having slight fever and running nose.
Hi all, can pls advise me??? i hav been ttc-ing for abt two years and hav been seeing doc due to irregular menses. hav taken progesterone since 2005 fr day 1 to day 5 and clomid for the past 6mths. my last menses was on 9may and hav miss till today. i feel like vomitting n got headache. sometimes will crave for certain foods which causes me to gain weight. tot that pregnant but testkit shows 'negative'. So wat should i do now???? my hubby and i are so 'sian' ttc-ing for so long yet no result.
Hi Jolene,

Count from 9 May until today is only CD20. Have u ever encouner such a short cycle?
Will your headache be side-effect of clomid? I do encounter that the last time when i am taking it.
hi ladies,

anyone done blood test around Day 3/4 and Day 23/24? My doc simply say the test results is normal...Care to share your insights and test results for comparison purpose? Is there anything i should ask doc about the results??

Hayashi, you seem to be in medical industry care to give pointers...

Blood Test :

Day 4:
TSH: 1.720 uIU/ml
Free T4:1.35 ng/dl
FSH: 11.48IU/L
LH: 9.52 IU/L
Estradiol (E2): 194.50 pmol/L
Prolactin: 254.30 miU/L

Progesterone: 26.24 nmoi/L

hi ladies,

anyone done blood test around Day 3/4 and Day 23/24? Doc simply say the test results is normal (see below), feel cheated paying $200 for these tests! ...care to share your insights and test results for comparison purpose? Is there anything i should ask doc about the results??

Hayashi, you seem to be in medical industry care to give pointers...

Blood Test :

Day 4:
TSH: 1.720 uIU/ml
Free T4:1.35 ng/dl
FSH: 11.48IU/L
LH: 9.52 IU/L
Estradiol (E2): 194.50 pmol/L
Prolactin: 254.30 miU/L

Progesterone: 26.24 nmoi/L

hi ladies, did anyone try using the OPK & HPT and found that both lines appear? is it possible to show positive on OPK & HPT at the same time?
If you have tested +ve for OPK, it may means you r preg. Certain molecular part of the HCG and LH are similar. It just means u maybe preg, so do a HPT to confirm....
Good Luck.
hi hayashi & blueblue, I did a test on both OPK & HPT.. both shows positive. im still not sure if im preggie. tis morning tested on HPT again and it shows positive. will go n buy the clearblue type of HPT later after work to confirm.
kat - i think if u're preggy still can show +ve on OPK.. coz the clearplan instructions do say tt is possible.. i guess there's quite a high chance.. helping u keep fingers crossed! =)
koori, I don't see any other brand except for the Florida Pink Ruby (grapefruit juice) from NTUC. This Florida brand one I got it at $6.70. It's a hugh pack not sure if you all see any other brand which is cheaper? Pls receommend me.

piggy clearblue is damn EX.. I didn't buy it coz i thok the green one can produce the same result, hmm..

i got lotz of CM but no sign of +ve on the green OPK, either I O, not O yet or not even O (after the supposed-DPO)

i have this qn.. if taking clomid can we still try at the same cycle month or have to wait till next cycle? Can any1 pls enlighten me?
(As of 30 May)

Waiting to Ovulate

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> CD</TD><TD> O date</TD><TD> AF Expected</TD><TD> Cycle length</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tami</TD><TD> 4</TD><TD> 16 June</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 34 - 36 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sharon</TD><TD> 4</TD><TD> 12 June</TD><TD> 28 June</TD><TD> 31-34</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yuki</TD><TD> 6</TD><TD> 10 June</TD><TD> 24 June</TD><TD> 28 31</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hayashi Hakida</TD><TD> 8</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 16-18 June</TD><TD> 30-32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hoonie</TD><TD> 12</TD><TD> 8 June</TD><TD> 20 June</TD><TD> 30-35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Icebaby</TD><TD> 15</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 16 June</TD><TD> 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elizabeth</TD><TD> 17</TD><TD> 27 May</TD><TD> 11 June</TD><TD> 26-30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>penguin8</TD><TD> 21</TD><TD> 29 May</TD><TD> 13 June</TD><TD> 30-32</td></tr></table>


<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> CD</TD><TD> DPO</TD><TD> AF Expected</TD><TD> Cycle length</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Koori</TD><TD> 17</TD><TD> 2 dpo</TD><TD> 10 June</TD><TD> 28 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Stella</TD><TD> 24</TD><TD> 7 dpo</TD><TD> 2 dpo</TD><TD> 6 June </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bettle_bug</TD><TD> 24</TD><TD> 8 dpo</TD><TD> 5 June</TD><TD> 28 30</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Piggy_ng</TD><TD> 25</TD><TD> 10 dpo</TD><TD> 6 June</TD><TD> 30</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Belle</TD><TD> 28</TD><TD> 13 dpo</TD><TD> 27-28</TD><TD> 27 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blueblue</TD><TD> 28</TD><TD> 9 dpo</TD><TD> 1 June</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fat Fat</TD><TD> 29</TD><TD> 16 dpo</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 28</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Berries</TD><TD> 30</TD><TD> 17-19 May</TD><TD> 2 June</TD><TD> 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gladys bride</TD><TD> 33</TD><TD> 16 dpo</TD><TD> 26 May</TD><TD> 27-28 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Char</TD><TD> Any good news?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Louie</TD><TD> Any good news?</td></tr></table>

<font color="aa00aa">Gaduates
Hi Kat

I think u shld be preggy lah... I remember reading somewhere before that OPK can also be used as HPT...

Keeping our finger crossed for u... let us know when u got the confirmation...

Hi Penguin

When taking Clomid... u MUST try in the same cycle... Clomid helps u to ovulate better and thus increase yr chance for that cycle...

Penguin and koori,

i bought another brand "ceres" dunno if it is as good as florida but its cheaper.

I got it from ntuc, it is not placed under non-refrigerated area .It is somewhere near those YEO'S drinks area.
