A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi ladies, any of your hubby went for sperm analysis test before? will the doc sit you down and explain the results to you? what is the procedure like? thanks...
morning ladies,

thanks for all the wishes... *spreading all the baby dust to you*

my gynae told me im 7 weeks preggie now. he can only estimate cozs my menses are pretty irregular and no sypotoms of preggie also. think my EDD in Jan 07.
(As of 31 May)

Waiting to Ovulate

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> CD</TD><TD> O date</TD><TD> AF Expected</TD><TD> Cycle length</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tami</TD><TD> 5</TD><TD> 16 June</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 34 - 36 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sharon</TD><TD> 5</TD><TD> 12 June</TD><TD> 28 June</TD><TD> 31-34</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yuki</TD><TD> 7</TD><TD> 10 June</TD><TD> 24 June</TD><TD> 28 31</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hayashi Hakida</TD><TD> 9</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 16-18 June</TD><TD> 30-32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hoonie</TD><TD> 13</TD><TD> 8 June</TD><TD> 20 June</TD><TD> 30-35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Icebaby</TD><TD> 16</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 16 June</TD><TD> 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elizabeth</TD><TD> 18</TD><TD> 27 May</TD><TD> 11 June</TD><TD> 26-30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>penguin8</TD><TD> 22</TD><TD> 29 May</TD><TD> 13 June</TD><TD> 30-32</td></tr></table>


<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> CD</TD><TD> DPO</TD><TD> AF Expected</TD><TD> Cycle length</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Koori</TD><TD> 18</TD><TD> 3 dpo</TD><TD> 10 June</TD><TD> 28 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Stella</TD><TD> 25</TD><TD> 8 dpo</TD><TD> 2 dpo</TD><TD> 6 June </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bettle_bug</TD><TD> 25</TD><TD> 9 dpo</TD><TD> 5 June</TD><TD> 28 30</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Piggy_ng</TD><TD> 26</TD><TD> 11 dpo</TD><TD> 6 June</TD><TD> 30</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Belle</TD><TD> 29</TD><TD> 14 dpo</TD><TD> 27-28</TD><TD> 27 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blueblue</TD><TD> 29</TD><TD> 10 dpo</TD><TD> 1 June</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fat Fat</TD><TD> 30</TD><TD> 17 dpo</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 28</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Berries</TD><TD> 31</TD><TD> 17-19 May</TD><TD> 2 June</TD><TD> 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gladys bride</TD><TD> 34</TD><TD> 17 dpo</TD><TD> 26 May</TD><TD> 27-28 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Char</TD><TD> Any good news?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Louie</TD><TD> Any good news?</td></tr></table>

<font color="aa00aa">Gaduates
Hi Katherine


So happy for u... Wanna share wif us somethings that you have done during this cycle that could have helped u got preggy?

Do take care of yourself....

congrats kat...do take care...eat well and rest more....

penguin, i used OPK but show no sign of O and i think I did O because I monitored mucus and it did turn transparent and sticky on the date it is supposed to O on the ovulation chart. perhaps you like to use that as a reference.
yuki, frankly speaking, i din do anyting.. remember in March, i got mid-cycle bleeding after taking clomid. then i stop and my menses did not come at all until now.

so when im preggie, i also duno. my gynae say i might ovulate much later that's why my blood test shows no ovulation at all. so im very lucky to strike even my menses was not here yet.
Hi Katherine

OIC... "wu dai wu chuan" mah... hehehhe...

Juz outta curiosity... after taking Clomid, do you find that yr CM decreased?
Hi Penguin

U might wanna see yr gynae and do further test before taking Clomid... A bloodtest @ 7 dpo should be able to tell if u ovulate well..

Hi Sharon

So far, didn't get report back yet... that reminds me to call my nurse to check if the report is back...
Hi Kat

Thks for the info... at least, I'm more assured now that even there's a lack of presence of CM, there's still chance of pregnancy...

Coz after taking Clomid... I realised that my CM went into hiding... so, was kinda concern....
kat - CONGRATULATIONS!! happy for u!!

yuki - u did all ur preconception tests w dr chua? my AF still invisible.. tested HPT today again but still -ve... so totally give up hope liao.. just waiting patiently for AF to appear!
wah everytime I login see new graduates! feel so glad for those who finally walk away with a bundle of joy after working so hard, just like receiving our grad cert from the principal! haha

Hi Kat <font color="ff0000">* CONGRATS to you!!! *</font>

Yuki/ sharon / hashiya, my CL is 30-32 days and I suppose i should O around 28-30 May this cycle. Chiam liao, if I O early then I no chance liao this round. Hiya why har..

yuki, how to book for bloodtest? My O day is only "estimated" so I not sure which day is my DPO7 leh..
penguin - hugz.. try not to be too disappointed and stresed out.. may make u feel worse.. we'll all work hard and def grad one day!
Eliz, i got some CM also and on 27/28may i got a lot of watery CM duno is it becos of the pink ruby juice.

U mean OPK could also be mistaken? Yest I tested at 1pm and still show me faint +ve. I am using the green OPK. If my O over, it should definately not appearing anything right? Why still show me faint line and let me guess and guess? If this is the case, that means I got some LH in my urine just that it's not strong enough to let the +ve appear, is it true or not?

Anyway got work hard, whether O or not I think it's over... sigh, another cycle to wait liao, sianz...
Gers i am gg Aussie in June, but it's not my O days. Anyway hope this trip help to relax myself so that I could come back with boosted POWER ahhaha..
Hi Caitlyn

Yap, I did the blood test and scan... perhaps, u wanna do the blood test first?

Dun be so despair... Sayang... sayang... how many days is yr AF late? Maybe, it's not coming after all? juz keep hoping... and praying...

Hi Penguin

If u supposed to O around 28-30... when did u start BD? How come no chance leh?

Why did u think that u hv O much earlier?

As for the bloodtest... the usual guide is CD 21 (For 28 days cycle)... so, probably u can test on CD 23-25?
yuki - i dunno how many days it's late.. coz mine is very irregular.. but today is my DPO22 oredi.. i same no. of days as u remember.. i anxious for AF to come so can try again.. i bot a BBT thermometer ytday.. this morning i tested.. 36.98.. but i dunno wat's my normal so dunno if it's high or low.. but maybe stress so my AF not coming..

penguin - still go chance.. dun give up!! me gg HK in june.. supposed to be ard O date.. but coz of this long delay.. missed liao.. now planning to go bintan for a weekend getaway w hb in e last week of skl hols.. to relax b4 skl starts
Hi Penguin

Think dun think too much abt yr O day... OPK test results or BBT.... juz relax and continue to BD... then hopefully, like Katherine... "wu da wu chuan"... got preggy liao leh... heheehhehehe... Think Zenn also advise that it's more relaxing if u r not thinking too much abt TTC.. and it probably helps in getting preggy easier...
How hav u been? We r around the same cycle but this cycle, mine is earlier than u. I am on clomid. but dun seems to have good news. U tested OPK?
yuki - sorry.. but wat's e blood test for? dr chua seems a it reluctant to tok abt anything to do w pregnancy w me tt day when i went to see her lehz.. hmmm.. maybe i wait n see.. she also doen't want to do scan and all coz scared i feel pain since i feel pain during intercourse..
penguin, i used the preggie-online O charting to help me. Based on 28 to 35 cycle day range, if you start BD on CD 14 for 2 weeks, u shouldnt miss any O day.

If you observe, 2-3 days before O day, u should get alot of watery discharge, but they are mostly in milky white color and NOT stretchy. But nearing to O day and on O day itself, the discharge till turn transulent and VERY stretchy. So in my thots, you can BD 2-3 days in advance of O day and 1-2 days after O day. Should hit the jackpot assuming all factors are in good conditions..

hee...just my 2 cents worth....hope it helps.

btw, the gals are right, stress is bad for BD...i know it is hard not to think abt it...maybe just give it a break 1 mth and come back from yr aussie trip to charge again
Hi all,

sob sob, my AF visited yesterday. At least now my cycle more or less in the range of 34 - 36.
Hence, would workhard again when my hubby "touch down" next month.

Jia You!!!!
Hi yuki,
no news yet...took the 1st cycle clomid but can't detect +ve OPK...very sad...today is already CD36...so now waiting for AF to come lor....started to have sore nipples/breast, very very tired.....hope AF will come soon dan start off with new cycle....

Gong xi!! Gong xi!!
Hi Caitlyn

It's a pre-natal profile to check if u were to get preggy... were there any known complications.... think u can check with her if u wanna do it... coz under the test, it also check yr vaccination against Hep B... Thalassemia, etc... so at least u haven't take yr Hep B Vac... u might wanna start taking earlier... coz this jab takes 3 mths (or more I think) to complete...
Hi Caitlyn

Ya lor hor... nearly forgotten that u r abt my time also... my AF also almost finish liao... and this cycle, I'm late some more...

Usually, 36.98 is considered high for mine readings... if yr BBT remains high... then maybe high chance of getting preggy? Since yr cycle is irregular... hard to determine leh...

Juz cool yr mind off TTC... go for GSS... relax... de-stress (and stress yr hubby for paying).... then hopefully, if not preggy... AF comes faster... if preggy... BFP comes faster... hehehhe...

Was thinking of going for a short holidays... but seems like very tough leh... always got problem taking leave....

u took any blood test to see if u O? sore nipples/breasts seems to be symptons for preggie too! maybe got hope?


u did any v-scan before? cos i heard frm my sis that if someone feel pain during intercourse then maybe got cysts leh.

wow! everyone going for holidays!
is v-scan only done by gynae? me never visit gynae before and has never done v-scan. Is it a painful procedure? How much and how long will know the results? When i call to make appointment with the gynae, do i tell them i want to do a v-scan can liao?? sorry, me very sua ku
Hi Char

Cool down... juz relax and wait and see lor...

Anyway, how's yr new job... haven't see u online often these days... think must be busie wif yr new job hor... hope u enjoying yrself...
Hi Chloe

I think it's only done by gynae... It's kinda scary in the beginning... but of course, the gynae will help u with it... abit of pain...

The results known immediately.... U can call to say that u wanna do a regular check-up lor... That's how I gotta know last time also... I went for my 1st regular check-up... and sad to say... got 2 big cysts... so, went for lap lor... but at least, when u find out earlier, it's better...
yuki - oic... me very scared of injections actually.. super cowardly.. i also feel tt my menses irregular so hrd to noe.. but i thot tt 14-16 days after O is a std thing whether or not menses irregular.. so quite sianz.. coz if my next O is nt during e june hols will have to wait till dec before i'll have any chance to succeed..

sharon - i did it once.. no cysts detected..
hi yuki...
I have been reading the threads...but didnt reply cos my work is too fast pace liso...n i m quite forgetfull,if i stop doing my stuff for a while, i will forget where should i carry on .....hehe....

hi sharon, didnt go for blood test cos opk -ve...i got call the doc he says if OPK -ve, no need to bother to go down for blood test...
...i will be changing gynea liao....so at the moment,mayb wait until i finish shifting house dan continue with TTC again...hope to shift to new place by end june...dan got a more conducive environment to BD...
char, me never get any +ve result from OPK before even take clomid. maybe i ovulate much later. that's why.

juz managed to get OPK +ve &amp; HPT +ve is when i preggie.
is there anything we can do to induce AF? i very half hearted.. quite sure i not pregnant but yet nagging feeling of what if.. eekss! why must AF do this to me???? sorry just needed to vent..
Hi Char

How come yr gynae so like that one... I also didn't get +ve OPK wat... doesn't mean I didn't O mah... juz probably timing not right lor... Will try this cycle to wait for awhile longer for the results to show and to test @ nite... after I reach home... hopefully, will get a +ve OPK...

Must be tiring... moving house... changing jobs.... so poor thing... take care of yrself... okie...

Hi Chloe

U suspect that u have endo / cysts?

Hi Caitlyn

Think most of us here went thr' some cycles cursing why AF dun come... so juz relax ya..
hi ladies...

i have some concerns here and wonder any of u can advise me...

my menses always irregular, sometimes come once a month, sometimes once in every two months. i had my last menses on 25th apr, so as till today already CD 37, but my AF still haven visited me.

i had tested the clearblue kit on last fri (26th may) CD 32 and it was negative. Was it too early to test since my menses always irregular?

For the last 2 weeks, i keep feeling nauseous and also stomach cramps... now having slight fever but not taking med feel unsafe to do so...

My hubby and me still BD as usual... and this morning, i discovered some spotting on my panty (we BD last night). Thought my menses come, but no...

I quite worried now... can anyone advise what shd i do?
dear dodo

since you tested 5 days ago, the one thing you could do now is to test hpt again. if +ve, then quickly rush to gynae, cos spotting during early pregnancy must be checked out quickly.

if -ve, then either you wait a bit more or if you really feel that you might be preggie, go to a doc and insist on a blood HCG test, that one is more sensitive and could pick up small amounts of HCG that hpt cannot.
yuki - yupz.. will take ur advice.. trying very very hard to relax.. this is very bad coz affecting my work.. i really had zero hopes and all.. but now gotta go thru this rollercoaster.. nvm.. will learn from this.. keke

dodo - dun be too worried.. maybe can test HPT again?
dear kermit &amp; catilyn,

so it's not too early to test now huh? my stomach cramp is getting worse and it's really painful...
i really worried... hope everythg is okay... if menses wana come, faster come... stop making me worried &amp; scared...

dodo - can test again.. i understand how u feel.. i oso have irregular menses.. and my AF playing w me this cycle.. will help u keep fingers crossed.. do u usu have cramps when ur AF comes?
