A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)


now exploring my new hp... so happy but AF cramps is so bad especially in the afternoon... got to call my gynae on monday to arrange my hubby to do a SA already.


i think GSS last for 1 mth? i'm not sure but everywhere is having sale!

so u must abstaine from ML this weekend if u want ur DH to do the SA test...

yah lor,every where having sale,I see untill my head GONG GONG....
Hi Hayashi Hakida,

I don't really have a formula... But I longing to have a baby boy... so i will exercise near or on my O days more often. My CD is about 32-33 days. Last fri my 'aunty' visit me.I have to try harder.

Btw, any of u have any formula to maximise the chances of TTC?

Now, i am trying to relax & eat more healthy & fresh food loh.Thinking of ovulation kit but quite expensive.
Hi Hoonie & all TTC gals,

Wish us good luck this Mth!

Hayashi, gynae din explain, its nurse who called to inform me! very bad huh? i tot this kind of thing, gynae should be explaining rite?
Anyway i asked her to mail me the results, never tell me the next course of action also.
am considering whether to use her next time, sigh!
hi gals,

i'm oso one of the TTC.... have been trying since last Nov... but have not been successful ... :-( have been following this thread for a few days ... it gives me some sort of comfort as i know that there are a gp of people ttc.. just like me.... but every month when I see red, the sense of disappointment is really hard to explain... guess only the gals in thread will know how i feel... rite?
Hi Y,

Are u seeing any gynae at the moment? Have u done any pre conception check up? I have booked mine at KKH next month,check in case got any problem

u still seeing the gyn in KK?I am not very sure how things are done in govt. hopsital....
In a private hopsital,the gyn will defintly explain to you in details regarding the results.


relaxing is an impt factor for TTC process too...but after 6 mths,u still dun see any results,probably u want to see the gyn for check-up...
hi Hoonie,

thanks for ur help 1st. But i am living in france now (husband working here for 2 years) so i don't think i can buy it from u...
I only take note of my EWCM not BBT... too lazy to take BBT.

Hi Hayashi Hakida,
thanks for ur advise.
hakida, you asking zenn (and not me) about Jan/Feb bb right? :p

shizuka, what some of us did is to bulk order from US/Australia. Definitely much cheaper than getting from Singapore stores. Not sure about the prices in France though.

i havent call my gynae. will call him tomorrow to arrange for SA.


i started serious ttc since feb this yr. but have been married for 2.5 years already. we never ttc during the 1st 2 yrs of marriage. only BD once of twice a week.... never monitor my fertile period... so a bit regret cos wasted 2 yrs.


i cannot remember the exact amount for the OPKs already. think you bought the OPKs through me right? but i know it's roughly about $0.70++ lah

asking both of u...


good to have a made in france isn't it??
your DH can eat alot of fresh oysters then....
icic Sharon..

Me married for nearly 1.5 years now...same like u...wasted 1.5 year there...never serious in having a child...Now also regret...should have started earlier..

btw,how old are u sharon?

No worries...Good luck!
hayashi, i seeing lisa chin lor! she din interpret the report to me, i only got to know from the nurse that overall is normal except for the teratozoospermia.
koori - you should ask for the SA test report from them.

Hayashi - you mention you visit gynae at Mount E rite? have you heard about dr Teo before?
Hi Sharon,

Have you tried taking a few BBTs within a few mins interval in the morning nd the BBT readings are very varied. eg 1st BBT=36.90, 2nd BBT-36.65.

I have this problem and wonder if my thermometer is wacky!! Bought it in Jan06 and amron brand...
hey gals, i feeling very stressed at work, boss anyhow assign work to me which is not supposed to be my work lor....just becos some staff say they need to concentrate on personal life, they started passing her work to me! what about me? I also need have a personal life! Do u all think i should quit my job! recently i had very tense muscles, stiff neck and shoulders had to go for physio. Doc say mainly is caused by stress. With this stress i wonder when i can get preggy?

bettlebug - yes i asked them to mail report to me, but i tot that at least lisa should tell me if any followup i require.
koori - please try to be more relax... I think stress does give some impact to our body. I realise I don't O when I was having stres at work last time nowaday learn to be more relax.

SIGH ... gals... my MIL nga nga nga again... me very feedup with her... and have some arguement with her. :|
bettlebug - i try to relax but pple in office are making me irritated, u know sometimes as much as i try not to meddle with them, they come messing up my life... very sad.
oh, you colleague so MEAN ya. hmmm my office also have someone like that... very FAN one. those people simply too FREE.

Frankly... if you really found it hard to continue working ther... I would suggest you look for alternative.
hmm my HB report also shows some morphology prob. was done at CARE. she didn't say much but ask him to do another SA again with a doc recommended by her.
gals - 1.5 years is still short lah... for my going to 5 years already.
people around me has been giving me pressure... all of them always have the concept that I don't want SIANZ!!!!

if my MIL come again... I will tell her off... I am not going to have any bb. tell her to stop dreaming!!!!
he didn't go for it. SIGH that is man... simply don't get it one...

Since lisa mention shouldn't have problem to conceive if try seriously.

So do you have any app with her soon? are you sure the morphology value is -38?

I think your boss is being unfair to you,everyone needs personal space!!! I agree with beetle bug,if u think it is difficult for you to continue there,look for another job or quit yr job to rest for a few months(if you can afford lah..)

beetle bug,
Just bear with it lor..Me worse than u..my MIL and mom like to nga nga nga..I face 2 of them also sianz at times...Just nod nod nod to what she says...I always do that...
i need to see the report cos nurse only say Teratozoospermia is 38, i ask her wats tat, she say its motility? ask her wats the normal range, she say dunno cos not written in report.
Oic koori,

Your time will come soon lah since u start ttc-ing before me mah
..Dun give up!!
Stay at home and relaxz lor..also can..
hoonie - hmmm, you temper really good. last time i was like that just ignore it. but... after years of listening to the nag... i can't tolerate anymore especially when everyone never listen to me and push the blame to me
beetle bug..

Hmm..maybe I am only 1.5 years in the marriage,and MIL knows I am on course,wun be good to have baby so never nag so much...ahha..Maybe in the years to come,if I dun lay any eggs,then my temper mic "explode" when more pressure comes in...
hoonie - maybe lor. When the years past not only MIL or our parents will nag... everyone around will start making noise. simply cannot tahan.... sometimes I feel like telling them "NON OF YOUR BUSINESS! " :p

if you are able to resign without worrying about getting another job soon,why not just resign...I will never let my work affect my personal life,let alone TTCing
