A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)


i also confused by BBT until i gave up liao..hehe

cos weekends i wake up late, then sometimes weekday, my reaction too fast, upon hearing alarm i woke up or talk to my hb.

Furthermore, i dun want add anxiety to myself

fatfat- ha ha... Nowadays how many companies where got compensate for OT one?!?! How come u always do the scan leh? Oh, u under Dr Heng rite? hee... too bad she's on leave when i wanna see her so seeing another gynae instead.

My cyst is the type tat consist all the "yucky" stuff, called dermoid cyst. Could have grown wif me since i was young. Tumor is cancerous leh... maybe ur sis one just cyst

fatfat/stella: BBT have to take v consistently one + shd have had 3 hrs sleep already then shd take. Wkends also must "sacrifice" and wake up same time as wkday to take BBT. o/w, not accurate liao! Now seeing TCM, they also require me to take leh, plus they want it on paper... they don't accept my FF online one! Qi Si Ren le!!
Fizz, wah, I love the food you ate! My saliva going to drool. Bwahahaha! Have you slim down? Since you have no appetite...How I wish I can have you symptom fast.

Minidach, Ya, I am consider of taking part time job too! My husband always disturb me say if I resigned can go Mcdonald work...Really ah you want to work in Mcdonald? When I was 15yr old, I worked there quite fun, now old don't think I feel nice working there scared to bump into ppl I know...unless the management let me work in the kitchen...
Personally ,i dun like the BBT charting....I find it too much of the hassel already...and if u are sick than the temp for O will not be accurate too

very gross right the demoid cycts....I used to work in operating theatre,then this young gal come in for this emergency operation to remove the cysts....Got a shock of my life....
fizzy gal, have smaller meals
eat nutritious & good food. hee... me gotta watch my diet liao, must try to have healthy TTC-ing diet & take vitamins also! hee...

hayashi, ya lor... the stupid flu bug refused to go away! My BBT like ma-chiam post O temp like tat! Me ok lah, still displined with BBT for now... hee hee.

your job gotta assist in surguries aso ah?! So, b4 u wk part-time, u were working as nurse in hospital? Personally, i dunno how gross lah. Doc gave me a palaroid b4, but actual cyst taken out i of coz never see b4 lah! hee
louies, i think ur words hit precisely on what he thinks. He ever say something like if I dun want bb i wouldn't even touch him.. so bad hor..

Man are alwaz like this.....But,probably he is just joking with you....


yah i was an operating theatre trained nurse before....
Stella, Ya lor sometimes woke up accidentally I stretch my body, taking temperature cover with blanket & waking up passing urine don't know what is the accuracy of my BBT leow. Although not accurate I insist taking BBT at least there is a guide line. We don't give up...learn from the mistakes than can pick up more mah.

Louie, ummm...I thought big corporation from American & Japan they pay staff doing OT? I don't know leh b'cos mine small local company...I done the v-scan at my ex-clinic, they measure my right ovary & left ovary to check the size, whereas at Dr Heng clinic is to check my egg if these CD didn't preggie more to come every month...Ya, too bad she cannot earn your $. Hahaha! My sis's one almost burst luckily her bb save her...until now my sis's has the picture of the cyst. I saw the photo it look likes a tumor, very scaring...Your doc got take any photos & video of the cyst for you to see? Ah! I don't know have to take same time? Ϊmorning will do. FF graph also the same meh...so strange!
hi hayashi,

saw ur posting abt ovarian cyst, u sound like expert leh. need some adv here cos i hv cyst on e left ovary.

1)is tat necessary to go for laparoscopy when pills r unable to treat?

2)can i juz ignore it w/o any surgery?

appreciate ur adv n thks in advance.

AF Aunt Flo ?menstruation/period
AP attachment parenting
BBT basal body temperature
BCPS birth control pills
BD baby dance (sex)
BF breastfeed, or boyfriend
BFN big fat negative (pregnancy test)
BFP big fat positive (pregnancy test)
BM breast milk, or bowel movement
BOM Basic ovulation monitoring (available in SGH)
CD cycle day
CF cervical fluid
CM cervical mucus
CS or C/S cesarean section
DPO days past ovulation
EDD estimated due date, or expected date of delivery
EWCM egg white cervical mucus
FF formula feeding
FYI for your information
HPT home pregnancy test
IC incompetent cervix
IUI intrauterine insemination
IVF in vitro fertilization
LP luteal phase
MC or M/C miscarriage
O ovulation
O'd ovulated
OPK ovulation predictor kit
TTC trying to conceive
TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine
US or U/S ultrasound
VBAC vaginal birth after cesarean section
Hi fat fat, thanks for the list. think now i know better since i was trying to read the prev entries.

Just back from hm and seemed that AF is here so we din strike after all.
Jesmine, Ϊ! You'r most welcome!
I actually copied from the previous post posted by one of the ladies here. these CD you try harder, ok!

First and foremost,I am no expert here..I just say whatever i know.

I believe the gyn must have mentioned to u if ur cyst are cancerous or not,is there any blood test done or U/S done yet?Is the blood test normal?

Did ur gyn prescribe any hormone pills to reduce the size of the cysts?If u are on the pills,monitor if the cysts have subside..If the gyn says that the cyst are too big and require a surgery,safer to do so early,or else it may ruptured and cause unneccesary life threatening situation.

Finally,what are the options that ur gyn told you?

actually hor, i KS lah.. missed one day only.

itchy hand , go and test. But chances are low cos i got PMS liao
today is CD 11 for me.. it's time to start checking w OPKs is it? or sld i wait till i see EWCM then i check?

stella - u check too early liao.. still got chance! =)

i remembered you said your cycle a bit irregular...only for people with rather regular 28 day cycle would they start testing from CD12...if not will use A LOT of opks leh...hehe
kermit - keke.. then how? wait till i see e EWCM then check is it? my cycle sometimes very short sometimes very long.. actually i tested a few days ago also.. but every time i see -ve.. my heart pain! haha
do you regularly see EWCM? then that would be a good way to start testing..

i remembered for myself...i normally O about 2 to 3 days after seeing EWCM...

yah lor, i KS lah. This saturday my co going for trekking, i in a dilenma to join or not leh
kermit - i nvr really noticed before.. last mth i did see though.. but din BD during tt time!! too tired! how's ur pregnancy so far? any MS?

stella - i think trekking is okie.. sldn't be too big a problem..

not really...always have this wanna-puke feeling at the back of throat..yet when it's mealtimes...still gobble down the food like a piggie..hehehe

pants all so tight now...but i think it's just all my FATS lor...

am due for a scan next week. it would be my 7wks and hopefully can see bb's heartbeat
kermit - it's good to have a healthy appetite.. just curious.. how long did u take to conceive? keke.. putting on weight is a sure thing when preggy i guess.. i worry abt my weight.. coz i severely underweight so many ppl say sure v hard to conceive.. so exciting if u cn see bb's heartbeat.. do share w us ur pregnancy journey!!
hi kermit, just to check ah.. EWCM, supposed to be slippery & yet stretchy rite. mmmzz, my personal observation is tat its stretchy lor, but not tat slippery leh. Its like when U have runny nose, that kind of mucus!? haa haa

Pants tight nevermind lah... hee hee... can go maternity clothes shopping liao!!!

Hazel, believe u had seen a gynae already? Its best to listen to them or get a 2nd doc's opinion. Ur qn abt cysts is too general... there are soooo many types & what kind of medication/ surgery wld also depend
fatfat/jasmine, the lady is char, the one who always provide us the acroymn.

stella we all noe the feeling after seeing BFN..

yuki thanks for providing the info on implantation dip. Juz wondering then what is the EWCM discharge from me all about at CD21/22... meaning i not yet O? Any relationship between EWCM and implantation dip?
Hi Hazel,
You too can be an expert by entering the key words in Googles, Yahoo, MSN search or etc. What you want to know will be display.

1) Don't you think is a serious case if pills are unable to treat your cyst. Better find for yourself a gynaecology to look into your matter seriously.

2) We female have two ovaries, each performing two major functions: producing eggs and secreting hormones. As a person becomes reproductively mature (the process called puberty in humans), eggs will periodically mature and be released from the ovary (a process called ovulation) so that they will be available for fertilization by sperm. It is important for you to work closly together with you gynaecology to understand which type of cyst you have. Is a must if in future you want to conceive. Certain cyst can be pernicious and grows in size. Don't ignore!

i started trying from May last year, but no bbt and opk, just try to BD around O. after 4 months of nothingness, packed ourselves off to test and realised that hb's SA is bad. from September, we started TCM and i started charting bbt. after 3.5 mths of TCM, still nothing. it was december already so we took a break of 2 mths from TCM, to relax and go for holidays... in feb, we started TCM again and struck in april..that is my TTC journey

louie..yeah EWCM is very slippery and stretchy...can put between your fingers and stretch it and it won't break one..*eee* and yeah...a bit like the mucus from the runny nose..jsut that it is clear and transparent..
sharon i rememeber you ask me regarding which batam resort.. Sorry i forgot to answer you..

Just wondering have you heard of Harris Resort at the Waterfont city batam? I mean for relaxtion, Spa ok lah..

Now they have this promo 02 January 2006 - 30 April 2006,the fee for 2D1N Harris Resort
Free & Easy is about S$65 per night for twin sharing, I heard it buy 1N get 1 N free, ie 3D2N = S$65+S$10 for something something & fuel surcharge $5.. In short i tik each pax pay less than $100 for 3D2N, very cheap right?
Hi Hazel,

Something to add :

If the egg fails to release from the follicle in the ovary an ovarian cyst may form. Small ovarian cysts are common in healthy women but large cysts can be an advanced manifestation of polycystic ovary syndrome.
kermit, ur TCM v powerful leh... take 3.5mths, can resolve ur hub's bad SA liao, but more importantly God's Grace lah!!

Gonna start hub on Zinc 100 fr GNC, hopefully can boost army & improve the shape of spermy quickly!! hee hee
kermit - oic.. me n hb been trying since dec.. but basically din noe abt O period and all.. so just everytime we ML, no protection.. but then my period went bonkers and cycle became like 14 dayas?!! can u imagine e great inconv? gosh.. now seems to have stabilised.. so tryng.. will be packing myself off to a gynae in may.. keke..hopefully will have results.. glad to hear tt u have good news after trying so hard!!

thks for the info... most probably i will go batam, but i think there are a few resorts there rite? batam view resort, harris n holiday inn? i think i need to do some research 1st. last night i told my hubby regarding the short trip and he immediately say ok. i think he is very stress at work too!

btw, i think i read before that kopi is no gd for TTC? my hubby loves kopi leh! 1 day he can drive 2-3 cups!
penguin/sharon - if u gals have more details abt e batam resorts, can share? i quite keen on gg for a getaway also.. coz i very stressed at work.. but no $$ to go far.. i gg w hb for a weekend stay at hilton this sat.. hopefully i O then!! hahaha.. then can kill two birds w one stone!!
HI sharon

i went to batam last nov also.

actually there is another resort built by koh brothers singapore. resort name is 'KTM"

if u r not particular with the facilities available, its a very unique resort.

i go check internet see the resort u recommended. u wen to this resort last nov?


u wan to go pharmacy n buy? why not buy frm ur gynae?
Kat, u shd see ur gynae to confirm whether clomid is the right medication for ur situation. Think u need prescription.
sharon, my gyane same as paperplane. he charged us $25 for 5 tablets(50mg).

so me tinking if can buy at pharmancy, might be cheaper lor.

anyone here go KKH to see the gynae there?
Louie, alamak...my finger too heavy keyed the wrong alphabet...my last sentence means FF chart also chart mah your TCM funny don't accept. By the way TCM stands for what?

Kat, u ask doc to write prescription! If he refuse, then u better change him as well... ha ha... i'm currently seeing KKH

fatfat, no prob... i understand u lah. Yup, as wat Cat said, TCM is see Chinese Sen-sieh! hee
