A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)


previously see SGH gynae (lady registra), not sure if she is a gynae or not, but no experience ), that's why i switch to current gynae (pte clinic)..

Maybe for me (abnormal case), i should go KKH since they are so specialise in woman problem..
but i am still looking for recommended lady gynae.

louie, I think I will take leave.. my coy v cat one.. got one time I take 2hr time off, den they deduct my 1/4 leave... cannot believe got so cat coy..
thinking of getting from my current gynae, but dunno they willing to give me anot..

u have ovary swollen ? is it very painful ? how's the symptom like ? becos i oso expereince lower left abs pain (on and off).. so what medication he gave to subdue the pain ?

could it be the same clomid that we consume gave us this problem ?
it's alrite then. my internet connection was down & wasn't able to reply ur email. i'll get the opks from somewhr else then.
paperplane, then suggest u see pte & not KKH. KKH consult q brief one lor... not as proactive as pte clinic gynaes!

lp2, u can say go for med appt if doc really don't give u MC then u take as leave lor. U better check ur co's hospitalisation policy as well, just in case if need op & med leave aft op also. Hope they have a proper HR staff manual
Ip2, i remember my gynae did ask me if i need a mc when i went to see him on my last cycle CD02 for a blood test. but i never take mc lah, only call back office and took 1 hr off.
paperplane, that time is abdominal cramp... on and off also.. very painful.. during my AF last time, i dun have such cramps..

he juz gave me some painkiller & medi to stop bleeding.. but i dun dare to eat. cozs i dun wan to clash with my clomid..
Hi Paperplane

The one that u have izzit in a yellow box squarish one? if yes, it's the same as mine leh... they charged u so much?? why not write to the medical association to lodge a complain... think even if yr gynae really very high class... also won't be 5 times more the price mah...

Hi Sharon

Last 2 cycles, I took 50 mg... this cycle 100 mg...

Hi Mistique

Glad to hear that everything is fine... so, u wanna share wif us some information like... when was yr last menses.... when u r likely to Ovulate.... your cycle length?

Hi IP2

Looks like yr company really jia lut hor... no H&S plans... no MC? Are u sure this is the kinda company u wanna work? Tot nowsaday, H&S are available for all already leh... mind to tell mi in which line u r in?
Hi Katherine

Hmmm... u wanna seek a 2nd opinion? Yr case looks abit unusual hor... nvr really hear such things before leh...
hi yuki, i am still taking 50mg for this cycle and i have another set of 50mg for my next cycle if this cycle mission fail again. my gynae gave me 3 sets at one time during my last cycle.
sharon - k... thanks.. i need to tranfer 0.60 to u plus my address is it?

gals, if see gynae for checkups can get mc one ah? i working as teacher, dun have annual leave.. plus to get appt w gynae is so difficult..appts mostly during working hours one.. =(
have mc only lor.. not even have dental benefit.. I working in construction line... difficult to change line.. sigh..
eh Kat...I ask paperplane who her ynae is nt u leh
hehe...but are u gng for 2nd opinion?

so Paperplane,
who is ur gynae ah? mind sharing?
isit A one?
Paperplane/ kat

omg , i tot of going to ur gynae leh.

luckily haven go yet.

like that its like limited choice for us leh
kat, hope ur ovary is not swollen anymore! If u still feel pain then better see another gynae. North got quite a lot of gynaes. TMC, Mt A, Mt E all considered north mah

clomid sounds scary lor... so when taking better have gynae tats proactive to monitor the effects of it lor

yup it is the square yellow box. charge me $25 per box.

stella and kat,

i have make up my mind to change gynae liao.

val and caitlyn,
yup we are seeing the same gynae..the clinic is the gynae link. his name is dr don wong.

I need to call him for the result several times and was angry about the delay.. somemore was told the result was misplace and clomid charges so ex.

i only see him for 2 visit and this is enough for me liao...
louie, i duno if my ovary still swollen anot cozs after that time i din go n see him liao. but now no more pain liao lor..

i also duno how clomid work.. gynae say it helps to ovulation. but don't seems to help me lor.. probably my body dun react to clomid at all.
technically clomid acts to bluff the body into thinking it has not enough estrogen, tat will stimulate production of LH and FSH hormones, which will in turn improve your O
short trip is good for you, any where on mind u r planning to go? Know what, some resorts in Batam cheap and beautiful and can relax at the beach, spa, pool etc.. The promo is still on. I used to go with my DH!! He he..

Talking about fibroids, mine are small one but I got 4 of them. Gynae said no need to remove that's why i carry on with my ttc.

paperplane, how come your current gynae so sotong one, walau pay for her sotong service! change another one lah!

yuki ginseng hasten the growth of fibroids? Really? Coz everyday i drink a cup of ginseng powder to "Ti Sheng" one leh...

This month I felt very tired.. Didn't BD much. Didn't BD on CD19. My cycle is 30 - 32, i think I might even O late as I took airplane leh.. I don;t have any preggy sympton either.. Arghhh.... Think this month no chance to strike liao..
Hi Sharon

OIC... mine is something like yrs... juz that my gynae refuse to give me all 3 together... coz think she finds that it shld be more "controlled" rather than given out freely...

Hi Ip2

I had blood cysts too... my gynae told me that's because when u r supposed to menstrate outta body but somehow... the blood was been transported back to yr ovaries... and deposited there... till it become a blood cysts...

That's y, the ways to clear it would be to disrupt the depositing process by either eating hormone pills (6 mths) to stop AF altogether or to get preggy lah...

Hi Penguin

U hv cysts meh? If u r having cysts... then there's a possibily... my gynae told me try not to take dangui, ginseng, etc... coz some of the herbs will hasten the growth of blood cysts... not too sure abt fibroids though...

But I still take occassionally pao sheng & dangui & dang sheng... so far, the last scan shows no cysts... so hopefully, will remain that way...

which batam resort? i have never been to batam. bintan is very ex leh... so dun know where to go. but i jus calculated, my O is not on any weekend! but now my cycle becomes 34 instead of 31, i also dun know when i O.
yuki, got cyst still save to get preg? I tot if bcum preg, will worsten the cyst... or will affect the bb..
lp2, if cyst is big... its better to operate b4 TTC. coz' if cyst rapture, tats the troublesome part lor. The other time, I didn't want to go op yet, then doc try to "scare" me tat it will rapture, then harder to clean up!! hee... mine is not blood cyst, so can't comment wats best! So, see gynae next wk then update us ya!

juju- sure, no prob!
Hoonie & Louie, you'r welcome! Not trouble at all typing out the articles, I can practise at the same time b'cos consider of resigning to switch career or stay at home... Haiz...I'm doing OT again today...

Msn_queen, you did it on time your chances are higher. Today my DPO8 I can sense my AF is nearer....

Fizz, I got no idea Dr Heng going on leaves.... hopefully my next CD14 she is back.

Ip2, Yuki & Louie, how to trace whether one has cyst? Any sympton? Is it something like a tumor?

Louie, BBT to be taken once woke up in the morning but....I have the habit of waking up either 4am to 6am plus to pee 1 time than back to bed. Can you enlighten me when in the morning must I take my BBT? Final woke up or the moment before I go pass urine?
fatfat... wah, u got so many career choices ah!! V good.. don't stress urself out. Me no choice, still gotta work. Everyday is OT for me, sigh!

think the best is to do V scan. if Dr Heng has been monitoring for u & niam niam every cycle, u shd be safe lah!
ur BBT thingy v tricky leh... wat time is ur official waking time? Think u shd take b4 u really wake up lor. if ur cycle is q regular, then maybe u just use OPK & see gynae for scan shd be fine liao lah
Fat Fat...

Dr Heng is goin on leave on 29/04 til 08/05...does it clash wif yr CD14...dun tink so lah...

I tink my taste bud is beginin to change liao...n I m drivin my hb nutz...we wen to Waraku today...ordered my all time fav paper steamboat...then I found the soup too salty...order okonomiyaki...took a bite...n decided tat I din like it liao...ordered unagi temaki...took 2 bites...n decided I cldnt swallow it liao...hahaha...luckily he was in a gd mood today...
yes my gynae gives me offers me mc whenever i have appt. but sometimes if mu appt in the afternoon, i will just ask for a time chit (time off) cos half day mc not recognised at my workplace ma.

you were asking re kkh tan kim teng? i am seeing her now and i feel quite comfortable with her. she's quite motherly, a senior consultant, and head of department if i am not wrong.

don't lose heart. how long have u been taking clomid? give your body some time la. stress can also affect ovulation. read in an article that if candidates for clomid are properly screened by a doc first, abt 70% will ovulate and abt 40% will achieve pregnancy.

so so sorry! i haven't been online for so long and didn't reply to your message. u clever girl- yes i love dogs! my username is short for mini daschund. i keep asking my hubby how- what if we don't have children. he tells me we can go travel more, or give the extra room to our pet dog la! ya this is my first month taking clomid- praying hard!
hey hope your hubby is already back from overseas trip! long weekend coming lei! time for a lil LURVE ;)
ya sometimes i feel like just staying at home and not work. very lazy hor? i just switched to part time this month. got pay cut but feel so much happier not having to face so much nonsense at work.
so good that u can think of switching career- me stuck liao. my area too specialised. so if i quit i think i go work at macdonald's
hi minidach, i think if i dun work i will be more stressed with TTC cos at home nothing to do mah, then will keeping thinking abt TTC.
How r u? Hv not been able to meet up with u in the thread...u din BD often this cycle? Who knows, sometimes just take one time to strike. Just know that one colleague preggie just tried one time only...so envy.

Sometimes, I think I dun understand my body enough. today CD21 liao, n tested with OPK still negative...do u gals see the OPK results v fast? I left it for 3 mins still neg...wasted so many... when is it going to be positive? I stil BD as per normal but just feel better if I see +ve OPK and I can dare dare make and hopefully will strike! hee hee
Yes, I have been taking my BBT. No significant sign of temp increase. Meaning haven O yet rite? Tot OPK is better than BBT. Last mth, used BBT oso no use. This mth, trying OPK to see if can target the O period...hee hee. hopefully next few days will be able to see +VE...

u take BBt for how many cycles liao?
did u notice any temp increase for the past BBT?
how long usually is ur cycle ah?
30 to 32 days?
