A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Kat, depends on wat u want. If u want the gynae to help u calculate ur ovulation, answer a lot of ur questions... then i think not so suitable. KKH is good in my opinion if u conceive easily & just want a good doc lor. KKH is more reactive than proactive lah... they gave me clomid & andriol for my hub. But they only ask me to re-do the progesteron blood test (to see if I O properly) only aft 2nd cycle. My gynae at KKH try to help us "save" money, if procedures tat are not v necessary, he usu ask us not to do. so, u have to be patient lor

For me, I'll see a gynae at TMC to confirm whether i shd really start on clomid lor... maybe do V scan to see my egg folicle & confirm no cysts and tat everything is ok!
Hi gals,

Anybody has the same problem as me.. My AF cycle is 30 days... and I started using the opk on CD13...CD 13,14 all shows only one line..... then on CD 15 and 16 got 2 lines.. but the test band is lighter than the control band... so means negative rite? Then on CD 17 I tested.. no more lines.... Does it mean I never ovulate? Anyone can help? So tired....

you only test once a day? and did you test at the same time everyday?

the recommendation is actually to test opk twice a day. your LH surge is probably somewhere between CD 15 and CD16 and you probably O-ed on CD16 or CD17...just that it was not picked up by the opk.
I tested at about 7pm everyday... thought they say the opk will identify LH surge and ovulation will take place 1-3 days after the surge? I also confused lar... haizz.... but if I O-ed on CD16 or 17.. how come test will not see the LH surge?
maybe your surge was at 2am at night? so by 7pm..cannot detect surge already...this opk thingy..sometimes very hard to use also...

so you should use it in combination with EWCM and bbt. but when you saw the two lines, even tho it is faint, you should be alert already...because it means maybe surge is coming soon (as the previous 2 days no lines at all) then maybe you should increase to testing twice a day already.

once a surge is detected, you are expected to O in 24 to 48 hrs time.
kermit, have to test twice a day one ah?? I usu only test once a day... usu in the evening also!

piggy, yup... best to combine with BBT & observing ur CM. if u start to have the "wet" feeling on ur undies near O, can start to BD liao!!!
Different OPK respond differently. Mine, even light line also consider as +ve. I know some light line considered -ve. Check the website or wherever u bought from ya!!
Hi kermit...

Thanks for ur explanation... think i will try to monitor again next mth....

Actually thought of BD only after seeing the positive result... but in the end.. never seen it again.... so anyhow BD on CD18...

Haizz... think will try harder next mth....

can i check wat the purpose of ultrasound of pelvics?

tot of going for one. does it check whether u ovulated properly and any cyst etc?
i bought my opk from babywishes...and i read the instructions, they recommended testing twice a day i think. but maybe only when see faint lines, then can start doing that, or else...WHOA! many opks leh! hehe!


US of pelvics? i think to check for fibroids. but i think v-scan would be more accurate to check for cysts, and esp for egg follicles...

BD on CD18...doesn't mean no hope at all also lah..cos if you O on CD17, eggie can live for 24 hrs one...

anyway, what my TCM doc said is..after getting a +ve on opk, BD 12hr, 24hrs and 48hrs later...hehehe
sharon, ya lor.. very ex.. so don't tink im going back to himagain.

louie, wat's ur consultation fees like in TMC?
caitlyn, the one which i told sharon earlier had a 3D2N promotion and finish on 30 Apr. It's harris resort (hotel) at batam waterfront city. No need to spend so much $$$ can have a 3D2N holiday with a giant pool and beach. Both you and your DH juz need to pay $65+10 = $75 per pax for the room and extention breakfast. Included also the 1 way transport to batam center for shopping. One thing bad is that my friend said the breakfast very pathetic but if u dun mind juz for relaxing purposes (pool, beach, spa...), it's very worth it.

For other resorts, i think you gotta pay more than a hundred per pax to go for juz 2D1N.

PM me if you want the details of the holiday website.
Hi Louie...me jus started the reno last week,hse should be ready end may/early june...so busy running ard for the reno leh...AF just come today...so now is deliberating on whether to start clomid this cycle or wait till next cycle...
U can try calling Dion at 98346459,she can advise more on the details on the spa..the other time, i went there for a 1 day trip only...had spa for 4.5hrs,so shiok!!gt body scrub,body mask,body msg,hair spa,facial,milk bath....so shiok shiok!!
hello jie meis!!!
my AF is here, so relieved...
thanks for all your advices the last 2 days...
will go to the sinseh to get medicine to cleanse the system
yeah loh.. duno y but never had such short cycle for more than a decade...
think my cycle is screwed by too much clomid...
49 days then 35 days then now 26 days... wonder wat will be next mth??

i m going to change gynae liao...
dun wan to go back to my usual one cos i find him quite pushy...
mayb try LC foong?? anyone wif him??
or is there a Thong Pao Wen fr raffles hospital who has a good success rate in subfertility case??
any recommendation?
my advice to u is to stop TTC or clomid wen u r renovating hse cos its aready very stressful to reno so the body cannot perform or react well to clomid...
tat's my personal experience... cos i took clomid during my stressful time of hse reno, moving n tried IUI.. its no wonder that it fails cos life was too stressful then...
kat, i haven't seen yet. Next wk!! Btw, TMC has many specialists one hor, all having their own clinics. similar to Mt E concept. You'll have to choose a gynae
I'll be seeing Dr Eunice Chua. 1st consult usu q std price, $80-100. repeat then abt $50 i think.

char, thanks. Will keep tis lobang in my email or something. Btw, how much u spend on the 1/2 day rite? Enjoy doing up ur hse, hectic but nice experince when finally see ze end product

kermit, BD aft the +ve opk line still in time ah? Tot spermy not enuf time to swim up?! Mmmzz... must be fast swimmers then!!

Jade, ur cycle delayed liao rite so u tot maybe preggie huh?! take care
ya i know...read a lot of girls on the net saying that clomid completely screwed up their cycles...

have heard good reviews regarding LC foong for subfertility cases...not sure about the other one tho..
jade, u not actively TTC-ing... but u still continue wif clomid? *confused* But clomid is supposed to regulate cycle to 28 days.

Dr Ann Tan fr Mt E... she like v well known gynae, in fertility as well? she's like sitting on a no. of medical committee. Not sure if she's good personally...

Kermit, the gynae at Gleneagles Dr Fong q famous one rite... but u later switched to TMC. not suitable match?
my cycle this time round super early.. 26days report liao hehheeh
so today CD1 loh...
think HB was abit disappointed this mornign wen i tol him AF came...think now he loves bb more than me..

supposed to BD 24 to 48 hrs after LH surge mah. that's when O happens. esp for those with not so good spermies, they can't last long inside one. so they can't hang around and wait for O to happen...must let them chiong up and quickly fertilise the eggie..hehe

yeah that Dr Fong at gleneagles quite famous one. went there because he tied up with my TCM doc mah. but don't really like him cos first he man, secondly he quite old liao lah..hehehe...but i prefer lady gynae lah..
louie, i was actively TTC in 2005 but now relaxed liao...
though not taking precautious but aso not super active like last yr... no more check for ewcm, O sypmtoms, no more scanning or jabs.. jus do nothing only take chinese medicine to tune body
jade, how many rounds u take liao? But it seems clomid really making ur cycle shorted hor!! 26days seem too short thou' aiyah... TTC-ing process really let pple "xin fan"!!! Ur hub want bb more than u ah... hee hee... nvrmind lah, still got next round
You'll be bb's mummy, sure still love u lah!

kermit, i see... maybe we BD too early liao! my hub's spermy not tat good, so maybe we shd BD later instead!!
Hi Jadefeet,
me too so too...but my hubby very eager to hv bb leh..mayb 2nite i tok to him again...cos if want to take clomid,i hv to start tomorrow liao...
Hi louie,
I spend ard $250 for the trip..Inclsive 4.5he spa,seafood lunch,dinner, transport round the island(Deon will arrange) and ferry tickets...consider very very cheap liao!!
kermit, so far my gynaes all guys. Actually, i'm quite ok... So Dr Chua will be my 1st lady gynae. ha ha... Old then experienced mah. There's tis male gynae (saw some CNA prog preview), retirement age liao but still delivering bbs!! He still a lot of patients, dunno wats his name lah. hee

jade, u stop ur clomid... but the effects still there one ah?! Me seeing Thong Chai, tonight must go bk mum's place to drink 2nd pkt. Fri, bringing hub for 1st time... he was overseas, FINALLY coming bk tonight!! ME SOOOO HAPPY!!!!

Ha ha... when I posted my 501 msg, grad to "member" instead of junior member... so funnie!
but louie...you have done v-scan with male gynae before or not...before they scan..they will also feel your breasts first one also leh...*shivers*

hehe...then this Dr Yvonne Chan that i visited last week..quite good lor..when she was trying to insert the v-scan..she started to talk to me about hk disneyland cos i wearing hk mickey mouse shirt...i was answering her..then v-scan inside liao!

haha! your pig soo cute! finally reunited hor? must be so lovey dovey already lor...
kermit, me no done v-scan b4 all at. Har, wats the logic of feeling ur breast b4 doing ze scan for u??? For V scan, u shd not be fully naked wut... *scratch head*

Then Dr Chan never touch ur breast b4 do scan?? Ha ha, maybe better not know so much, otherwise phobia liao!
Hi louie,

congrat.!! grad to "member" instead of junior member..

hi ladies,

can i know when is the best time to test the pregnancy test? my cycle normally 28, but this cycle seems like kanna late ovulation, CD16 instead of CD14( from FF chart ).. does this affect the AF ?? Thanks.

i also don't know...got! Dr Chan also got feel my breasts. no need to be naked what..just asked me to loosen my bra and then expose my breasts! *yikes*


AF should come 14 days after O. test on DPO15.
gladys, only congrat me when me i get preggie lah!!

kermit, ehhh... tats v weird, unless he was doing breast examination. If so, he shd also tell u 1st... no wonder u dislike male gynaes. Both my male gynae v nice so far. V gentleman kind lor... tat time i not married aso see male gynae for my op. hee... my mum prefers male docs, say they more steady! ha ha
hi louie,

hehhee... oh oh ok ok.. hehe..

hi kermit,

first time kanna late O.. not sure is't because i forgot to take my temp on CD12.. so the chart a bit "shotshot"

Hi char,

oh ok, thanks for the infor.
my gynae also male... heard that female gynaes more rough, male gynaes more gentle.

my hubby also like bb very much leh, i feel so sad whenever my AF reports. think hubby also disappointed, my last cycle when my AF late for 2 days he quickly ask me to test, but too bad, its bad news again
louie, saw Dr Ann Tan always answer to O&G queries on parenthood magazines, her face quite sweet looking. U really cute regarding the grad to "member" instead of junior member! me still junior member, hmmm..

kermit, louie, my gynae is also also fm KKH.

kermit I guess your male gynae is trying to feel whether you got sore breasts or not is it? Some nurse juz ask us to loosen our bra before doing v-scan. My gynae do pap-s for me also got do examination on the breasts. Just relax lor since the female nurse is around.

So far here only Fizz and kermit grad? Are we expecting paperplane to grad? Didn;t manage to follow up with yuki's table..

paging for blueblue, how is your OPK result? Did it turns +ve last night?
me oso qs but in sub con... I find sub con oso very stress.. dun even say main con... wanted to out of construction line very long.. but difficult... so stress how to make bb.. hehe..
regarding v-scan, u can try to give a heavy cough so that the scope can go in easier. I find it funny when the u/sonographer or when the Dr put the C over the scope...
well..share wif u all my personal experience ...
i took 6 mths of clomid in 2005 which incl 2 rounds of IUI but all failed.. so decided to take a break cos really really very stressful...

my mum passed away last yr then super busy to reno n move hse n at teh same time TTC wif IUI.. so i came to a conclusion that the stress + clomid + hormonal jab are taking a toll on my system...

tat's the reason y i wan to slow down.. 2005 has been a yr wif alot of up n downs for me... too much stress so wan to chill now... esp wif new job.. really jus wan to concentrate on new job n married life wif HB...

TTC has posed a certain level of strain on both of us since BD has become a chore... now tat its over, can see that HB enjoy BD more n he takes initiative to ask wen is my fertile period etc.. which i tol him i wont say so no stress for him jus enjoy.

i agree that TTC is really stressful! although i jus did serious TTC since feb but i dun think i can withstand the stress. that day when my AF came, i cried! really sad and disappointed....


yup, working main con is very stress lor. somemore i handling projects and tenders at the same time. but i make it a point to go home at 6pm sharp everyday. if not, how to BD if i OT and go home at 9+? haha....
yaya.. I oso try to go home sharp... so many works, confirm cant finish... even overnite in office oso no use.. u li hai..can handle so many thing at a time... everytime I c new drawings on my table, I sure sianz.... I dun like tendering... :p

Hugs!! me TTC since Jan and ya.. it's stressful sometimes esp when the AF came and also the last week waiting for the "result". really sad and disappointed if see AF .. i think most of the ladies here can understand the feeling. BUT, dun give up!


thanks for sharing the experience. so sad when you wrote your mum passed away..

I was not on clomid thing.

My father turned very sick and dragging for quite sometimes, in and out of hospital where the doctor cannot diagnose his problem. He went for a major op and that time i already preggy. unfortunately I think i was so stressed preparing my last exam paper and also going to hospital every evening after work, but I had a m/c and had to undergo a D&C. My father was very sad learning that i had a m/c and he refuse to take the chicken essence and leave all for me. Sadly 2 weeks after my D&C, he passed away after another op...It's a very sad and sudden thing just within the 24 hours only we lost our father..

it's very sad my father can't even have a grandchild before he pass away...
