A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

penguin, yup... tats how I rem Dr Ann Tan. Hope u resolve arguement wif Hubs liao! Guys need to be "satisfied" one leh!!! hee

jade, thanks for sharing *hugs*
Yup, in ur kind of circumstances, i'll be too stressed out also. Glad u're a strong gal
Will pray tat u'll get ur bb soon!!

sharon, me also understand how u feel lor. Me got my blood test results, cry & cry this few days. Sometime, can still get emotional lor! *pat pat* gotta keep trusting tat God will give us a bb! Good tat u go home at 6, i v seldom get to leave early one. I only go back aft the sky is dark!

Hi Sharon,
I started TTC only recently in March..Can truly understand how u feel..However,the TTC process is not like our work,u work hard at it sure have baby...Haiz...sad to say but have to admit that it is like that...(I am the impatient kind,often expect results from the work I put in..unfortunately TTC does not work this way.)SIghz...However,never give up ok??

I guess what I can do now is pray hard and trust God..haha...wat to do...
louie, why u cry after u got ur blood test result? (sorry if u have posted and i missed it) try to go home earlier lor.. if there is alot of work to be done, i will bring home n do, better than staying back in office.

gladys, ya, i think all the gals here understand the disappointed feeling.

btw, i think clomid always makes my AF haywire. 1st cycle is 31 days, 2nd cycle is 34 days, so i dun know this cycle will be how many days, so dun know when i will O...
penguin, i didn't know u had a m/c b4. *hug hug* It must have been a very trying period... Take good care of ur health ya!!
thks gals...
i m ok now... tat's y i want to enjoy this moment of peace... think god has plan for everyone.. he knows that its will too stressful for me to be preggie n runing in n out of hospital, taking care of reno etc...so maybe he wans me to b absolutly sure b4 he gives me 1

our day will come, treasure our loved one right in front of us, like our DH, dun forget him because if you duno how to love him who is by your side day in day out then how are you going to love your bb who is not evne born
louie, thanks for the hug! We have to look forward and be strong.

(Louie, u know what? Arguement with my stupid DH last night, cold war till now! So angry!)

I am going back soon, see u all tmr..
Hello everyone...............

how is everyone here? Have not been coming in here for some time now..

Been in real shit with my hb. We quarrel big time & I nearly wanted to step out of this marriage. Don't think I will be TTC-ing for the time being now.

Really sad
found out that he had been smsing very often with this gal & I would believe that he had emotionally betrayed me, if u know what I mean....
Penguin, *Sayang*!

My dad passed away last year, was really a bad time for my family, i got married less than 2 mths he passed away, somemore he collapsed after a jog, no sympthoms at all! so we were all taken by surprise, not prepared at all. My mom suffered the most cos lost someone so close to her all a sudden. So i shifted home to stay with her for more than half year, then only start ttc nearer end 2005...but din know TTC so tough.
Berries, perhaps u wan cool down first then have a talk with him. Need to sort out things, maybe meanwhile just stop ttc for sometime. Hope everything is fine for you.
hi berries,

yah, have a good talk with ur hb.

i faced this problem(in fact,much worst) no long ago. Its important to have an open communication with ur hb.

yah, stop ttc for a while first as it adds additional stress to relationship.
dear all,
has not beent to the thread for sometimes. Any good news.

Just read the last few days thread, there was a long discussion on CYST. Somehow i start to think why we woman has to go thru all the "PAIN" during TTC. my Two Thumbs up for those who are able to go through it.

I need some advice as my friedn just told me today that she is diagnosed with tiny cyst and the V/scan results is "adnormal - PCOS" for both of her ovaries. Can anyone tell me whether it will affect her change of conceiving. her doc told her nothing to worry about. And I really in doubts. any advice?

Hopes u can resolve ur issues with ur DH as soon as possible...I think open communication and trust are important in a R/S.Take care.


Buzy with work?
There are different types of cysts.Some cyst will resolve by itself....while some will grow bigger and bigger untill it ruptured...
Probably her gyn has done some test which indicates that it's not serious.If she is in doubts,she can alwaz seek a 2nd opinon..
hi gals - I would strongly advice you to stop clomid for the time being if you have tried for about 6 cycles. Clomid is not the good solution to regulate you cycle. Please try alternative method as clomid may have some side effect.

jadefeet -I am glad that you have get over with the TTC stress. I also give up recennt on BBT and OPK after trying for 6 month with no GOOD news. Are you on TCM now, now i am with Dr Jin at fortune centre... as recomended by you 2 months ago :D
hayashi - ya, very busy.. and chasing HOKNG KONG drama now... :p

Nope her gynae didn't do other test for her.

i forgot to add on she just told me that her gynae also not able to find any egg on V/scan which is suppose to be her O already. And he/she just ask her to try out. if fail then visit again next month.
penguin - sorry to hear abt ur trying time.. must take care of ur health.. managed to resolve ur argument?

berries - try to have a good talk w ur hubby n to rebuild ur r/ship..
so glad to hve u gals here who I can share all my probs with...

I duno if you like to hear this but look at it on a brighter side... lucky tat u caught it b4 it wen further than "emotional betrayal".. men sure deny n get defensive wen they r being confront...
so wen both of u cool down then u tell u how u feel.. tell him yr expectation n yr tolerance level... ask him if u do the same thing, wld he be fine wif it? dun use divorce as a threat..that is an ultimatum which cannot b used too often if not lose effect...
talk to him, ask him is there anything tat he feels that he can talk to other gal but not too his own wife?? is TTC the reason?
remember dun keep saying u r under alot of stress for TTC aready so he shldnt do all these etc... cos he will come back n shoot u saying u care more abt TTC than him...
well b4 anything, think abt the relationship all this while.. anything wrong or lacking??
dun point fingers 1st.. ask yrself wat u wan to get out of the talking..
penguin n koori.. seem like we r about the same... jus that my mum's passing is not sudden not nevertheless the pain of losing 1 parent is undescribable....

bettle bug.. i m going to Dr Jin later to collect medicine..
how u feel after the med??
did u bring yr hb to see her?

Sorry to ask this question.
But can someone let me know what's the cervic muscus cycle?

i.e. After menses, dryness, then after that...etc?

Is it similar for most people?
Ladies... *hugz* for everyone!!

berries, i know u must feel v betrayed. But watever the case how bad things are, don't say hurtful things tat u'll regret coz' it can never be taken back. Have a good talk instead when both are not angry!!
sometimes, when things aren't tat right in a marriage, its a signal tat the partner feels tat he/she is lacking the kind of love/emotional support tat person is seeking... then it's v impt to realise & meet tat person's needs lor!

penguin/koori/jade... *sayang*

bettle, hihi... not sure abt PCOS, maybe she shd get a 2nd opinion? i only know clomid supposed to treat PCOS, to have the person O? Yah, i read abt being on clomid for too long... it's really bad. Tats why now I also seeing TCM (at Thong Chai) & taking vitamins to balance hormones

my cousin gyn oso let her take clomid to faciliate her O....ACtually she has no fertility problems at all lor....She TTC for 4 years liao leh....Then her gyn says let her try clomid for 6 cycles first and see if it helps or not...She was trying TCM oso last time,but dun see any results oso...
clomid does not cure PCOS, metaformin is the correct drug. clomid helps to correct ur cycle so dat u can ovulate regularly.
Hi galz~ Would like to find out if clinic do give u a medical report if u are pregnant? and if miscarriage? actually rather curious how doctor check whether u have miscarriage?
Hi girls,
Think my AF coming lah.... should be these few days.

Ydae after BD, I got pinkish flow on the discharge. Dun think is gd news. Walau.... abit pain when BD too... duno what's wrong with it leh.

Usually even after BD on days b4 menses, oso wouldn't bleed leh. Any1 encounter this b4?

I'm on DPO 11 today (if my OD on 16th). Think mense should due on 30 or 1st May
thanks to all of you here.

actually I regretted as I did use the big D as a threat. But I really need him to understand where I am coming from. He was very shocked that I was so angry about this sms thing. He did apologized and promised to stop all nonsense with this gal now.

Just happen to talk to him, in fact, nothing in him had changed at all, he is still the loving old self but I was totally unaware of this special sms r/s he had with this gal. I was totally pissed & confront her too on the phone. She claimed that there was really nothing between them & she is married, just that she do admit in some notti sms for fun sake, that is all. I make my pt known to her to stop it.

my hb is now very worried about me & stressed up as I had not been gg home for the past 3 days already. He calls & I refused to answer. He sms me plently asking me to give him 1 chance & this time its for real that he will change.

now I am very messed up. Are all guys like this now? happen to see many news articles on papers, on mags about sms flirting among guys, gals, colleagues, virtual flirting. Is hp really such a disease?
Hi berries...

I agree with Louie...Have a good talk with him after you cool down...When guys turn their attention to other pple(gals),it could be because we are neglecting them emotionally or we have problems with his mum(our MIL)...That was what happen to me last year...And we talked over it,everything is ok now and our relationship seems to mature after that incident

can u teach me how to talk to him? I mean how should i ask him? he did tell me that he was thinking of this as a fun way so he con'td this sms thing with this gal. There is nothing going on between them at all, which I believed as there was no change in him at all. We are still as normal, loving etc.. so I was really curious why did he do it?

so how did u talk it over with ur hb to make him open up on his reasons for doing so?
Hi Berries

I encountered similar situation as u before... the last time, my hubby also always sms with his ex-classmate... which we quarrelled over it... and eventually, made him I understand that I dun think that's fun and acceptable.

Of course, eventually he stops it lah... so, perhaps, u wanna tell yr hubby how u felt rather than juz ignore his phone call...

I can understand yr frustrations... I was so fed-up and he didn't noe wat's happening... it made me felt that I'm very unreasonable... but think after telling him my feelings... I felt better and he also promise to stop that...

Guess, yr hubby probably didn't think much abt it... so dun think too much... And never mentioned the BIG D again... it's not healthy for yr relationship...

*hug hug*
btw, I'm not feeling well these few days... m on MC for 2 days... so, haven't update the details.. will do that when I go back to office tmr... in the meantime, hope to hear good news from all of u...

For those who have cold war wif hubby... relax, cool down and communicate... hope that all cold wars will become warm cuddle... and of course, BD after that... hehehehehe...
Hi galz~ Don't mind giving me some information on the questions i stated above? thanks alot~! really appreciate ur help.

It's always gd to open up ur heart and have a gd talk with ur hubby. No problem is too hard to solve as long as like u said he's still the loving him =) dun worry k
sorry.. dunno y repost.. din mean to..

berries - maybe u have a good talk w ur hb when u're ready? frm the sounds of it, i dun think he meant to betray u or upset u.. at least now he noes what ur boundaries for him are.. do take care..
hi hayashi, hi eve,

thks for all e info.

my gynae did prescribed pills 4 me 2 treat e cyst but still e same (aft ultrasound scan). he then sugguested me 2 go 4 laparoscopy cos he said since e pills unable to treat, mine is not a functional cyst, it's either benign or malignant. i understand tat blood test able 2 tell but he didnt chk on tis even though i hv rq.

actually i discovered i've ovarian cyst thru a TCM but she said dun need 2 go 4 any surgery.

haiz...alrdy so difficult 2 get preggie liao then hv tis cyst. really һδƽһ
Thanks for all the * PAT PAT & HUG HUG * ladies..

We must be strong and look forward. Life is like this..


understand u r going thru all these nonsense from DH. Be strong, see if you can ask him y he do so, and ask politely not in harsh speech. The aim is to solve problem. If really asking turn harsh again, keep reminding each others that both of u r trying to colve the problem not confronting. No use being harsh since things already happened.

i also have arguement with my DH also. Some nights he keep using sms on his HP, I will ask him "WHO". He get so annoyed & ask me why i muz control him like that? I said if he there is no secret then y so secretive? Now whenever I use SMS, he will also ask me "who"? Juz tell frankily lor since got nothing to hide.

caitlyn, I never do preconception test before so cannot help u..

hamz, according to my personal experience, that day when it's time for me to scheduled for my 6th weeks scan, my gynae cannot detect baby's heartbeat. Asked me to wait another 2 weeks at the same time took my blood to test the HCG level. I think mine was dropping low and gynae quickily phone me on 7th week to go back and check, confirm no heardbeat again... it's dead.. miscarriage is confirmed. He schedule me a D&C date the next day but I couldn't make because I have to take my last exam paper. Also that night I didn;t go to visit my father... Anyway *sob sob*
Hi Penguin, I'm so sorry to remind u of the unhappiness but i'm sure u're a strong lady! Jia You~ *hugz* thanks for your information
Hi Gals,

Understand some of you are taking clomid, the problem lies with stress which has always been bought up in this thread for many times. There are many cases women taking clomid for less than 6 months or shorter and they are conceived. Please lah why don't you ask yourself how come others can archieve not me? Please never let stress mess up the chances of being a mum! For some gals without fertility problems their opportunity are higher shouldn't let stress interfere their life too. If they can't leave stress behind they can ended up trying ttc for 4 years for nothing or perhaps forever no children. Wish all good luck!
Yuki... & to all here,

Thanks, actually it was true too.. very alike my case, he think that it is normal lor, actually I did told him about my displeasure already but he thot I was like just saying only & brush it off. now he do understand the seriousness of it already. So guess he won't dare already lor but I did regret saying the D out lah.

maybe I will try to tell him like what penguin said, try to solve the prob but not confront him. He tried to talk to me last nite but I admit I was harsh on him so maybe will try tonight.
3 days out is enough liao... i believe u aso miss yr DH right???
think he learnt his lessons...
well man has to learn things the hard way...
talk to him nicely loh...
start by asking out for dinner...amyb list things down... in case u get heated up again always refer to it as a cool down thing.. be focus on this issue n dun dig out any other history...
say u dun like it n by doing so he is trading in his freedom n respect n privacy n trust which u hav been giving hm.. so let this be a lesson loh..
keep it short so he knows u r angry but u r willing to forgive...
dun worry berries, since he marry u, i m sure he loves u..

i am imagine how u feel cos my DH was once caught dancing intimately wif another gal n somehow i got the news hahahhaah... u can gues wat was my reaction
boy... jadefeet,

wat u said really made sense! maybe i shd pen it down! kkkekeke.. yes I do miss him but yet I want him to know that this time I am for real! So that explains my leaving home.

focus on this issue?? hmm... how ah? how to ask why he do this ah? coz I have a feeling he will sure keep quiet & then say sorry lor.. hahaha.. too predictable liao!

Woohh.. so what did u do to ur DH? u were not ard with him & yet u got news of it.. Cool!

preconception tests consist of :
1. Physical Examination by Specialist
2. Body Height & Weight
3. Blood Test
4. Pap Smear
5. U/S of pelvis, right and left ovary
berries, me the night before had cold war with DH, but last night ok liao.

He thok I wrote him an email meaning I accept defeat, but in fact I juz sent him a forwarded joke under the BCC also include other ppl on the list lah.

Well so last night he bought dinner, come and fetch me after work and start talking to me. But I still dun want to talk to him becos he didn;t apologise mah.

Anyway in the end I still cannot control not to open my mouth because he keep talking to me so I start to talk back lor, then after a while ok liao. Declare cold war ended.

Very childish hor.. but hb and wife and some surge we got to go thru along the marriage life, what to do..
well.. think about.. y u want to know the reason??
I can tell u the reason: cheap thrill n ego
all men who stray in a way or two r in for cheap thrill...once they get the attention of any gal, it boost their ego mah... so mayb there is certain aspect of lack of attention fr you loh...

as wat u say u know he wont say anything then dun push for an answer.. cos if he kee quiet it will drive u even more nuts....

personal view, u can dun take it :p
well...think he was suay lah happen my gf was ther...
well..let him have a taste of his own medicine loh...
i aso wen out party, dress very sexily n have my guy friends pick me up in flashy cars... jus a warning to him that i aso have market value n its much higher than his so better treasure it cos many guys r queuing up for me.... hahahhahah it works.. he started to spend more time wif me..
welll i m not encouraging u all to try this.. u mus know yr DH well enough...

relationship is like flying kite.. wen its too tight then jus let go abit... it will come back to u...

Agreed Jade!
true.. I also believe that he is just gg for the cheap thrill & ego ride, I said that to him & he kept quiet so I shot back at him if that is fair to me, he said no & he is sorry.

Oh well..ur trick was a good one then!

keke.. ya lor.. couples are like that one. so u & ur DH ok liao lah. that is good.
