A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

chen sing, thanks. All the best to u too, and hope that u dun have to go thru wat i am going thru ie. metformin, clomid, injections and IUI *sigh* u name it i have it, except for IVF.

haha... if only spermies are like tap water, can turn on anytime u like heehee...

i dun think low body temp is one of the signs for PCOS. For pple with PCOS like me, our bbt chart is mono-phase unlike normal ones which are bi-phased. However, low bbt after ovulation could mean that progesterone level is low, which is no good cos it is required to sustain the pregnancy for the whole 9 months.
wah.. so long didnt come in liao..

all new-comers

juz wan to say to all PCOS babes and all trying to get preggie... dun be sad ok.. juz take things slow and steady.. dun gan jiong... me myself got PCOS and i got preggie 2x but both ended up in m/c and ectopic... may try but PLS DUN BE STRESSFUL!! me tried for only 10mths and there's more TTC-sisters who tried even longer here... so pls dun give up

Both preggie caught me in surprise.. as the 1st time i had given up.. but found out am preggie... and the 2nd time juz happened 1 month after m/c.. sad rite... really believed that wats mine is mine

i'm not goin to TTC nw.. got to wait till mentally prepared as i'm afriad of getting preggie nw.. after this 2 incidents happened...
am gettin well nw and dun wish to think so much.. but i will still come into this thread when i got time
to all the grads here
mei2, glad that u are coping well. Wat is impt now is for u to tiao ur body, must bu and make sure ur body is strong enough before u ttc again. i wish u all the best, and hope that u start ttcing soon!

chua, how's ur visit to the gynae yesterday?
Hi, I am new here. I have been ttc for a year.
can someone pls tell me how many follicles you will usually see when on clomid. i was on clomid this cycle (50mg)
hi chen sing, my bbt has risen to 36.6 today, after dropping to 36.4 2 days ago. But then, still have cramps, so scared that AF will report! Do u have cramps and backaches too just before AF? Btw which DPO are u at today?

hi chua, during ur first pregnancy, do u experience cramps and backaches? i read from websites that u can have cramps and backaches when AF about to come... There are websites that also mention that implantation can also cause cramps and backaches...

hi spiral, welcome on board. If ur body is receptive to clomid, even on a small dose like 50 mg, u should see 1-2 follicles. However, some pple may not respond well to clomid. i had to take 150mg clomid previously just to ovulate 1 egg! Currently, i am taking a diabetic drug called metformin (1500mg per day). From D2 to D6, my clomid was reduced to 50mg. This is becos metformin sensitize my body to respond better to FSH hormones, which are induced by clomid. This cycle, i have 2 follicles on my left ovaries. i am now 11 DPO, bbt still normal, but got backache and cramps... *sigh* maybe AF coming.
chen sing, my bbt usually drops after my AF comes, so hor, may not be a good indication for me. As for cramps and backaches, i always have them just before AF arrives. The feeling of AF is becoming stronger and stronger. So scared!

I've not come into this forum for a couple of months ........
I just realised that there're so many new TTC jie meis.... that I don't know
I now on menopaus jab since just done lap op to remove endo cyst ........ so can't TTC .....
Anyway, I'd like to wish all the you all the best!

Take care ....
I'm sure you'll have your bb some day ......
Hi Chloe,

Thanks for the info. when i did my scan, there were 3 follicles, size abt 28mm, 26mm and 14mm. i have read from other forum that 90% of them feel like having AF the first month. i wish you the best.
hi chloe

praying that your cramps and backaches are early pregnancy signs!

hi spiral

wow! 3 follicles! does it mean 3 eggs would be released? does it mean you will have a higher chance of having twins or triplets? maybe!

hi xiaomaomao and mei2

so nice of you guys to come and cheer the other TTC-ing jie meis up even though you are taking a break from TTC. Thanks for all the encouragement!

hi kermit,

i asked my gynae the same qns. he said not necessarily all eggs will be fertilized. i guess will be happy if 1 can be fertilized..kekekek.
how long have you been TTCing?
wow spiral, so productive ah! Envy u, how i wish i also have 3!!! Good luck!

i really dunno whether they are pregnancy signs, cos everytime it comes, AF will follow, and i have never gotten pregnant before, so really no way to compare...

dun despair..miracles do happen. btw have you read this article "miracles do happen"? it has some good tips. btw, do you know of anyone who has success on clomid?
spiral, no, is this article on miracles on fertility?

There are a few gals here who have conceived on clomid. i have also seen a good number of them in other forums and websites. As for my own circle of friends, unfortunately i am the only one with fertility problem. i should think u are ok cos u are doing very well on just 50mg clomid!

Lots and lots of baby dusts on all of us!!!

Chloe, yes it is about hoe this women who had been ttc for 5 years and tried everyting under the sky. she then found the "secret" of concieving. when she applied the secret, she concieved in 4 months and her 2nd child in 1 month. i did not pay for it.. she send to me for free. very kind of her. it is also money back garantee. i cant attached the file coz its too big. can i send it to your email
Hi gals,

only manage to log in now.Went to see gynae yesterday & only scan me,already ovulated.But still unable to detect prenancy.So have to wait for another wk.This kind of waiting is a torture.

Hi Chloe,

For my first prenancy,my gynae want me to do my BBT when he scans that my egg have ovulated.When he sees my chart,he notice that my temp is high so he request to do blood test to detect my prenancy.So I feels that bbt chart helps alot.but for this time,he didn't ask me to chart.Today,I take my temp which is 36.7.
I didn't have cramps & backache during implantion but have it during pregnancy.

Hi spiral,

that's gds to have three follicles.Chances very high that u may have multiples if all your eggs mature & ovulated at the same time.

Just curious whether gynae recommended you to do the lap op or you opt for it? I read on the net that lap op is most comprehensive procedure, through which the Dr can detect and correct most of the problems on the spot. In fact, some women managed to conceive immediately after the lap op. Wish you good luck!!

I am also thinking of doing it....can share with me how much it costs? is it expensive?? Thx!
mei2, thanks for sharing your experience. Be strong and dun give up hope. I believe someday you'll definitely success. Do take good care of yourself.


good luck to you...hope you will strike this cycle.


Welcome...can you send me the file at [email protected]. thanks
chensing, that's the spirit! As for u my dear, better dun drink too much caffeine hor, not good for u. If u crave for coffee/tea, can try turning to other safer beverages like milk, milo, honey. And for those taking metformin, alcohol is a no-no.

Can anyone taking metformin tell me how long the side effects of metformin will last? i've been taking for more than 2 weeks liao and still dun feel good...

got it! thanks! wow! some new revelations for me in the article! never knew about old spermies and always thought that abstinence would produce the most spermies. now i know...

oh just wondering if the other TTC-ing girls are putting on weight? i am lor!
during the 2WW don't dare to go gym...during AF...too depressed to go and also because got AF...only got one week before ovulation to exercise! getting FAT FAT FAT!
hi all,

Can I check if anyone knows when is the most appropriate time to see a gynae and scan if I hv ovulated ? ( can see any follicles or not) ? today I am in CD12.....and anyone can recommend a good female gynae in town area ? thank you !
Hi Mermaider and Jcml,
i have sent to you already.

Juju, what is your email?

it depends when you normally ovulate. usually for a 28 cd O wil be on CD14. On CD 12 you will be able to c follicles. i saw mine on CD 12 also. hope this helps.
allo gals

my AF reported liao. wah..late for almost 6 days. sigh.... go to jia you again nxt mth.

spiral, plse pm me the article too. thks
wow spiral, ur article is very highly sought after by the gals!

Gals, check out chapter 5, quite logical leh. Maybe we can discuss over the forum on some of the points mentioned.

chensing, no cramps today, but still got nausea and feel very giddy. Left office and resting at home now. heehee, that's why got time to read the article. See chap5 on the 3 GOLDEN RULES!!! Oh yes, the article also mentioned for both the man and woman to refrain from caffeine...
hi gals, i have sent to the file.

Chen sing,
i am new.. no dun know what is 2WW, kekekeke.
i read that walking is better than jogging in the long run..maybe you may want to start wif 1/2 walk.

i am quite inspired by her article. My frens who just had relationships on those days concieveed the first time, whereas those who did almost everu other day took a longer time to concieve.
dun know which one to believe. what do you think?
Hi Fizz,
I have sent to you.

yes i hope so too.

maybe someone can ans this:
when you have more than 1 follicles, will all the eggs O at the same time?
Hi Chloe,

wow,two more days to go!Feel any difference like preggie sign?I had the metformin side effects when I started three pills each days but getting better as days goes by.I thinks it depend on individual.Can u advise me on my BBT cause these two days,my BBT is 36.7 & today 36.8.I didn't take beforehand so unable to compare.

Hi spiral,

thanks.Can share me the file to [email protected]

Hi piggymum,

I did my lap op during 2002 June & managed to conceive naturally after 2 mths.It was recommended by my gynae too.Cost is about few K.
spiral, my take-aways from the article, here is my long essay:

- avoid old eggs and sperms: i think this is logical cos the eggs and the sperms will degenerate over time. Not forgetting the womb lining must not be too old for implantation to happen. For those ttc thru natural intercourse, i think it is worth taking the lifespan of the sperms into considerations. However, for those of us doing IUI, this does not apply. The sperms used in IUI are processed and they can only survive 24 hours. There again, the part on the freshness of the egg is something new that i have learnt, those of us doing IUI may wanna take note of this. Before reading this article, i had the impression that IUI will be more effective after ovulation has just occurred. Seems like it may not be true afterall. And do u know that if u wanna girl, the sperm should wait for the egg cos the sperms carrying the X chromosomes (for girls) travel slower but survive longer than those of Y chromosomes (for boys)!! Knowing this makes me feel a bit more hopeful cos in this cycle, my follicles have not ovulated (but should be soon after IUI cos i had HCG jab and my follicles are already very big!) when IUI was performed.

- building up sperm count: hmmm... all along i thought the longer the man accumulate, the more sperms he will produce heeheee... from the article, it seems like freshies are better! i think it all boils down to having healthy eggs and sperms. If these 2 are healthy, then the chances for fertilisation and implantation will be higher. Dun forgot, after ovulation, the follicles collapse and released the egg, leaving behind the corpus luteum, which is responsible for the production of progesterone in early conception before the signal reaches the brain to produce progesterone. So, if the egg and sperm are not healthy, i am quite sure this will affect the quality of the corpus luteum, which in turn has an adverse effect on the progesterone level (ie. low)

- chances of conceiving 17 days post ovulation: i think this make sense. The womb would be too old by then to sustain the pregnancy. i heard this from my previous gynae. But he din mention 17 days DPO as a benchmark. i would think the author based on her own experience to deduce the number 17, so it may not always apply to everyone cos our bodies are all very different. i would think the safest would be to ovulate at around 14 DPO, that's wat i heard from most gals. i suspect i might have this problem, cos i used to ovulate at around 16-17 DPO... This cycle, i am on metformin and clomid, and this is the first time i ovulate 12 DPO... strange hor.

- bbt post ovulation should rise as soon as possible: this one, i've always believe. i heard this from a TCM physician. The reason he gave is that if the bbt rise is very slow (say take a few days), it means that the corpus luteum is not producing progesterone fast enough for pregnancy to occur. He actually said that it will be ideal if the bbt rises sharply one day after ovulation!!! *sigh* again i have this problem, cos i always have to wait for 3-4 days for a significant rise in bbt!

Rest of u, wat do u think?
hi chua, the waiting is damn sickening! well, my cramps stopped today. But still feel like vomiting, i respond well to metformin, but the side effect is quite bad on me. At home now, cos felt very giddy in the morning, so i thought better go home and rest. First thing i do after taking my lunch and shower, was to sleep! My world is spinning. i dare not test leh, very scared negative, very scared to see AF!!!

As for bbt, here's mine, lower than urs, the max i can go is 36.7, so hor dunno whether got chance:

1DPO 36.2
2DPO 36.2
3DPO 36.5
4DPO 36.4
5DPO 36.6
6DPO 36.6
7DPO 36.5
8DPO 36.7
9DPO 36.4 (cramp & backache)
10DPO 36.5 (cramp & backache)
11DPO 36.6 (cramp & backache)
12DPO 36.6

u may wanna check out this website http://www.ovusoft.com/ourtcoyf/gallery/ for more bbt records, quite informative.
Hi Spiral

Interesting n informative...

Jus a pt...to BD on the day itself wld prob mean a higher chance of conceiving a boy in tis way...yah...

Not tryin to nitpick...but hopin for a gal leh...hubby luvs gals...n we r prob oni hvg 1 kid...
spiral, my follicles were 24mm and 21mm. i normally ovulate when my follicles are about 24mm, so i guess it should be about there. Dr normally give HCG jab when the follicle is more than 18mm. i had 1 HCG shot, wow, that jab is painful...
