A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

spiral, sad to say, this is my 7th IUI, i failed 6 of them, hence changed to another gynae. Din know u also had IUI, is this ur first IUI? which dr u seeing now?

Hi girls,
I am new here. I have been TTC-ing for the past 8 months. Done 2nd IUI, still in 2WW stage now. Really hope will strike this cycle. If not, gotta decide to do HSG/lap op or not. Anyway, trying to tell myself it's okay even if not successful. Still can try again the next cycle. Trying to remain positive!

Hi Spiral,
Can send me the article as well? My email address is [email protected]. Thanks in advance!

Thanks for the article.


Regarding chances of conceiving 17 days post ovulation. I've been taking clomid to induce ovulation for 5 cycles and every cycle I will normally ovulated on day 18 or 19. But still did not conceived. Maybe due to late ovulation, my chances of conceiving is low. I suspect i might have problem ovulating in day 14 even with the help of clomid. How do i overcome such late ovulation.
khoo, actually this problem was with me when i was taking 150mg clomid. i normally ovulate on 16-17DPO, almost the same as urs. For this cycle, my dr puts me on 1500mg metformin with 50mg clomid. My body is very responsive to metformin and hence by D12, they are big enough to go for HSG jab. Maybe u can check with ur dr on metformin (diabetic drug). Must warn u though, the side effects can be quite bad, but varies from individual. Common side effects include dizziness and nausea.
hi spiral, can send me the article too...
[email protected]


By the way, may I know who is your gynae. My gynae never mentioned to me that if I ovulate on 18-19 DPO, my chances of conceiving will decrease. My gynae just puts me on 100mg clomid every cycle. If I fail on the 5th cycle, he advise me to proceed for a lap op. Me thinking of seeking 2nd opinion.
Hi everyone,

I'm new to this thread....but looking at how everyone is so supportive of one another and encouraging really makes me feel gd to be part of this thread

My hubby and I are also ttc...jus started actually. I'm now in CD30 and AF is supp to reported ard CD34...I want to ask u gals this: I actually used the HPT today and it was negative...very sad now...is it too early to test? The line was a clear negative...felt all my hopes going down the drain
hi khoo, my gynae din mention the part on ovulating later than D17, it was my previous gynae who told me that the womb lining cannot be too old (but he din say how old is old) for pregnancy to occur.

i am seeing Dr L C Foong. His clinic is at Gleneagles. u may want to check out this website http://www.ogpartners.com/ to learn more about him. The number to his clinic is 6479-7267.

Dr Foong mentioned that he does not see the need for me to go on a lap op yet cos age is still on my side. He also did a blood test on me which he felt that my condition does not warrant a lap op at the moment. Btw, have u done ur HSG to check whether ur tubes are blocked? Normally, drs will ask patients to do HSG before considering lap op. Besides clomid, wat other medications are u taking? Have u considered IUI too?
hi everyone...
am a newbie to this thread.

I chanced upon this forum as i feeling depressed for trying for the past 5 months!!

Yesterday, tried the Clearplan ovulation kit, the reference line also cannot see! Not to mention my LH surge line!

Anyone expert in the Clearplan kit?
sunrise: there are two lines.. one is the reference line, which is a line which will shows and take as reference. there is another line which is the O line, which will appear closer to O. If you estimated total Cycle days is 28, you should start testing on Day 11 onwards. But ClearPlan O kits are far too expensive, u might wan to switch to the something cheaper which many here order via ONLINE. Chances tt reference cant see, will means ur urine has not gone up to the reference line.

i hve used Clear plan before, and find no problem
To all Clarisse's Auntie(s): latest info!!!
Clarisse is catching up on her weight, and hoping by the next visit she will be of the ideal weight. currently into my 32 weeks, and hoping she will turn down by 36 weeks... if not, i will have to opt for a Elective C which i was never keen.

Thank you for all the concerns you all have shown to Clarisse. Thank.. and of cos i will continue to eat n eat.. whahahahahaha..
hi Clarisse's mummy,
glad to hear dat Clarisse is putting on weight. Jia You!!! Pls eat more & more. Else we'll "force" durians down ur throat... haha!!!
hi chen sing, i oso same as u leh...i started ttc for 3 mths and before tt for 6 mths no protection. last mth jus went to visit the gyne, he did a v-scan for me... no cyst or fibroid found. only thing is that my uterus is tilted backward. as my AF is irregular, gyne need to do a hormonal blood test for me so hv to wait for AF arrive first. i think u can start gg to a gyne now to do a chk up jus to make sure u r ok
mashy: kekek.. ya ya.. u better take care of urself... ur bleeding worries me manz... pls hor... dun be so active like me whahahhaa... :p
she is putting on weight n kicking much more. at times show me dunno her hands or legs...
soon will be ur turn to play catching with ur bb inside u.
Hi chen sing,
Thanks for the welcome.
Yes, done 2 IUI already. Started seeing gynae after 4 months of trying. From my BBT, gynae can see that I am ovulating. Gynae can tell that I have ovulated from the v-scan. Maybe gynae sensed my anxiousness. Thus, she recommended me to take 50g clomid and later recommended IUI too. Hubby and I thought why not, since can increase our chance, though it might cost a little more.

Anyway, AF came! This month failed again!
Decided to do HSG after AF clears, instead of lap op. Trying to take a step at a time.

Me also put on weight during TTC! Cos exercise window is so small. Have colleagues and friends asking if I am pregnant! ;( Anyway, going on diet and exercise plan till next week (before ovulation). Hopefully can reduce some weight. Hehe.. ;)
Chloe, I've been seeing my gynae since this year feb 05. I've go thru blood test, ultrasound and my hubby's SA test. But he did not ask me to do HSG test. I did mentioned to him before the HSG test. He discourage me to do the test cos he said that it was an old method. He wants me to proceed with a lap op instead. Therefore, I find it quite strange so decided to do HSG test when my next AF comes as this is my last cycle on 100mg clomid. He only gives me clomid. As for IUI, I have not considered it yet until I go for my HSG test.
wei wei...

longtime never come in manz!
Ling, how r u? happy to hear ur gal catching up... time flies, ur gal coming out soon. when u free to come out, next week can?
Hello All,

I was looking for some kind of local support group and came across you gals. I have been TTC for 18 months now. Just has my HSG on Monday (all clear) and waiting for my DH to do his SA this Saturday. His previous 2 SA was very bad. So, I am hoping it improves this time (He is on meds). I am considering IUI within these few months if things still do not work out.

thanks for your concern! i'm better now. Just went shopping for bb cot just now.
My boy's already very active now, been starting to kick me. Clarrise also seems very active. can be athlete next time.
chua, tested negative, very sad, very sian. i think i might be the next one to announce the grand arrival of AF! bbt is 36.7 today, but i'm afraid it will fall soon cos today is 14DPO... do u think there is still chance for me?? trying to console myself that perhaps i have tested too early, but then i think clearblue is quite reliable right?

Over to u now, hope u can strike this time.
khoo, ic. well, i think drs have their own preferences and way of doing things. if u have doubts, then maybe a second opinion will be good.
sexxy!!!! next week? when u free? sms me lor..

mashy: no tks manz.. i was lying on my bed, she never stop moving.. and showing me her body or her hands..
Hi Bernice

Same here. TTC for 18 mth. Hubby's SA result is not so good. considering IUI now...

Are you able to ovulate on your own and which Dr are you with?
Hi Chloe,

maybe is still a bit early & your progesterone level is low.Anyway if AF did not report these few days,u may wish to retest again.That time before i did my blood test to detect pregnancy,I also used HPT to test first before going for my pre-emplopment chk-up,it was negative too.That why I went to do x-ray.Lucky gynae said is Ok when he comfirm my pregnancy which is one or two wk later,I can't remember.Can I ask u whether your gynae explain to u the reasons why u failed your IUI in the past?
Thinks my chances is low too cause these few days my son is driving me crazy.Getting very naughty each day,so stress & angry,how to strike!

hi dmin2 & Bernice,

welcome!I'm also a new bird here.
hi Mashy & Ling,
both bbs so active, can partner go play play next time...

when u wanna force durians down my throat, u r welcomed!!! anytime!!! i luv durians siah!!! haha!
Hello PiggyMum,

I can ovulate on my own. In fact the doctor says everything is fine with me. So, I think its my Hubby. He is very depressed about that.

I am seeing Wong P.C. from NUH. He is the head of department there. He is OK. Very straighforward.


How long is your cycle usually? If it is usually long then 14 DPO may be a little early to test. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. Babydust. Babydust.
Morning everyone!

Going to do HSG to check the tubes to prepare for IUI this week. Anybody has ever done HSG before? was it painful? Is it true that we cannot BD until 2 2weeks after HSG??
morning everyone!!!

welcome all new comers

why ur gynae suggest u go lap op instead HSG test 1st? to me, ur gynae might be 'money' face, concern earn more money more than concern ur doubts or requests.. cos HSG test jus cost $150-$200.. but for lap op at least $1k n above.. so he of cos discourage u to do HSG test...

btw, alot of gals here do HSG test which request by gynae or oursef inclu ME 2...
thru HSG, at least we know whether our tube whether blocked or not.. maybe u can seek for 2nd opinion.. Good Luck!!
I just did my HSG last week. It was actually better than I expected. I have read about other's experience and it sounds bad but I find it OK. The doctor will insert a small tube into your cervix to inject an oil base dye. I had some minor cramps (similar to period crapms)whie the doctor in injecting the dye. But thats all. He will take a few films, then ask you to wait outside for 30 mins and then take another film. Remember to take a panty liner, because after the procedure the dye will sometimes leak out. The dye is clear coloured.

I dont think that is is true that you cant BD until 2 weeks after HSG. In fact I BD on the same day of my HSG!!

Hope the info helps
Hi Bernice

Thanks for the info. feel very relieved. Dun want to waste this cycle.

Hi Khoo53
I have a friend who did lap op recently. The total bill was close to 3K. So think you better think twice...for me, HSG is the 1st step. If there is a need to, I will then consider lap op...
hi chua, bernice, sad to say, my AF reported yesterday, 16DPO. SUPER SIAN! Going to see dr on day 10. Now got to start all over again... Taken my first clomid of the cycle this morning.

chua, no, my previous gynae did not tell me why i failed, 6 times under him. Although he is quite nice, except very calculative at times, i think it is time to move on. That's why seeing another dr starting from my last cycle.

Very sian, i am very tired of going through fertility treatment, and i think my husband is also losing his patience... i just find our relationship getting more and more brittle after each failure. Feel very unsecured with my husband and his family, but then, wat to do??
Hi all, morning!

Yeap, cannot BD until after HSG. Me going to do HSG this Friday too. The nurse says will uncomfortable during the procedure, but I am not sure if it will be painful or not. Hopefully not too bad.

I have already done 2 IUIs. I am not sure why my gynae did not advise me to do HSG before that. In fact, she proposed laprascopy instead. She says lap op is able to provide more information than HSG. Nevertheless, I asked to do HSG 1st.
Oh, I misread your msg. Thot you meant can BD only after HSG. Pai seh.. They did not mention that cannot BD until 2 weeks after HSG leh. Will ask gynae this Friday.

It's assuring that your HSG is not too bad. Hopefully mine too.
Hi dmin2

I am also going to do HSG on this Fri leh...

The gynae didn't ask me to do HSG. I requested for it. After TTCing for 18 mth and 50mg clomid for one cycle, think I should do more checks...also asked to do blood test later today to check hormone level (day 2)
So 'qiao'.
I also requested to do HSG. After 8 months TTCing and 50g clomid for 2 cycles and IUI for 2 cycles.

For me, I am ovulating with or without clomid. Hubby's SA test is okay. Done 2 IUIs also no result. So don't know what is the problem. So thought proceed to do HSG. Hopefully my tubes are not blocked. I hope it's my stress level that is causing the problem.

I think, unconsciously, I am feeling stressed over this TTCing thing. Hubby kept asking me to relax. I am trying to keep myself occupied to divert my attention away. Now AF has reported. Me on diet & exercise plan till end of this week.
Put on weight these few months. ;(

I have not done any blood test before. Gynae did not ask me to. Is this test for HSG?

Sorry to hear about how you feel. How long have you been trying? Going through times like these support from your husband and family is very important. Have you talked with him regarding your feelings?

My doctor told me that HSG is to make sure that the tubes are not blocked before attempting IUI. If it is blocked then IUI will be a wasted effort. Maybe your doctor has a different opinoin.

Blood test usually not for HSG. But to check for female hormones at different stages of your cycle.

To anybody who will be going through HSG,
Relax it is not that bad. Only the open leg position a little bit pai seh!
Yeah, I heard that HSG is done before IUI. Not sure why my gynae did not ask me to do so leh. Anyway, 2 IUIs already done. No choice lor. I just hope I don't have to do lap op. The thought of operation (regardless big or small) scares me.
bernice, i am married for 5 years, and half the time trying for a baby, so that's about 3 years lor... My husband is the insensitive type, so communication with him on my feelings is tough, he will always classify these as unreasonable nonsense. i hope i can be out of the agony of ttc soon. So, i guess, got to work harder this time lor.
Yup, I always think that men have the easy way out. We go through blood draws, people prying at our bottoms, emotional ups and downs. And all men have to do is do an SA. Like that they also complain!!

I have been married for about 5 years as well but only have been trying for 18 months. Already I am going nuts. 3 years for you is a long time.
Loving and piggymum,

I've already decided to do a HSG test if my AF arrived. Will be seeking 2nd opinion from another gynae. Thanks.

Chloe, sorry to hear that. Dun give up hope and you'll definitely success someday. Take care.
